This standard specifies basic technical requirements and detecting methods of commercial vehicle's dynamic property, fuel economy, braking performance, reverse dirigibility, illumination and signalling apparatus and other electrical apparatus, emission and noise control, tightness and complete vehicle.
This standard is applicable to commercial vehicles; non-commercial vehicles may refer to it.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, all editions indicated are valid. As all the standards will be revised, each party using this standard shall discuss the feasibility of using the latest edition of the following standards.
GB/T 1496-1979 Measuring Method for Noise of Power-driven Vehicles
GB/T 3845-1993 Measurement Method for Pollutants at Idle Speed from Vehicle with Petrol Engine
GB/T 3846-1993 Measurement Method for Smoke Exhausted from Vehicle with Diesel Engine at Free Acceleration-Filtermeter
GB 4785-1998 Prescription for Installation of the External Lighting and Light Signalling Devices for Motor Vehicles and their Trailers (eqv ECE-48:1995)
GB 7258-1997 Safety Specifications for Motor Vehicles Operating on Roads
GB/T 7607-1995 Oil Changing Criterion for Motorcar Diesel Engine Oil in Use
GB/T 8028-1994 Criteria for Changing Crank Case Oil of Gasoline Automobile
GB/T 12480-1990 Rain Proof Performance Test Method for Buses
GB/T 12545-1990 Motor Vehicles-Fuel Consumption Test Method
GB 12676-1999 Road Vehicle-Braking Systems-Structure, Performance and Test Methods (eqv ISO ECE 13)
GB 13392-1992 The Vehicle Mark for Road Transportation Dangerous Goods
GB/T 14365-1993 Acoustics-Measurement of Noise Emitted by Stationary Road Vehicles (neq ISO 5130: 1982)
GB/T 18276-2000 Test-bed Methods and Evaluating Index of Dynamic Property for Motor Vehicles
GB 18285-2000 Limits and Measurement Methods for Exhausts of Pollutants from In-use Vehicles (neq EPA-AA-RSP D-M: 1996)
GB 18352.1-2001 Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions of Pollutants from Light-duty Vehicles (I)
GB 18352.2-2001 Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions of Pollutants from Light-duty Vehicles (II)
QC/T 476-1999 Rain Proof Performance Limit for Buses
3 Definition
For the purposes of this standard, the following definition applies:
3.1 Commercial vehicle
Commercial vehicle which is engaged in road transport of both travellers and goods.
4 Dynamic Property
4.1 Engine performance
4.1.1 The engine shall have good dynamic performance, stable operation and idling.
4.1.2 The engine shall have good starting performance and shall be capable of being started by driver at his seat. Under the condition that gasoline engine temperature is larger than or equal to -5℃, diesel engine temperature is larger than or equal to 5℃, when starting with a starter, the starting at least once among three times within 5s shall be available; the interval of repeat start test shall be 2min.
4.1.3 Each air cylinder compression pressure of engine shall be larger than or equal to 85% of original specified value; the difference between every cylinder's pressure and each cylinder's mean pressure for gasoline engine shall be less than or equal to 8%, and that for diesel engine shall be less than or equal to 10%.
4.1.4 Systemic components such as engine ignition, fuel supply, lubrication, cooling and exhaustion shall be complete with high performance.
4.1.5 Shutdown device of diesel engine must be flexible and effective.
4.2 Dynamic property of complete vehicle
4.2.1 According to the requirements of GB/T 18276, dynamic property of the complete vehicle may be evaluated through inspecting output power of motor vehicle driving wheels with base plate dynamometer.
4.2.2 Inspection condition of driving wheels output power shall adopt the condition at rated torque and rated output of motor engine, namely the condition constituted by corresponding vehicle speed of direct gear (where there is no direct gear, it refers to the gear which the transmission ratio is most close to 1) at full load of engine, rated torque rotational speed and rated output rotational speed.
4.2.3 Under the inspection condition of 4.2.2, the percentage of corrected driving wheel output power to the corresponding engine total output power shall be adopted as the limit of driving wheel output power.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Definition 4 Dynamic Property 5 Fuel Economy 6 Braking Performance 7 Steering Dirigibility 8 Illumination and Signal Device and Other Electrical Apparatus 9 Emission and Noise Control 10 Tightness 11 Complete Vehicle Equipment 12 Detecting Methods
1 Scope
This standard specifies basic technical requirements and detecting methods of commercial vehicle's dynamic property, fuel economy, braking performance, reverse dirigibility, illumination and signalling apparatus and other electrical apparatus, emission and noise control, tightness and complete vehicle.
This standard is applicable to commercial vehicles; non-commercial vehicles may refer to it.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, all editions indicated are valid. As all the standards will be revised, each party using this standard shall discuss the feasibility of using the latest edition of the following standards.
GB/T 1496-1979 Measuring Method for Noise of Power-driven Vehicles
GB/T 3845-1993 Measurement Method for Pollutants at Idle Speed from Vehicle with Petrol Engine
GB/T 3846-1993 Measurement Method for Smoke Exhausted from Vehicle with Diesel Engine at Free Acceleration-Filtermeter
GB 4785-1998 Prescription for Installation of the External Lighting and Light Signalling Devices for Motor Vehicles and their Trailers (eqv ECE-48:1995)
GB 7258-1997 Safety Specifications for Motor Vehicles Operating on Roads
GB/T 7607-1995 Oil Changing Criterion for Motorcar Diesel Engine Oil in Use
GB/T 8028-1994 Criteria for Changing Crank Case Oil of Gasoline Automobile
GB/T 12480-1990 Rain Proof Performance Test Method for Buses
GB/T 12545-1990 Motor Vehicles-Fuel Consumption Test Method
GB 12676-1999 Road Vehicle-Braking Systems-Structure, Performance and Test Methods (eqv ISO ECE 13)
GB 13392-1992 The Vehicle Mark for Road Transportation Dangerous Goods
GB/T 14365-1993 Acoustics-Measurement of Noise Emitted by Stationary Road Vehicles (neq ISO 5130: 1982)
GB/T 18276-2000 Test-bed Methods and Evaluating Index of Dynamic Property for Motor Vehicles
GB 18285-2000 Limits and Measurement Methods for Exhausts of Pollutants from In-use Vehicles (neq EPA-AA-RSP D-M: 1996)
GB 18352.1-2001 Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions of Pollutants from Light-duty Vehicles (I)
GB 18352.2-2001 Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions of Pollutants from Light-duty Vehicles (II)
QC/T 476-1999 Rain Proof Performance Limit for Buses
3 Definition
For the purposes of this standard, the following definition applies:
3.1 Commercial vehicle
Commercial vehicle which is engaged in road transport of both travellers and goods.
4 Dynamic Property
4.1 Engine performance
4.1.1 The engine shall have good dynamic performance, stable operation and idling.
4.1.2 The engine shall have good starting performance and shall be capable of being started by driver at his seat. Under the condition that gasoline engine temperature is larger than or equal to -5℃, diesel engine temperature is larger than or equal to 5℃, when starting with a starter, the starting at least once among three times within 5s shall be available; the interval of repeat start test shall be 2min.
4.1.3 Each air cylinder compression pressure of engine shall be larger than or equal to 85% of original specified value; the difference between every cylinder's pressure and each cylinder's mean pressure for gasoline engine shall be less than or equal to 8%, and that for diesel engine shall be less than or equal to 10%.
4.1.4 Systemic components such as engine ignition, fuel supply, lubrication, cooling and exhaustion shall be complete with high performance.
4.1.5 Shutdown device of diesel engine must be flexible and effective.
4.2 Dynamic property of complete vehicle
4.2.1 According to the requirements of GB/T 18276, dynamic property of the complete vehicle may be evaluated through inspecting output power of motor vehicle driving wheels with base plate dynamometer.
4.2.2 Inspection condition of driving wheels output power shall adopt the condition at rated torque and rated output of motor engine, namely the condition constituted by corresponding vehicle speed of direct gear (where there is no direct gear, it refers to the gear which the transmission ratio is most close to 1) at full load of engine, rated torque rotational speed and rated output rotational speed.
4.2.3 Under the inspection condition of 4.2.2, the percentage of corrected driving wheel output power to the corresponding engine total output power shall be adopted as the limit of driving wheel output power.
Contents of GB 18565-2001
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Definition
4 Dynamic Property
5 Fuel Economy
6 Braking Performance
7 Steering Dirigibility
8 Illumination and Signal Device and Other Electrical Apparatus
9 Emission and Noise Control
10 Tightness
11 Complete Vehicle Equipment
12 Detecting Methods