Tyre attachment classification for radio frequency identification (RFID) tyre tags
1 Scope
This document specifies RFID tyre tag classification of the different technologies (embedding, patching, sticking) to benefit the user's understanding of their differences, targets, possible applications as well as their limitations.
This document includes:
——generic description of the main features for each technology;
——marking recommendation.
This document excludes:
——references to items related to tyre quality and the testing thereof;
——detailed references to embedded locations;
——detailed references to rubber compound properties;
——detailed references to tyre manufacturing processes.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 20909, Radio frequency identification (RFID) tyre tags
Note: GB/T 43490-2023, Radio frequency identification (RFID) tyre tags (ISO 20909:2019, IDT)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 20909 and the following apply.
RFID enabled tyre
tyre featuring an RFID tag by means of an embedded, patch or sticker solution
4 RFID technology classification
4.1 Embedded
4.1.1 Embedding technology
Embedded technology is intended to be used throughout the life of the tyre. Possible uses are manufacturing, service, retreading, removal and/or recycling and scrapping.
Since the tyre is composite, made of several layer's and compounds, the RFlD tag can be placed into the tyre in or between any layer and during any point of the manufacturing process. This shall be done under the responsibility of the tyre manufacturer.
4.1.2 Embedded location/positioning Generalities
RFID tyre tags are radio-frequency devices. Performance and functionalities may be influenced by several parameters,including but not limited to:
——dielectric and conductive properties of surrounding materials such as
——detuning of the RFID tyre tag,
——attenuations and/or shielding of radio propagation, and
——induced currents;
——mechanical stresses and strains (possible damage of the RFlD tyre tag) Location
Therefore, design, placement and orientation of the RFlD tyre tag into the tyre, should be chosen appropriately by the tyre manufacturer to ensure RFID-enabled tyre conformance as per ISO 20912. An example of one such area is shown in Figure 1.
4.2 Patch
4.2.1 Patching technology
Patching technology is intended to be used from the patch date of installation until the tyre's end of life. Possible uses are for:
——logistics and traceability;
——product information at the tyre dealer;
——RFID retrofitting of already manufactured (new) or tyres in service;
——after retreading for non-RFID casings;
——RFID tag replacement, as needed (e.g. embedded solution damaged, non-functional).
As a consequence, RFID enabled tyre traceability will depend on the date of the patch installation.
4.2.2 Patch requirements
Since the patch is intended to be put on the tyre, its positioning is limited to the external composite surfaces both inside and outside of the tyre (e.g. inner liner and outside sidewall, respectively).
As RFID tyre tags are radio-frequency devices, observations as mentioned in shall be taken into account.
Therefore, design, placement and orientation of the RFID tyre tag, onto the tyre, should be chosen appropriately by the installer without infringing the patch and/or tyre manufacturer guidelines to ensure proper operation.
Examples of such areas are shown in Figure 2.
4.3 Sticker
4.3.1 Sticker technology
Sticker technology is intended to be used after tyre manufacturing or retreading and up till the tyre mounting. Possible uses are for:
——logistic and traceability;
——product information at the tyre dealer.
4.3.2 Sticker requirements
Since the sticker is intended to be put on the tyre, its positioning is limited to the external
composite layers.
As RFID tyre tags are radio-frequency devices, observations mentioned in shall be taken into account.
Therefore, design, placement and orientation of the RFID tyre tag, onto the tyre, should be chosen appropriately by the installer without infringing the sticker and/or tyre manufacturer guidelines to ensure proper operation.
An example of one such area is shown in Figure 3.
GB/T 43495-2023 Tyre attachment classification for radio frequency identification (RFID) tyre tags (English Version)
Standard No.
GB/T 43495-2023
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Detail of GB/T 43495-2023
Standard No.
GB/T 43495-2023
English Name
Tyre attachment classification for radio frequency identification (RFID) tyre tags
Tyre attachment classification for radio frequency identification (RFID) tyre tags
1 Scope
This document specifies RFID tyre tag classification of the different technologies (embedding, patching, sticking) to benefit the user's understanding of their differences, targets, possible applications as well as their limitations.
This document includes:
——generic description of the main features for each technology;
——marking recommendation.
This document excludes:
——references to items related to tyre quality and the testing thereof;
——detailed references to embedded locations;
——detailed references to rubber compound properties;
——detailed references to tyre manufacturing processes.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 20909, Radio frequency identification (RFID) tyre tags
Note: GB/T 43490-2023, Radio frequency identification (RFID) tyre tags (ISO 20909:2019, IDT)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 20909 and the following apply.
RFID enabled tyre
tyre featuring an RFID tag by means of an embedded, patch or sticker solution
4 RFID technology classification
4.1 Embedded
4.1.1 Embedding technology
Embedded technology is intended to be used throughout the life of the tyre. Possible uses are manufacturing, service, retreading, removal and/or recycling and scrapping.
Since the tyre is composite, made of several layer's and compounds, the RFlD tag can be placed into the tyre in or between any layer and during any point of the manufacturing process. This shall be done under the responsibility of the tyre manufacturer.
4.1.2 Embedded location/positioning Generalities
RFID tyre tags are radio-frequency devices. Performance and functionalities may be influenced by several parameters,including but not limited to:
——dielectric and conductive properties of surrounding materials such as
——detuning of the RFID tyre tag,
——attenuations and/or shielding of radio propagation, and
——induced currents;
——mechanical stresses and strains (possible damage of the RFlD tyre tag) Location
Therefore, design, placement and orientation of the RFlD tyre tag into the tyre, should be chosen appropriately by the tyre manufacturer to ensure RFID-enabled tyre conformance as per ISO 20912. An example of one such area is shown in Figure 1.
4.2 Patch
4.2.1 Patching technology
Patching technology is intended to be used from the patch date of installation until the tyre's end of life. Possible uses are for:
——logistics and traceability;
——product information at the tyre dealer;
——RFID retrofitting of already manufactured (new) or tyres in service;
——after retreading for non-RFID casings;
——RFID tag replacement, as needed (e.g. embedded solution damaged, non-functional).
As a consequence, RFID enabled tyre traceability will depend on the date of the patch installation.
4.2.2 Patch requirements
Since the patch is intended to be put on the tyre, its positioning is limited to the external composite surfaces both inside and outside of the tyre (e.g. inner liner and outside sidewall, respectively).
As RFID tyre tags are radio-frequency devices, observations as mentioned in shall be taken into account.
Therefore, design, placement and orientation of the RFID tyre tag, onto the tyre, should be chosen appropriately by the installer without infringing the patch and/or tyre manufacturer guidelines to ensure proper operation.
Examples of such areas are shown in Figure 2.
4.3 Sticker
4.3.1 Sticker technology
Sticker technology is intended to be used after tyre manufacturing or retreading and up till the tyre mounting. Possible uses are for:
——logistic and traceability;
——product information at the tyre dealer.
4.3.2 Sticker requirements
Since the sticker is intended to be put on the tyre, its positioning is limited to the external
composite layers.
As RFID tyre tags are radio-frequency devices, observations mentioned in shall be taken into account.
Therefore, design, placement and orientation of the RFID tyre tag, onto the tyre, should be chosen appropriately by the installer without infringing the sticker and/or tyre manufacturer guidelines to ensure proper operation.
An example of one such area is shown in Figure 3.