This part of GB/T 7409 is applicable to the excitation systems of synchronous machines.
2 General Provisions
2.1 Excitation control system
Include the feedback control systems of synchronous machine and its excitation system
2.2 Excitation system
The equipment providing the field current of a synchronous machine, including all regulating and control elements, as well as field discharge or suppression equipment and protective devices.
2.3 Exciter
The source of the electrical power providing the field current of the synchronous machine
Note: Examples of the source are:
——A rotating machine, either DC or AC with associated rectifiers.
——One or several transformers with associated rectifiers
Contents Foreword I 1 Scope 2 General Provisions 3 Exciter Categories 4 Excitation System Categories 5 Control Functions Appendix A (Informative) Comparison between Clauses of This Part and IEC 60034-16-1: 1991-02 by Numbers Appendix B (Informative) Technical Differences Between This Part and IEC 60034-16-1: 1991-02 and Their Reasons
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 7409 is applicable to the excitation systems of synchronous machines.
2 General Provisions
2.1 Excitation control system
Include the feedback control systems of synchronous machine and its excitation system
2.2 Excitation system
The equipment providing the field current of a synchronous machine, including all regulating and control elements, as well as field discharge or suppression equipment and protective devices.
2.3 Exciter
The source of the electrical power providing the field current of the synchronous machine
Note: Examples of the source are:
——A rotating machine, either DC or AC with associated rectifiers.
——One or several transformers with associated rectifiers
Contents of GB/T 7409.1-2008
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 General Provisions
3 Exciter Categories
4 Excitation System Categories
5 Control Functions
Appendix A (Informative) Comparison between Clauses of This Part and IEC 60034-16-1: 1991-02 by Numbers
Appendix B (Informative) Technical Differences Between This Part and IEC 60034-16-1: 1991-02 and Their Reasons