GB 4789.9-2014 National food safety standard - Food microbiological examination - Examination of Campylobacter jejuni
1 Scope
This standard specifies the methods for examining Campylobacter jejuni in food.
This standard is applicable to the examination of Campylobacter jejuni in food.
2 Equipment and materials
In addition to the conventional sterilization and culture equipment in microbiological laboratory, other equipment and materials required are as follows:
a) Thermostatic incubator: 25±1°C, 36±1°C, 42±1°C;
b) Refrigerator: 2- 5°C;
c) Constant temperature oscillating incubator: 36±1°C, 42±1°C.
d) Balance: With a sensibility of 0.1 g;
e) Homogenizer with matching homogenizing bags;
f) Oscillator;
g) Aseptic pipette: 1 mL (with a scale division of 0.01 mL), 10 mL (with a scale division of 0.1 mL) or micropipettor and sucker;
h) Aseptic conical flasks: With volumes of 100 mL, 200 mL, and 2,000 mL;
i) Aseptic petri dish: With a diameter of 90 mm;
j) pH meter or pH colorimetric tube or short-range pH paper;
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Equipment and materials 3 Culture media and reagents 4 Examination procedures 5 Operation procedures Annex A Culture media and reagents
GB 4789.9-2014 National food safety standard - Food microbiological examination - Examination of Campylobacter jejuni
1 Scope
This standard specifies the methods for examining Campylobacter jejuni in food.
This standard is applicable to the examination of Campylobacter jejuni in food.
2 Equipment and materials
In addition to the conventional sterilization and culture equipment in microbiological laboratory, other equipment and materials required are as follows:
a) Thermostatic incubator: 25±1°C, 36±1°C, 42±1°C;
b) Refrigerator: 2- 5°C;
c) Constant temperature oscillating incubator: 36±1°C, 42±1°C.
d) Balance: With a sensibility of 0.1 g;
e) Homogenizer with matching homogenizing bags;
f) Oscillator;
g) Aseptic pipette: 1 mL (with a scale division of 0.01 mL), 10 mL (with a scale division of 0.1 mL) or micropipettor and sucker;
h) Aseptic conical flasks: With volumes of 100 mL, 200 mL, and 2,000 mL;
i) Aseptic petri dish: With a diameter of 90 mm;
j) pH meter or pH colorimetric tube or short-range pH paper;
k) Water bath device: 36±1°C, 100°C;
l) Microaerobic culture device: Provide microaerobic conditions (oxygen: 5%; carbon dioxide: 10%; nitrogen: 85%);
Contents of GB 4789.9-2014
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Equipment and materials
3 Culture media and reagents
4 Examination procedures
5 Operation procedures
Annex A Culture media and reagents