is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces JB/T 5303-2002 Insert bearing units—Supplementary structure—Boundary dimensions and the following main technical changes have been made with respect to JB/T 5303-2002:
——The standard name is modified (see cover and front page hereof; cover and front page of Edition 2002);
——The font and part of definition of the symbol are modified (see Clause 4 hereof; Clause 3 of Edition 2002);
——The clauses “Terms and definitions” and “code”are added (see Clauses 3 and 5);
——The dimension range of bearing units with highly centered plummer block housing,bearing units with narrow plummer block housing, bearing units with adjustable oval housing and bearing units with suspended housing is expanded (see Tables 1 to 4 hereof, Tables 1 to 4 of Edition 2002);
-——The B3 dimension of H3 series tightening sleeve for bearing units with tapered bore housing is added (see Tables 1 to 5);
——201S to 203S bearing unit models and boundary dimensions are added (see Tables 1 to 5);
——Dimension J for some models of bearing units with adjustable oval housings (see Table 3 hereof; Table 3 in Edition 1995);
——The maximum limit boundary dimensions of bearing units units with highly centered plummer block housing,bearing units with narrow plummer block housings, bearing units with adjustable oval housing, bearing units with suspended housing and bearing units with overhung housing have are modified (see Tables 1 to 5 hereof; Tables 1 to 5 of Edition 2002);
——Symbols, structural types and boundary dimensions of bearing units with light oval housings are added (see 4.3, Figure 19, Figure 20 and Table 7);
——The clauses "Type" and “Boundary dimension" are merged into one clause, and "General" is added into this clause (see Clause 7 hereof; Clauses 3 and 5 of Edition 2002);
——"Correspondence between insert bearing unit with bearing and bearing housing” is added (see Annex A);
——"Bibliography" is added (see Bibliography).
This standard was proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation.
This standard is under jurisdication of the National Technical Committee on Rolling Bearing of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 98).
The previous editions of this standard are as follows:
——JB/T 5303-1991 and JB/T 5303-2002.
Rolling bearings—Supplementary structure of insert bearing units—Boundary dimensions
1 Scope
This standard specifies the structural type and boundary dimensions of insert bearing units (hereinafter referred to as “bearing units”) not specified in GB/T 7810-2017.
This standard is applicable to the design and model selection of Series 2 bearing units with highly centered plummer block housing, Series 2 bearing units with narrow plummer block housings, Series 2 bearing units with adjustable oval housing, Series 2 bearing units with suspended housing, Series 2 bearing units with overhung housing, Series 2 bearing unit with light oval housing and Series 3 bearing unit with flanged square housing.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3882-2017 Rolling bearings—Insert bearings and eccentric locking collars— Boundary dimensions
GB/T 6930-2002 Rolling bearings—Vocabulary
GB/T7811—2015 Rolling bearings—Symbols for physical quantities
GB/T 27554-2011 Rolling bearings—Insert bearing units—Identification code
JB/T 5302-2019 Rolling bearings—Supplementary structure of housings for insert bearings—Boundary dimensions
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 6930-2002 apply.
4 Symbols
4.1 General
For the purposes of this document, the symbols given in GB/T 7811-2015, Sub-clause 4.2 to 4.6 in this standard and the following apply.
The symbols (except those for tolerances) shown in Figures 1 to 20 and the values given in Tables 1 to 7 denote nominal dimensions unless specified otherwise.
Note: Figures 1 to 20 are drawn schematically and do not necessarily show all structural details. The grease nipple positions in Figures 1 to 20 are examples. Other positions are at the discretion of the manufacturer.
B: Width of inner ring of bearing units
B1: Overall width of inner ring of bearing units including eccentric locking collar
B3: Width of adapter sleeve
d: Bore diameter of bearing units and of eccentric locking collar
d0: Bore diameter of adapter sleeve
S: distance from centre of raceway to face of inner ring on side opposite locking device.
4.2 Bearing units with highly centered plummer block housings and bearing units with narrow plummer block housings
A: (pverall) width of base
H: distance from the mounting base to the center of the spherical diameter;
H0: height(total height);
J: center distance between bolt holes
L: (overall) length of base
4.3 Bearing units with adjustable oval housinga, bearing unita with light oval housings
A: (overall) height
A2: the distance from the mounting base to the center of the spherical diameter;
H: height of flange
J: center distance between bolt holes
L: (overall) width.
4.4 Bearing units with suspended housings
A: (overall) height
A2: distance from the mounting base to the center of the spherical diameter;
H0: height of flange
L: (overall) width.
4.5 Bearing units with overhung housings
C: horizontal distance from the center of the spherical diameter to the axis of the overhung screw hole;
H: distance from the center of the spherical diameter to the top of the suspension;
H0 (overall) height;
L: (overall) width.
4.6 Bearings with flanged square housing
A: (overall) height
A2: distance from the center of the spherical diameter to the mounting base;
D1: flanged diameter;
J: center distance between bolt holes
L: (overall) length.
5 Code
For the purpose of this document, the codes given in GB/T 27554-2011 and JB/T 5302-2019 apply.
6 Designation example
Insert bearing unit UCPH 205 GB/T 5303-2019
7 Structural type and boundary dimension
7.1 General
Where “max.” is shown in Tables 1 to 7, this indicates that the value is both the nominal value and the largest actual value permitted. Where “min.” is shown in Tables 1 to 7, this indicates that the value is both the nominal value and the smallest actual value permitted.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Symbols 4.1 General 4.2 Bearing units with highly centered plummer block housings and bearing units with narrow plummer block housings 4.3 Bearing units with adjustable oval housinga, bearing unita with light oval housings 4.4 Bearing units with suspended housings 4.5 Bearing units with overhung housings 4.6 Bearings with flanged square housing 5 Code 6 Designation example 7 Structural type and boundary dimension 7.1 General 7.2 Type 7.3 Boundary dimension Annex A (Informative) Correspondence between bearing unit and bearing and bearing housing A.1 Appropriate codes for various structural types of bearing units A.2 Correspondence between insert bearing unit and bearing and bearing housing Bibliography Figure 1 Bearing unit with highly centered plummer block housing and set screw (UCPH) Figure 2 Bearing unit with highly centered plummer block housing and adapter sleeve (UKP+H) Figure 3 Bearing unit with plummer block housing and eccentric locking collar (UELPH) Figure 4 Bearing unit with plummer block housing and set screw (UCPA) Figure 5 Bearing unit with narrow plummer block housing and adapter sleeve (UKPA+H) Figure 6 Bearings unit with plummer block housing and eccentric locking collar (UELPA) Figure 7 Bearing unit with adjustable oval housing and set screw (UCFA) Figure 8 Bearing unit with adjustable oval housing and adapter sleeve (UKFA+H) Figure 9 Bearing unit with adjustable oval housing and eccentric locking collar (UELFLU) Figure 10 Bearing unit with suspended housing and set screw (UCFB) Figure 11 Bearing unit with suspended housing and adapter sleeve (UKFB+H) Figure 12 Bearing unit with suspended housing and eccentric locking collar (UELFB) Figure 13 Bearing unit with overhung housing and set screw (UCHA) Figure 14 Bearing unit with overhung housing and adapter sleeve (UKHA+H) Figure 15 Bearing unit with overhung housing and eccentric locking collar (UELHA) Figure 16 Bearing unit with flanged housing and set screw (UCFS) Figure 17 Bearing unit with flanged housing and adapter sleeve (UKFS+H) Figure 18 Bearing unit with flanged housing and eccentric locking collar (UELFS) Figure 19 Bearing unit with light oval housing and set screw (UBFD) Figure 20 Bearing unit with light oval housing and eccentric locking collar (UEFD) Table 1 Bearing units with highly centered plummer block housing —Series Table 2 Bearing units with narrow plummer block housings —Series Table 3 Bearing units with the adjustable oval housings — Series Table 4 Bearing units with suspended housings — Series Table 5 Bearing units with overhung housings — Series Table 6 Bearing units with flanged square housings — Series Table 7 Bearing units with light oval housings — Series Table A.1 Appropriate codes for various structural types of bearing units Table A.2 Correspondence between bearing unit with highly centered plummer block housing and bearing and bearing housing Table A.3 Correspondence between bearing units with flanged square housings and bearing and bearing housings Table A.4 Correspondence between bearing with light oval housings and bearing and bearing housings is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces JB/T 5303-2002 Insert bearing units—Supplementary structure—Boundary dimensions and the following main technical changes have been made with respect to JB/T 5303-2002:
——The standard name is modified (see cover and front page hereof; cover and front page of Edition 2002);
——The font and part of definition of the symbol are modified (see Clause 4 hereof; Clause 3 of Edition 2002);
——The clauses “Terms and definitions” and “code”are added (see Clauses 3 and 5);
——The dimension range of bearing units with highly centered plummer block housing,bearing units with narrow plummer block housing, bearing units with adjustable oval housing and bearing units with suspended housing is expanded (see Tables 1 to 4 hereof, Tables 1 to 4 of Edition 2002);
-——The B3 dimension of H3 series tightening sleeve for bearing units with tapered bore housing is added (see Tables 1 to 5);
——201S to 203S bearing unit models and boundary dimensions are added (see Tables 1 to 5);
——Dimension J for some models of bearing units with adjustable oval housings (see Table 3 hereof; Table 3 in Edition 1995);
——The maximum limit boundary dimensions of bearing units units with highly centered plummer block housing,bearing units with narrow plummer block housings, bearing units with adjustable oval housing, bearing units with suspended housing and bearing units with overhung housing have are modified (see Tables 1 to 5 hereof; Tables 1 to 5 of Edition 2002);
——Symbols, structural types and boundary dimensions of bearing units with light oval housings are added (see 4.3, Figure 19, Figure 20 and Table 7);
——The clauses "Type" and “Boundary dimension" are merged into one clause, and "General" is added into this clause (see Clause 7 hereof; Clauses 3 and 5 of Edition 2002);
——"Correspondence between insert bearing unit with bearing and bearing housing” is added (see Annex A);
——"Bibliography" is added (see Bibliography).
This standard was proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation.
This standard is under jurisdication of the National Technical Committee on Rolling Bearing of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 98).
The previous editions of this standard are as follows:
——JB/T 5303-1991 and JB/T 5303-2002.
Rolling bearings—Supplementary structure of insert bearing units—Boundary dimensions
1 Scope
This standard specifies the structural type and boundary dimensions of insert bearing units (hereinafter referred to as “bearing units”) not specified in GB/T 7810-2017.
This standard is applicable to the design and model selection of Series 2 bearing units with highly centered plummer block housing, Series 2 bearing units with narrow plummer block housings, Series 2 bearing units with adjustable oval housing, Series 2 bearing units with suspended housing, Series 2 bearing units with overhung housing, Series 2 bearing unit with light oval housing and Series 3 bearing unit with flanged square housing.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3882-2017 Rolling bearings—Insert bearings and eccentric locking collars— Boundary dimensions
GB/T 6930-2002 Rolling bearings—Vocabulary
GB/T7811—2015 Rolling bearings—Symbols for physical quantities
GB/T 27554-2011 Rolling bearings—Insert bearing units—Identification code
JB/T 5302-2019 Rolling bearings—Supplementary structure of housings for insert bearings—Boundary dimensions
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 6930-2002 apply.
4 Symbols
4.1 General
For the purposes of this document, the symbols given in GB/T 7811-2015, Sub-clause 4.2 to 4.6 in this standard and the following apply.
The symbols (except those for tolerances) shown in Figures 1 to 20 and the values given in Tables 1 to 7 denote nominal dimensions unless specified otherwise.
Note: Figures 1 to 20 are drawn schematically and do not necessarily show all structural details. The grease nipple positions in Figures 1 to 20 are examples. Other positions are at the discretion of the manufacturer.
B: Width of inner ring of bearing units
B1: Overall width of inner ring of bearing units including eccentric locking collar
B3: Width of adapter sleeve
d: Bore diameter of bearing units and of eccentric locking collar
d0: Bore diameter of adapter sleeve
S: distance from centre of raceway to face of inner ring on side opposite locking device.
4.2 Bearing units with highly centered plummer block housings and bearing units with narrow plummer block housings
A: (pverall) width of base
H: distance from the mounting base to the center of the spherical diameter;
H0: height(total height);
J: center distance between bolt holes
L: (overall) length of base
4.3 Bearing units with adjustable oval housinga, bearing unita with light oval housings
A: (overall) height
A2: the distance from the mounting base to the center of the spherical diameter;
H: height of flange
J: center distance between bolt holes
L: (overall) width.
4.4 Bearing units with suspended housings
A: (overall) height
A2: distance from the mounting base to the center of the spherical diameter;
H0: height of flange
L: (overall) width.
4.5 Bearing units with overhung housings
C: horizontal distance from the center of the spherical diameter to the axis of the overhung screw hole;
H: distance from the center of the spherical diameter to the top of the suspension;
H0 (overall) height;
L: (overall) width.
4.6 Bearings with flanged square housing
A: (overall) height
A2: distance from the center of the spherical diameter to the mounting base;
D1: flanged diameter;
J: center distance between bolt holes
L: (overall) length.
5 Code
For the purpose of this document, the codes given in GB/T 27554-2011 and JB/T 5302-2019 apply.
6 Designation example
Insert bearing unit UCPH 205 GB/T 5303-2019
7 Structural type and boundary dimension
7.1 General
Where “max.” is shown in Tables 1 to 7, this indicates that the value is both the nominal value and the largest actual value permitted. Where “min.” is shown in Tables 1 to 7, this indicates that the value is both the nominal value and the smallest actual value permitted.
Contents of JB/T 5303-2019
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Symbols
4.1 General
4.2 Bearing units with highly centered plummer block housings and bearing units with narrow plummer block housings
4.3 Bearing units with adjustable oval housinga, bearing unita with light oval housings
4.4 Bearing units with suspended housings
4.5 Bearing units with overhung housings
4.6 Bearings with flanged square housing
5 Code
6 Designation example
7 Structural type and boundary dimension
7.1 General
7.2 Type
7.3 Boundary dimension
Annex A (Informative) Correspondence between bearing unit and bearing and bearing housing
A.1 Appropriate codes for various structural types of bearing units
A.2 Correspondence between insert bearing unit and bearing and bearing housing
Figure 1 Bearing unit with highly centered plummer block housing and set screw (UCPH)
Figure 2 Bearing unit with highly centered plummer block housing and adapter sleeve (UKP+H)
Figure 3 Bearing unit with plummer block housing and eccentric locking collar (UELPH)
Figure 4 Bearing unit with plummer block housing and set screw (UCPA)
Figure 5 Bearing unit with narrow plummer block housing and adapter sleeve (UKPA+H)
Figure 6 Bearings unit with plummer block housing and eccentric locking collar (UELPA)
Figure 7 Bearing unit with adjustable oval housing and set screw (UCFA)
Figure 8 Bearing unit with adjustable oval housing and adapter sleeve (UKFA+H)
Figure 9 Bearing unit with adjustable oval housing and eccentric locking collar (UELFLU)
Figure 10 Bearing unit with suspended housing and set screw (UCFB)
Figure 11 Bearing unit with suspended housing and adapter sleeve (UKFB+H)
Figure 12 Bearing unit with suspended housing and eccentric locking collar (UELFB)
Figure 13 Bearing unit with overhung housing and set screw (UCHA)
Figure 14 Bearing unit with overhung housing and adapter sleeve (UKHA+H)
Figure 15 Bearing unit with overhung housing and eccentric locking collar (UELHA)
Figure 16 Bearing unit with flanged housing and set screw (UCFS)
Figure 17 Bearing unit with flanged housing and adapter sleeve (UKFS+H)
Figure 18 Bearing unit with flanged housing and eccentric locking collar (UELFS)
Figure 19 Bearing unit with light oval housing and set screw (UBFD)
Figure 20 Bearing unit with light oval housing and eccentric locking collar (UEFD)
Table 1 Bearing units with highly centered plummer block housing —Series
Table 2 Bearing units with narrow plummer block housings —Series
Table 3 Bearing units with the adjustable oval housings — Series
Table 4 Bearing units with suspended housings — Series
Table 5 Bearing units with overhung housings — Series
Table 6 Bearing units with flanged square housings — Series
Table 7 Bearing units with light oval housings — Series
Table A.1 Appropriate codes for various structural types of bearing units
Table A.2 Correspondence between bearing unit with highly centered plummer block housing and bearing and bearing housing
Table A.3 Correspondence between bearing units with flanged square housings and bearing and bearing housings
Table A.4 Correspondence between bearing with light oval housings and bearing and bearing housings