The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Compulsory Product Certification - Devices for Indirect Vision of Motor Vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Detailed Rules) is prepared according to the requirements of the Rules for the Implementation of Compulsory Product Certification - Devices for Indirect Vision of Motor Vehicles (CNCA-C11-08:2014) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), and shall be used jointly with the Rules as an auxiliary document for the Rules.
The applicable product scope, certification basis and all other contents of the Detailed Rules are consistent with the relevant requirements of the Rules and are subject to adjustment according to the announcement on catalogue definition and adjustment issued by the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as CNCA).
CQC formulates and publishes the Detailed Rules according to the requirements of the Rules and in line with the principles of maintaining the effectiveness of product certification, improving product quality, serving for certification enterprises, controlling the certification risk, etc. The Detailed Rules specifies the implementation requirements for compulsory product certification of devices for indirect vision of motor vehicles through establishing requirements for classified management of manufacturing enterprises and in combination with classification of manufacturing enterprises.
0.1 Terms and Definitions
0.1.1 Devices for indirect vision: devices used by the driver to observe the traffic areas which are adjacent to the vehicle but cannot be observed in the direct vision, including:
Automobile view mirror: assembly of optical view mirrors, including various interior view mirrors, exterior view mirrors and surveillance rear-view mirrors, used for clearly observing the images behind and beside the vehicle in the specified field of vision through the reflection plane;
Motorcycle rear-view mirror: rear-view mirror assembly of motorcycle and moped, used for providing a clear rear field of vision;
Camera-monitor device: device used for clearly observing the images of adjacent area of vehicle through the system composed of camera and monitor. It includes camera, monitor and recording device. See GB 15084 for the specific definitions.
0.1.2 Testing at Manufacturing Enterprise's Premises (hereinafter referred to as TMP mode)
The engineer from the designated laboratory conducts testing with the testing equipment that belongs to the factory laboratory; the factory shall dispatch testing personnel to assist. Relevant designated laboratory shall be responsible for approval and issuance of testing report.
0.1.3 Witnessed Manufacturing Enterprise's Testing (hereinafter referred to as WMT mode)
The engineer from the designated laboratory witnesses all the testings completed under the factory laboratory testing conditions and with the equipment of the factory laboratory or witnesses partial testing conditions and items in allusion to the testing plan submitted by the factory. The testing personnel of factory laboratory is responsible for issuing original record and drafting, in conjunction of the witness engineer from designated laboratory, the testing repot according to the format required. The relevant designated laboratory is responsible for approval and issuance of testing report.
0.2 Requirements for Classified Management of Manufacturing Enterprises
CQC acquires and reorganizes all kinds of information relevant to the quality of certified product and its manufacturing enterprise so as to realize classified management of manufacturing enterprise in a dynamic way. The certification client, producer and manufacturing enterprise shall coordinate with CQC.
CQC classifies the manufacturing enterprises into four categories which are expressed as A, B, C and D respectively.
The quality information on which manufacturing enterprise classification is based contains at least the following aspects:
(2) Sample testing and/or supervision sampling testing (including type test, production site sampling or market sampling) results and sample authenticity;
(3) Results of national or provincial random inspection, CCC special random inspection, etc.;
(4) Coordination of certification client, producer (manufacturer) and manufacturing enterprise in post-certification supervision;
(5) Judicial decision, complaint, arbitration, media exposure, consumer quality information feedback, etc.;
(6) Quality condition of certified product;
(7) Other information.
See the table below for the principles for classification of manufacturing enterprises.
Table 1 Principles for Classification of Manufacturing Enterprises
Enterprise category Classification principle
Category A Category B enterprises provide conformity data to CQC which conducts comprehensive risk assessment on the collected quality information and data provided by the enterprise and determines the category result. The assessment shall at least cover the following aspects:
1. Factory inspection: initial factory inspections/post-certification follow-up inspections in the last two years (including the current year) are free of nonconforming item affecting the product conformity;
2. Results of testing and random inspection for products: there is no nonconforming item found in post-certification supervision and testing in the last two years (including the current year); the conclusion of all national and provincial inspections and CQC special inspections is "qualified";
3. Product testing capacity: the manufacturing enterprise (or its manufacturer and parent company) shall possess testing capacity required by certification standards. (Conforming to technical capacity requirements specified in Chapter 5 of GB/T 27025 (IEC 17025));
4. Output: the output of the product covered by CCC certificate is maintained at a certain level within the supervision period;
5. Other information related to the quality of the certified product and its manufacturing enterprise.
Category B Other manufacturing enterprises except those of Categories A, C and D.
Manufacturing enterprises without any quality information are classified into Category B by default.
Category C Manufacturing enterprise meeting any of the following conditions:
1. Conclusion of factory inspection is judged as "site verification" (except for version change of standard);
2. There is product quality problem for the reason of enterprise, but the problem is not serious enough to result in suspension of certificate;
3. The manufacturing enterprise needs to be adjusted to Category C as considered by CQC as per the result of comprehensive assessment on the relevant quality information of manufacturing enterprise and certified product.
Category D Manufacturing enterprise meeting any of the following conditions:
1. Conclusion of factory inspection is judged as "rejected";
2. The result of post-certification supervision and testing is "unqualified" (except for unqualified instructions/identifications);
3. Reject inspection and/or supervision sampling without justifiable reasons;
4. There is relatively big product quality problem for the reason of enterprise and the problem results in suspension or revocation of certificate;
5. The conclusion of national and provincial inspections and CCC special inspections is judged as "unqualified" and the product safety performance is affected (except for unqualified instructions/identifications);
6. The manufacturing enterprise needs to be adjusted to Category D as considered by CQC as per the result of comprehensive assessment on the relevant quality information of manufacturing enterprise and certified product.
CQC will determine the classification result (category) of manufacturing enterprises according to the above classification principles based on various quality information acquired in real time.
CQC will reclassify the manufacturing enterprises periodically or aperiodically according to various information so as to realize dynamic management. If there is any change, classification is subject to CQC's public documents. In principle, the result of manufacturing enterprise classification must be gradually upgraded in the sequence of D-C-B-A while degraded in the sequence of A-B-C-D, or directly adjusted to corresponding category after risk assessment.
0.3 Requirements for Utilization of Testing Resources of Manufacturing Enterprise
0.3.1 Scope
Application scope: post-certification supervision sampling testing, and difference testing supplemented at certificate alteration.
0.3.2 Implementation
If the manufacturing enterprise possesses the testing equipment and testing capacity as required by Rules for the Implementation of Compulsory Product Certification - Utilization of Testing Resources and Other Certification Results of Manufacturing Enterprises and certification standard, the certification client, producer or manufacturing enterprise may file an application for utilizing the testing resources of manufacturing enterprise (hereinafter referred to as factory laboratory) and conduct self-inspection. Then the self-inspection result and relevant information shall be submitted to CQC for review. Only the factory laboratory judged as qualified after the data review can utilize the testing resources of manufacturing enterprise to conduct TMP or WMT on production site (hereinafter referred to as site testing).
In principle, CQC doesn't separately organize review for factory laboratory. The factory laboratory review application from the certification client shall be proposed simultaneously with the production site testing application. CQC organizes technical experts from the designated laboratory to conduct laboratory review and site testing simultaneously. The review team conducts laboratory capacity review first and preserves corresponding review assessment record, and then conducts production site testing after acceptance of laboratory review.
0.3.3 Qualification maintenance
CQC shall conduct periodical supervision (such as annual supervision, which may be determined according to utilization frequency) for the approved factory laboratory. In principle, laboratory supervision needs to be conducted in combination with the post-certification supervision of factory. Factory laboratory shall participate in contrast test to guarantee the accuracy and effectiveness of testing result and maintain the qualification.
If required by the manufacturing enterprise, single checking may be conducted for the site testing item proposed by the certification client, and the checking result is only valid for this site testing item. Factory laboratory may not be subject to the supervision of qualification maintenance. Where site testing for the same item is required, the examination shall be applied again.
1. Application Scope
The Detailed Rules is applicable to the devices for indirect vision installed on Categories M, N and L motor vehicles, including automobile view mirror, motorcycle rear-view mirror and camera-monitor device.
The adjustment of application scope caused by the changes of laws, regulations, relevant product standards, technologies, industrial policies and other factors shall be subject to the announcement issued by CNCA.
2. Certification Standards
GB 15084 Motor Vehicles - Devices for Indirect Vision - Requirements of Performance and Installation
GB 17352 Performance and Installation Requirements of Rear Views Mirrors for Motorcycles and Mopeds
In principle, the latest editions of above standards issued by the administrative department of national standardization shall apply. Other editions of the standards, if required, shall be subject to the CNCA's announcement on applicability to the requirements of relevant standards.
3. Certification Mode
3.1 Basic Certification Mode
Basic certification mode for compulsory certification of devices for indirect vision is as follows:
Type test + initial factory inspection + post-certification supervision;
The post-certification supervision in the above-mentioned basic certification mode includes two modes: post-certification follow-up inspection and supervision sampling testing; thereinto, supervision sampling testing is further divided into sampling testing or inspection on production site and market sampling testing or inspection.
The combination of relevant certification elements shall be appropriately considered for the post-certification supervision of different categories of enterprises in combination with the principle of classified management of production enterprises.
3.2 Applicability of Certification Mode
Category A: one of or the combination of post-certification follow-up inspection, sample testing or inspection on production site and market sampling testing or inspection may be adopted for the post-certification supervision.
Categories B, C and D manufacturing enterprises: post-certification follow-up inspection + supervision sampling testing (production site sampling and/or market sampling) shall be adopted for the post-certification supervision.
The certification mode for manufacturing enterprise of service part products of off-production vehicle type may be selected according to Attachment 2 herein.
The certification client may propose application for applicable certification mode according to its own actual situation.
According to the characteristics of product applied for certification and the certification risk control principle, CQC shall determine an applicable certification mode for the certification client in combination with the classified management result of manufacturing enterprises.
4. Certification Unit Division
In principle, the devices for indirect vision of motor vehicles produced by the same producer (manufacturer) in the same manufacturing enterprise (site) and free of significant difference in the following aspects shall be regarded as a certification unit:
(1) Design of device (including the design of the connecting pieces with vehicle body if related), e.g.,: structure and material of retention components, structure and material of connecting pieces (support member), connection mode with the vehicle body, and mirror regulation mode, etc.;
(2) As for view mirror, the class and shape of view mirror, and the dimension and radius of curvature of reflection plane;
(3) As for camera-monitor device, the detection distance and vision field.
The certification client shall propose certification entrustment according to unit division principle. One unit may contain multiple models of products. Products of the same model refer to the products having no effect on compliance with standards in design.
For the same products (with the same production process and the same key part/raw material supplier) with the same producer but different manufacturing enterprises or the same products with different producers but the same manufacturing enterprise, they may be regarded as different application units, but type test may only be conducted on the samples within one unit; and for the products of other manufacturing enterprises/producers, necessary data shall be provided for conformity check.
5. Certification Entrustment
5.1 Proposal and Acceptance of Certification Application
The certification client shall propose certification entrustment to CQC online ( and then fill in necessary enterprise information and product information as required. CQC shall examine the application according to relevant requirements, and send out the acceptance or refusal notice within 2 workdays, or require the certification client to re-propose the certification application after correction.
5.2 Application Data
After the application is accepted, the certification client shall provide relevant application data and technical materials to CQC and/or the designated laboratory according to the requirements of certification scheme; these data and materials generally include:
(1) Certification application form;
(2) The following registration certificate and relevant documents of the certification client, producer and manufacturing enterprise:
a. Business License and Organization Code Certificate (upon initial application and alteration);
b. In case of any inconsistency among the above three parties, the relevant agreement or contract (e.g., agreement on consigned processing, and power of attorney) (if applicable) signed by parties concerned shall also be submitted;
c. If the applicant is a seller or an importer, it shall submit copies of relevant contracts concluded between the seller and the producer or between the importer and the producer (upon initial application and alteration);
d. Power of attorney for the agent (if applicable);
e. The certification of overseas manufacturer from domestic entity capable of assuming legal liabilities (if required by relevant laws and regulations).
(3) Technical data like product description, picture and product drawing of each certification unit shall be provided according to Annex 1 of the Rules. As for an unit containing multiple models/specifications of products, description to the differences between different models shall also be provided. Such data shall be filled in according to the format of specific technical document issued by CQC, and electronic data shall be submitted.
(4) List of key parts/raw materials
The list of key parts/raw materials of each certification unit shall be provided according to the requirements of Attachment 1 herein.
As for the key parts/raw materials (e.g., direction-indicator lamp, etc.) purchased domestically within the scope of compulsory product certification, the manufacturing enterprise shall provide the CCC certificate; As for other key parts/raw materials, the manufacturing enterprise may provide corresponding certificate for voluntary certification or the valid testing report issued by the laboratory with the qualification approved as per GB/T 27025 (ISO/IEC 17025).
(5) Production conformity control plan prepared in accordance with Annex 2 in the Rules and Attachment 1 herein (upon initial application and alteration);
(6) Questionary for factory inspection (if applicable);
(7) Other documents required by the certification authority.
0. Introduction 0.1 Terms and Definitions 0.2 Requirements for Classified Management of Manufacturing Enterprises 0.3 Requirements for Utilization of Testing Resources of Manufacturing Enterprise 1. Application Scope 2. Certification Standards 3. Certification Mode 3.1 Basic Certification Mode 3.2 Applicability of Certification Mode 4. Certification Unit Division 5. Certification Entrustment 5.1 Proposal and Acceptance of Certification Application 5.2 Application Data 5.3 Implementation Arrangement 6. Certification Implementation 6.1 Type Test 6.2 Initial Factory Inspection 6.3 Certification Evaluation and Decision 6.4 Time Limit of Certification 6.5 Service Parts for Off-production Vehicle Type 7. Post-certification Supervision 7.1 Post-certification Follow-up Inspection 7.2 Sample Testing or Inspection on Production Site 7.3 Market Sampling Testing or Inspection 7.4 Frequency and Time of Post-certification Supervision 7.5 Post-certification Supervision Record 7.6 Evaluation of Post-certification Supervision Result 8. Certificate 8.1 Certificate Maintenance 8.2 Certificate Content 8.3 Certificate Alteration 8.4 Cancellation, Suspension and Revocation of Certificate 8.5 Use of Certificate 9. Certification Mark 9.1 Permissible Mark Form 9.2 Requirements for Use 10. Charge 11. Certification Responsibilities 12. Requirements for Process and Time Limit Related to Technical Dispute, Complaint and Appeal Attachment 1: Requirements of Production Conformity Control Plan Attachment 2: Certification Implementation of After-sale Service Parts for Off-production Vehicle Type
CQC-C1108-2014 China Compulsory Certification Implementation Detailed-Rules - Motor vehicle devices for indirect vision (English Version)
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Detail of CQC-C1108-2014
Standard No.
English Name
China Compulsory Certification Implementation Detailed-Rules - Motor vehicle devices for indirect vision
Chinese Name
强制性产品认证实施细则 机动车辆间接视野装置
Chinese Classification
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CQC-C1108-2014, , CQC-C1108-2014, CQC,
Introduction of CQC-C1108-2014
0. Introduction
The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Compulsory Product Certification - Devices for Indirect Vision of Motor Vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the Detailed Rules) is prepared according to the requirements of the Rules for the Implementation of Compulsory Product Certification - Devices for Indirect Vision of Motor Vehicles (CNCA-C11-08:2014) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), and shall be used jointly with the Rules as an auxiliary document for the Rules.
The applicable product scope, certification basis and all other contents of the Detailed Rules are consistent with the relevant requirements of the Rules and are subject to adjustment according to the announcement on catalogue definition and adjustment issued by the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as CNCA).
CQC formulates and publishes the Detailed Rules according to the requirements of the Rules and in line with the principles of maintaining the effectiveness of product certification, improving product quality, serving for certification enterprises, controlling the certification risk, etc. The Detailed Rules specifies the implementation requirements for compulsory product certification of devices for indirect vision of motor vehicles through establishing requirements for classified management of manufacturing enterprises and in combination with classification of manufacturing enterprises.
0.1 Terms and Definitions
0.1.1 Devices for indirect vision: devices used by the driver to observe the traffic areas which are adjacent to the vehicle but cannot be observed in the direct vision, including:
Automobile view mirror: assembly of optical view mirrors, including various interior view mirrors, exterior view mirrors and surveillance rear-view mirrors, used for clearly observing the images behind and beside the vehicle in the specified field of vision through the reflection plane;
Motorcycle rear-view mirror: rear-view mirror assembly of motorcycle and moped, used for providing a clear rear field of vision;
Camera-monitor device: device used for clearly observing the images of adjacent area of vehicle through the system composed of camera and monitor. It includes camera, monitor and recording device. See GB 15084 for the specific definitions.
0.1.2 Testing at Manufacturing Enterprise's Premises (hereinafter referred to as TMP mode)
The engineer from the designated laboratory conducts testing with the testing equipment that belongs to the factory laboratory; the factory shall dispatch testing personnel to assist. Relevant designated laboratory shall be responsible for approval and issuance of testing report.
0.1.3 Witnessed Manufacturing Enterprise's Testing (hereinafter referred to as WMT mode)
The engineer from the designated laboratory witnesses all the testings completed under the factory laboratory testing conditions and with the equipment of the factory laboratory or witnesses partial testing conditions and items in allusion to the testing plan submitted by the factory. The testing personnel of factory laboratory is responsible for issuing original record and drafting, in conjunction of the witness engineer from designated laboratory, the testing repot according to the format required. The relevant designated laboratory is responsible for approval and issuance of testing report.
0.2 Requirements for Classified Management of Manufacturing Enterprises
CQC acquires and reorganizes all kinds of information relevant to the quality of certified product and its manufacturing enterprise so as to realize classified management of manufacturing enterprise in a dynamic way. The certification client, producer and manufacturing enterprise shall coordinate with CQC.
CQC classifies the manufacturing enterprises into four categories which are expressed as A, B, C and D respectively.
The quality information on which manufacturing enterprise classification is based contains at least the following aspects:
(1) Factory inspection (including initial factory inspection and post-certification follow-up inspection) results;
(2) Sample testing and/or supervision sampling testing (including type test, production site sampling or market sampling) results and sample authenticity;
(3) Results of national or provincial random inspection, CCC special random inspection, etc.;
(4) Coordination of certification client, producer (manufacturer) and manufacturing enterprise in post-certification supervision;
(5) Judicial decision, complaint, arbitration, media exposure, consumer quality information feedback, etc.;
(6) Quality condition of certified product;
(7) Other information.
See the table below for the principles for classification of manufacturing enterprises.
Table 1 Principles for Classification of Manufacturing Enterprises
Enterprise category Classification principle
Category A Category B enterprises provide conformity data to CQC which conducts comprehensive risk assessment on the collected quality information and data provided by the enterprise and determines the category result. The assessment shall at least cover the following aspects:
1. Factory inspection: initial factory inspections/post-certification follow-up inspections in the last two years (including the current year) are free of nonconforming item affecting the product conformity;
2. Results of testing and random inspection for products: there is no nonconforming item found in post-certification supervision and testing in the last two years (including the current year); the conclusion of all national and provincial inspections and CQC special inspections is "qualified";
3. Product testing capacity: the manufacturing enterprise (or its manufacturer and parent company) shall possess testing capacity required by certification standards. (Conforming to technical capacity requirements specified in Chapter 5 of GB/T 27025 (IEC 17025));
4. Output: the output of the product covered by CCC certificate is maintained at a certain level within the supervision period;
5. Other information related to the quality of the certified product and its manufacturing enterprise.
Category B Other manufacturing enterprises except those of Categories A, C and D.
Manufacturing enterprises without any quality information are classified into Category B by default.
Category C Manufacturing enterprise meeting any of the following conditions:
1. Conclusion of factory inspection is judged as "site verification" (except for version change of standard);
2. There is product quality problem for the reason of enterprise, but the problem is not serious enough to result in suspension of certificate;
3. The manufacturing enterprise needs to be adjusted to Category C as considered by CQC as per the result of comprehensive assessment on the relevant quality information of manufacturing enterprise and certified product.
Category D Manufacturing enterprise meeting any of the following conditions:
1. Conclusion of factory inspection is judged as "rejected";
2. The result of post-certification supervision and testing is "unqualified" (except for unqualified instructions/identifications);
3. Reject inspection and/or supervision sampling without justifiable reasons;
4. There is relatively big product quality problem for the reason of enterprise and the problem results in suspension or revocation of certificate;
5. The conclusion of national and provincial inspections and CCC special inspections is judged as "unqualified" and the product safety performance is affected (except for unqualified instructions/identifications);
6. The manufacturing enterprise needs to be adjusted to Category D as considered by CQC as per the result of comprehensive assessment on the relevant quality information of manufacturing enterprise and certified product.
CQC will determine the classification result (category) of manufacturing enterprises according to the above classification principles based on various quality information acquired in real time.
CQC will reclassify the manufacturing enterprises periodically or aperiodically according to various information so as to realize dynamic management. If there is any change, classification is subject to CQC's public documents. In principle, the result of manufacturing enterprise classification must be gradually upgraded in the sequence of D-C-B-A while degraded in the sequence of A-B-C-D, or directly adjusted to corresponding category after risk assessment.
0.3 Requirements for Utilization of Testing Resources of Manufacturing Enterprise
0.3.1 Scope
Application scope: post-certification supervision sampling testing, and difference testing supplemented at certificate alteration.
0.3.2 Implementation
If the manufacturing enterprise possesses the testing equipment and testing capacity as required by Rules for the Implementation of Compulsory Product Certification - Utilization of Testing Resources and Other Certification Results of Manufacturing Enterprises and certification standard, the certification client, producer or manufacturing enterprise may file an application for utilizing the testing resources of manufacturing enterprise (hereinafter referred to as factory laboratory) and conduct self-inspection. Then the self-inspection result and relevant information shall be submitted to CQC for review. Only the factory laboratory judged as qualified after the data review can utilize the testing resources of manufacturing enterprise to conduct TMP or WMT on production site (hereinafter referred to as site testing).
In principle, CQC doesn't separately organize review for factory laboratory. The factory laboratory review application from the certification client shall be proposed simultaneously with the production site testing application. CQC organizes technical experts from the designated laboratory to conduct laboratory review and site testing simultaneously. The review team conducts laboratory capacity review first and preserves corresponding review assessment record, and then conducts production site testing after acceptance of laboratory review.
0.3.3 Qualification maintenance
CQC shall conduct periodical supervision (such as annual supervision, which may be determined according to utilization frequency) for the approved factory laboratory. In principle, laboratory supervision needs to be conducted in combination with the post-certification supervision of factory. Factory laboratory shall participate in contrast test to guarantee the accuracy and effectiveness of testing result and maintain the qualification.
If required by the manufacturing enterprise, single checking may be conducted for the site testing item proposed by the certification client, and the checking result is only valid for this site testing item. Factory laboratory may not be subject to the supervision of qualification maintenance. Where site testing for the same item is required, the examination shall be applied again.
1. Application Scope
The Detailed Rules is applicable to the devices for indirect vision installed on Categories M, N and L motor vehicles, including automobile view mirror, motorcycle rear-view mirror and camera-monitor device.
The adjustment of application scope caused by the changes of laws, regulations, relevant product standards, technologies, industrial policies and other factors shall be subject to the announcement issued by CNCA.
2. Certification Standards
GB 15084 Motor Vehicles - Devices for Indirect Vision - Requirements of Performance and Installation
GB 17352 Performance and Installation Requirements of Rear Views Mirrors for Motorcycles and Mopeds
In principle, the latest editions of above standards issued by the administrative department of national standardization shall apply. Other editions of the standards, if required, shall be subject to the CNCA's announcement on applicability to the requirements of relevant standards.
3. Certification Mode
3.1 Basic Certification Mode
Basic certification mode for compulsory certification of devices for indirect vision is as follows:
Type test + initial factory inspection + post-certification supervision;
The post-certification supervision in the above-mentioned basic certification mode includes two modes: post-certification follow-up inspection and supervision sampling testing; thereinto, supervision sampling testing is further divided into sampling testing or inspection on production site and market sampling testing or inspection.
The combination of relevant certification elements shall be appropriately considered for the post-certification supervision of different categories of enterprises in combination with the principle of classified management of production enterprises.
3.2 Applicability of Certification Mode
Category A: one of or the combination of post-certification follow-up inspection, sample testing or inspection on production site and market sampling testing or inspection may be adopted for the post-certification supervision.
Categories B, C and D manufacturing enterprises: post-certification follow-up inspection + supervision sampling testing (production site sampling and/or market sampling) shall be adopted for the post-certification supervision.
The certification mode for manufacturing enterprise of service part products of off-production vehicle type may be selected according to Attachment 2 herein.
The certification client may propose application for applicable certification mode according to its own actual situation.
According to the characteristics of product applied for certification and the certification risk control principle, CQC shall determine an applicable certification mode for the certification client in combination with the classified management result of manufacturing enterprises.
4. Certification Unit Division
In principle, the devices for indirect vision of motor vehicles produced by the same producer (manufacturer) in the same manufacturing enterprise (site) and free of significant difference in the following aspects shall be regarded as a certification unit:
(1) Design of device (including the design of the connecting pieces with vehicle body if related), e.g.,: structure and material of retention components, structure and material of connecting pieces (support member), connection mode with the vehicle body, and mirror regulation mode, etc.;
(2) As for view mirror, the class and shape of view mirror, and the dimension and radius of curvature of reflection plane;
(3) As for camera-monitor device, the detection distance and vision field.
The certification client shall propose certification entrustment according to unit division principle. One unit may contain multiple models of products. Products of the same model refer to the products having no effect on compliance with standards in design.
For the same products (with the same production process and the same key part/raw material supplier) with the same producer but different manufacturing enterprises or the same products with different producers but the same manufacturing enterprise, they may be regarded as different application units, but type test may only be conducted on the samples within one unit; and for the products of other manufacturing enterprises/producers, necessary data shall be provided for conformity check.
5. Certification Entrustment
5.1 Proposal and Acceptance of Certification Application
The certification client shall propose certification entrustment to CQC online ( and then fill in necessary enterprise information and product information as required. CQC shall examine the application according to relevant requirements, and send out the acceptance or refusal notice within 2 workdays, or require the certification client to re-propose the certification application after correction.
5.2 Application Data
After the application is accepted, the certification client shall provide relevant application data and technical materials to CQC and/or the designated laboratory according to the requirements of certification scheme; these data and materials generally include:
(1) Certification application form;
(2) The following registration certificate and relevant documents of the certification client, producer and manufacturing enterprise:
a. Business License and Organization Code Certificate (upon initial application and alteration);
b. In case of any inconsistency among the above three parties, the relevant agreement or contract (e.g., agreement on consigned processing, and power of attorney) (if applicable) signed by parties concerned shall also be submitted;
c. If the applicant is a seller or an importer, it shall submit copies of relevant contracts concluded between the seller and the producer or between the importer and the producer (upon initial application and alteration);
d. Power of attorney for the agent (if applicable);
e. The certification of overseas manufacturer from domestic entity capable of assuming legal liabilities (if required by relevant laws and regulations).
(3) Technical data like product description, picture and product drawing of each certification unit shall be provided according to Annex 1 of the Rules. As for an unit containing multiple models/specifications of products, description to the differences between different models shall also be provided. Such data shall be filled in according to the format of specific technical document issued by CQC, and electronic data shall be submitted.
(4) List of key parts/raw materials
The list of key parts/raw materials of each certification unit shall be provided according to the requirements of Attachment 1 herein.
As for the key parts/raw materials (e.g., direction-indicator lamp, etc.) purchased domestically within the scope of compulsory product certification, the manufacturing enterprise shall provide the CCC certificate; As for other key parts/raw materials, the manufacturing enterprise may provide corresponding certificate for voluntary certification or the valid testing report issued by the laboratory with the qualification approved as per GB/T 27025 (ISO/IEC 17025).
(5) Production conformity control plan prepared in accordance with Annex 2 in the Rules and Attachment 1 herein (upon initial application and alteration);
(6) Questionary for factory inspection (if applicable);
(7) Other documents required by the certification authority.
Contents of CQC-C1108-2014
0. Introduction
0.1 Terms and Definitions
0.2 Requirements for Classified Management of Manufacturing Enterprises
0.3 Requirements for Utilization of Testing Resources of Manufacturing Enterprise
1. Application Scope
2. Certification Standards
3. Certification Mode
3.1 Basic Certification Mode
3.2 Applicability of Certification Mode
4. Certification Unit Division
5. Certification Entrustment
5.1 Proposal and Acceptance of Certification Application
5.2 Application Data
5.3 Implementation Arrangement
6. Certification Implementation
6.1 Type Test
6.2 Initial Factory Inspection
6.3 Certification Evaluation and Decision
6.4 Time Limit of Certification
6.5 Service Parts for Off-production Vehicle Type
7. Post-certification Supervision
7.1 Post-certification Follow-up Inspection
7.2 Sample Testing or Inspection on Production Site
7.3 Market Sampling Testing or Inspection
7.4 Frequency and Time of Post-certification Supervision
7.5 Post-certification Supervision Record
7.6 Evaluation of Post-certification Supervision Result
8. Certificate
8.1 Certificate Maintenance
8.2 Certificate Content
8.3 Certificate Alteration
8.4 Cancellation, Suspension and Revocation of Certificate
8.5 Use of Certificate
9. Certification Mark
9.1 Permissible Mark Form
9.2 Requirements for Use
10. Charge
11. Certification Responsibilities
12. Requirements for Process and Time Limit Related to Technical Dispute, Complaint and Appeal
Attachment 1: Requirements of Production Conformity Control Plan
Attachment 2: Certification Implementation of After-sale Service Parts for Off-production Vehicle Type