1.1 This standard specifies the establishment principle of instructions for use of consumer goods and presents some suggestion. It is used for
——Product designer, manufacturer, technical document drafter or other organizers for such explanation;
——Technical committee or organization establishing consumer goods standard
1.2 The principle and detailed proposal of this standard shall be used together with the special requirements of introduction for use in the special product or series product standards.
1.3 This standard attaches the informative appendix including some practicality suggestion and recommended evaluation methods (see Appendix A) to be taken as the criteria when evaluating the quality of introduction for use.
This Appendix is mainly used for researchers and experts engaged in evaluation work, and it may be helpful for standard use objects referred in Article 1.1.
Contents Foreword I ISO/IEC Foreword II ISO/IEC Introduction III 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Definitions 4 General Provisions 5 Standard Provisions 6 Positions and Methods 7 Providing Information at Sale Points 8 Establishment of Instructions for Use 9 Safety Warning 10 Standardized Wording and Sign 11 Audio-visual Signals 12 Durability of Instruction for Use Appendix A (Informative) Assessment of Instructions for Use
1.1 This standard specifies the establishment principle of instructions for use of consumer goods and presents some suggestion. It is used for
——Product designer, manufacturer, technical document drafter or other organizers for such explanation;
——Technical committee or organization establishing consumer goods standard
1.2 The principle and detailed proposal of this standard shall be used together with the special requirements of introduction for use in the special product or series product standards.
1.3 This standard attaches the informative appendix including some practicality suggestion and recommended evaluation methods (see Appendix A) to be taken as the criteria when evaluating the quality of introduction for use.
This Appendix is mainly used for researchers and experts engaged in evaluation work, and it may be helpful for standard use objects referred in Article 1.1.
Contents of GB 5296.1-1997
Foreword I
ISO/IEC Foreword II
ISO/IEC Introduction III
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Definitions
4 General Provisions
5 Standard Provisions
6 Positions and Methods
7 Providing Information at Sale Points
8 Establishment of Instructions for Use
9 Safety Warning
10 Standardized Wording and Sign
11 Audio-visual Signals
12 Durability of Instruction for Use
Appendix A (Informative) Assessment of Instructions for Use