Specifications for engineering geological investigation of wind power projects
1 General provisions
1.0.1 This standard is hereby formulated with a view to adapting to the rapid development of wind power engineering, standardizing the procedure and depth of engineering geological investigation of wind power plants, clarifying the investigation contents and technical requirements for each stage of wind power plant engineering investigation and improving the engineering geological investigation level of wind power plants.
1.0.2 This standard specifies the procedures and working depth for engineering geological investigation of wind power plants, and clarifies the tasks, contents and technical requirements of investigation in each design stage.
1.0.3 This standard is applicable to the engineering geological investigation of grid-connected wind power plants.
1.0.4 In addition to this standard, the engineering geological investigation of wind power plants shall also comply with those specified in the current relevant standards of the state.
2 Terms and symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 engineering geological investigation
activity of identifying, analyzing and evaluating the geological environment, engineering geological conditions, hydrogeological conditions and geotechnical mechanical characteristics of the construction site by virtue of the theories and methods of engineering geology and rock-soil engineering and compiling engineering investigation documents according to the requirements of construction projects
2.1.2 subgrade; foundation soils
rock-soil mass supporting the foundation
2.1.3 foundation
structure component transmitting various actions borne by the structure to the subgrade
2.1.4 exploratory hole
exploratory hole which is arranged to identify the property of main stress layer of the subgrade and meets the requirements of general routine problems such as the bearing pressure evaluation of subgrade (including pile foundation)
2.1.5 control exploratory hole
exploratory hole which is arranged to control the stratum structure and meets the stability and deformation evaluation requirements for site, foundation and foundation pit engineering
2.1.6 bearing pressure of subgrade
maximum load borne by the subgrade per unit area under the condition of meeting both strength and deformation requirements
2.1.7 characteristic value of bearing pressure of subgrade (fak)
pressure value corresponding to the specified deformation in the linear deformation section of the subsoil pressure deformation curve measured by load test, of which the maximum value is the proportional threshold value or proportional limit value
2.1.8 standard value of a geotechnical parameter
basic representative value of a geotechnical parameter, which is generally taken as 0.05 fractile of probability distribution
2.2 Symbols
2.2.1 Geotechnical physical properties and particle composition
p0——proportional threshold pressure for load test and initial pressure for lateral pressure test;
pf——critical edge pressure for lateral pressure test;
pL——ultimate pressure for lateral pressure test;
pu——ultimate pressure for load test;
qu——unconfined compressive strength;
τ——shear strength;
Φ——internal friction angle.
2.2.3 Cone penetration test and standard penetration test indexes
Rf——friction-resistance ratio of static cone penetration;
fs——side resistance of static cone penetration;
Foreword i 1 General provisions 2 Terms and symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 Basic requirements 4 Grading and classification of engineering geological investigation of wind power plants 4.1 Grading of engineering geological investigation 4.2 Classification of topography, landform and rock-soil of wind power plants 5 Engineering geological investigation in planning stage 5.1 General requirements 5.2 Investigation contents and requirements 6 Engineering geological investigation in prefeasibility study stage 6.1 General requirements 6.2 Investigation contents and requirements 7 Engineering geological investigation in feasibility study stage 7.1 General requirements 7.2 Investigation contents and requirements 8 Engineering geological investigation in bidding design stage 8.1 General requirements 8.2 Investigation and requirements of wind turbine generator position 8.3 Investigation and requirements of booster stations (substations) 8.4 Other engineering investigations and requirements 8.5 Investigation report 9 Engineering geological investigation in construction stage 9.1 General requirements 9.2 Review of engineering geology 9.3 Construction geology 10 Rock-soil tests 10.1 Laboratory tests 10.2 In-situ tests Annex A Classification and identification of rocks Annex B Classification and identification of soil Explanation of wording in this standard List of quoted standards
NB/T 31030-2012, NB 31030-2012, NBT 31030-2012, NB/T31030-2012, NB/T 31030, NB/T31030, NB31030-2012, NB 31030, NB31030, NBT31030-2012, NBT 31030, NBT31030
Introduction of NB/T 31030-2012
Specifications for engineering geological investigation of wind power projects
1 General provisions
1.0.1 This standard is hereby formulated with a view to adapting to the rapid development of wind power engineering, standardizing the procedure and depth of engineering geological investigation of wind power plants, clarifying the investigation contents and technical requirements for each stage of wind power plant engineering investigation and improving the engineering geological investigation level of wind power plants.
1.0.2 This standard specifies the procedures and working depth for engineering geological investigation of wind power plants, and clarifies the tasks, contents and technical requirements of investigation in each design stage.
1.0.3 This standard is applicable to the engineering geological investigation of grid-connected wind power plants.
1.0.4 In addition to this standard, the engineering geological investigation of wind power plants shall also comply with those specified in the current relevant standards of the state.
2 Terms and symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 engineering geological investigation
activity of identifying, analyzing and evaluating the geological environment, engineering geological conditions, hydrogeological conditions and geotechnical mechanical characteristics of the construction site by virtue of the theories and methods of engineering geology and rock-soil engineering and compiling engineering investigation documents according to the requirements of construction projects
2.1.2 subgrade; foundation soils
rock-soil mass supporting the foundation
2.1.3 foundation
structure component transmitting various actions borne by the structure to the subgrade
2.1.4 exploratory hole
exploratory hole which is arranged to identify the property of main stress layer of the subgrade and meets the requirements of general routine problems such as the bearing pressure evaluation of subgrade (including pile foundation)
2.1.5 control exploratory hole
exploratory hole which is arranged to control the stratum structure and meets the stability and deformation evaluation requirements for site, foundation and foundation pit engineering
2.1.6 bearing pressure of subgrade
maximum load borne by the subgrade per unit area under the condition of meeting both strength and deformation requirements
2.1.7 characteristic value of bearing pressure of subgrade (fak)
pressure value corresponding to the specified deformation in the linear deformation section of the subsoil pressure deformation curve measured by load test, of which the maximum value is the proportional threshold value or proportional limit value
2.1.8 standard value of a geotechnical parameter
basic representative value of a geotechnical parameter, which is generally taken as 0.05 fractile of probability distribution
2.2 Symbols
2.2.1 Geotechnical physical properties and particle composition
e——void ratio;
n——void ratio or porosity;
IL——liquidity index;
IP——plasticity index;
w——water content or moisture content;
wL——liquid limit;
wp——plastic limit;
γ——gravity density (unit weight);
ρ——mass density (density);
ρd——dry density.
2.2.2 Geotechnical strength deformation parameters
α——compression coefficient;
Cc——compression index;
Ce——recompression index;
Cs——swelling index;
E0——deformation modulus;
ED——side expansion modulus;
Em——lateral pressure modulus;
Es——compression modulus;
pc——preconsolidation pressure;
p0——proportional threshold pressure for load test and initial pressure for lateral pressure test;
pf——critical edge pressure for lateral pressure test;
pL——ultimate pressure for lateral pressure test;
pu——ultimate pressure for load test;
qu——unconfined compressive strength;
τ——shear strength;
Φ——internal friction angle.
2.2.3 Cone penetration test and standard penetration test indexes
Rf——friction-resistance ratio of static cone penetration;
fs——side resistance of static cone penetration;
Contents of NB/T 31030-2012
Foreword i
1 General provisions
2 Terms and symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols
3 Basic requirements
4 Grading and classification of engineering geological investigation of wind power plants
4.1 Grading of engineering geological investigation
4.2 Classification of topography, landform and rock-soil of wind power plants
5 Engineering geological investigation in planning stage
5.1 General requirements
5.2 Investigation contents and requirements
6 Engineering geological investigation in prefeasibility study stage
6.1 General requirements
6.2 Investigation contents and requirements
7 Engineering geological investigation in feasibility study stage
7.1 General requirements
7.2 Investigation contents and requirements
8 Engineering geological investigation in bidding design stage
8.1 General requirements
8.2 Investigation and requirements of wind turbine generator position
8.3 Investigation and requirements of booster stations (substations)
8.4 Other engineering investigations and requirements
8.5 Investigation report
9 Engineering geological investigation in construction stage
9.1 General requirements
9.2 Review of engineering geology
9.3 Construction geology
10 Rock-soil tests
10.1 Laboratory tests
10.2 In-situ tests
Annex A Classification and identification of rocks
Annex B Classification and identification of soil
Explanation of wording in this standard
List of quoted standards