GB/Z 42533-2023 Hydraulic fluid power—System—Method to relate the cleanliness of a hydraulic system to the cleanliness of the components and hydraulic fluid that make up the system (English Version)
Hydraulic fluid power—System—Method to relate the cleanliness of a hydraulic system to the cleanliness of the components and hydraulic fluid that make up the system
GB/Z 42533-2023 Hydraulic fluid power - System - Method to relate the cleanliness of a hydraulic system to the cleanliness of the components and hydraulic fluid that make up the system
1 Scope
This document describes methods that can be used to:
a) relate the cleanliness of a hydraulic system to the cleanliness of its components and the hydraulic fluid belonging to the system;
b) estimate the final cleanliness level of an assembled hydraulic system filled with the hydraulic fluid. The estimation of the final cleanliness level is based on the cleanliness level of each component in the system and on the cleanliness level of the filling fluid;
c) calculate and manage cleanliness requirements of components and subassemblies that make up a system and of the fluid filling it so as to achieve a required cleanliness level (RCL) for the final system.
These methods can apply whatever the particle size considered and can also be used for other types than hydraulic fluid power.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 5598 Fluid power systems and components - Vocabulary
Note: GB/T 17446-2012 Fluid power systems and components - Vocabulary (ISO 5598 : 2008, IDT)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 5598 and the following apply.
wetted surface area
surface area of the component or system that is exposed to the system liquid in normal operation, as agreed between parties
Note: Ac and As refers to the wetted surface area of, respectively, a component or a system.
Example: Consider a hydraulic gear pump with two gears (see Figure 1). The wetted surface area can be calculated as the sum of the internal surfaces of the pump body (two plates and one flange with two ports) plus the external surface of the two gears.
wetted volume
contained volume
volume of a component or system in which the system liquid is to be found in end-use operating conditions, as agreed between parties
Note: Vc or Vs when it refers to the wetted volume of, respectively, a component or a system.
Example: Consider a hydraulic gear pump with two gears (see Figure 2). The wetted volume can be calculated as the volume of the body minus the volume of the two gears or measured as the filling volume of the complete pump.
4 Symbols and units
The symbols and units given in Table 1 apply to this document.
5 Basic considerations
5.1 Particulate contamination
5.1.1 Basic principles
The physical and chemical principles that explain the presence and the behaviour of particulate contaminants in a hydraulic system are numerous and complex. This subclause covers some basic principles related to cleanliness.
5.1.2 Homogeneity of distribution of contamination in the system
In the absence of a system or flushing filter when the system is operated for the first time and stabilized, particulate contaminants are considered to be distributed homogeneously in the whole system, i.e. particulate contamination is in the fluid everywhere in the components and the system and on the wetted surfaces of the components. This assumes that all of the fluid and all the surfaces on which it flows are at the same cleanliness level.
5.1.3 Actual location of contaminants in items and fluid
Particulate contaminants are either deposited on the surface area of the components or suspended in the hydraulic fluid (see Figure 3). Even if particles are deposited on the entire surface of a component, only those deposited on the wetted surface are taken into consideration because they are the only ones likely to move into the fluid and potentially to damage the system.
5.1.4 Theoretical location of contaminants in items
To apply the cleanliness prediction method described in Clauses 6 and 7, itis necessary to consider that the particulate contaminants deposited on the wetted surface areas of hollow components and assemblies are in suspension in the void volume of the items [see Figure 3 b)].
This concept applies because only particulate contaminants moving from the surface of the component into the hydraulic fluid add to the fluid contamination and become capable of damaging the system.
The cleanliness level of hollow components, subassemblies and systems can be compared to the cleanliness level of fluids.
GB/Z 42533-2023 Hydraulic fluid power—System—Method to relate the cleanliness of a hydraulic system to the cleanliness of the components and hydraulic fluid that make up the system (English Version)
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GB/Z 42533-2023
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Detail of GB/Z 42533-2023
Standard No.
GB/Z 42533-2023
English Name
Hydraulic fluid power—System—Method to relate the cleanliness of a hydraulic system to the cleanliness of the components and hydraulic fluid that make up the system
GB/Z 42533-2023 Hydraulic fluid power - System - Method to relate the cleanliness of a hydraulic system to the cleanliness of the components and hydraulic fluid that make up the system
1 Scope
This document describes methods that can be used to:
a) relate the cleanliness of a hydraulic system to the cleanliness of its components and the hydraulic fluid belonging to the system;
b) estimate the final cleanliness level of an assembled hydraulic system filled with the hydraulic fluid. The estimation of the final cleanliness level is based on the cleanliness level of each component in the system and on the cleanliness level of the filling fluid;
c) calculate and manage cleanliness requirements of components and subassemblies that make up a system and of the fluid filling it so as to achieve a required cleanliness level (RCL) for the final system.
These methods can apply whatever the particle size considered and can also be used for other types than hydraulic fluid power.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 5598 Fluid power systems and components - Vocabulary
Note: GB/T 17446-2012 Fluid power systems and components - Vocabulary (ISO 5598 : 2008, IDT)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 5598 and the following apply.
wetted surface area
surface area of the component or system that is exposed to the system liquid in normal operation, as agreed between parties
Note: Ac and As refers to the wetted surface area of, respectively, a component or a system.
Example: Consider a hydraulic gear pump with two gears (see Figure 1). The wetted surface area can be calculated as the sum of the internal surfaces of the pump body (two plates and one flange with two ports) plus the external surface of the two gears.
wetted volume
contained volume
volume of a component or system in which the system liquid is to be found in end-use operating conditions, as agreed between parties
Note: Vc or Vs when it refers to the wetted volume of, respectively, a component or a system.
Example: Consider a hydraulic gear pump with two gears (see Figure 2). The wetted volume can be calculated as the volume of the body minus the volume of the two gears or measured as the filling volume of the complete pump.
4 Symbols and units
The symbols and units given in Table 1 apply to this document.
5 Basic considerations
5.1 Particulate contamination
5.1.1 Basic principles
The physical and chemical principles that explain the presence and the behaviour of particulate contaminants in a hydraulic system are numerous and complex. This subclause covers some basic principles related to cleanliness.
5.1.2 Homogeneity of distribution of contamination in the system
In the absence of a system or flushing filter when the system is operated for the first time and stabilized, particulate contaminants are considered to be distributed homogeneously in the whole system, i.e. particulate contamination is in the fluid everywhere in the components and the system and on the wetted surfaces of the components. This assumes that all of the fluid and all the surfaces on which it flows are at the same cleanliness level.
5.1.3 Actual location of contaminants in items and fluid
Particulate contaminants are either deposited on the surface area of the components or suspended in the hydraulic fluid (see Figure 3). Even if particles are deposited on the entire surface of a component, only those deposited on the wetted surface are taken into consideration because they are the only ones likely to move into the fluid and potentially to damage the system.
5.1.4 Theoretical location of contaminants in items
To apply the cleanliness prediction method described in Clauses 6 and 7, itis necessary to consider that the particulate contaminants deposited on the wetted surface areas of hollow components and assemblies are in suspension in the void volume of the items [see Figure 3 b)].
This concept applies because only particulate contaminants moving from the surface of the component into the hydraulic fluid add to the fluid contamination and become capable of damaging the system.
The cleanliness level of hollow components, subassemblies and systems can be compared to the cleanliness level of fluids.