GB/T 43288-2023 Plastics—Soil biodegradable materials for mulch films for use in agriculture and horticulture—Requirements and test methods regarding biodegradation, ecotoxicity and control of constituents (English Version)
Plastics—Soil biodegradable materials for mulch films for use in agriculture and horticulture—Requirements and test methods regarding biodegradation, ecotoxicity and control of constituents
Plastics - Soil biodegradable materials for mulch films for use in agriculture and horticulture - Requirements and test methods regarding biodegradation, ecotoxicity and control of constituents
1 Scope
This document is applicable to biodegradable plastic materials used to produce mulch films orbiodegradable mulch films ready to be used for mulch applications in agriculture and horticulture.
This document specifies test methods and evaluation criteria by addressing the followingcharacteristics:
a) control of constituents;
b) biodegradation;
c) negative effects on terrestrial organisms
Note: This document is construed in a way that it can be used to assess other soil biodegradable plasticproducts that do not qualify as mulch films. For example: drip tape, twine, clips, and plant pots.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document, For dated references, only the edition cited applies, Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 10390 Soil quality-Determination of pH
ISO 11268-1 Soil quality - Effects ofpollutants on earthworms - Part 1: Determination ofacute toxicityto Eisenia fetida/Eisenia andrei
ISO 11268-2 Soil quality - Effects of pollutants on earthworms - Part 2: Determination ofeffects onreproduction ofEisenia fetida/Eisenia andrei
ISO 11269-2 Soil quality - Determination ofthe effects of pollutants on soil flora - Part 2: Effects ofcontaminated soil on the emergence and early growth ofhigher plants
ISO 11274 Soil quality- Determination ofthe water-retention characteristic - Laboratory methods
ISO 15685 Soil quality - Determination ofpotential nitrification and inhibition ofnitrification - Rapidtest byammonium oxidation
ISO 17556 Plastics - Determination ofthe ultimate aerobic biodegradability ofplastic materials in soil bymeasuring the oxygen demand in a respirometer or the amount ofcarbon dioxide evolved
EN 14582 Characterization of waste - Halogen and sulfur content - 0xygen combustion in closedsystems and determination methods
OECD. (2006) Test No. 208: Terrestrial Plant Test: Seedling Emergence and Seedling Growth Test, OECDGuidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 2
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
mulch filmfilm
made from thermoplastic material intended to be used in agriculture and horticulture to cover theground in order to improve growing conditions of crops and depending on the colour to control weeds
Note: lt is assumed that a transparent mulch film does not allow to control weeds.
[SOURCE: EN 17033:2018,3.1.1]
homogenous preparation of biodegradable polymer and additives, as necessary, such as carbon blackand colour pigments
Note: Additives are usually introduced under the form of masterbatches using as carrier resin abiodegradable polymer.
[SOURCE: EN 17088:2021, 3.1.2]
ultimate aerobic biodegradation
breakdown of an organic compound by microorganisms in the presence of oxygen into carbon dioxidewater and minera salts of any other elements present (mineralization) plus new biomass
[SOURCE:ISO 17088:2021,3.9]
decomposition of organic matter or organic substances into carbon dioxide, water and the hydridesoxides or other mineral salts
[SOURCE: ISO 11074:2015,3.3.19]
physical breakdown of a material into fragments
[SOURCE: ISO 18606:2013, 3.3]
irreversible process leading to a significant change in the structure ofa material, typically characterizedby a change of properties (e.g., integrity, molecular mass or structure, mechanical strength) and/or byfragmentation, affected by environmental conditions, proceeding over a period oftime and comprisingone or more steps
[SOURCE: ISO 472:2013, 2.2621
total dry solid
amount of solids obtained by taking a known volume of test material or compost and drying at about105 °C to constant mass
[SOURCE: ISO 17088:2021,3.8]
volatile solids
amount of solids obtained by subtracting the residue of a known volume of test material or compostafter incineration at about 550 °C from the total dry solids (3.7) of the same sample
Note: The volatile-solids content is an indication ofthe amount of organic matter present.
[SOURCE: ISO 17088:2021, 3.10]
organic constituent
chemical constituent that contains carbon covalently linked to other carbon atoms and to otherelements,most commonly hydrogen,oxygen or nitrogen
Note 1: lnorganic car'bonates, car'bides, cyanides and simple oxides such as carbon monoxide and carbondioxide are not considered as organic constituent.
Note 2: Allotropes of carbon, such as diamond, graphite, carbon black, fullerenes, and carbon nanotubesare also not considered as organic constituent.
[SOURCE: ISO 17088:2021, 3.15]
natural soil
soil collected from the surface layer of fields and/or forests
[SOURCE: ISO 17088:2021,3.3.1]
poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances; PFAS
organofluorine compounds containing only carbon-fluorine bonds and carbon-carbon bonds but alsoother heteroatoms
4 Basic requirements
4.1 General
In order to be identified as a biodegradable mulch film in accordance with this document, the mulch filmor the material of the mulch film under investigation shall fulfil all requirements specified in Clause 4 and tlause 5,respectively.
If not all requirements are met, no reference to this document shall be made.
4.2 Controlofconstituents
The mulch film or the material of the mulch film shall be identified and characterized prior totesting including:
——determination of the presence of regulated metals and other elements;
——determination ofthe presence oforganic [poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)] and inorganicfluorine(determined as fluorine);
——evaluation ofthe presence of other hazardous substance as specified in Annex B; taking legal compliance into consideration.
In addition, volatile solids shall be determined
4.3 Ultimate aerobic biodegradation
The ultimate level of aerobic biodegradation shall be established by testing under controlled conditionsas laid down in 5.2.1.
4.4 Negative effects on terrestrial organism
The mulch film or the material of the mulch film shall have no adverse effects on terrestrial organisms.
GB/T 43288-2023 Plastics—Soil biodegradable materials for mulch films for use in agriculture and horticulture—Requirements and test methods regarding biodegradation, ecotoxicity and control of constituents (English Version)
Standard No.
GB/T 43288-2023
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Detail of GB/T 43288-2023
Standard No.
GB/T 43288-2023
English Name
Plastics—Soil biodegradable materials for mulch films for use in agriculture and horticulture—Requirements and test methods regarding biodegradation, ecotoxicity and control of constituents
Plastics - Soil biodegradable materials for mulch films for use in agriculture and horticulture - Requirements and test methods regarding biodegradation, ecotoxicity and control of constituents
1 Scope
This document is applicable to biodegradable plastic materials used to produce mulch films orbiodegradable mulch films ready to be used for mulch applications in agriculture and horticulture.
This document specifies test methods and evaluation criteria by addressing the followingcharacteristics:
a) control of constituents;
b) biodegradation;
c) negative effects on terrestrial organisms
Note: This document is construed in a way that it can be used to assess other soil biodegradable plasticproducts that do not qualify as mulch films. For example: drip tape, twine, clips, and plant pots.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document, For dated references, only the edition cited applies, Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 10390 Soil quality-Determination of pH
ISO 11268-1 Soil quality - Effects ofpollutants on earthworms - Part 1: Determination ofacute toxicityto Eisenia fetida/Eisenia andrei
ISO 11268-2 Soil quality - Effects of pollutants on earthworms - Part 2: Determination ofeffects onreproduction ofEisenia fetida/Eisenia andrei
ISO 11269-2 Soil quality - Determination ofthe effects of pollutants on soil flora - Part 2: Effects ofcontaminated soil on the emergence and early growth ofhigher plants
ISO 11274 Soil quality- Determination ofthe water-retention characteristic - Laboratory methods
ISO 15685 Soil quality - Determination ofpotential nitrification and inhibition ofnitrification - Rapidtest byammonium oxidation
ISO 17556 Plastics - Determination ofthe ultimate aerobic biodegradability ofplastic materials in soil bymeasuring the oxygen demand in a respirometer or the amount ofcarbon dioxide evolved
EN 14582 Characterization of waste - Halogen and sulfur content - 0xygen combustion in closedsystems and determination methods
OECD. (2006) Test No. 208: Terrestrial Plant Test: Seedling Emergence and Seedling Growth Test, OECDGuidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 2
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
mulch filmfilm
made from thermoplastic material intended to be used in agriculture and horticulture to cover theground in order to improve growing conditions of crops and depending on the colour to control weeds
Note: lt is assumed that a transparent mulch film does not allow to control weeds.
[SOURCE: EN 17033:2018,3.1.1]
homogenous preparation of biodegradable polymer and additives, as necessary, such as carbon blackand colour pigments
Note: Additives are usually introduced under the form of masterbatches using as carrier resin abiodegradable polymer.
[SOURCE: EN 17088:2021, 3.1.2]
ultimate aerobic biodegradation
breakdown of an organic compound by microorganisms in the presence of oxygen into carbon dioxidewater and minera salts of any other elements present (mineralization) plus new biomass
[SOURCE:ISO 17088:2021,3.9]
decomposition of organic matter or organic substances into carbon dioxide, water and the hydridesoxides or other mineral salts
[SOURCE: ISO 11074:2015,3.3.19]
physical breakdown of a material into fragments
[SOURCE: ISO 18606:2013, 3.3]
irreversible process leading to a significant change in the structure ofa material, typically characterizedby a change of properties (e.g., integrity, molecular mass or structure, mechanical strength) and/or byfragmentation, affected by environmental conditions, proceeding over a period oftime and comprisingone or more steps
[SOURCE: ISO 472:2013, 2.2621
total dry solid
amount of solids obtained by taking a known volume of test material or compost and drying at about105 °C to constant mass
[SOURCE: ISO 17088:2021,3.8]
volatile solids
amount of solids obtained by subtracting the residue of a known volume of test material or compostafter incineration at about 550 °C from the total dry solids (3.7) of the same sample
Note: The volatile-solids content is an indication ofthe amount of organic matter present.
[SOURCE: ISO 17088:2021, 3.10]
organic constituent
chemical constituent that contains carbon covalently linked to other carbon atoms and to otherelements,most commonly hydrogen,oxygen or nitrogen
Note 1: lnorganic car'bonates, car'bides, cyanides and simple oxides such as carbon monoxide and carbondioxide are not considered as organic constituent.
Note 2: Allotropes of carbon, such as diamond, graphite, carbon black, fullerenes, and carbon nanotubesare also not considered as organic constituent.
[SOURCE: ISO 17088:2021, 3.15]
natural soil
soil collected from the surface layer of fields and/or forests
[SOURCE: ISO 17088:2021,3.3.1]
poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances; PFAS
organofluorine compounds containing only carbon-fluorine bonds and carbon-carbon bonds but alsoother heteroatoms
4 Basic requirements
4.1 General
In order to be identified as a biodegradable mulch film in accordance with this document, the mulch filmor the material of the mulch film under investigation shall fulfil all requirements specified in Clause 4 and tlause 5,respectively.
If not all requirements are met, no reference to this document shall be made.
4.2 Controlofconstituents
The mulch film or the material of the mulch film shall be identified and characterized prior totesting including:
——determination of the presence of regulated metals and other elements;
——determination ofthe presence oforganic [poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)] and inorganicfluorine(determined as fluorine);
——evaluation ofthe presence of other hazardous substance as specified in Annex B; taking legal compliance into consideration.
In addition, volatile solids shall be determined
4.3 Ultimate aerobic biodegradation
The ultimate level of aerobic biodegradation shall be established by testing under controlled conditionsas laid down in 5.2.1.
4.4 Negative effects on terrestrial organism
The mulch film or the material of the mulch film shall have no adverse effects on terrestrial organisms.