This standard specifies the design specifications of dispatch automation system dispatch end in electric power systems and relevant dispatch automation parts of relevant power plant (including hydroelectric power plant, thermal power plant and nuclear power station) and substation (including switch station and DC substation).
This standard is applicable to:
1.0.1 Planning and design, feasibility study design and preliminary design of dispatch automation system of provincial and above electric power systems.
1.0.2 Engineering design of dispatch center of provincial and above electric power systems.
1.0.3 Relevant dispatch automation design in engineering design for constructed, renovated and extended hydroelectric power plant, thermal power plant, nuclear power station and substation (including switch station and DC substation), directly dispatched and dominated by dispatch center of provincial and above electric power systems.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 General Principles 4 Dispatch End Part 4.1 Interconnection of Overall Structure of System with Other Systems 4.2 Overall Function 4.3 Technical Requirements 4.4 Hardware Device Selection and Configuration Requirements 4.5 Software Requirements 5 Plant Station End Part 5.1 Information Acquisition 5.2 Telecontrol System 5.3 Information Transmission and Channel 6 Automatic Generation Control Part 6.1 Control Objective and Mode 6.2 Adjustment Capacity and Adjustment Plant 6.3 Automatic Generation Control Information 6.4 Dispatch End Control System 7 Computer Room and Others Appendix A (Normative) Area Control Error Calculation Appendix B (Normative) Adjustment Capacity Calculation of Automatic Generation Control
This standard specifies the design specifications of dispatch automation system dispatch end in electric power systems and relevant dispatch automation parts of relevant power plant (including hydroelectric power plant, thermal power plant and nuclear power station) and substation (including switch station and DC substation).
This standard is applicable to:
1.0.1 Planning and design, feasibility study design and preliminary design of dispatch automation system of provincial and above electric power systems.
1.0.2 Engineering design of dispatch center of provincial and above electric power systems.
1.0.3 Relevant dispatch automation design in engineering design for constructed, renovated and extended hydroelectric power plant, thermal power plant, nuclear power station and substation (including switch station and DC substation), directly dispatched and dominated by dispatch center of provincial and above electric power systems.
Contents of DL/T 5003-2005
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 General Principles
4 Dispatch End Part
4.1 Interconnection of Overall Structure of System with Other Systems
4.2 Overall Function
4.3 Technical Requirements
4.4 Hardware Device Selection and Configuration Requirements
4.5 Software Requirements
5 Plant Station End Part
5.1 Information Acquisition
5.2 Telecontrol System
5.3 Information Transmission and Channel
6 Automatic Generation Control Part
6.1 Control Objective and Mode
6.2 Adjustment Capacity and Adjustment Plant
6.3 Automatic Generation Control Information
6.4 Dispatch End Control System
7 Computer Room and Others
Appendix A (Normative) Area Control Error Calculation
Appendix B (Normative) Adjustment Capacity Calculation of Automatic Generation Control