Code of China Chinese Standard Classification Professional Classification ICS Classification Latest
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Standard No. Title Price(USD) Delivery Status Add to Cart
GB/T 25762-2010 Rolling bearings - Needle roller and cage assemblies for motorcycle connecting rod $184.00 immediately valid
GB/T 25763-2010 Rolling bearings - Needle roller bearings for automotive transmission $120.00 immediately abolished
GB/T 25763-2024 Rolling bearings—Needle roller bearings for automotive transmission $435.00 via email in 1~5 business day valid
GB/T 25764-2010 Rolling bearings - Roller bearings for automobile transmission $120.00 immediately abolished
GB/T 25764-2024 Rolling bearings—Roller bearings for automotive transmissions $510.00 via email in 1~5 business day valid
GB/T 25765-2010 Rolling bearings—Ball bearings for automotive transmission $130.00 immediately valid
GB/T 25766-2010 Rolling bearings - Insert bearings - Radial internal clearance $70.00 immediately valid
GB/T 25767-2010 Rolling bearings - Tapered rollers $204.00 immediately valid
GB/T 25768-2010 Rolling bearings - Combined needle roller bearings with double direction thrust cylindrical roller bearings $120.00 immediately valid
GB/T 25769-2010 Rolling bearings - Measuring methods for radial internal clearance $60.00 immediately valid
GB/T 25770-2010 Rolling bearings - Bearings for railway wagon $100.00 immediately to be abolished
GB/T 25771-2010 Rolling bearings - Bearings for railway locomotive $120.00 immediately valid
GB/T 271-1997 Rolling bearings―Classification $180.00 via email in 1~3 business day abolished
GB/T 271-2008 Rolling bearings - Classification $439.00 immediately superseded
GB/T 272-1993 Rolling bearing - Identification code $150.00 immediately superseded
GB/T 272-2017 Rolling bearings. Identification code $490.00 via email in 1~5 business day valid
GB/T 273.1-1987 Rolling bearings--Tapered roller bearings--Boundary dimensions $250.00 via email in 1~3 business day superseded
GB/T 273.1-2011 Rolling bearings - Boundary dimensions general plan - Part 1: Tapered roller bearings $220.00 immediately superseded
GB/T 273.1-2023 Rolling bearings—Boundary dimensions general plan—Part 1:Tapered roller bearings $695.00 immediately valid
GB/T 273.2-1998 Rolling bearings―Thrust bearings―Boundary dimensions,general plan $220.00 via email in 1~3 business day abolished
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