This Standard specifies technical specifications of computer-based interlocking, such as terms and definitions, general provisions, operating environment, interlocking functions, reliability and safety, structures of hardware and software, interface and channel, operation and representation, power supply equipment, electromagnetic compatibility and lightning protection, monitoring and alarming, and emergency panel etc.
This Standard is applicable to the research and design of station computer-based interlocking. Engineering, operation and maintenance departments may refer to it.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.
GB/T 3047.2-1992 Series of Basic Dimensions of Panels, Racks and Enclosure for Vertical Increment of 44.45mm
GB 10493-1989 Technical Specification for Crossing Signal Equipment within the Station
TB/T 2307-1992 Technical Specifications for Electrical Device Centralized Various Combination Circuit
TB/T 2496-2000 Technical Specifications for Signal Microcomputer Monitoring System
TB/T 2499-1994 Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) and Dispatch Monitoring Data Communication System Terminal Interface and Link Control Procedure
TB/T 2893-1998 Graphical symbols for Railway Signal on Color Screen
EN 50128 Railway Applications: Software for Railway Control and Protection Systems, February, 1994
EN 50129 Railway Applications: Safety Related Electronic
3 Definitions
For the purpose of this Standard, the following definitions apply.
Interlocking computer
The computer system that realizes interlocking function and safety input and output in the computer-based interlocking, including hardware, software and interface.
Safety integrity
The capability of ensuring the safety in the total system, whose quantitative indexes may be represented by the system probability of maintaining the safety function integrity at the given moment.
Software safety integrity level
A kind of quantitative index representing the safety integrity level required for the software and the level of safety integrity classified according to the failure probability of key function of the software and the severity of the danger generated.
Wrongside output
Output endangering traffic safety as generated by the interlocking computer.
Safety of interlocking computer
The capability of the interlocking computer that doesn't generate wrongside output.
Safety degree of interlocking computer
The probability of the interlocking computer that doesn't generate wrongside output.
Architecture of interlocking computer
The interrelationship between computers with different functions in the computer interlocking system.
Communication front-end processor
The processor with such functions as communication line polling, network contention and message buffer, queuing and forwarding in computer communication.
Data dictionary
The set of names of all the data items in the software complete with relevant characteristics (such as logical structure, constraint and range).
Legal code
The code defined in the data dictionary.
Illegal code
The code undefined in the data dictionary.
4 General Provisions
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Definitions 4 General Provisions 5 Operating Environment 6 Interlocking Functions 7 Computer-based Interlocking Hardware Systems 8 Computer-based Interlocking Software Systems 9 Interface and Channel 10 Operation and Representation 11 Power Supply Equipment 12 Electromagnetic Compatibility and Lightning Protection 13 Monitoring and Alarming 14 Emergency Panel Appendix A (Normative) Explanation of Wording Appendix B (Normative) Operation Methods of Interlocking Functions
1 Scope
This Standard specifies technical specifications of computer-based interlocking, such as terms and definitions, general provisions, operating environment, interlocking functions, reliability and safety, structures of hardware and software, interface and channel, operation and representation, power supply equipment, electromagnetic compatibility and lightning protection, monitoring and alarming, and emergency panel etc.
This Standard is applicable to the research and design of station computer-based interlocking. Engineering, operation and maintenance departments may refer to it.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.
GB/T 3047.2-1992 Series of Basic Dimensions of Panels, Racks and Enclosure for Vertical Increment of 44.45mm
GB 10493-1989 Technical Specification for Crossing Signal Equipment within the Station
TB/T 2307-1992 Technical Specifications for Electrical Device Centralized Various Combination Circuit
TB/T 2496-2000 Technical Specifications for Signal Microcomputer Monitoring System
TB/T 2499-1994 Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) and Dispatch Monitoring Data Communication System Terminal Interface and Link Control Procedure
TB/T 2893-1998 Graphical symbols for Railway Signal on Color Screen
EN 50128 Railway Applications: Software for Railway Control and Protection Systems, February, 1994
EN 50129 Railway Applications: Safety Related Electronic
3 Definitions
For the purpose of this Standard, the following definitions apply.
Interlocking computer
The computer system that realizes interlocking function and safety input and output in the computer-based interlocking, including hardware, software and interface.
Safety integrity
The capability of ensuring the safety in the total system, whose quantitative indexes may be represented by the system probability of maintaining the safety function integrity at the given moment.
Software safety integrity level
A kind of quantitative index representing the safety integrity level required for the software and the level of safety integrity classified according to the failure probability of key function of the software and the severity of the danger generated.
Wrongside output
Output endangering traffic safety as generated by the interlocking computer.
Safety of interlocking computer
The capability of the interlocking computer that doesn't generate wrongside output.
Safety degree of interlocking computer
The probability of the interlocking computer that doesn't generate wrongside output.
Architecture of interlocking computer
The interrelationship between computers with different functions in the computer interlocking system.
Communication front-end processor
The processor with such functions as communication line polling, network contention and message buffer, queuing and forwarding in computer communication.
Data dictionary
The set of names of all the data items in the software complete with relevant characteristics (such as logical structure, constraint and range).
Legal code
The code defined in the data dictionary.
Illegal code
The code undefined in the data dictionary.
4 General Provisions
Contents of TB/T 3027-2002
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Definitions
4 General Provisions
5 Operating Environment
6 Interlocking Functions
7 Computer-based Interlocking Hardware Systems
8 Computer-based Interlocking Software Systems
9 Interface and Channel
10 Operation and Representation
11 Power Supply Equipment
12 Electromagnetic Compatibility and Lightning Protection
13 Monitoring and Alarming
14 Emergency Panel
Appendix A (Normative) Explanation of Wording
Appendix B (Normative) Operation Methods of Interlocking Functions