GB/T 8938-2008 Typewriting paper (English Version) |
Detail of GB/T 8938-2008
Standard No. |
English Name |
Chinese Name |
Chinese Classification |
Professional Classification |
ICS Classification |
Issued by |
Issued on |
Implemented on |
Status |
Superseded by |
Superseded on |
Abolished on |
Superseding |
Language |
File Format |
Word Count |
Price(USD) |
Keywords |
Introduction of GB/T 8938-2008
本标准是对GB/T 8938-1988 《打字纸》的修订。
本标准代替GB/T 8938-1988 。
本标准与GB/T 8938-1988 相比,主要变化如下:
———将原标准中产品分为A、B、C 三等改为优等品、一等品和合格品三个等级;
Contents of GB/T 8938-2008