Testing methods for SDH-based MSTP embedded with MPLS
1 Scope
This standard specifies the testing methods for the functions, performance and network management system of MSTP embedded with MPLS, including the testing requirements and passing criteria that nodes shall meet in data plane functions, control plane functions, MPLS layer performance, L2VPN applications and MPLS layer network management technologies, etc.
This standard is applicable to SDH devices embedded with MPLS, to realize L2VPN Ethernet service and also used to test Multi-Service Transport Platform (MSTP) with unified network management system.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections), or revisions, of any of these publications do not apply to this standard. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition applies.
YD/T 1022-1999 Requirement of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) equipment function
YD/T 1238-2002 Technical requirements for SDH multi-service transport platform
YD/T 1276-2003 Testing methods of SDH multi-service transport platform
YD/T 1345-2005 Technical requirements for SDH-based MSTP embedded with RPR
YD/T 1346-2005 Test specifications for SDH-based MSTP embedded with RPR
YD/T 1474-2006 Technical requirements of Multi-Service Transport Platform (MSTP)based on SDH - Embedded with MPLS function
YDN 099-1998 Synchronous optical transport network technology system (internal standard)
ITU-T Y.1711 Operation & maintenance mechanism for MPLS networks
IEEE 802.3-2005 Carrier sense multiple access mode with collision detection and physical layer definition
3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this standard, the following abbreviations apply.
AF Assured Forwarding
BDI Backward Defect Indication
BE Best Effort
CoS Class of Service
CR-LDP Constraint Based Routing LDP
CV Packet Connectivity Verification Packet
EF Expedited Forwarding
EVPL Ethernet Virtual Private Line
EVPLAN Ethernet Virtual Private Local Area Network
FCS Frame Check Sequence
FDI Forward Defect Indication
FFD Fast Failure Detection
FS Forced Switch
GFP Generic Framing Procedure
HDLC High Level Data Link Control
LAPS Link Access Procedure SDH
LDP Label Distribution Protocol
LOCV Loss of Connectivity Verification
LSP Label Switched Path
LSR Label Switching Router
MAC Media Access Control
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
MS Manual Switch
MSTP Multi-Service Transport Platform
NNI Network to Network/Network Node Interface
OAM Operations, Administration and Maintenance
QoS Quality of Service
P Provider
PE Provider Edge
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
PS Protection Switching
PW Pseudo-Wire
RPR Resilient Packet Ring
RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SD Signal Degrade
SF Signal Fail
TE Traffic Engineering
TTL Time to Live
TTSI Trail Termination Source Identifier
UNI User-Network Interface
VCG Virtual Concatenation Group
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VPN Virtual Private Network
VSI Virtual Switch Instance
WTR Wait To Restore
4 Model of MSTP embedded with MPLS
This standard defines SDH-based MSTP embedded with MPLS as a Multi-Service Transport Platform based on SDH platform, embedded with MPLS function and providing unified network management system. Its key feature is that Ethernet service adapts to the MPLS layer and then maps to SDH channel for transport, or Ethernet service adapts to the MPLS layer, then maps to the RPR layer, and then to the SDH channel for transport. MSTP embedded with MPLS shall meet the function requirements of YD/T 1238-2002, YD/T 1345-2005 and YD/T 1474-2006.
The functional block model of SDH-based MSTP embedded with MPLS is shown in Figure 1.
Note: The combination of MPLS and RPR is defined in Annex A to YD/T 1474-2006, and RPR MAC layer processing is optional during processing of MPLS layer embedded in MSTP.
Figure 1 Diagram of MSTP embedded with MPLS function
The specific functional requirements for SDH-based MSTP embedded with MPLS are as follows:
a) meeting the basic functional requirements of SDH nodes specified in YD/T 1022-1999 and YDN 099-1998;
b) meeting the basic functional requirements of SDH-based MSTP specified in YD/T 1238-2002;
c) supporting carrying Ethernet services on MPLS, and the its specific functions shall meet the requirements of Clause 5 of YD/T 1474-2006, and the adaptation of Ethernet services to MPLS layer shall comply with the requirements of Clause 7 of YD/T 1474-2006;
d) ensuring the transparency of Ethernet if MPLS carries Ethernet;
e) supporting static LSP assignment mode;
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Abbreviations 4 Model of MSTP embedded with MPLS 5 Test instruments 6 SDH test 7 Ethernet test 8 MPLS test 8.1 Data plane function test 8.2 Data plane function test 8.3 Application of MSTP with embedded MPLS - L2VPN test 8.4 Test of performance of MPLS layer 9 Clock test 10 Test of functions of network management system 10.1 Test of functions of element management system 10.2 Test of functions of subnet management system
Testing methods for SDH-based MSTP embedded with MPLS
1 Scope
This standard specifies the testing methods for the functions, performance and network management system of MSTP embedded with MPLS, including the testing requirements and passing criteria that nodes shall meet in data plane functions, control plane functions, MPLS layer performance, L2VPN applications and MPLS layer network management technologies, etc.
This standard is applicable to SDH devices embedded with MPLS, to realize L2VPN Ethernet service and also used to test Multi-Service Transport Platform (MSTP) with unified network management system.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections), or revisions, of any of these publications do not apply to this standard. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition applies.
YD/T 1022-1999 Requirement of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) equipment function
YD/T 1238-2002 Technical requirements for SDH multi-service transport platform
YD/T 1276-2003 Testing methods of SDH multi-service transport platform
YD/T 1345-2005 Technical requirements for SDH-based MSTP embedded with RPR
YD/T 1346-2005 Test specifications for SDH-based MSTP embedded with RPR
YD/T 1474-2006 Technical requirements of Multi-Service Transport Platform (MSTP)based on SDH - Embedded with MPLS function
YDN 099-1998 Synchronous optical transport network technology system (internal standard)
ITU-T Y.1711 Operation & maintenance mechanism for MPLS networks
IEEE 802.3-2005 Carrier sense multiple access mode with collision detection and physical layer definition
3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this standard, the following abbreviations apply.
AF Assured Forwarding
BDI Backward Defect Indication
BE Best Effort
CoS Class of Service
CR-LDP Constraint Based Routing LDP
CV Packet Connectivity Verification Packet
EF Expedited Forwarding
EVPL Ethernet Virtual Private Line
EVPLAN Ethernet Virtual Private Local Area Network
FCS Frame Check Sequence
FDI Forward Defect Indication
FFD Fast Failure Detection
FS Forced Switch
GFP Generic Framing Procedure
HDLC High Level Data Link Control
LAPS Link Access Procedure SDH
LDP Label Distribution Protocol
LOCV Loss of Connectivity Verification
LSP Label Switched Path
LSR Label Switching Router
MAC Media Access Control
MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
MS Manual Switch
MSTP Multi-Service Transport Platform
NNI Network to Network/Network Node Interface
OAM Operations, Administration and Maintenance
QoS Quality of Service
P Provider
PE Provider Edge
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
PS Protection Switching
PW Pseudo-Wire
RPR Resilient Packet Ring
RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SD Signal Degrade
SF Signal Fail
TE Traffic Engineering
TTL Time to Live
TTSI Trail Termination Source Identifier
UNI User-Network Interface
VCG Virtual Concatenation Group
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VPN Virtual Private Network
VSI Virtual Switch Instance
WTR Wait To Restore
4 Model of MSTP embedded with MPLS
This standard defines SDH-based MSTP embedded with MPLS as a Multi-Service Transport Platform based on SDH platform, embedded with MPLS function and providing unified network management system. Its key feature is that Ethernet service adapts to the MPLS layer and then maps to SDH channel for transport, or Ethernet service adapts to the MPLS layer, then maps to the RPR layer, and then to the SDH channel for transport. MSTP embedded with MPLS shall meet the function requirements of YD/T 1238-2002, YD/T 1345-2005 and YD/T 1474-2006.
The functional block model of SDH-based MSTP embedded with MPLS is shown in Figure 1.
Note: The combination of MPLS and RPR is defined in Annex A to YD/T 1474-2006, and RPR MAC layer processing is optional during processing of MPLS layer embedded in MSTP.
Figure 1 Diagram of MSTP embedded with MPLS function
The specific functional requirements for SDH-based MSTP embedded with MPLS are as follows:
a) meeting the basic functional requirements of SDH nodes specified in YD/T 1022-1999 and YDN 099-1998;
b) meeting the basic functional requirements of SDH-based MSTP specified in YD/T 1238-2002;
c) supporting carrying Ethernet services on MPLS, and the its specific functions shall meet the requirements of Clause 5 of YD/T 1474-2006, and the adaptation of Ethernet services to MPLS layer shall comply with the requirements of Clause 7 of YD/T 1474-2006;
d) ensuring the transparency of Ethernet if MPLS carries Ethernet;
e) supporting static LSP assignment mode;
Contents of YD/T 1810-2008
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Abbreviations
4 Model of MSTP embedded with MPLS
5 Test instruments
6 SDH test
7 Ethernet test
8 MPLS test
8.1 Data plane function test
8.2 Data plane function test
8.3 Application of MSTP with embedded MPLS - L2VPN test
8.4 Test of performance of MPLS layer
9 Clock test
10 Test of functions of network management system
10.1 Test of functions of element management system
10.2 Test of functions of subnet management system