Code of China Chinese Classification Professional Classification ICS Classification Latest Value-added Services

Chinese National Standard Category: Flood control and waterlogging drainage engineering

English Title: Code for design of flood detention and retarding basin
Chinese Title: 蓄滞洪区设计规范
Standard No.: GB 50773-2012
Category No.: P58
Issued by: MOC
Issued on: 2012-05-28
Implemented on: 2012-10-1
Status: valid
Superseded by:
Superseded on:
Abolished on:
Word Count:52000 words
Similar Standards: DB32/T 4287-2022   SL/T 818-2023   DB32/T 4462-2023   SL/T 808-2021   DB37/T 3387-2018   GB 50201-2014   SL 206-2014   GB 50286-2013   GB 50773-2012   SL 44-2006   SL 298-2004   SL 297-2004   SL 263-2000   SL 230-1998   SL 224-1998   GB 50201-1994   GB 50181-1993   CJJ 50-1992   SL 44-1993  
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