Implementation Rules for Motor Vehicle Tyres (hereinafter referred to as "the Rules") is prepared according to the requirements of Implementation Regulations for Compulsory Product Certification-Motor Vehicle Tyres (CNCA-C12-01:2015) (hereinafter referred to as "the Regulations") and used together with the Regulations as their auxiliary documents.
The applicable product scope and certification basis of the Rules keep consistent with those in the Regulations and are adjusted according to the announcement on catalogue definition and adjustment issued by Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "CNCA").
The Rules is prepared and published by reference to the Regulations and requirements of China Quality Certification Center (hereinafter referred to as "CQC") for quality manual, program file and operation instructions in the principles of maintaining effectiveness of product certification, improving product quality, serving certification enterprises and controlling certification risk.
The Rules define requirements for compulsory product certification of motor vehicle tyres by establishing manufacturer classification management requirements in combination with manufacturer classification.
0.1 Definition
0.1.1 Testing at Manufacturer's Premises (hereinafter referred to as “TMP mode”)
The engineer from the designated laboratory conducts testing with the testing equipment that belongs to the factory laboratory, assisted by the testing personnel dispatched by the factory. The testing report is issued by the relevant designated laboratory upon examination and approval.
0.1.2 Witnessed Manufacturer's Testing (hereinafter referred to as "WMT mode")
The engineers of designated laboratory witness the testing conditions of the factory laboratory and the factory laboratory completes all inspections with their own equipment or witness partial testing conditions and inspection items against testing plan submitted by the factory. Testing personnel of the factory laboratory are responsible for issuing the original records and draft the testing report with the designated laboratory engineers according to the prescribed form. The testing report is issued by the relevant designated laboratory upon examination and approval.
0.2 Requirements for Manufacturers Classification Management
CQC collects and arranges information related to certified product and its manufacturer quality for dynamic classification management on the manufacturers with the assistance of certification client, producer and manufacturer.
CQC classifies the manufacturers into four classes which are expressed as A, B, C and D respectively.
The quality information on which manufacturer classification is based contains at least the following information:
(1) Result of factory inspection (including initial factory inspection and follow-up inspection after certification);
(2) Testing results of sample testing and/or supervisory sampling (including type test, production site sampling or market sampling) and sample authenticity;
(3) Testing results of national or provincial random inspection, special CCC random inspection, etc.;
(4) Coordination of certification client, producer and manufacturer for post-certification supervision;
(5) Judicial decision, complaint arbitration, media exposure, consumer quality information feedback, etc.;
(6) Quality of certified product;
(7) Other information.
See Table 1 for manufacturer classification principle.
Table 1 Manufacturer Classification Principle
Category Classification principle
A Category B enterprises provide conformity data to CQC which conducts integrated risk assessment on the collected quality information and data provided by the enterprise and determines the category. The assessment shall at least cover the following information:
1. Production conditions: complete production line (rubber mixing-vulcanizing) (including equipment and capacity of producer or group company);
2. Factory inspection: no non-conformance items affecting the product consistency upon initial factory inspections/follow-up inspections after certification in the last two years (including the current year).
3. Results of product inspection and random inspection: no non-conformance item upon post-certification supervision and testing in the last two years (including the current year); the conclusion of all national and provincial inspections and CQC special inspections is "qualified".
4. Product testing capacity: the manufacturer (or its producer and parent company) shall possess testing capacity required by certification standards. (Conforming to technical capability requirements specified in Chapter 5 of GB/T 27025 (IEC 17025))
5. Products imported into China within supervision period shall reach a certain quantity.
6. Other information related to the quality of the certified product and its manufacturer.
B Other manufacturers except those of Classes A, C and D.
The manufacturer without any quality information is classified into Class B by default.
C Those that meet one of the following conditions are classified into Class C enterprises:
1. Where the conclusion judgment is "site verification" upon initial factory inspection and post-certification follow-up inspection;
2. Where quality problems exist and are caused by the enterprises but not serious enough to suspend or revoke the certificate;
3. Where CQC adjusts the enterprises into Class C as per the results of comprehensive evaluation on quality information related to the manufacturers and their certified products.
D Those that meet one of the following conditions are classified into Class D enterprises:
1. Where conclusion of factory inspection is judged as "rejected" and the certified product has quality problems;
2. Where the result of the supervision sampling testing is “rejected” and the product safety performance is affected;
3. Where inspections and/or supervision sampling are rejected without justifiable reasons;
4. Where serious quality problems exist as revealed by the media and are caused by the enterprise;
5. Where the conclusions of national and provincial and CCC special inspection are "rejected" and the safety performance of the product is affected (with the exception of nonconformity of instruction/identification);
6.Where CQC adjusts the enterprises into Class D as per the results of comprehensive evaluation on quality information related to the manufacturers and their certified products.
CQC will determine the classification result (class) of manufacturers according to the above classification principles based on various quality information acquired in real time.
CQC reclassifies the manufacturers periodically or aperiodically according to various information so as to realize dynamic management. If there is any change, public documents of CQC shall prevail. In principle, the manufacturer level shall be upgraded according to D-C-B-A or degraded from A-B-C-D or adjusted to the level required after the risk assessment.
0.3 Requirements for Utilization of Manufacturer's Testing Resources
They are applied to post-certification supervision and sampling inspection. For compulsory product certification of tyres, see public documents of CQC for requirements for utilization of manufacturer's testing resources.
1 Application Scope
The Rules is applicable to the new pneumatic tyre for motor vehicles, including passenger car tyre, truck tyre, motorcycle tyre and originally aims to the tyres for motor vehicles of M, N, O, and L categories (see GB/T 15089 for definitions of vehicle category).
The Rules is not applicable to retreaded tyres and those designed specifically for competition.
The adjustment of application scope caused by the changes of laws, regulations, relevant products standards, technologies, and industrial policies, shall be subject to the announcement issued by CNCA.
2 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of the Rules, the terms and definitions in laws and regulations related to compulsory product certification apply.
2.1 The worst Condition (TWC) of Tyre
conditions where tyres in the same certification unit and loaded with the same type are given maximum load index and maximum speed.
3 Certification Standards
Mandatory terms in GB 9743 Passenger Car Tyres, GB 9744 Truck Tyres and GB 518 Motorcycle Tyres.
For certification and testing basis standards, the latest edition issued by the administrative department of national standardization applies in principle. When it is required to add new applicable standards or use other editions, follow CNCA's announcements about applicable standards requirements.
4 Certification Mode
4.1 Basic Certification Mode
Basic certification mode: type test + initial factory inspection + post-certification supervision.
Among the basic certification mode, initial factory inspection is to evaluate the production consistency control; Post-certification supervision is one or combination of post-certification follow-up inspection, sampling inspection on production site and/or inspection and market sampling testing and/or inspection.
4.2 Applicability of Certification Mode
Certification client may propose application for applicable certification mode from basic certification mode according to its own actual situation.
According to the characteristics of product applied for certification and the certification risk control principle, CQC shall determine an applicable certification mode for the certification client in combination with the classification management result of manufacturer.
5 Certification Unit Division
In principle, those produced by the same producer (manufacturer) at the same manufacturer’s (site) and with the same category [Note 1], the same structure [Note 2] and the same series [Note 3] shall be regarded as one certification unit.
Certification client proposes certification entrustment according to unit division principle.
For certification unit division, see Compulsory Certification Unit Division of Motor Vehicles Tyres (Annex 1 to the Regulations).
Note 1: Categories: passenger car tyre, truck tyre and motorcycle tyre.
Note 2: Structure: radial tyre (including all-steel and semisteel), bias tyre and bias-belted tyre.
Note 3: Series: refer to the product series specified in the standards GB/T 2978 Size Designation, Dimensions, Inflation Pressure and Load Capacity for Passenger Car Tyres, GB/T 2977 Size Designation, Dimensions, Inflation Pressure and Load Capacity for Truck Tyres and GB/T 2983 Series of Motorcycle Tyres.
Final result of unit division will be determined by the CQC product certification engineer after examination of all product information; if necessary, the applicant can discuss with the engineer with regard to combination and separation scheme of the unit.
6 Certification Entrustment
6.1 Proposal and Acceptance of Certification Application
Certification client proposes certification application to CQC on the Internet (, and then fill in necessary corporation information and product information. CQC shall examine the application according to relevant requirements, and notice the acceptance or refusal within 2 workdays, or require the certification client to re-propose the certification application after rectification.
Certification client shall provide relevant certification entrustment information and technical data according to the requirements of CQC upon acceptance of the certification entrustment (see Annex 1 for details).
CQC will check the relevant information upon receipt according to review requirements, and notify the result to certification client. If the information fails to meet the requirements, it shall notify the certification client to complement and improve it.
Certification client shall be responsible for the authenticity of the provided information.
CQC manages and preserves the certification information provided by certification client, and is responsible for keeping it secret.
6.2 Implementation Plan
After acceptance, CQC shall prepare certification scheme and notify it to the certification client. The certification scheme generally includes the following contents:
(1) Adopted certification mode and unit division;
(2) Application information list submitted;
(3) Type test scheme;
(4) Information of the designated laboratory;
(5) Required certification procedure and time limit;
(6) Estimated certification costs;
(7) Contact method of relevant CQC staff;
(8) Other matters required to be noted.
6.3 Rejection Situations
Certification entrustment will be rejected under one of the following circumstances:
1) In nonconformity to national industrial policy;
2) Where the application, manufacture and factory are inconsistent, agreements or contracts (such as agreement and letter of attorney for consigned processing), letter of attorney (original and duplication, including producer (manufacturer), processing plant and original holder) signed by the parties are not provided;
3) Other conditions as specified in laws and regulations.
7 Certification Implementation
7.1 Type Test
7.1.1 Type test scheme
After the information provided by the certification client is qualified upon examination, CQC shall develop a scheme for type test, if necessary for certification entrustment, and inform the certification client. Type test scheme includes sample requirements and quantity, testing standard and items and laboratory information.
In principle, within the same certification unit, the priority is given to the specification/model with the maximum speed symbol grade and load index. For a unit including multiple models, the certification client shall also submit products of other models for full item or difference tests in addition to those of main models depending on the requirements for testing scheme.
In addition, the samples of passenger car tyres shall be differentially selected from the enhanced type and standard type; samples of motorcycle tyres shall be differentially selected from light load type, standard type, enhanced type and heavy-duty type.
If it is unlikely to meet requirements for maximum speed symbol grade and load index and loading type at the same time, all cases shall be included.
CQC may also properly increase selected sample quantity according to risk assessment result.
7.1.2 Sample requirements
In general, the certification client prepares samples and sends them to designated laboratory according to the requirements of type test scheme; if necessary, CQC may obtain samples by the methods of site sampling/sample sealing according to the requirements of type test scheme based on the risk assessment and also send the samples to designated laboratory. If required by the certification client, CQC may also arrange an inspector to conduct sampling where factory on-site inspection for production consistency is carried out according to 7.2.3. In this case, the sampling shall be judged as acceptable or non-conformance item available in the factory inspection conclusion. This shall be carried out provided that the effectiveness of corrective measures is verified in written form.
Samples under test shall be produced in the manufacturer applying for certification according to normal processing mode; the certification client should ensure that the samples provided are identical to those in real production. The manufacturer shall provide a schematic diagram for tire side identification (for both sides and at least including contents in the table titled technical parameter of tyres).
In principle, the manufacturer shall ensure to submit samples to the designated laboratory for type test within 20 days. If the certification client fails to submit samples within specified time due to exceptional circumstances, adequate reasons for the delay shall be given to CQC.
The laboratory shall examine authenticity of samples provided by the certification client upon receipt of samples and submit the result to CQC. If the laboratory doubts authenticity of samples, it shall explain the circumstances to CQC and deal with properly.
0 Introduction 0.1 Definition 0.2 Requirements for Manufacturers Classification Management 0.3 Requirements for Utilization of Manufacturer's Testing Resources 1 Application Scope 2 Terms and Definitions 2.1 The worst Condition (TWC) of Tyre 3 Certification Standards 4 Certification Mode 4.1 Basic Certification Mode 4.2 Applicability of Certification Mode 5 Certification Unit Division 6 Certification Entrustment 6.1 Proposal and Acceptance of Certification Application 6.2 Implementation Plan 6.3 Rejection Situations 7 Certification Implementation 7.1 Type Test 7.2 Initial Factory Inspection 7.3 Certification Result Evaluation and Approval 7.4 Time Limit for Certification 8 Post-certification Supervision 8.1 Selection of Post-certification Supervision Method 8.2 Requirements for Post-Certification Follow-Up Inspection 8.3 Sampling Testing or Inspection on Production Site 8.4 Market Sampling Testing or Inspection 8.5 Frequency and Duration of Post-Certification Supervision 8.6 Post-certification Supervision Results Evaluation and Approval 9 Certificate 9.1 Maintenance of Certificate 9.2 Content of Certificate 9.3 Change of Certificate 9.4 Suspension, Resumption, Cancellation and Revocation of Certificate 9.5 Use of Certificate 10 Certification Mark 10.1 Marks Logo 10.2 Requirements for the Usage 11 Charge Basis and Requirements 12 Requirements for Process and Time Limit Related to Technology Disputes, Complaints and Appeals. 13 Application Certification in ODM Method Annex 1 Materials to be Submitted in Certification Entrustment Annex 2 Technical Parameter Table of the Tyres for Motor Vehicles Annex 3 Requirements for Production Consistency Control Documents
0 Introduction
Implementation Rules for Motor Vehicle Tyres (hereinafter referred to as "the Rules") is prepared according to the requirements of Implementation Regulations for Compulsory Product Certification-Motor Vehicle Tyres (CNCA-C12-01:2015) (hereinafter referred to as "the Regulations") and used together with the Regulations as their auxiliary documents.
The applicable product scope and certification basis of the Rules keep consistent with those in the Regulations and are adjusted according to the announcement on catalogue definition and adjustment issued by Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "CNCA").
The Rules is prepared and published by reference to the Regulations and requirements of China Quality Certification Center (hereinafter referred to as "CQC") for quality manual, program file and operation instructions in the principles of maintaining effectiveness of product certification, improving product quality, serving certification enterprises and controlling certification risk.
The Rules define requirements for compulsory product certification of motor vehicle tyres by establishing manufacturer classification management requirements in combination with manufacturer classification.
0.1 Definition
0.1.1 Testing at Manufacturer's Premises (hereinafter referred to as “TMP mode”)
The engineer from the designated laboratory conducts testing with the testing equipment that belongs to the factory laboratory, assisted by the testing personnel dispatched by the factory. The testing report is issued by the relevant designated laboratory upon examination and approval.
0.1.2 Witnessed Manufacturer's Testing (hereinafter referred to as "WMT mode")
The engineers of designated laboratory witness the testing conditions of the factory laboratory and the factory laboratory completes all inspections with their own equipment or witness partial testing conditions and inspection items against testing plan submitted by the factory. Testing personnel of the factory laboratory are responsible for issuing the original records and draft the testing report with the designated laboratory engineers according to the prescribed form. The testing report is issued by the relevant designated laboratory upon examination and approval.
0.2 Requirements for Manufacturers Classification Management
CQC collects and arranges information related to certified product and its manufacturer quality for dynamic classification management on the manufacturers with the assistance of certification client, producer and manufacturer.
CQC classifies the manufacturers into four classes which are expressed as A, B, C and D respectively.
The quality information on which manufacturer classification is based contains at least the following information:
(1) Result of factory inspection (including initial factory inspection and follow-up inspection after certification);
(2) Testing results of sample testing and/or supervisory sampling (including type test, production site sampling or market sampling) and sample authenticity;
(3) Testing results of national or provincial random inspection, special CCC random inspection, etc.;
(4) Coordination of certification client, producer and manufacturer for post-certification supervision;
(5) Judicial decision, complaint arbitration, media exposure, consumer quality information feedback, etc.;
(6) Quality of certified product;
(7) Other information.
See Table 1 for manufacturer classification principle.
Table 1 Manufacturer Classification Principle
Category Classification principle
A Category B enterprises provide conformity data to CQC which conducts integrated risk assessment on the collected quality information and data provided by the enterprise and determines the category. The assessment shall at least cover the following information:
1. Production conditions: complete production line (rubber mixing-vulcanizing) (including equipment and capacity of producer or group company);
2. Factory inspection: no non-conformance items affecting the product consistency upon initial factory inspections/follow-up inspections after certification in the last two years (including the current year).
3. Results of product inspection and random inspection: no non-conformance item upon post-certification supervision and testing in the last two years (including the current year); the conclusion of all national and provincial inspections and CQC special inspections is "qualified".
4. Product testing capacity: the manufacturer (or its producer and parent company) shall possess testing capacity required by certification standards. (Conforming to technical capability requirements specified in Chapter 5 of GB/T 27025 (IEC 17025))
5. Products imported into China within supervision period shall reach a certain quantity.
6. Other information related to the quality of the certified product and its manufacturer.
B Other manufacturers except those of Classes A, C and D.
The manufacturer without any quality information is classified into Class B by default.
C Those that meet one of the following conditions are classified into Class C enterprises:
1. Where the conclusion judgment is "site verification" upon initial factory inspection and post-certification follow-up inspection;
2. Where quality problems exist and are caused by the enterprises but not serious enough to suspend or revoke the certificate;
3. Where CQC adjusts the enterprises into Class C as per the results of comprehensive evaluation on quality information related to the manufacturers and their certified products.
D Those that meet one of the following conditions are classified into Class D enterprises:
1. Where conclusion of factory inspection is judged as "rejected" and the certified product has quality problems;
2. Where the result of the supervision sampling testing is “rejected” and the product safety performance is affected;
3. Where inspections and/or supervision sampling are rejected without justifiable reasons;
4. Where serious quality problems exist as revealed by the media and are caused by the enterprise;
5. Where the conclusions of national and provincial and CCC special inspection are "rejected" and the safety performance of the product is affected (with the exception of nonconformity of instruction/identification);
6.Where CQC adjusts the enterprises into Class D as per the results of comprehensive evaluation on quality information related to the manufacturers and their certified products.
CQC will determine the classification result (class) of manufacturers according to the above classification principles based on various quality information acquired in real time.
CQC reclassifies the manufacturers periodically or aperiodically according to various information so as to realize dynamic management. If there is any change, public documents of CQC shall prevail. In principle, the manufacturer level shall be upgraded according to D-C-B-A or degraded from A-B-C-D or adjusted to the level required after the risk assessment.
0.3 Requirements for Utilization of Manufacturer's Testing Resources
They are applied to post-certification supervision and sampling inspection. For compulsory product certification of tyres, see public documents of CQC for requirements for utilization of manufacturer's testing resources.
1 Application Scope
The Rules is applicable to the new pneumatic tyre for motor vehicles, including passenger car tyre, truck tyre, motorcycle tyre and originally aims to the tyres for motor vehicles of M, N, O, and L categories (see GB/T 15089 for definitions of vehicle category).
The Rules is not applicable to retreaded tyres and those designed specifically for competition.
The adjustment of application scope caused by the changes of laws, regulations, relevant products standards, technologies, and industrial policies, shall be subject to the announcement issued by CNCA.
2 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of the Rules, the terms and definitions in laws and regulations related to compulsory product certification apply.
2.1 The worst Condition (TWC) of Tyre
conditions where tyres in the same certification unit and loaded with the same type are given maximum load index and maximum speed.
3 Certification Standards
Mandatory terms in GB 9743 Passenger Car Tyres, GB 9744 Truck Tyres and GB 518 Motorcycle Tyres.
For certification and testing basis standards, the latest edition issued by the administrative department of national standardization applies in principle. When it is required to add new applicable standards or use other editions, follow CNCA's announcements about applicable standards requirements.
4 Certification Mode
4.1 Basic Certification Mode
Basic certification mode: type test + initial factory inspection + post-certification supervision.
Among the basic certification mode, initial factory inspection is to evaluate the production consistency control; Post-certification supervision is one or combination of post-certification follow-up inspection, sampling inspection on production site and/or inspection and market sampling testing and/or inspection.
4.2 Applicability of Certification Mode
Certification client may propose application for applicable certification mode from basic certification mode according to its own actual situation.
According to the characteristics of product applied for certification and the certification risk control principle, CQC shall determine an applicable certification mode for the certification client in combination with the classification management result of manufacturer.
5 Certification Unit Division
In principle, those produced by the same producer (manufacturer) at the same manufacturer’s (site) and with the same category [Note 1], the same structure [Note 2] and the same series [Note 3] shall be regarded as one certification unit.
Certification client proposes certification entrustment according to unit division principle.
For certification unit division, see Compulsory Certification Unit Division of Motor Vehicles Tyres (Annex 1 to the Regulations).
Note 1: Categories: passenger car tyre, truck tyre and motorcycle tyre.
Note 2: Structure: radial tyre (including all-steel and semisteel), bias tyre and bias-belted tyre.
Note 3: Series: refer to the product series specified in the standards GB/T 2978 Size Designation, Dimensions, Inflation Pressure and Load Capacity for Passenger Car Tyres, GB/T 2977 Size Designation, Dimensions, Inflation Pressure and Load Capacity for Truck Tyres and GB/T 2983 Series of Motorcycle Tyres.
Final result of unit division will be determined by the CQC product certification engineer after examination of all product information; if necessary, the applicant can discuss with the engineer with regard to combination and separation scheme of the unit.
6 Certification Entrustment
6.1 Proposal and Acceptance of Certification Application
Certification client proposes certification application to CQC on the Internet (, and then fill in necessary corporation information and product information. CQC shall examine the application according to relevant requirements, and notice the acceptance or refusal within 2 workdays, or require the certification client to re-propose the certification application after rectification.
Certification client shall provide relevant certification entrustment information and technical data according to the requirements of CQC upon acceptance of the certification entrustment (see Annex 1 for details).
CQC will check the relevant information upon receipt according to review requirements, and notify the result to certification client. If the information fails to meet the requirements, it shall notify the certification client to complement and improve it.
Certification client shall be responsible for the authenticity of the provided information.
CQC manages and preserves the certification information provided by certification client, and is responsible for keeping it secret.
6.2 Implementation Plan
After acceptance, CQC shall prepare certification scheme and notify it to the certification client. The certification scheme generally includes the following contents:
(1) Adopted certification mode and unit division;
(2) Application information list submitted;
(3) Type test scheme;
(4) Information of the designated laboratory;
(5) Required certification procedure and time limit;
(6) Estimated certification costs;
(7) Contact method of relevant CQC staff;
(8) Other matters required to be noted.
6.3 Rejection Situations
Certification entrustment will be rejected under one of the following circumstances:
1) In nonconformity to national industrial policy;
2) Where the application, manufacture and factory are inconsistent, agreements or contracts (such as agreement and letter of attorney for consigned processing), letter of attorney (original and duplication, including producer (manufacturer), processing plant and original holder) signed by the parties are not provided;
3) Other conditions as specified in laws and regulations.
7 Certification Implementation
7.1 Type Test
7.1.1 Type test scheme
After the information provided by the certification client is qualified upon examination, CQC shall develop a scheme for type test, if necessary for certification entrustment, and inform the certification client. Type test scheme includes sample requirements and quantity, testing standard and items and laboratory information.
In principle, within the same certification unit, the priority is given to the specification/model with the maximum speed symbol grade and load index. For a unit including multiple models, the certification client shall also submit products of other models for full item or difference tests in addition to those of main models depending on the requirements for testing scheme.
In addition, the samples of passenger car tyres shall be differentially selected from the enhanced type and standard type; samples of motorcycle tyres shall be differentially selected from light load type, standard type, enhanced type and heavy-duty type.
If it is unlikely to meet requirements for maximum speed symbol grade and load index and loading type at the same time, all cases shall be included.
CQC may also properly increase selected sample quantity according to risk assessment result.
7.1.2 Sample requirements
In general, the certification client prepares samples and sends them to designated laboratory according to the requirements of type test scheme; if necessary, CQC may obtain samples by the methods of site sampling/sample sealing according to the requirements of type test scheme based on the risk assessment and also send the samples to designated laboratory. If required by the certification client, CQC may also arrange an inspector to conduct sampling where factory on-site inspection for production consistency is carried out according to 7.2.3. In this case, the sampling shall be judged as acceptable or non-conformance item available in the factory inspection conclusion. This shall be carried out provided that the effectiveness of corrective measures is verified in written form.
Samples under test shall be produced in the manufacturer applying for certification according to normal processing mode; the certification client should ensure that the samples provided are identical to those in real production. The manufacturer shall provide a schematic diagram for tire side identification (for both sides and at least including contents in the table titled technical parameter of tyres).
In principle, the manufacturer shall ensure to submit samples to the designated laboratory for type test within 20 days. If the certification client fails to submit samples within specified time due to exceptional circumstances, adequate reasons for the delay shall be given to CQC.
The laboratory shall examine authenticity of samples provided by the certification client upon receipt of samples and submit the result to CQC. If the laboratory doubts authenticity of samples, it shall explain the circumstances to CQC and deal with properly.
Contents of CQC-C1201-2015
0 Introduction
0.1 Definition
0.2 Requirements for Manufacturers Classification Management
0.3 Requirements for Utilization of Manufacturer's Testing Resources
1 Application Scope
2 Terms and Definitions
2.1 The worst Condition (TWC) of Tyre
3 Certification Standards
4 Certification Mode
4.1 Basic Certification Mode
4.2 Applicability of Certification Mode
5 Certification Unit Division
6 Certification Entrustment
6.1 Proposal and Acceptance of Certification Application
6.2 Implementation Plan
6.3 Rejection Situations
7 Certification Implementation
7.1 Type Test
7.2 Initial Factory Inspection
7.3 Certification Result Evaluation and Approval
7.4 Time Limit for Certification
8 Post-certification Supervision
8.1 Selection of Post-certification Supervision Method
8.2 Requirements for Post-Certification Follow-Up Inspection
8.3 Sampling Testing or Inspection on Production Site
8.4 Market Sampling Testing or Inspection
8.5 Frequency and Duration of Post-Certification Supervision
8.6 Post-certification Supervision Results Evaluation and Approval
9 Certificate
9.1 Maintenance of Certificate
9.2 Content of Certificate
9.3 Change of Certificate
9.4 Suspension, Resumption, Cancellation and Revocation of Certificate
9.5 Use of Certificate
10 Certification Mark
10.1 Marks Logo
10.2 Requirements for the Usage
11 Charge Basis and Requirements
12 Requirements for Process and Time Limit Related to Technology Disputes, Complaints and Appeals.
13 Application Certification in ODM Method
Annex 1 Materials to be Submitted in Certification Entrustment
Annex 2 Technical Parameter Table of the Tyres for Motor Vehicles
Annex 3 Requirements for Production Consistency Control Documents