This standard specifies safe using specifications and recommended application scope of the coolant fuild for the automobile engine cooling system.
This standard is applicable to service test, social sampling inspection and professional unified inspection of the coolant fluid for the automobile engine cooling system.
2 Normative References
The provisions which are contained in the following standards, through reference in this standard, become provisions of this standard. In the publication of this standard, all the editions are effective. All the standards will be revised and the parties applying this standard shall investigate the possibility of applying the latest edition of the following standards.
GB 10111-88 "Methods for Andom Sampling by Utilizing Dices of Random Number"
SH/T 0065-91 "Sampling for Test Samples of Engine Coolants or Antirust and Preparation for Their Aqueous Solution"
SH/T 0066-91 "Standard Test Method for Foaming Tendencies of Engine Coolants in Glassware"
SH/T 0069-91 "Determination Method for the PH value of Engine Antifreeze, Antirust and Coolant Fuild"
SH/T 0084-91 "Standard Test Method for Effect of Cooling System Chemical Solutions on Organic Finishes for Automotive Vehicles"
SH/T 0085-91 "Standard Test Method for Corrosion Measurement of Engine Coolants in Glassware"
SH/T 0089-91 "Standard Test Method for Boiling Point of Engine Coolants"
SH/T 0090-91 "Determination Method for Freezing Point for Engine Coolants"
SH 0164-92 "Rules for Packaging, Storage, Transportation and Inspection upon Delivery of Petroleum Products"
SH 0521-92 "Ethylene Glycol Base Engine Coolant and its Concentrated Solution"
JT 225-1996, JT/T 225-1996, JTT 225-1996, JT225-1996, JT 225, JT225, JT/T225-1996, JT/T 225, JT/T225, JTT225-1996, JTT 225, JTT225
Introduction of JT 225-1996
1 Scope
This standard specifies safe using specifications and recommended application scope of the coolant fuild for the automobile engine cooling system.
This standard is applicable to service test, social sampling inspection and professional unified inspection of the coolant fluid for the automobile engine cooling system.
2 Normative References
The provisions which are contained in the following standards, through reference in this standard, become provisions of this standard. In the publication of this standard, all the editions are effective. All the standards will be revised and the parties applying this standard shall investigate the possibility of applying the latest edition of the following standards.
GB 10111-88 "Methods for Andom Sampling by Utilizing Dices of Random Number"
SH/T 0065-91 "Sampling for Test Samples of Engine Coolants or Antirust and Preparation for Their Aqueous Solution"
SH/T 0066-91 "Standard Test Method for Foaming Tendencies of Engine Coolants in Glassware"
SH/T 0069-91 "Determination Method for the PH value of Engine Antifreeze, Antirust and Coolant Fuild"
SH/T 0084-91 "Standard Test Method for Effect of Cooling System Chemical Solutions on Organic Finishes for Automotive Vehicles"
SH/T 0085-91 "Standard Test Method for Corrosion Measurement of Engine Coolants in Glassware"
SH/T 0089-91 "Standard Test Method for Boiling Point of Engine Coolants"
SH/T 0090-91 "Determination Method for Freezing Point for Engine Coolants"
SH 0164-92 "Rules for Packaging, Storage, Transportation and Inspection upon Delivery of Petroleum Products"
SH 0521-92 "Ethylene Glycol Base Engine Coolant and its Concentrated Solution"
3 Specifications