This document is drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1: Structure and drafting rules of standardization documents".
Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing organization of this document does not assume the responsibility of identifying patents.
This document is presented by the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association.
This document was prepared by the National Technical Committee for the Standardization of Non-ferrous Metals (SAC/TC243) and the National Technical Committee for the Standardization of Additive Manufacturing
Copper and copper alloy powder for additive manufacturing
1 Scope
This document specifies the grade and classification of copper and copper alloy powder for additive manufacturing, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, accompanying documents and order form content.
This document applies to copper and copper alloy powders prepared by plasma atomization, gas atomization, plasma spheroidization and other processes for use in additive manufacturing.
2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through the normative references in the text. Among them, note the date of the reference document, only the date of the corresponding version applies to this document; do not note the date of the reference document, its latest version (including all the revision of the list) applies to this document.
GB/T 1479.1 Determination of loose packing density of metal powder Part 1: funnel method
GB/T 1480 Metal powder dry sieving method of particle size determination
GB/T 1482 Metal powder Determination of fluidity Standard funnel method (Hall flow meter)
GB/T 5121 (all parts) copper and copper alloy chemical analysis methods
GB/T 5162 Metal powder Determination of compaction density
GB/T 19077 Particle size distribution Laser diffraction method
GB/T 35351 Additive manufacturing Terminology
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 35351 apply to this document.
4 Grades and classification
The product is divided into T2, T3, TCr1-0.15, TNi2.4-0.6-0.5, ZCuSn10P1 five grades according to chemical composition; according to the powder specifications into Ⅰ, Ⅱ two categories.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Chemical composition
The chemical composition of the product should be in accordance with the provisions of Table 1.
5.3 Loose packing density
Loose density of the product should be not less than 4.20g/cm3.
5.4 Compaction density
Compaction density of the product should be not less than 4.50g/cm3.
5.5 Flowability
The Hall flow rate of Ⅰ products should be no more than 25.0s/50g, and the Hall flow rate of Ⅱ products should be no more than 22.0s/50g.
5.6 Appearance quality
Products should be free of inclusions visible to the naked eye, T2, T3, TCr1-0.15 color is purple or light rose red, TNi2.4-0.6-0.5 color is golden yellow, ZCuSn10P1 color is brownish yellow.
5.7 Others
If the demander has requirements for the spherical rate and hollow powder rate of the product, the supply and demand sides shall consult to determine, and specify in the order form.
6 Test Methods
6.1 Chemical composition
The chemical composition of the product is analyzed in accordance with GB/T 5121 (all parts).
6.2 Particle size
The particle size composition of the product is determined according to the provisions of GB/T 1480. The particle size distribution of the product is determined according to the provisions of GB/T 19077
The determination of the particle size distribution of the product is carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 19077.
6.3 Bulk density
Loose packing density of the product is measured in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1479.1.
6.4 Compaction density
The product's compaction density is determined in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 5162.
6.5 Flowability
Determination of the fluidity of the product in accordance with the provisions of GB / T 1482.
6.6 Appearance quality
The appearance quality of the product is visually inspected under natural diffuse light.
6.7 Other
The spherical rate and hollow powder rate of the product is determined by mutual agreement between the supply and demand.
7 Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection and acceptance
7.1.1 The product shall be inspected by the supplier or a third party to ensure that the product quality conforms to the provisions of this document and the order form, and to fill in the accompanying documents.
7.1.2 The demander may inspect the products received in accordance with the provisions of this document and the order form. If the inspection result is not in accordance with the provisions of this document or the order form, it shall be submitted to the supplier in writing within 45 d from the date of receipt of the product, and the supply and demand sides shall negotiate for a solution. If arbitration is required, the arbitration sample will be taken at the demand side and carried out jointly by the supply and demand sides.
7.2 Group batch
Products should be submitted in batches for acceptance, each batch should be the same production process, the same grade, the same type of product composition.
7.3 Inspection items and sampling
Product inspection items and sampling should be in accordance with the provisions of Table 3.
7.4 Determination of test results
7.4.1 The product chemical composition test results failed, the batch of products allowed to take another double the number of samples of the failed item to repeat the test, if the repeated test still has any results failed, the batch of products judged to be unqualified.
7.4.2 product particle size, bulk density, density of compaction, fluidity in any test results failed, allowed to take another double the number of samples in the batch of products to repeat the test of the failure, if the repeated test still has any results failed, the batch of products is judged to be unqualified.
7.4.3 The product's appearance quality inspection results failed, the bag / barrel of the product is judged unqualified.
8 logo, packaging, transportation, storage and accompanying documents
8.1 Logo
Each minimum packaging unit of the product should be marked with:
a) the name of the supplier;
b) product name;
c) brand name or code;
d) batch number;
e) powder specifications (category);
f) Net weight;
g) This document number;
h) "moisture-proof", "prevent inhalation" and other markings.
8.2 Packaging
The product can be packed in plastic bags with double vacuum sealing, or in clean plastic drums or metal drums as container units. Packaging containers should ensure the integrity of its transport process, and not easy to break, moisture or make the product contact with foreign contaminants.
Packaging process should be strictly controlled environment to avoid pollution. It is recommended that Ⅰ products be protected with inert gas, and Ⅱ products be packaged in atmospheric environment. The packing mass of the products is 5kg, or according to the requirements of the demand side.
8.3 Transportation
The products should be transported under a covered environment, and the transportation process should be protected from rain and moisture, violent collision and mechanical extrusion are strictly prohibited, and the handling process should be lightly loaded and unloaded, never inverted, and close to fire and fire sources are strictly prohibited.
8.4 Storage
The product should be sealed and stored in a ventilated and dry place, away from ignition sources, strictly forbidden to store with oxidizing agents, acids, alkalis and other corrosive substances, and avoid direct sunlight.
8.5 Accompanying documents
Each batch of products should be accompanied by documents, which should include, in addition to the supplier information, product information, the document number, factory date or packaging date, but also should include the following content:
a) Product quality assurance, the content of the following:
● the chemical composition of the product, physical properties, etc;
● Product manufacturing process;
● responsibility for the quality of the product;
The quality certification of the product and the analysis test results with the technical supervision department of the supplier.
b) Inspection report of product quality control process and finished product inspection report.
c) Instructions for use of the product: proper handling, use, storage methods, etc.
d) Others.
9 Order form content
Order form for the products listed in this document should include the following contents:
a) Product name;
b) Brand name or code;
c) Powder specification (type);
d) Net weight;
e) This document number;
f) Others.
Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative reference documents 3 Terms and definitions 4 Grades and classification 5 Technical requirements 6 Test Methods 7 Inspection rules 8 logo, packaging, transportation, storage and accompanying documents 9 Order form content
This document is drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1: Structure and drafting rules of standardization documents".
Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing organization of this document does not assume the responsibility of identifying patents.
This document is presented by the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association.
This document was prepared by the National Technical Committee for the Standardization of Non-ferrous Metals (SAC/TC243) and the National Technical Committee for the Standardization of Additive Manufacturing
Copper and copper alloy powder for additive manufacturing
1 Scope
This document specifies the grade and classification of copper and copper alloy powder for additive manufacturing, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, accompanying documents and order form content.
This document applies to copper and copper alloy powders prepared by plasma atomization, gas atomization, plasma spheroidization and other processes for use in additive manufacturing.
2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through the normative references in the text. Among them, note the date of the reference document, only the date of the corresponding version applies to this document; do not note the date of the reference document, its latest version (including all the revision of the list) applies to this document.
GB/T 1479.1 Determination of loose packing density of metal powder Part 1: funnel method
GB/T 1480 Metal powder dry sieving method of particle size determination
GB/T 1482 Metal powder Determination of fluidity Standard funnel method (Hall flow meter)
GB/T 5121 (all parts) copper and copper alloy chemical analysis methods
GB/T 5162 Metal powder Determination of compaction density
GB/T 5314 Powder metallurgy powder sampling method
GB/T 19077 Particle size distribution Laser diffraction method
GB/T 35351 Additive manufacturing Terminology
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 35351 apply to this document.
4 Grades and classification
The product is divided into T2, T3, TCr1-0.15, TNi2.4-0.6-0.5, ZCuSn10P1 five grades according to chemical composition; according to the powder specifications into Ⅰ, Ⅱ two categories.
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Chemical composition
The chemical composition of the product should be in accordance with the provisions of Table 1.
5.3 Loose packing density
Loose density of the product should be not less than 4.20g/cm3.
5.4 Compaction density
Compaction density of the product should be not less than 4.50g/cm3.
5.5 Flowability
The Hall flow rate of Ⅰ products should be no more than 25.0s/50g, and the Hall flow rate of Ⅱ products should be no more than 22.0s/50g.
5.6 Appearance quality
Products should be free of inclusions visible to the naked eye, T2, T3, TCr1-0.15 color is purple or light rose red, TNi2.4-0.6-0.5 color is golden yellow, ZCuSn10P1 color is brownish yellow.
5.7 Others
If the demander has requirements for the spherical rate and hollow powder rate of the product, the supply and demand sides shall consult to determine, and specify in the order form.
6 Test Methods
6.1 Chemical composition
The chemical composition of the product is analyzed in accordance with GB/T 5121 (all parts).
6.2 Particle size
The particle size composition of the product is determined according to the provisions of GB/T 1480. The particle size distribution of the product is determined according to the provisions of GB/T 19077
The determination of the particle size distribution of the product is carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 19077.
6.3 Bulk density
Loose packing density of the product is measured in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1479.1.
6.4 Compaction density
The product's compaction density is determined in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 5162.
6.5 Flowability
Determination of the fluidity of the product in accordance with the provisions of GB / T 1482.
6.6 Appearance quality
The appearance quality of the product is visually inspected under natural diffuse light.
6.7 Other
The spherical rate and hollow powder rate of the product is determined by mutual agreement between the supply and demand.
7 Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection and acceptance
7.1.1 The product shall be inspected by the supplier or a third party to ensure that the product quality conforms to the provisions of this document and the order form, and to fill in the accompanying documents.
7.1.2 The demander may inspect the products received in accordance with the provisions of this document and the order form. If the inspection result is not in accordance with the provisions of this document or the order form, it shall be submitted to the supplier in writing within 45 d from the date of receipt of the product, and the supply and demand sides shall negotiate for a solution. If arbitration is required, the arbitration sample will be taken at the demand side and carried out jointly by the supply and demand sides.
7.2 Group batch
Products should be submitted in batches for acceptance, each batch should be the same production process, the same grade, the same type of product composition.
7.3 Inspection items and sampling
Product inspection items and sampling should be in accordance with the provisions of Table 3.
7.4 Determination of test results
7.4.1 The product chemical composition test results failed, the batch of products allowed to take another double the number of samples of the failed item to repeat the test, if the repeated test still has any results failed, the batch of products judged to be unqualified.
7.4.2 product particle size, bulk density, density of compaction, fluidity in any test results failed, allowed to take another double the number of samples in the batch of products to repeat the test of the failure, if the repeated test still has any results failed, the batch of products is judged to be unqualified.
7.4.3 The product's appearance quality inspection results failed, the bag / barrel of the product is judged unqualified.
8 logo, packaging, transportation, storage and accompanying documents
8.1 Logo
Each minimum packaging unit of the product should be marked with:
a) the name of the supplier;
b) product name;
c) brand name or code;
d) batch number;
e) powder specifications (category);
f) Net weight;
g) This document number;
h) "moisture-proof", "prevent inhalation" and other markings.
8.2 Packaging
The product can be packed in plastic bags with double vacuum sealing, or in clean plastic drums or metal drums as container units. Packaging containers should ensure the integrity of its transport process, and not easy to break, moisture or make the product contact with foreign contaminants.
Packaging process should be strictly controlled environment to avoid pollution. It is recommended that Ⅰ products be protected with inert gas, and Ⅱ products be packaged in atmospheric environment. The packing mass of the products is 5kg, or according to the requirements of the demand side.
8.3 Transportation
The products should be transported under a covered environment, and the transportation process should be protected from rain and moisture, violent collision and mechanical extrusion are strictly prohibited, and the handling process should be lightly loaded and unloaded, never inverted, and close to fire and fire sources are strictly prohibited.
8.4 Storage
The product should be sealed and stored in a ventilated and dry place, away from ignition sources, strictly forbidden to store with oxidizing agents, acids, alkalis and other corrosive substances, and avoid direct sunlight.
8.5 Accompanying documents
Each batch of products should be accompanied by documents, which should include, in addition to the supplier information, product information, the document number, factory date or packaging date, but also should include the following content:
a) Product quality assurance, the content of the following:
● the chemical composition of the product, physical properties, etc;
● Product manufacturing process;
● responsibility for the quality of the product;
The quality certification of the product and the analysis test results with the technical supervision department of the supplier.
b) Inspection report of product quality control process and finished product inspection report.
c) Instructions for use of the product: proper handling, use, storage methods, etc.
d) Others.
9 Order form content
Order form for the products listed in this document should include the following contents:
a) Product name;
b) Brand name or code;
c) Powder specification (type);
d) Net weight;
e) This document number;
f) Others.
Contents of GB/T 41882-2022
1 Scope
2 Normative reference documents
3 Terms and definitions
4 Grades and classification
5 Technical requirements
6 Test Methods
7 Inspection rules
8 logo, packaging, transportation, storage and accompanying documents
9 Order form content