This part of JR/T 0025 describes the debit/credit flow from the card angle, including the processing detail in the card, card data element and card supporting instruction set.
This part is applicable to the financial debit/credit integrated circuit card issued or accepted by the banks. Those using this part are mainly the relevant departments (units) for such card design, manufacture, management, issuance and acceptance and for the development, integration and maintenance of the application system.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB/T 2659 "Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries and Regions" (GB/T 2659-2000, IS0 3166-1: 1997, EQV)
GB/T 4880.1 "Codes for the Representation of Names of Language - Part 1: Alpha-2 code"(GB/T 4880.1-2005, IS0/IEC 639-1: 2002, MOD)
GB/T 12406 "Codes for the Representation of Currencies and Funds" (GB/T 12406-2008, IS0 4217: 2001, IDT)
GB/T 16649.4 "Identification Cards - Integrated Circuit Cards - Part 4: Organization, Security and Commands for Interchange" (GB/T 16649.4-2010, IS0/IEC 7816-4: 2005, IDT)
GB/T 16649.5 "Identification Cards - Integrated circuit(s) Cards with Contacts - Part 5: National Numbering System and Registration Procedure for Application Identifiers" (GB/T 16649.5-2002, ISO/IEC 7816-5: 1994, NEQ)
GB/T 16649.6 "Identification Cards - Integrated Circuit(s) Cards with Contacts - Part 6: Interindustry Data Elements (GB/T 16649.6-2001, IS0/IEC 7816-6: 1996, IDT)
IS0/IEC 8859 "(All the parts) Information Technology - 8-bit Single-byte Coded Graphic Character Sets"
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
The application protocol between card and terminal and the relevant data set.
A Message send to IC card by the terminal, which starts an operation or requests a response.
The encryption operation result.
Financial transaction
The information exchange, funds clearing and settlement behaviours among the card holder, card issuer, merchant and acquirer due to the commodity or service exchanges between the card holder and the merchant.
Integrated circuit (IC)
Electronic device equipped with processing and/or memory functions.
Integrated circuit (s) card (ICC)
The card, internally enclosed with one or more integrated circuit, is used to perform the processing and memory functions.
Interface device
The part on the terminal, into which the IC card is inserted, including the mechanical and electrical parts.
Issuer action code
The action selected by the issuer according to the TVR.
Magnetic coded message equipped strips
Forword V Introduction VII 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Symbols and Abbreviations 5 Overview 5.1 Function Overview 5.2 Mandatory and Optional Functions 6 Application Selection 6.1 Card Data 6.2 Terminal Data 6.3 Command 6.4 Establish Candidate Application List 6.5 Determination and Selection Application 6.6 Flow Diagram 6.7 Subsequent Processing 7 Application Initializtion 7.1 Card Data 7.2 Terminal Data 7.3 Command 7.4 Processing Flow 7.5 preliminary Processing 7.6 Subsequent Processing 8 Read the Application Data 8.1 Card Data 8.2 Terminal Data 8.3 Command 8.4 Processing Flow 8.5 Preliminary Processing 8.6 Subsequent Processing 9 Offline Data Authentication 9.1 Key and Certificate 9.2 Method to Determine Offline Data Authentication 9.3 Static Data Authentication 9.4 Static Data Authentication 9.5 Preliminary Processing 9.6 Subsequent Processing 10 Processing Limit 10.1 Card Data 10.2 Terminal Data 10.3 Processing Flow 10.4 Preliminary Processing 10.5 Subsequent Processing 11 Cardholder Verification 11.1 Card Data 11.2 Terminal Data 11.3 Command 11.4 Processing Flow 12 Terminal Risk Management 12.1 Card Data 12.2 Terminal Data 12.3 Command 12.4 Processing Flow 12.5 Preliminary Processing 12.6 Subsequent Processing 13 Terminal Action Analysis 13.1 Card Data 13.2 Terminal Data 13.3 Command 13.4 Processing Flow 13.5 Preliminary Processing 13.6 Subsequent Processing 14 Card Action Analysis 14.1 Card Data 14.2 Terminal Data 14.3 Command 14.4 Processing Flow 14.5 Response Cryptogram Provided by the Card 14.6 Flow Diagrams 14.7 Preliminary Processing 14.8 Subsequent Processing 15 Online Processing 15.1 Card Data 15.2 Online Response Data 15.3 Command 15.4 Processing Flow 15.5 Flow Diagram 15.6 Preliminary Processing 15.7 Subsequent Processing 16 Transaction Termination 16.1 Card Data 16.2 Terminal Data 16.3 Command 16.4 Processing Flow 16.5 GENERATE AC Command Receiving 16.6 Online Authorization Transaction 16.7 Requesting for Online Operation, but Online Authorization not Completed 16.8 Combined DDA/GENERATE AC Response 16.9 Flow Diagrams 16.10 Preliminary Processing 16.11 Subsequent Processing 17 Issuer Script Processing 17.1 Card Data 17.2 Terminal Data 17.3 Key Management in the Issuer Script Operations 17.4 Authentication Response Data 17.5 Commands 17.6 Processing Flow 17.7 Previous Processing 17.8 Subsequent Processing 18 Transaction Log Recorded by the Card 18.1 Record File for the Rtransaction Log 18.2 Recommendations of JR/T 0025 Appendix A (Normative) Data Element Lists of the Card and the Issuer Appendix B (Normative) Command Specifications - Descriptions of Commands Supported by the Card Appendix C (Normative) Security Message Appendix E (Nnormative) Supported Cryptogram Version Appendix F (Normative) Algorithm Identifiers Bibliography
JR/T 0025.5-2013, JR 0025.5-2013, JRT 0025.5-2013, JR/T0025.5-2013, JR/T 0025.5, JR/T0025.5, JR0025.5-2013, JR 0025.5, JR0025.5, JRT0025.5-2013, JRT 0025.5, JRT0025.5
Introduction of JR/T 0025.5-2013
1 Scope
This part of JR/T 0025 describes the debit/credit flow from the card angle, including the processing detail in the card, card data element and card supporting instruction set.
This part is applicable to the financial debit/credit integrated circuit card issued or accepted by the banks. Those using this part are mainly the relevant departments (units) for such card design, manufacture, management, issuance and acceptance and for the development, integration and maintenance of the application system.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest editions of the normative documents (including all the amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB/T 2659 "Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries and Regions" (GB/T 2659-2000, IS0 3166-1: 1997, EQV)
GB/T 4880.1 "Codes for the Representation of Names of Language - Part 1: Alpha-2 code"(GB/T 4880.1-2005, IS0/IEC 639-1: 2002, MOD)
GB/T 12406 "Codes for the Representation of Currencies and Funds" (GB/T 12406-2008, IS0 4217: 2001, IDT)
GB/T 15150 "Bank Card Originated Messages - Interchange Message Specifications - Content for Financial Transactions" (GB/T 15150-1994, ISO 8583: 1987, IDT)
GB/T 16649.4 "Identification Cards - Integrated Circuit Cards - Part 4: Organization, Security and Commands for Interchange" (GB/T 16649.4-2010, IS0/IEC 7816-4: 2005, IDT)
GB/T 16649.5 "Identification Cards - Integrated circuit(s) Cards with Contacts - Part 5: National Numbering System and Registration Procedure for Application Identifiers" (GB/T 16649.5-2002, ISO/IEC 7816-5: 1994, NEQ)
GB/T 16649.6 "Identification Cards - Integrated Circuit(s) Cards with Contacts - Part 6: Interindustry Data Elements (GB/T 16649.6-2001, IS0/IEC 7816-6: 1996, IDT)
GB/T 17552 "Identification Cards - Financial Transaction Cards" (GB/T 17552-1998, IS0/IEC 7813: 1995, IDT)
JR/T 0025. 3 "China Financial Integrated Circuit Card Specifications - Part 3: Application Independent ICC to Terminal Interface Requirements"
JR/T 0025. 6 "China Financial Integrated Circuit Card Specifications - Part 6: Debit/Credit Application Terminal Specifications"
JR/T 0025.7 "China Financial Integrated Circuit Card Specifications - Part 7: Debit/Credit Application Card Security Specifications"
JR/T 0025.17 "China Financial Integrated Circuit Card Specifications - Part 17: Enhanced Debit/Credit Application Security Specifications"
IS0/IEC 8859 "(All the parts) Information Technology - 8-bit Single-byte Coded Graphic Character Sets"
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
The application protocol between card and terminal and the relevant data set.
A Message send to IC card by the terminal, which starts an operation or requests a response.
The encryption operation result.
Financial transaction
The information exchange, funds clearing and settlement behaviours among the card holder, card issuer, merchant and acquirer due to the commodity or service exchanges between the card holder and the merchant.
Integrated circuit (IC)
Electronic device equipped with processing and/or memory functions.
Integrated circuit (s) card (ICC)
The card, internally enclosed with one or more integrated circuit, is used to perform the processing and memory functions.
Interface device
The part on the terminal, into which the IC card is inserted, including the mechanical and electrical parts.
Issuer action code
The action selected by the issuer according to the TVR.
Magnetic coded message equipped strips
Contents of JR/T 0025.5-2013
Forword V
Introduction VII
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Symbols and Abbreviations
5 Overview
5.1 Function Overview
5.2 Mandatory and Optional Functions
6 Application Selection
6.1 Card Data
6.2 Terminal Data
6.3 Command
6.4 Establish Candidate Application List
6.5 Determination and Selection Application
6.6 Flow Diagram
6.7 Subsequent Processing
7 Application Initializtion
7.1 Card Data
7.2 Terminal Data
7.3 Command
7.4 Processing Flow
7.5 preliminary Processing
7.6 Subsequent Processing
8 Read the Application Data
8.1 Card Data
8.2 Terminal Data
8.3 Command
8.4 Processing Flow
8.5 Preliminary Processing
8.6 Subsequent Processing
9 Offline Data Authentication
9.1 Key and Certificate
9.2 Method to Determine Offline Data Authentication
9.3 Static Data Authentication
9.4 Static Data Authentication
9.5 Preliminary Processing
9.6 Subsequent Processing
10 Processing Limit
10.1 Card Data
10.2 Terminal Data
10.3 Processing Flow
10.4 Preliminary Processing
10.5 Subsequent Processing
11 Cardholder Verification
11.1 Card Data
11.2 Terminal Data
11.3 Command
11.4 Processing Flow
12 Terminal Risk Management
12.1 Card Data
12.2 Terminal Data
12.3 Command
12.4 Processing Flow
12.5 Preliminary Processing
12.6 Subsequent Processing
13 Terminal Action Analysis
13.1 Card Data
13.2 Terminal Data
13.3 Command
13.4 Processing Flow
13.5 Preliminary Processing
13.6 Subsequent Processing
14 Card Action Analysis
14.1 Card Data
14.2 Terminal Data
14.3 Command
14.4 Processing Flow
14.5 Response Cryptogram Provided by the Card
14.6 Flow Diagrams
14.7 Preliminary Processing
14.8 Subsequent Processing
15 Online Processing
15.1 Card Data
15.2 Online Response Data
15.3 Command
15.4 Processing Flow
15.5 Flow Diagram
15.6 Preliminary Processing
15.7 Subsequent Processing
16 Transaction Termination
16.1 Card Data
16.2 Terminal Data
16.3 Command
16.4 Processing Flow
16.5 GENERATE AC Command Receiving
16.6 Online Authorization Transaction
16.7 Requesting for Online Operation, but Online Authorization not Completed
16.8 Combined DDA/GENERATE AC Response
16.9 Flow Diagrams
16.10 Preliminary Processing
16.11 Subsequent Processing
17 Issuer Script Processing
17.1 Card Data
17.2 Terminal Data
17.3 Key Management in the Issuer Script Operations
17.4 Authentication Response Data
17.5 Commands
17.6 Processing Flow
17.7 Previous Processing
17.8 Subsequent Processing
18 Transaction Log Recorded by the Card
18.1 Record File for the Rtransaction Log
18.2 Recommendations of JR/T 0025
Appendix A (Normative) Data Element Lists of the Card and the Issuer
Appendix B (Normative) Command Specifications - Descriptions of Commands Supported by the Card
Appendix C (Normative) Security Message
Appendix E (Nnormative) Supported Cryptogram Version
Appendix F (Normative) Algorithm Identifiers