This part of JB/T 1265 1 specifies the terms and definitions, testing items, sampling, preparation andtreatment of samples, testing method and testing report of flter papers used in internal combustionengines.
This part is applicable to filter paper used in air filter, oil filter and fuel flter for internal combustionengines, which are abbreviated as air filter paper, oil filter paper and fuel filter paper respectively, andare collectively referred to as filter paper. This part doesn't apply to crinkling paper, pure glass fibrefilter paper and pure non-woven. Filter paper for other filters can refer to this part.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For datedreferences, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenceddocument (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 450-2008, Paper and board'-Sampling for testing and identification ofmachine and cross direction,wire side and felt side
GB/T451.2-2002, Paper and board--Determination ofgrammage
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T4687-2007,GB/T 8243.12and jB/T 12210 and the following apply.3.1
cured filter paper
filter paper strengthened by thermosetting resin
non-cured filter paper
filter paper strengthened by thermoplastic resin
resistance to humidity
stiffness retention rate of air filter papers after treatment under high humidity condition within thespecified time
resistance to oil
burst retention of oil filter papers after treatment in oil bath at high temperature within the specified
Note 1 to entry: Itis expressed in Kilopascal (kPa).
fractional efficiency before dust loading of air filter paper
filtration efficiency of air filter papers measured before the filtration efficiency is altered by capturedparticles
Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative references. 3 Terms and definitions 4 Test items 5 Sampling, preparation and treatment of samples 7 Testing report AnneXA AnneX B AnneXC Annex D AnneX E
1 Scope
This part of JB/T 1265 1 specifies the terms and definitions, testing items, sampling, preparation andtreatment of samples, testing method and testing report of flter papers used in internal combustionengines.
This part is applicable to filter paper used in air filter, oil filter and fuel flter for internal combustionengines, which are abbreviated as air filter paper, oil filter paper and fuel filter paper respectively, andare collectively referred to as filter paper. This part doesn't apply to crinkling paper, pure glass fibrefilter paper and pure non-woven. Filter paper for other filters can refer to this part.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For datedreferences, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenceddocument (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 450-2008, Paper and board'-Sampling for testing and identification ofmachine and cross direction,wire side and felt side
GB/T451.2-2002, Paper and board--Determination ofgrammage
GB/T454-2002,Paper--Determination ofbursting strength
GB/T462-2008, Paper, board and pulp - Determination ofmoisture content ofanalyticalsample
GB/T 2423.3, Environmental testing Part 2: Testing method-Test Cab: Damp heat, steady state
GB/T4687-2007,Paper, board, pulps and related terms - Vocabulary
GB/T 10739-20 02, Paper, board and pulps--.Standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing
GB/T 11121, Gasoline engine oils
GB/T 11122, Dieselengine oils
GB/T22364-2008, Paper and board - Determination ofresistance to bending
GB/T 24218.2-2009, Textiles - Test methods for nonwovens - Part 2: Determination ofthickness
GB/T 12210, Internal combustion engines-Air cleaners-Fractional eficiency testing (using particle counting)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T4687-2007,GB/T 8243.12and jB/T 12210 and the following apply.3.1
cured filter paper
filter paper strengthened by thermosetting resin
non-cured filter paper
filter paper strengthened by thermoplastic resin
resistance to humidity
stiffness retention rate of air filter papers after treatment under high humidity condition within thespecified time
resistance to oil
burst retention of oil filter papers after treatment in oil bath at high temperature within the specified
Note 1 to entry: Itis expressed in Kilopascal (kPa).
fractional efficiency before dust loading of air filter paper
filtration efficiency of air filter papers measured before the filtration efficiency is altered by capturedparticles
Contents of JB/T 12651.2-2016
1 Scope
2 Normative references.
3 Terms and definitions
4 Test items
5 Sampling, preparation and treatment of samples
7 Testing report
AnneX B
Annex D
AnneX E