1 Scope
This part specifies the method of specifying the performance and the test requirements of uninterruptible power system (UPS). It is applicable to electronic indirect a.c. converter systems with electrical energy storage means in the DC link. The primary function of the uninterruptible power system (UPS) covered by this part is to ensure continuity of an alternating power source. The uninterruptible power system may also serve to improve the quality of the power source by keeping it within specified characteristics.
This part is applicable to a variety of uninterruptible power systems have been developed to meet consumers' requirements for continuity and quality of power for different types of loads over a wide range of power, from less than 100 W to several megawatts.
This part is applicable to the following electronic uninterruptible power systems (UPS):
a) Delivering single- or three-phase fixed frequency a.c. output voltage;
b) With energy storage device in the DC link if not otherwise specified;
c) With rated voltage not exceeding 1,000V a.c.;
d) Movable, stationary and/or fixed equipment.
This part also includes the method of specifying all power transfer switches that form integral parts of a UPS and are associated with its output.
Included are interrupters, bypass switches, isolating switches, load transfer switches and tie switches. These switches interact with other functional units of the UPS to maintain continuity of load power.
This part does not refer to conventional mains distribution boards, rectifier input switches or d.c. switches (for example for batteries, rectifier output or inverter input, etc.), or UPS based on rotating machines.
Note 1: This part recognizes that the major market usage with the UPS ratings within its scope is in conjunction with information technology equipment.
Under current technology, the majority of UPS load equipment employs power supplies which present a non-linear load to the UPS and can be tolerant of non-sinusoidal voltage waveforms for a limited time duration. UPS output ratings are specified to be compatible with non-linear loading and linear loading, subject to manufacturers' declaration if different.
References within this part to linear loading are retained for test method reasons, or validation of manufacturers' additional declaration.
Note 2: For use of UPS with a non-sinusoidal output voltage waveform, beyond the stored-energy time recommended in this part, the agreement of the load equipment manufacturer shall be sought.
Note 3: For UPS output frequencies other than 50 Hz or 60 Hz, performance specification is subject to agreement between manufacturer and purchaser.
This part is intended to define a complete uninterruptible power system in terms of its performance and not individual UPS functional units. The individual UPS functional units are dealt with in the IEC publications referred to in the bibliography given in Appendix I, which apply in so far as they are not in contradiction with this part.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this part, constitute provisions of this part. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding corrections to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this part are encouraged to study whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 2423.1 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products-Part 2: Test methods-Tests A: Cold (GB/T 2423.1-2001, eqv IEC 60068-2-1: 1990)
GB/T 2423.2 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products-Part 2: Test Methods-Tests B: Dry Heat (GB/T 2423.2-2001, eqv IEC 60068-2-2: 1974)
GB/T 2423.5 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products-Part 2: Test Methods-Test Ea and Guidance: Shock (GB/T 2423.5-1995, idt IEC 60068-2-27: 1987)
GB/T 2423.8 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2: Test Methods Test Ed: Free Fall (GB/T 2423.8-1995, idt IEC 60068-32: 1990)
GB/T 2423.9 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products-Part 2: Test Methods- Test Cb: Damp Heat, Steady State, Primarily for Equipment (GB/T 2423.9-2001, eqv IEC 60068-2-56: 1988)
GB/T 2424.19 Basic Environmental Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic Products; Guidance for the Environmental Tests Simulating the Effects of Storage(GB/T 2424.19-1984, eqv 60068-2-48: 1982)
GB/T 2900.1 Electrotechnical Terminology-Fundamental Terms (GB/T 2900.1-1992, neq IEC 60050-101; IEC 60050-131; IEC 60050-151)
GB/T 2900.11 Terminology of (Secondary) Cell or Battery (GB/T 2900.11-1988, eqv IEC 60050-486: 1986)
GB/T 2900.18 Electrotechnical Terminology - Low Voltage Apparatus (GB/T 2900.18-1992, eqv IEC 60050-441: 1984)
GB/T 2900.33 Electrotechnical Terminology - Power Electronics (GB/T 2900.33-1993, eqv IEC 60050-551: 1982)
GB/T 3859.1 Semiconductor Convertors - Specification of Basic Requirements (GB/T 3859.1-1993, eqv IEC 60146-1-1: 1991)
GB/T 3859.2 Semiconductor Convertors Application Guide (GB/T 3859.2-1993, eqv IEC 60146-1-2: 1991)
GB 4208 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure (IP Code) (GB 4208-1993, eqv IEC 529: 1989)
GB/T 4365 Electrotechnical Terminology - Electromagnetic Compatibility (GB/T 4365-2003, idt IEC 60050-161: 1990)
GB 4943 Safety of Information Technology Equipment (GB 4943-2001, idt IEC 60950: 1999)
GB/T 5465.2 Graphical Symbols for Use on Electrical Equipment (GB/T 5465.2-1996, idt IEC 60417: 1994)
GB 7260.2 Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)-Part 2: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Requirements (GB 7260.2-2003, IEC 62040-2: 1999, MOD)
GB/T 7678 Semiconductor Self-commutated Convertors (GB/T 7678-1987, eqv IEC 146-2: 1979)
GB/T 11918 Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for Industrial Purposes-Part 1: General Requirements (GB/T 11918-2001, idt IEC 60309-1: 1999)
GB/T 11919 Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for Industrial Purposes - Part 2: Dimensional Interchangeability Requirements for Pin and Contact-tube Accessories (GB/T 11919-2001, idt IEC 60309-2: 1999)
GB/T 12113 Methods of Measurement of Touch Current and Protective Conductor Current (GB/T 12113-1996, idt IEC 60990: 1990)
GB/T 16895.1 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 1: Scope, Object and Fundamental Principles (GB 16895.1-1997, idt IEC 60364-1: 1992)
GB/T 16895.2 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 4: Protection for Safety - Chapter 42: Protection against Thermal Effects (GB 16895.2-1997, idt IEC 60364-4-42: 1980)
GB/T 16895.3 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 5: Selection and Erection of Electrical Equipment - Chapter 54: Earthing Arrangements and Protective Conductors (GB/T 16895.3-1997, idt IEC 364-5-54: 1980)
GB/T 16895.4 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 5: Selection and Erection of Electrical Equipment - Chapter 53: Switchgear and Controlgear (GB/T 16895.4-1997, idt IEC 60364-5-53: 1994)
GB 16895.5 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 4: Protection for Safety - Chapter 43: Protection against Overcurrent (GB/T 16895.5-2000, idt IEC 60364-4-43: 1977)
GB/T 16895.6 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 5: Selection and Erection of Electrical Equipment - Chapter 52: Wiring Systems (GB/T 16895.6-2000, idt IEC 60364-5-52: 1993)
GB/T 18039.3-2003 Electromagnetic Compatibility – Environment - Compatibility Levels for Low-frequency Conducted Disturbances and Signaling in Public Low-voltage Power Supply Systems (IEC 61000-2-2: 1990, IDT)
IEC 60050 (351): 1975 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 351: Automatic Control
IEC 60050 (826): 1982 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 826: Electrical Installations of Buildings
IEC 60050 (441): 1984 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 441: Switchgear, Controlgear and Fuses
IEC 60309 (All the parts) Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for Industrial Purposes
IEC 60364-4 (All the parts) Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 4: Protection for Safety
IEC 61140: 1997 Protection against Electric Shock - Common Aspects for Installation and Equipment
ISO/DIS 7779: 2000 Acoustics - Measurement of Airborne Noise Emitted by Information Technology and Telecommunications Equipment
ISO 7000: 1989 Graphical Symbols for Use on Equipment - Index and Synopsis
3 Terms and Definitions
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
3.1 Systems and components
3.2 Performance of system and components
3.3 Specified value - general
3.4 Input values
3.5 Output values
4 General Ambient Service Conditions
4.1 Normal Environmental and Climatic Service Conditions
4.2 Unusual Service Conditions to be Identified by the Purchaser
5 Electrical Service Conditions and Performance
5.1 General - All UPS
5.2 UPS Input Specifications
5.3 UPS Output Specifications
5.4 UPS Intermediate d.c. Circuit and/or Battery Circuit Specification
5.5 UPS Switches, Rated Values and Performance
5.6 Redundant and Parallel UPS Systems (Refer to Appendix A)
5.7 Electromagnetic Compatibility
5.8 Signalling Circuits
6 Electrical Tests for UPS
6.1 General
6.2 UPS Functional Unit Tests (Where Applicable)
6.3 Type Tests of Manufacturer's Declared Characteristics as a Complete UPS
6.4 (Reserved for future use)
6.5 (Reserved for future use)
6.6 Factory Witness Tests/On-site Tests
6.7 UPS switches test procedure
7 Non-electrical Tests
7.1 Environmental and Transportation Test Methods
7.2 Environmental Storage and Operating Test Methods
7.3 Acoustic noise
Appendix A (Informative) Types of Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) Configurations
A.1 Single UPS
A.2 Parallel UPS
A.3 Redundant UPS
Appendix B (Informative) Examples of Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) Operation
B.1 UPS double conversion
B.2 UPS Double Conversion with Bypass
B.3 UPS Line Interactive Operation
B.4 UPS Line Interactive Operation with Bypass
B.5 UPS Passive Standby Operation
Appendix C (Informative) Explanation of UPS Switch Definitions
Application of UPS switches
C.1 UPS Interrupters
C.2 Transfer Switches
C.3 UPS Isolation Switches
C.4 UPS Maintenance Bypass Switches
C.5 Tie Switches
C.6 Multiple Function UPS Switches
Appendix D (Informative) Purchaser Specification Guidelines
D.1 Type of UPS, Additional Features and System Requirements
D.2 UPS Input
D.3 Load to Be Operated from UPS
D.4 UPS Output
D.5 Battery (Where Applicable)
D.6 General Application Requirements and Special Service Conditions
D.7 Multi-module System Configurations
D.8 Electromagnetic Compatibility
D.9 Technical Data Sheets - Manufacturer's Declaration
D.10 Classification of Uninterruptible Power Systems by Performance
Appendix E (Normative) Reference Non-linear Load
Appendix F (Normative) Backfeed Protection Test
F.1 Test for Pluggable Type A or B UPS
F.2 Test for Permanently Connected UPS (Only for UPS with Backfeed Protection)
F.3 Measuring Instrument for Earth Leakage Current Tests
Appendix G (Normative) Input Mains Failure - Test Method
G.1 High Impedance Mains Failure Test
G.2 Low Impedance Mains Failure Test
Appendix H (Informative) Determination of Output Voltage Transient Deviation Characteristics
H.1 General Considerations
H.2 Test Methods and Instrumentation
H.3 Sinusoidal Output Voltage Waveforms
H.4 Non-sinusoidal Output Voltage Waveforms (Trapezoidal/Quasi-square/Square)
H.5 Resistive Load Test Method - Change of Operating Mode/Step Load
H.6 Reference Non-linear Load Test Method - Change of Operating Mode/Step Load
Appendix I (Informative) Bibliography
GB/T 7260.3-2003 Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) - Part 3: Medthod of specifying the performance and test requirements (English Version)
Standard No.
GB/T 7260.3-2003
File Format
Word Count
30000 words
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Detail of GB/T 7260.3-2003
Standard No.
GB/T 7260.3-2003
English Name
Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) - Part 3: Medthod of specifying the performance and test requirements
1 Scope
This part specifies the method of specifying the performance and the test requirements of uninterruptible power system (UPS). It is applicable to electronic indirect a.c. converter systems with electrical energy storage means in the DC link. The primary function of the uninterruptible power system (UPS) covered by this part is to ensure continuity of an alternating power source. The uninterruptible power system may also serve to improve the quality of the power source by keeping it within specified characteristics.
This part is applicable to a variety of uninterruptible power systems have been developed to meet consumers' requirements for continuity and quality of power for different types of loads over a wide range of power, from less than 100 W to several megawatts.
This part is applicable to the following electronic uninterruptible power systems (UPS):
a) Delivering single- or three-phase fixed frequency a.c. output voltage;
b) With energy storage device in the DC link if not otherwise specified;
c) With rated voltage not exceeding 1,000V a.c.;
d) Movable, stationary and/or fixed equipment.
This part also includes the method of specifying all power transfer switches that form integral parts of a UPS and are associated with its output.
Included are interrupters, bypass switches, isolating switches, load transfer switches and tie switches. These switches interact with other functional units of the UPS to maintain continuity of load power.
This part does not refer to conventional mains distribution boards, rectifier input switches or d.c. switches (for example for batteries, rectifier output or inverter input, etc.), or UPS based on rotating machines.
Note 1: This part recognizes that the major market usage with the UPS ratings within its scope is in conjunction with information technology equipment.
Under current technology, the majority of UPS load equipment employs power supplies which present a non-linear load to the UPS and can be tolerant of non-sinusoidal voltage waveforms for a limited time duration. UPS output ratings are specified to be compatible with non-linear loading and linear loading, subject to manufacturers' declaration if different.
References within this part to linear loading are retained for test method reasons, or validation of manufacturers' additional declaration.
Note 2: For use of UPS with a non-sinusoidal output voltage waveform, beyond the stored-energy time recommended in this part, the agreement of the load equipment manufacturer shall be sought.
Note 3: For UPS output frequencies other than 50 Hz or 60 Hz, performance specification is subject to agreement between manufacturer and purchaser.
This part is intended to define a complete uninterruptible power system in terms of its performance and not individual UPS functional units. The individual UPS functional units are dealt with in the IEC publications referred to in the bibliography given in Appendix I, which apply in so far as they are not in contradiction with this part.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this part, constitute provisions of this part. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding corrections to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this part are encouraged to study whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 2423.1 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products-Part 2: Test methods-Tests A: Cold (GB/T 2423.1-2001, eqv IEC 60068-2-1: 1990)
GB/T 2423.2 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products-Part 2: Test Methods-Tests B: Dry Heat (GB/T 2423.2-2001, eqv IEC 60068-2-2: 1974)
GB/T 2423.5 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products-Part 2: Test Methods-Test Ea and Guidance: Shock (GB/T 2423.5-1995, idt IEC 60068-2-27: 1987)
GB/T 2423.8 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2: Test Methods Test Ed: Free Fall (GB/T 2423.8-1995, idt IEC 60068-32: 1990)
GB/T 2423.9 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products-Part 2: Test Methods- Test Cb: Damp Heat, Steady State, Primarily for Equipment (GB/T 2423.9-2001, eqv IEC 60068-2-56: 1988)
GB/T 2424.19 Basic Environmental Testing Procedures for Electric and Electronic Products; Guidance for the Environmental Tests Simulating the Effects of Storage(GB/T 2424.19-1984, eqv 60068-2-48: 1982)
GB/T 2900.1 Electrotechnical Terminology-Fundamental Terms (GB/T 2900.1-1992, neq IEC 60050-101; IEC 60050-131; IEC 60050-151)
GB/T 2900.11 Terminology of (Secondary) Cell or Battery (GB/T 2900.11-1988, eqv IEC 60050-486: 1986)
GB/T 2900.18 Electrotechnical Terminology - Low Voltage Apparatus (GB/T 2900.18-1992, eqv IEC 60050-441: 1984)
GB/T 2900.33 Electrotechnical Terminology - Power Electronics (GB/T 2900.33-1993, eqv IEC 60050-551: 1982)
GB/T 3859.1 Semiconductor Convertors - Specification of Basic Requirements (GB/T 3859.1-1993, eqv IEC 60146-1-1: 1991)
GB/T 3859.2 Semiconductor Convertors Application Guide (GB/T 3859.2-1993, eqv IEC 60146-1-2: 1991)
GB 4208 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure (IP Code) (GB 4208-1993, eqv IEC 529: 1989)
GB/T 4365 Electrotechnical Terminology - Electromagnetic Compatibility (GB/T 4365-2003, idt IEC 60050-161: 1990)
GB 4943 Safety of Information Technology Equipment (GB 4943-2001, idt IEC 60950: 1999)
GB/T 5465.2 Graphical Symbols for Use on Electrical Equipment (GB/T 5465.2-1996, idt IEC 60417: 1994)
GB 7260.2 Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)-Part 2: Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Requirements (GB 7260.2-2003, IEC 62040-2: 1999, MOD)
GB/T 7678 Semiconductor Self-commutated Convertors (GB/T 7678-1987, eqv IEC 146-2: 1979)
GB/T 11918 Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for Industrial Purposes-Part 1: General Requirements (GB/T 11918-2001, idt IEC 60309-1: 1999)
GB/T 11919 Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for Industrial Purposes - Part 2: Dimensional Interchangeability Requirements for Pin and Contact-tube Accessories (GB/T 11919-2001, idt IEC 60309-2: 1999)
GB/T 12113 Methods of Measurement of Touch Current and Protective Conductor Current (GB/T 12113-1996, idt IEC 60990: 1990)
GB/T 16895.1 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 1: Scope, Object and Fundamental Principles (GB 16895.1-1997, idt IEC 60364-1: 1992)
GB/T 16895.2 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 4: Protection for Safety - Chapter 42: Protection against Thermal Effects (GB 16895.2-1997, idt IEC 60364-4-42: 1980)
GB/T 16895.3 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 5: Selection and Erection of Electrical Equipment - Chapter 54: Earthing Arrangements and Protective Conductors (GB/T 16895.3-1997, idt IEC 364-5-54: 1980)
GB/T 16895.4 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 5: Selection and Erection of Electrical Equipment - Chapter 53: Switchgear and Controlgear (GB/T 16895.4-1997, idt IEC 60364-5-53: 1994)
GB 16895.5 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 4: Protection for Safety - Chapter 43: Protection against Overcurrent (GB/T 16895.5-2000, idt IEC 60364-4-43: 1977)
GB/T 16895.6 Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 5: Selection and Erection of Electrical Equipment - Chapter 52: Wiring Systems (GB/T 16895.6-2000, idt IEC 60364-5-52: 1993)
GB/T 18039.3-2003 Electromagnetic Compatibility – Environment - Compatibility Levels for Low-frequency Conducted Disturbances and Signaling in Public Low-voltage Power Supply Systems (IEC 61000-2-2: 1990, IDT)
IEC 60050 (351): 1975 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 351: Automatic Control
IEC 60050 (826): 1982 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 826: Electrical Installations of Buildings
IEC 60050 (441): 1984 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 441: Switchgear, Controlgear and Fuses
IEC 60309 (All the parts) Plugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for Industrial Purposes
IEC 60364-4 (All the parts) Electrical Installations of Buildings - Part 4: Protection for Safety
IEC 61140: 1997 Protection against Electric Shock - Common Aspects for Installation and Equipment
ISO/DIS 7779: 2000 Acoustics - Measurement of Airborne Noise Emitted by Information Technology and Telecommunications Equipment
ISO 7000: 1989 Graphical Symbols for Use on Equipment - Index and Synopsis
3 Terms and Definitions
Contents of GB/T 7260.3-2003
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
3.1 Systems and components
3.2 Performance of system and components
3.3 Specified value - general
3.4 Input values
3.5 Output values
4 General Ambient Service Conditions
4.1 Normal Environmental and Climatic Service Conditions
4.2 Unusual Service Conditions to be Identified by the Purchaser
5 Electrical Service Conditions and Performance
5.1 General - All UPS
5.2 UPS Input Specifications
5.3 UPS Output Specifications
5.4 UPS Intermediate d.c. Circuit and/or Battery Circuit Specification
5.5 UPS Switches, Rated Values and Performance
5.6 Redundant and Parallel UPS Systems (Refer to Appendix A)
5.7 Electromagnetic Compatibility
5.8 Signalling Circuits
6 Electrical Tests for UPS
6.1 General
6.2 UPS Functional Unit Tests (Where Applicable)
6.3 Type Tests of Manufacturer's Declared Characteristics as a Complete UPS
6.4 (Reserved for future use)
6.5 (Reserved for future use)
6.6 Factory Witness Tests/On-site Tests
6.7 UPS switches test procedure
7 Non-electrical Tests
7.1 Environmental and Transportation Test Methods
7.2 Environmental Storage and Operating Test Methods
7.3 Acoustic noise
Appendix A (Informative) Types of Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) Configurations
A.1 Single UPS
A.2 Parallel UPS
A.3 Redundant UPS
Appendix B (Informative) Examples of Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) Operation
B.1 UPS double conversion
B.2 UPS Double Conversion with Bypass
B.3 UPS Line Interactive Operation
B.4 UPS Line Interactive Operation with Bypass
B.5 UPS Passive Standby Operation
Appendix C (Informative) Explanation of UPS Switch Definitions
Application of UPS switches
C.1 UPS Interrupters
C.2 Transfer Switches
C.3 UPS Isolation Switches
C.4 UPS Maintenance Bypass Switches
C.5 Tie Switches
C.6 Multiple Function UPS Switches
Appendix D (Informative) Purchaser Specification Guidelines
D.1 Type of UPS, Additional Features and System Requirements
D.2 UPS Input
D.3 Load to Be Operated from UPS
D.4 UPS Output
D.5 Battery (Where Applicable)
D.6 General Application Requirements and Special Service Conditions
D.7 Multi-module System Configurations
D.8 Electromagnetic Compatibility
D.9 Technical Data Sheets - Manufacturer's Declaration
D.10 Classification of Uninterruptible Power Systems by Performance
Appendix E (Normative) Reference Non-linear Load
Appendix F (Normative) Backfeed Protection Test
F.1 Test for Pluggable Type A or B UPS
F.2 Test for Permanently Connected UPS (Only for UPS with Backfeed Protection)
F.3 Measuring Instrument for Earth Leakage Current Tests
Appendix G (Normative) Input Mains Failure - Test Method
G.1 High Impedance Mains Failure Test
G.2 Low Impedance Mains Failure Test
Appendix H (Informative) Determination of Output Voltage Transient Deviation Characteristics
H.1 General Considerations
H.2 Test Methods and Instrumentation
H.3 Sinusoidal Output Voltage Waveforms
H.4 Non-sinusoidal Output Voltage Waveforms (Trapezoidal/Quasi-square/Square)
H.5 Resistive Load Test Method - Change of Operating Mode/Step Load
H.6 Reference Non-linear Load Test Method - Change of Operating Mode/Step Load
Appendix I (Informative) Bibliography