GB/T 25000.1-2021 Systems and software engineering-Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE)-Part 1:Guide to SQuaRE (English Version)
GB/T 25000.1-2021 Systems and software engineering - Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE) Part 1: Guide to SQuaRE
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 25000 provides guidance for the use of the new series of GB/T 25000 standards. The purpose of this part is to provide a general overview of contents, common reference models and definitions of GB/T 25000 standards, as well as the relationship among the documents, allowing users to use this part according to their purpose of use.
The GB/T 25000 series is intended for, but not limited to, developers, acquirers and independent evaluators of systems and software products, particularly those responsible for defining systems and software quality requirements and for systems and software product evaluation.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
Note: For the purposes of all parts of GB/T 25000, the following definitions apply.
inherent property or characteristic of an entity that can be distinguished quantitatively or qualitatively by human or automated means
Note: GB/T 19000 distinguishes two types of attributes: a permanent characteristic existing inherently in something; and an assigned characteristic of a product, process or system (e.g. the price of a product, the owner of a product). The assigned characteristic is not an inherent quality characteristic of that product, process or system.
[Source: ISO/IEC/IEEE 15939:2017, definition 3.2, modified]
base measure
measure defined in terms of an attribute and the method for quantifying it
Note 1: A base measure is functionally independent of other measures.
Note 2: Based on the definition of "base quantity" in the International Vocabulary of Metrology - Basic and General Concepts and Associated Terms, 2012.
[Source: ISO/IEC/IEEE 15939:2017, definition 3.3]
context of use
users, tasks, equipment (hardware, software and materials), and the physical and social environments in which a product is used
custom software
software product developed for a specific application from a user requirements specification
reinterpretable representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing
[Source: ISO/IEC 25012:2008, definition 4.2]
data quality
degree to which the characteristics of data satisfy stated and implied needs when used under specified conditions
individual or organisation that performs development activities (including requirements analysis, design, coding, testing through acceptance) during the system or software life cycle process
[Source: GB/T 8566-2007, definition 3.9, modified]
accuracy and completeness with which users achieve specified goals
[Source: ISO 9241-11:2018, definition 3.1.12]
resources used in relation to the accuracy and completeness with which users achieve goals
Note: The definition of "efficiency" in usability is closer to the meaning of "productivity" than the definition of "efficiency" in software.
end user
individual person who ultimately benefits from the outcomes of the system
Note: The end user may be a regular operator of the system or software product or a casual user such as a member of the public.
evaluation method
procedure describing actions to be performed by the evaluator in order to obtain results for the specified measurement applied to the specified product components or on the product as a whole
evaluation module
package of evaluation technology for measuring systems and software quality characteristics, subcharacteristics or attributes
Note: The package includes evaluation methods and techniques, inputs to be evaluated, data to be measured and collected and supporting procedures and tools.
individual or organisation that performs an evaluation
external measure of system or software quality
measure of the degree to which a system or software product enables its behaviour to satisfy stated and implied needs for the system or software product under specified conditions
Note: Attributes of the behaviour can be verified and/or validated by executing the system or software product during testing and operation.
Example: The number of failures found during testing is an external measure of software quality related to the number of faults present in the computer system. The two measures are not necessarily identical since testing may not find all faults, and a fault may give rise to apparently different failures in different circumstances.
implied needs
needs that may not have been stated but are actual needs
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Conformance
5 Introduction to all parts of GB/T 25000
6 GB/T 25000 common models
Annex A (Informative) Relationship between GB/T 25000 series and relevant national standards or ISO standards
GB/T 25000.1-2021 Systems and software engineering-Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE)-Part 1:Guide to SQuaRE (English Version)
Standard No.
GB/T 25000.1-2021
File Format
Word Count
11000 words
Implemented on
via email in 1 business day
Detail of GB/T 25000.1-2021
Standard No.
GB/T 25000.1-2021
English Name
Systems and software engineering-Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE)-Part 1:Guide to SQuaRE
GB/T 25000.1-2021 Systems and software engineering - Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE) Part 1: Guide to SQuaRE
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 25000 provides guidance for the use of the new series of GB/T 25000 standards. The purpose of this part is to provide a general overview of contents, common reference models and definitions of GB/T 25000 standards, as well as the relationship among the documents, allowing users to use this part according to their purpose of use.
The GB/T 25000 series is intended for, but not limited to, developers, acquirers and independent evaluators of systems and software products, particularly those responsible for defining systems and software quality requirements and for systems and software product evaluation.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
Note: For the purposes of all parts of GB/T 25000, the following definitions apply.
inherent property or characteristic of an entity that can be distinguished quantitatively or qualitatively by human or automated means
Note: GB/T 19000 distinguishes two types of attributes: a permanent characteristic existing inherently in something; and an assigned characteristic of a product, process or system (e.g. the price of a product, the owner of a product). The assigned characteristic is not an inherent quality characteristic of that product, process or system.
[Source: ISO/IEC/IEEE 15939:2017, definition 3.2, modified]
base measure
measure defined in terms of an attribute and the method for quantifying it
Note 1: A base measure is functionally independent of other measures.
Note 2: Based on the definition of "base quantity" in the International Vocabulary of Metrology - Basic and General Concepts and Associated Terms, 2012.
[Source: ISO/IEC/IEEE 15939:2017, definition 3.3]
context of use
users, tasks, equipment (hardware, software and materials), and the physical and social environments in which a product is used
custom software
software product developed for a specific application from a user requirements specification
reinterpretable representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing
[Source: ISO/IEC 25012:2008, definition 4.2]
data quality
degree to which the characteristics of data satisfy stated and implied needs when used under specified conditions
individual or organisation that performs development activities (including requirements analysis, design, coding, testing through acceptance) during the system or software life cycle process
[Source: GB/T 8566-2007, definition 3.9, modified]
accuracy and completeness with which users achieve specified goals
[Source: ISO 9241-11:2018, definition 3.1.12]
resources used in relation to the accuracy and completeness with which users achieve goals
Note: The definition of "efficiency" in usability is closer to the meaning of "productivity" than the definition of "efficiency" in software.
end user
individual person who ultimately benefits from the outcomes of the system
Note: The end user may be a regular operator of the system or software product or a casual user such as a member of the public.
evaluation method
procedure describing actions to be performed by the evaluator in order to obtain results for the specified measurement applied to the specified product components or on the product as a whole
evaluation module
package of evaluation technology for measuring systems and software quality characteristics, subcharacteristics or attributes
Note: The package includes evaluation methods and techniques, inputs to be evaluated, data to be measured and collected and supporting procedures and tools.
individual or organisation that performs an evaluation
external measure of system or software quality
measure of the degree to which a system or software product enables its behaviour to satisfy stated and implied needs for the system or software product under specified conditions
Note: Attributes of the behaviour can be verified and/or validated by executing the system or software product during testing and operation.
Example: The number of failures found during testing is an external measure of software quality related to the number of faults present in the computer system. The two measures are not necessarily identical since testing may not find all faults, and a fault may give rise to apparently different failures in different circumstances.
implied needs
needs that may not have been stated but are actual needs
Contents of GB/T 25000.1-2021
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Conformance
5 Introduction to all parts of GB/T 25000
6 GB/T 25000 common models
Annex A (Informative) Relationship between GB/T 25000 series and relevant national standards or ISO standards