This standard specifies the terms, definitions, classification, requirements, test methods, test rules as well as labels, packing, transportation and storage of laminated veneer lumber.
This standard is applicable to the boards assembled and veneered with the multilayer full-sheet (or jointed) veneers mainly along the grain, including non-structural laminated veneer lumber and structural laminated veneer lumber.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this code, constitute provisions of this code. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this code are encouraged to study whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the lastest edition is applicable to this standard.
GB/T 2828.1-2003/IS0 2859- 1: 1999 "Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes-Part 1: Sampling Schemes Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for Lot-by-lot Inspection"
GB/T 9846.2-2004 "Plywood-Part2: Tolerances on Dimensions"
GB/T l7657-1999 "Test Methods of Evaluating the Properties of Wood-based Panels and Surface Decorated Wood-based Panels"
GB/T l9367.1-2003 "Wood-based Panels-Determination of Thickness, Width and Length of Boards"
GB/T l9367.2—2003 "Wood-based Panels—Determination of Squareness and Straightness of boards"
Notification of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (JP-MAFF)--No. 236 "Laminated Veneer Lumber" (Feb. 27, 2003)
3 Terms and Definition
The following terms and definition are applicable to this standard.
Laminated veneer lumber; LVL
Boards assembled and veneered with the multilayer full-sheet (or jointed) veneers mainly along the grain.
Non-structural laminated veneer lumber
Laminated veneer lumbers not used for load bearing.
Structural laminated veneer lumber; SLVL
Laminated veneer lumber that is with good water resistance, weathering resistance and mechanical property and can be used for bearing components, which also is titled as laminated veneer lumber for wood engineering structure.
Veneer joint
Connection between the sheet end of two pieces of veneers, mainly including such forms as inclined joint, butted joint, overlap joint, and finger joint
Contents 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definition 4 Classification 5 Requirements 6 Test Methods 7 Inspection Rules 8 Marking, Packing, Transportation and Storage
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms, definitions, classification, requirements, test methods, test rules as well as labels, packing, transportation and storage of laminated veneer lumber.
This standard is applicable to the boards assembled and veneered with the multilayer full-sheet (or jointed) veneers mainly along the grain, including non-structural laminated veneer lumber and structural laminated veneer lumber.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this code, constitute provisions of this code. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this code are encouraged to study whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the lastest edition is applicable to this standard.
GB/T 2828.1-2003/IS0 2859- 1: 1999 "Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes-Part 1: Sampling Schemes Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for Lot-by-lot Inspection"
GB/T 9846.2-2004 "Plywood-Part2: Tolerances on Dimensions"
GB/T l7657-1999 "Test Methods of Evaluating the Properties of Wood-based Panels and Surface Decorated Wood-based Panels"
GB/T l9367.1-2003 "Wood-based Panels-Determination of Thickness, Width and Length of Boards"
GB/T l9367.2—2003 "Wood-based Panels—Determination of Squareness and Straightness of boards"
Notification of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (JP-MAFF)--No. 236 "Laminated Veneer Lumber" (Feb. 27, 2003)
3 Terms and Definition
The following terms and definition are applicable to this standard.
Laminated veneer lumber; LVL
Boards assembled and veneered with the multilayer full-sheet (or jointed) veneers mainly along the grain.
Non-structural laminated veneer lumber
Laminated veneer lumbers not used for load bearing.
Structural laminated veneer lumber; SLVL
Laminated veneer lumber that is with good water resistance, weathering resistance and mechanical property and can be used for bearing components, which also is titled as laminated veneer lumber for wood engineering structure.
Veneer joint
Connection between the sheet end of two pieces of veneers, mainly including such forms as inclined joint, butted joint, overlap joint, and finger joint
Contents of GB/T 20241-2006
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definition
4 Classification
5 Requirements
6 Test Methods
7 Inspection Rules
8 Marking, Packing, Transportation and Storage