is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard was developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces AQ 2006-2005 Safety technical regulations for the tailing pond.
In addition to structural adjustment and editorial changes, the following technical changes have been made with respect to AQ 2006-2005:
——Some normative references have been deleted, and only GB 16423, GB 50135 and GB 50191 have been cited (see Clause 2, and Clause 2 of AQ 2006-2005);
——Terms and definitions such as tailings pond have been modified (see Clause 3, and Clause 3 of AQ 2006-2005), and terms and definitions such as wet tailings pond and dry tailings pond have been added (see Clause 3);
——The classification standards of first-grade tailings ponds and second-grade tailings ponds have been modified (see 4.5, and 4.1 of AQ 2006-2005);
——The simplified Bishop method and the corresponding minimum safety factor have been added to the anti-sliding stability analysis method of tailings dam slope (see 5.3.16);
——The related requirements of dynamic seismic calculation of tailings dam have been added (see 5.3.17);
——The flood control standard of tailings pond has been modified (see 5.4.1, and 5.4.2 of AQ 2006-2005);
——The contents of "safety degree of tailings pond" and "utilization of tailings pond and reuse after closing tailings pond" have been deleted (see Clause 8 and 10 of AQ 2006-2005);
——The contents of "mining of tailings pond" and "emergency management of production and operation units" have been added (see Clause 7 and 10).
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China.
This standard is issued for the first time.
Safety regulation for tailings pond
1 Scope
This standard specifies the safety requirements of tailings pond in construction, production and operation, recovery, closure, safety inspection, emergency management of production and business units, safety evaluation, etc.
This standard is applicable to tailings ponds within the territory of People's Republic of China.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 16423 Safety regulations for metal and nonmetal mines
GB 50135 Code for design of high-rising structures
GB 50191 Design code for antiseismic of special structures
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
tailings pond
place for storing tailings discharged from metal and nonmetal mines after sorting
wet tailings pond
where tailings are discharged by hydraulically transport due to natural fluidity of the incoming tailings
dry tailings pond
where tailings are discharged mechanically due to lack of natural fluidity of the incoming tailings, without water stored in the pond under non-flood operation conditions
whole storage capacity
space volume below the level of dam crest elevation and the slope of tailings dam body and above the bottom of pond (excluding the volume of dam body constructed by non-tailings)
effective storage capacity
space volume below the outer surface of the tailings dam body and above the bottom of the pond for storing tailings (including suspended tailings slurry)
flood regulation storage capacity
space volume above the initial flood level and below the design flood level where floods can be accumulated
total storage capacity
full storage capacity in design final state
tailings dam
surrounding structure of tailings ponds blocking tailings and water
starter dam
a dam built with soil and stone materials, etc., which is used as the drainage or support body of tailings accumulation dam
tailings embankment
dam formed by piling up tailings in the production process
water dam of tailings pond
dam without effective dry beach formed in front of it to directly block water
tailings collection dam
dam built in the downstream direction of tailings discharge to collect the tailings carried by rainwater
upstream embankment method
method that tailings are piled up upstream of starter dam in wet tailings pond, characterized in that the crest axis of the embankment moves towards the upstream of the starter dam step by step
centerline embankment method
method that coarse tailings are separated by cyclone and other separation equipment at the starter dam axis in wet tailings dam, characterized in that the crest axis of the piled dam is always unchanged
downstream embankment method
method that coarse tailings are separated by cyclone and other separation equipment at downstream the starter dam in wet tailings dam, characterized in that the crest axis of the embankment moves towards the downstream of the starter dam step by step
one-step constructed dam
tailings dam built once or by stages with dam-building materials except tailings
upstream discharge tailings stack method
stack method that the incoming tailings of dry tailings pond are pushed, discharged and rolled from the front of the starter dam to the rear of the pond, and layered rolling and stacking is adopted in the area that affects the stability of the outer slope of the dam
surrounding discharge tailings stack method
stack method that the incoming tailings of dry tailings pond are pushed, discharged and rolled from the surrounding to the middle of the pond, and layered rolling and stacking is adopted in the area that affects the stability of the outer slope of the dam
center discharge tailings stack method
stack method that the incoming tailings of dry tailings pond are pushed, discharged and rolled from the middle of the pond area to the surrounding of the pond, and layered rolling and stacking is adopted in the area that affects the stability of the outer slope of the dam
downstream discharge tailings stack method
stack method that the incoming tailings of dry tailings pond are pushed, discharged and rolled from the rear to the front of the pond area, and layered rolling and stacking is adopted in the area that affects the stability of the outer slope of the dam
tailings dam height
height difference between the highest point on the top surface of tailings dam and the lowest point at the foot of tailings dam for dry tailings pond; height difference between the highest point on the top surface of tailings dam and the starter ground at the axis of the starter dam or sand dam when the foot of tailings dam has a starter dam or sand dam as support; height difference between the crest of embankment and the starter ground at the starter dam axis for wet tailings dam; height difference between the crest and the starter ground at the dam axis for other dam types
total dam height
dam height in design final state
embankment height or accumulation height
height difference between the highest point on the top surface of tailings dam and the lowest point at the foot of tailings dam for dry tailings pond; height difference between the top of tailings dam and the top of starter dam when the foot of tailings dam has a starter dam or sand dam as support; height difference between embankment dam crest and starter dam crest; height difference between the dam crest and the starter ground elevation at the dam crest axis for mid-line tailings dam and downstream tailings dam
criticaled position of the phreatic line
the phreatic line of dam when the safety factor of dam anti-sliding stability is able to meet the minimum requirements of this specification
controlled position of the phreatic line
the highest phreatic line of dam meeting both the requirements of the criticaled position of the phreatic line and the minimum buried depth of the phreatic line of the downstream slope of the tailings embankment
normal production water level
the water level in the in-service tailings pond that meets the requirements of production backwater, tailings discharge and flood control and drainage
deposited beach
the surface layer of sediment formed by hydraulic alluvium of tailings, which is divided into the above-water and under-water sections according to the water surface of catchment area in the pond
beach crest
the intersection line between the deposited beach surface and the external slope surface of the dam
beach width
the horizontal distance from the water edge line in the pond area to the beach crest
flood control dam width
the horizontal distance from the water edge line in the dry tailings pond to the intersection line between the water surface in the pond area and the external slope surface of the dam under flood conditions
flood regulation height
the height difference between the initial water level of flood regulation and the design flood level
flood control height
the height difference between the initial water level of flood regulation and the beach crest for the non-water dam of wet tailings pond; the height difference between the initial water level of flood regulation and the dam crest for the water dam of wet tailings pond and the tailings dam of dry tailings pond
free height
the height difference between beach crest elevation and design flood level under non-seismic conditions for the tailings embankment; the height difference between the dam crest elevation and the sum of the design flood level plus the maximum wave runup and the maximum wind backwater height for the water dam and one-step constructed tailings dam
the height difference between the beach crest elevation and the sum of the normal production water level plus seismic settlement and seismic backwater height under the seismic condition for the tailings embankment; the height difference between the dam crest elevation and the sum of normal production water level plus maximum wave runup, maximum wind backwater height, seismic settlement and seismic backwater height for the water dam and one-step constructed tailings dam
4 Basic requirements
4.1 Tailings pond construction, mining and closure projects shall be subject to investigation, safety evaluation, design, construction and completion acceptance.
4.2 Tailings pond is divided into wet tailings pond and dry tailings pond according to the natural fluidity of incoming tailings and the water in the pond. See Annex A for the schematic diagram of typical parameters of tailings ponds. Dry and wet tailings shall not be discharged together.
4.3 Tailings dam construction is divided into one-step constructed dam and tailings embankment according to dam construction materials. The tailings embankment method of wet tailings pond is divided into upstream embankment method, centerline embankment method and downstream embankment method according to the change of dam axis in the process of embankment; the discharge tailings stack method of dry tailings pond is divided into upstream discharge tailings stack method, surrounding discharge tailings stack method, center discharge tailings stack method and downstream discharge tailings stack method according to the advancing direction of tailings discharge and the way of embankment.
4.4 In the process of construction, production and operation of tailings pond, the scientific and technological research on safety production and application of advanced technology on safety production shall be encouraged to improve the safety production level of tailings pond. When adopting a new process, new technology, new material or new equipment, it is necessary to understand and master its safety technical characteristics, take effective safety protection measures, and carry out special education and training on production safety to the employees.
Contents Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Basic requirements 5 Tailings pond construction 5.1 Tailings pond investigation 5.2 General rules for tailings pond design 5.3 Tailings dam design 5.4 Flood drainage design 5.5 Design of safety monitoring facilities 5.6 Tailings pond construction and acceptance 6 Tailings pond production and operation 6.1 General rules 6.2 Indicator detection of tailings in storage 6.3 Tailings dam construction and discharge 6.4 Water level control and flood control of tailings pond 6.5 Water seepage control 6.6 Seismic fortification 6.7 Tailings pond safety monitoring 6.8 Provisions of pond area and surrounding conditions 6.9 Treatment of hidden dangers and major dangers of tailings ponds 7 Mining of tailings pond 8 Closure of tailings pond 9 Safety inspection of production and operation units 9.1 General rules 9.2 Safety inspection for flood control 9.3 Safety inspection for tailings dam 9.4 Safety inspection for tailings drawing 9.5 Safety inspection for pond area 9.6 Safety inspection for monitoring system 9.7 Safety inspection for other facilities 10 Emergency management of production and operation units 11 Safety evaluation of tailings pond 11.1 General rules 11.2 Safety pre-evaluation 11.3 Safety acceptance evaluation 11.4 Safety status evaluation 12 Project archives of tailings pond Annex A (Informative) Schematic diagram of typical tailings pond parameters Annex B (Normative) Tailings name is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard was developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces AQ 2006-2005 Safety technical regulations for the tailing pond.
In addition to structural adjustment and editorial changes, the following technical changes have been made with respect to AQ 2006-2005:
——Some normative references have been deleted, and only GB 16423, GB 50135 and GB 50191 have been cited (see Clause 2, and Clause 2 of AQ 2006-2005);
——Terms and definitions such as tailings pond have been modified (see Clause 3, and Clause 3 of AQ 2006-2005), and terms and definitions such as wet tailings pond and dry tailings pond have been added (see Clause 3);
——The classification standards of first-grade tailings ponds and second-grade tailings ponds have been modified (see 4.5, and 4.1 of AQ 2006-2005);
——The simplified Bishop method and the corresponding minimum safety factor have been added to the anti-sliding stability analysis method of tailings dam slope (see 5.3.16);
——The related requirements of dynamic seismic calculation of tailings dam have been added (see 5.3.17);
——The flood control standard of tailings pond has been modified (see 5.4.1, and 5.4.2 of AQ 2006-2005);
——The contents of "safety degree of tailings pond" and "utilization of tailings pond and reuse after closing tailings pond" have been deleted (see Clause 8 and 10 of AQ 2006-2005);
——The contents of "mining of tailings pond" and "emergency management of production and operation units" have been added (see Clause 7 and 10).
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China.
This standard is issued for the first time.
Safety regulation for tailings pond
1 Scope
This standard specifies the safety requirements of tailings pond in construction, production and operation, recovery, closure, safety inspection, emergency management of production and business units, safety evaluation, etc.
This standard is applicable to tailings ponds within the territory of People's Republic of China.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 16423 Safety regulations for metal and nonmetal mines
GB 50135 Code for design of high-rising structures
GB 50191 Design code for antiseismic of special structures
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
tailings pond
place for storing tailings discharged from metal and nonmetal mines after sorting
wet tailings pond
where tailings are discharged by hydraulically transport due to natural fluidity of the incoming tailings
dry tailings pond
where tailings are discharged mechanically due to lack of natural fluidity of the incoming tailings, without water stored in the pond under non-flood operation conditions
whole storage capacity
space volume below the level of dam crest elevation and the slope of tailings dam body and above the bottom of pond (excluding the volume of dam body constructed by non-tailings)
effective storage capacity
space volume below the outer surface of the tailings dam body and above the bottom of the pond for storing tailings (including suspended tailings slurry)
flood regulation storage capacity
space volume above the initial flood level and below the design flood level where floods can be accumulated
total storage capacity
full storage capacity in design final state
tailings dam
surrounding structure of tailings ponds blocking tailings and water
starter dam
a dam built with soil and stone materials, etc., which is used as the drainage or support body of tailings accumulation dam
tailings embankment
dam formed by piling up tailings in the production process
water dam of tailings pond
dam without effective dry beach formed in front of it to directly block water
tailings collection dam
dam built in the downstream direction of tailings discharge to collect the tailings carried by rainwater
upstream embankment method
method that tailings are piled up upstream of starter dam in wet tailings pond, characterized in that the crest axis of the embankment moves towards the upstream of the starter dam step by step
centerline embankment method
method that coarse tailings are separated by cyclone and other separation equipment at the starter dam axis in wet tailings dam, characterized in that the crest axis of the piled dam is always unchanged
downstream embankment method
method that coarse tailings are separated by cyclone and other separation equipment at downstream the starter dam in wet tailings dam, characterized in that the crest axis of the embankment moves towards the downstream of the starter dam step by step
one-step constructed dam
tailings dam built once or by stages with dam-building materials except tailings
upstream discharge tailings stack method
stack method that the incoming tailings of dry tailings pond are pushed, discharged and rolled from the front of the starter dam to the rear of the pond, and layered rolling and stacking is adopted in the area that affects the stability of the outer slope of the dam
surrounding discharge tailings stack method
stack method that the incoming tailings of dry tailings pond are pushed, discharged and rolled from the surrounding to the middle of the pond, and layered rolling and stacking is adopted in the area that affects the stability of the outer slope of the dam
center discharge tailings stack method
stack method that the incoming tailings of dry tailings pond are pushed, discharged and rolled from the middle of the pond area to the surrounding of the pond, and layered rolling and stacking is adopted in the area that affects the stability of the outer slope of the dam
downstream discharge tailings stack method
stack method that the incoming tailings of dry tailings pond are pushed, discharged and rolled from the rear to the front of the pond area, and layered rolling and stacking is adopted in the area that affects the stability of the outer slope of the dam
tailings dam height
height difference between the highest point on the top surface of tailings dam and the lowest point at the foot of tailings dam for dry tailings pond; height difference between the highest point on the top surface of tailings dam and the starter ground at the axis of the starter dam or sand dam when the foot of tailings dam has a starter dam or sand dam as support; height difference between the crest of embankment and the starter ground at the starter dam axis for wet tailings dam; height difference between the crest and the starter ground at the dam axis for other dam types
total dam height
dam height in design final state
embankment height or accumulation height
height difference between the highest point on the top surface of tailings dam and the lowest point at the foot of tailings dam for dry tailings pond; height difference between the top of tailings dam and the top of starter dam when the foot of tailings dam has a starter dam or sand dam as support; height difference between embankment dam crest and starter dam crest; height difference between the dam crest and the starter ground elevation at the dam crest axis for mid-line tailings dam and downstream tailings dam
criticaled position of the phreatic line
the phreatic line of dam when the safety factor of dam anti-sliding stability is able to meet the minimum requirements of this specification
controlled position of the phreatic line
the highest phreatic line of dam meeting both the requirements of the criticaled position of the phreatic line and the minimum buried depth of the phreatic line of the downstream slope of the tailings embankment
normal production water level
the water level in the in-service tailings pond that meets the requirements of production backwater, tailings discharge and flood control and drainage
deposited beach
the surface layer of sediment formed by hydraulic alluvium of tailings, which is divided into the above-water and under-water sections according to the water surface of catchment area in the pond
beach crest
the intersection line between the deposited beach surface and the external slope surface of the dam
beach width
the horizontal distance from the water edge line in the pond area to the beach crest
flood control dam width
the horizontal distance from the water edge line in the dry tailings pond to the intersection line between the water surface in the pond area and the external slope surface of the dam under flood conditions
flood regulation height
the height difference between the initial water level of flood regulation and the design flood level
flood control height
the height difference between the initial water level of flood regulation and the beach crest for the non-water dam of wet tailings pond; the height difference between the initial water level of flood regulation and the dam crest for the water dam of wet tailings pond and the tailings dam of dry tailings pond
free height
the height difference between beach crest elevation and design flood level under non-seismic conditions for the tailings embankment; the height difference between the dam crest elevation and the sum of the design flood level plus the maximum wave runup and the maximum wind backwater height for the water dam and one-step constructed tailings dam
the height difference between the beach crest elevation and the sum of the normal production water level plus seismic settlement and seismic backwater height under the seismic condition for the tailings embankment; the height difference between the dam crest elevation and the sum of normal production water level plus maximum wave runup, maximum wind backwater height, seismic settlement and seismic backwater height for the water dam and one-step constructed tailings dam
4 Basic requirements
4.1 Tailings pond construction, mining and closure projects shall be subject to investigation, safety evaluation, design, construction and completion acceptance.
4.2 Tailings pond is divided into wet tailings pond and dry tailings pond according to the natural fluidity of incoming tailings and the water in the pond. See Annex A for the schematic diagram of typical parameters of tailings ponds. Dry and wet tailings shall not be discharged together.
4.3 Tailings dam construction is divided into one-step constructed dam and tailings embankment according to dam construction materials. The tailings embankment method of wet tailings pond is divided into upstream embankment method, centerline embankment method and downstream embankment method according to the change of dam axis in the process of embankment; the discharge tailings stack method of dry tailings pond is divided into upstream discharge tailings stack method, surrounding discharge tailings stack method, center discharge tailings stack method and downstream discharge tailings stack method according to the advancing direction of tailings discharge and the way of embankment.
4.4 In the process of construction, production and operation of tailings pond, the scientific and technological research on safety production and application of advanced technology on safety production shall be encouraged to improve the safety production level of tailings pond. When adopting a new process, new technology, new material or new equipment, it is necessary to understand and master its safety technical characteristics, take effective safety protection measures, and carry out special education and training on production safety to the employees.
Contents of GB 39496-2020
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Basic requirements
5 Tailings pond construction
5.1 Tailings pond investigation
5.2 General rules for tailings pond design
5.3 Tailings dam design
5.4 Flood drainage design
5.5 Design of safety monitoring facilities
5.6 Tailings pond construction and acceptance
6 Tailings pond production and operation
6.1 General rules
6.2 Indicator detection of tailings in storage
6.3 Tailings dam construction and discharge
6.4 Water level control and flood control of tailings pond
6.5 Water seepage control
6.6 Seismic fortification
6.7 Tailings pond safety monitoring
6.8 Provisions of pond area and surrounding conditions
6.9 Treatment of hidden dangers and major dangers of tailings ponds
7 Mining of tailings pond
8 Closure of tailings pond
9 Safety inspection of production and operation units
9.1 General rules
9.2 Safety inspection for flood control
9.3 Safety inspection for tailings dam
9.4 Safety inspection for tailings drawing
9.5 Safety inspection for pond area
9.6 Safety inspection for monitoring system
9.7 Safety inspection for other facilities
10 Emergency management of production and operation units
11 Safety evaluation of tailings pond
11.1 General rules
11.2 Safety pre-evaluation
11.3 Safety acceptance evaluation
11.4 Safety status evaluation
12 Project archives of tailings pond
Annex A (Informative) Schematic diagram of typical tailings pond parameters
Annex B (Normative) Tailings name