This document specifies the requirements, judgment rules, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of children' s leather sandals, and it also describes the corresponding test methods, defines the relevant terms and definitions, and lists the product classification.
This document is applicable to the production, inspection and sale of infants' leather sandals and children's leather sandals for general use, and these leather sandal straps (upper) are mainly made of genuine leather, imitation leather and textiles, and made through various processes.
This document is not applicable to the infants' sandals and children's sandals with special functions.
The infants' sandals and children’s sandals with the upper strap (upper) made of other materials can refer to this document.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indisperisable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2703 Footwear-Vocabulary
GB/T 3903.1 Footwear- Test methods for whole shoe-Flexing resistance
GB/T 3903.2-2017 Footwear- Test methods. for whole shoe-Abrasion resistance
GB/T 3903.3-2011 Footwear-General test methods-Peeling strength GB/T 3903.4--:-201'7 Footwear- Test methods for whole shoe-Hardness GB/T 3903.5 Footwear-General test methods-Appearance quality
GB/T 4841.3 Colour cards of standard depths for dyeing with dyestu仔s 2/1 、1/3、1/6、1/12、1/25
GB/T 20991-2007 Personal protective equipment-Test methods for footwear
GB/T 21396-2008 Footwear- Test methods for whole shoe-Upper sole adhesion
GB/T 28011 Shanks for footwear
GB/T 38011 Footwear - Test methods for whole shoe !...._ Pull-out force of upper bands
HG/T 3689-2014 Test method of discoloration for footwear
QB/T 1187 Footwear-Principle of inspection and mark的g, package, transportation, storage
QB/T 1472 Flex的g index of fiberous board for footwear
QB/T 2673 Footwear- Specification of marking
QB/T 2882-2007 Footwear- Test methods for uppers, linings and insocks-Colour 臼stness to rubbing
QB/T 4862 Midsoles for footwear
3 Terms and def i n it ions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 2703 and the following apply .
3. 1
infants’ leather sandals
the leather sandals used for infants (3 years old and below) with the shoe sizes not greater than 170
3. 2
children's leather sandals
the leather sandals used for children (above 3 years old•to 14 years) with the shoe sizes greater than 170 3. 3
c losed sanda l s
the upper basically"completed, without large area of hollowed out,叫ainly composed of hollowed out and narrow leather strap knitted materials, which can meet the requlr.ements for coolness and breathability
3. 4
open sanda l s
one or two pa叫s open in the toe part, inner/outer waist part, and back pa叫,making the upper a large opening
Note : Ther e ar e many open sty l es , such as open toe sty le, open back sty le, open m idd l e sty l e,
close toe and open back sty le, c l ose toe and c l ose back and open m idd l e sty le, and so on.
3. 5
stripe sandals
the upper composed of various width strips through machine sewing or knitting
Note : Compar ed with the open styles, the stripe sandals are mor e open, and accounting....
4 Product classifications
4.1 According to the upper materials, the infants' and chi!dren1s leather sandals can be classified into genuine leather (grain leather, split leather), im削1 n leat§!r, texti
4.2 According to the uppe「 structure, the infants' iand children’s leather sandals can be classified into
closed sandals, open sandals, stripe 气andals『
4.3 3 According to the end use s, the product can be classified into infants' leather san_dals and children’s leather sandals.
QB/T 4546-2021 Children's leather sandals English
1 Scope
This document specifies the requirements, judgment rules, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of children' s leather sandals, and it also describes the corresponding test methods, defines the relevant terms and definitions, and lists the product classification.
This document is applicable to the production, inspection and sale of infants' leather sandals and children's leather sandals for general use, and these leather sandal straps (upper) are mainly made of genuine leather, imitation leather and textiles, and made through various processes.
This document is not applicable to the infants' sandals and children's sandals with special functions.
The infants' sandals and children’s sandals with the upper strap (upper) made of other materials can refer to this document.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indisperisable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2703 Footwear-Vocabulary
GB/T 3903.1 Footwear- Test methods for whole shoe-Flexing resistance
GB/T 3903.2-2017 Footwear- Test methods. for whole shoe-Abrasion resistance
GB/T 3903.3-2011 Footwear-General test methods-Peeling strength GB/T 3903.4--:-201'7 Footwear- Test methods for whole shoe-Hardness GB/T 3903.5 Footwear-General test methods-Appearance quality
GB/T 4841.3 Colour cards of standard depths for dyeing with dyestu仔s 2/1 、1/3、1/6、1/12、1/25
GB/T 20991-2007 Personal protective equipment-Test methods for footwear
GB/T 21396-2008 Footwear- Test methods for whole shoe-Upper sole adhesion
GB/T 28011 Shanks for footwear
GB/T 38011 Footwear - Test methods for whole shoe !...._ Pull-out force of upper bands
HG/T 3689-2014 Test method of discoloration for footwear
QB/T 1187 Footwear-Principle of inspection and mark的g, package, transportation, storage
QB/T 1472 Flex的g index of fiberous board for footwear
QB/T 2673 Footwear- Specification of marking
QB/T 2882-2007 Footwear- Test methods for uppers, linings and insocks-Colour 臼stness to rubbing
QB/T 4862 Midsoles for footwear
3 Terms and def i n it ions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 2703 and the following apply .
3. 1
infants’ leather sandals
the leather sandals used for infants (3 years old and below) with the shoe sizes not greater than 170
3. 2
children's leather sandals
the leather sandals used for children (above 3 years old•to 14 years) with the shoe sizes greater than 170 3. 3
c losed sanda l s
the upper basically"completed, without large area of hollowed out,叫ainly composed of hollowed out and narrow leather strap knitted materials, which can meet the requlr.ements for coolness and breathability
3. 4
open sanda l s
one or two pa叫s open in the toe part, inner/outer waist part, and back pa叫,making the upper a large opening
Note : Ther e ar e many open sty l es , such as open toe sty le, open back sty le, open m idd l e sty l e,
close toe and open back sty le, c l ose toe and c l ose back and open m idd l e sty le, and so on.
3. 5
stripe sandals
the upper composed of various width strips through machine sewing or knitting
Note : Compar ed with the open styles, the stripe sandals are mor e open, and accounting....
4 Product classifications
4.1 According to the upper materials, the infants' and chi!dren1s leather sandals can be classified into genuine leather (grain leather, split leather), im削1 n leat§!r, texti
4.2 According to the uppe「 structure, the infants' iand children’s leather sandals can be classified into
closed sandals, open sandals, stripe 气andals『
4.3 3 According to the end use s, the product can be classified into infants' leather san_dals and children’s leather sandals.