This Part specifies the general requirements of surface meteorological observation, and the technical requirements of surface meteorological observation field and the surface meteorological observation instruments.
This Part is applicable to the meteorological element observation in the surface meteorological observation and other meteorological observation.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. For the purpose of this Part, the other Parts of this standard apply.
GB/T 1.1-2000 Directives for standardization-Part 1: Structure and drafting of standards
QX 30-2004 Technical specifications for lightning protection at the automatic weather stations
QX/T 8-2002 Terminology of meteorological instrument
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this Part, the following terms and definitions apply.
Meteorological element
The fundamental physical quantity and fundamental weather phenomenon reflecting the atmospheric conditions
Surface meteorological observation
Systematic and continuous observation and determination for the meteorological conditions and changing processes on the earth surface within a certain range in virtue of instruments and eyesight
Meteorological observing station
Observing organization or site established for the meteorological observation
The observation records shall not only reflect the meteorological conditions at the measuring point but also represent the average meteorological conditions within a certain range nearby the measuring point.
The observation records truthfully reflect the actual meteorological conditions.
Comparison for the same meteorological element value observed in the same time at the surface meteorological observing stations in different places or for the same meteorological element value observed in different time at the same meteorological observing station, to respectively express the local distribution characteristics and variation with time of meteorological elements.
Station index number
Number determined for each meteorological observing station in accordance with the requirements of the World Meteorological Organization and the competent meteorological department under the State Council, consisting of five figures or letters, with the first two as the index number and the last three as the station number.
Time system
The system using certain time interval as the time unit and instantaneously metering time at certain start
Day boundary
The time boundary line, specified artificially, dividing the start and end of a day in the surface meteorological observation.
Fixed time observation
The meteorological element observation carried out at the time specified uniformly according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
All operation for the purpose of determining the quantity values of the measured objects.
Accuracy of measurement
Representing the degree of uniformity between the measuring results and the true values of the measured quantity
A kind of variable related to the measuring result, characterized in the dispersion of measured values that may be reasonably attributed to the measured quantity, and an evaluation for the true value of measured quantity within the range of a certain quantity value.
Error of measurement
The result of the measured value minus the true value of the measured quantity
Random error
Under the repeatability conditions, the difference between the measuring result and the mean of the unlimited measuring results of the same measured quantity.
Systematic error
Under the repeatability conditions, the difference between the mean of the unlimited measuring results and the true value of the same measured quantity.
Range of measurement
A group of measured quantity values with the error of measuring instrument within the specified limits.
Foreword i Introduction ii 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Overall Requirements of Surface Meteorological Observation 4.1 Observation Records 4.2 Determination of Station Index Number 4.3 Meteorological Observation Metadata 4.4 Observation Item 4.5 Unit and Constant 4.6 Observation Mode 4.7 Fixed Time Observation Contents 4.8 Observation Procedures 4.9 Time System 4.10 Day Boundary and Hour Boundary 4.11 Time Synchronization 4.12 Surface Meteorological Observer 5 Surface Meteorological Observation Field 5.1 Environment Conditions Requirements 5.2 Observation Field Coordinates 5.3 Basic Requirements of Observation Field 5.4 Automatic Climatological Station Observation Field 5.5 Layout of Instrument Facilities in the Observation Field 5.6 Station Site Migration and Its Comparison Observation Requirements 5.7 Observation Duty Room 6 Surface Meteorological Observation Instruments 6.1 General Requirements 6.2 Basic Technical Performance 6.3 Maintenance and Calibration 6.4 Requirements for Replacing the Instruments of Different Technical Characteristics and Parallel Observation Appendix A (Informative) Classification of Meteorological Observing Stations A.1 General Rules A.2 National Climate Observatory A.3 National Meteorological Observing Station A.4 Regional Meteorological Observing Station A.5 Layout Principles Appendix B (Informative) Reference Diagram of Instruments Layout at the Observation Field References
1 Scope
This Part specifies the general requirements of surface meteorological observation, and the technical requirements of surface meteorological observation field and the surface meteorological observation instruments.
This Part is applicable to the meteorological element observation in the surface meteorological observation and other meteorological observation.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. For the purpose of this Part, the other Parts of this standard apply.
GB/T 1.1-2000 Directives for standardization-Part 1: Structure and drafting of standards
QX 30-2004 Technical specifications for lightning protection at the automatic weather stations
QX/T 8-2002 Terminology of meteorological instrument
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this Part, the following terms and definitions apply.
Meteorological element
The fundamental physical quantity and fundamental weather phenomenon reflecting the atmospheric conditions
Surface meteorological observation
Systematic and continuous observation and determination for the meteorological conditions and changing processes on the earth surface within a certain range in virtue of instruments and eyesight
Meteorological observing station
Observing organization or site established for the meteorological observation
The observation records shall not only reflect the meteorological conditions at the measuring point but also represent the average meteorological conditions within a certain range nearby the measuring point.
The observation records truthfully reflect the actual meteorological conditions.
Comparison for the same meteorological element value observed in the same time at the surface meteorological observing stations in different places or for the same meteorological element value observed in different time at the same meteorological observing station, to respectively express the local distribution characteristics and variation with time of meteorological elements.
Station index number
Number determined for each meteorological observing station in accordance with the requirements of the World Meteorological Organization and the competent meteorological department under the State Council, consisting of five figures or letters, with the first two as the index number and the last three as the station number.
Time system
The system using certain time interval as the time unit and instantaneously metering time at certain start
Day boundary
The time boundary line, specified artificially, dividing the start and end of a day in the surface meteorological observation.
Fixed time observation
The meteorological element observation carried out at the time specified uniformly according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
All operation for the purpose of determining the quantity values of the measured objects.
Accuracy of measurement
Representing the degree of uniformity between the measuring results and the true values of the measured quantity
A kind of variable related to the measuring result, characterized in the dispersion of measured values that may be reasonably attributed to the measured quantity, and an evaluation for the true value of measured quantity within the range of a certain quantity value.
Error of measurement
The result of the measured value minus the true value of the measured quantity
Random error
Under the repeatability conditions, the difference between the measuring result and the mean of the unlimited measuring results of the same measured quantity.
Systematic error
Under the repeatability conditions, the difference between the mean of the unlimited measuring results and the true value of the same measured quantity.
Range of measurement
A group of measured quantity values with the error of measuring instrument within the specified limits.
Contents of QX/T 45-2007
Foreword i
Introduction ii
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Overall Requirements of Surface Meteorological Observation
4.1 Observation Records
4.2 Determination of Station Index Number
4.3 Meteorological Observation Metadata
4.4 Observation Item
4.5 Unit and Constant
4.6 Observation Mode
4.7 Fixed Time Observation Contents
4.8 Observation Procedures
4.9 Time System
4.10 Day Boundary and Hour Boundary
4.11 Time Synchronization
4.12 Surface Meteorological Observer
5 Surface Meteorological Observation Field
5.1 Environment Conditions Requirements
5.2 Observation Field Coordinates
5.3 Basic Requirements of Observation Field
5.4 Automatic Climatological Station Observation Field
5.5 Layout of Instrument Facilities in the Observation Field
5.6 Station Site Migration and Its Comparison Observation Requirements
5.7 Observation Duty Room
6 Surface Meteorological Observation Instruments
6.1 General Requirements
6.2 Basic Technical Performance
6.3 Maintenance and Calibration
6.4 Requirements for Replacing the Instruments of Different Technical Characteristics and Parallel Observation
Appendix A (Informative) Classification of Meteorological Observing Stations
A.1 General Rules
A.2 National Climate Observatory
A.3 National Meteorological Observing Station
A.4 Regional Meteorological Observing Station
A.5 Layout Principles
Appendix B (Informative) Reference Diagram of Instruments Layout at the Observation Field