GB/T 10870-2014/XG1-2015 The methods of performance test for water chilling(heat pump) packages using the vaper compression cycle , includes Amendment 1 (English Version)
This standard was drafted according to the rules in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard supersedes "The Methods of Performance Test for Positive Displacement & Centrifugal Water-Chilling Units and Heat Pump" (GB/T 10870-2001), and compared with GB/T 10870-2001, it has the following main changes:
——The standard name was changed to "The Methods of Performance Test for Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle";
——The requirements on permissible deviation for the results of main test and check test were modified;
——The check test method for water-cooling condenser was deleted;
——The evaluation on the coefficient of performance for heating of water chilling (heat pump) packages was added;
——The requirements of heating performance test for air-cooling and evaporative-cooling water chilling (heat pump) packages were added;
——The temperature measurement at the air inlet of air-cooling and evaporative-cooling water chilling (heat pump) packages was added;
——The cooling performance measurement uncertainty analysis examples for water-cooling water chilling packages were added.
This standard was proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Equipment of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 238).
Chief drafting organizations of this standard: Hefei General Machinery Research Institute, Hefei General Machinery Research Institute Co., Ltd., NBWAVE Heat Energy Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong PHNIX Eco-energy Solutiong Ltd. and Hefei General Environment Control Technology Co., Ltd.
Chief drafters of this standard: Zhang Xiuping, Wang Rujin, Zan Shichao, Chen Jinkang and Wang Kai.
The previous edition of the standard superseded by this standard is:
——GB/T 10870-2001.
GB/T 10870-2014
The Methods of Performance Test for Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terminologies and definitions of the main performance parameters, test requirements, test methods, test deviation, gross electric power and evaluation on coefficient of performance for the motor driven water chilling (heat pump) packages using the vapor compression cycle.
This standard is applicable to the performance test for motor driven water chilling (heat pump) packages using the vapor compression cycle (hereafter referred to as "packages"). Cooling tower all-in-one packages, brine packages and ethanediol packages may also refer to the provisions of this standard.
2 Normative References
The following documents for the application of this document are essential. For dated reference, just dated edition applies to this document. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 2624.1 Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Pressure Differential Devices Inserted in Circular Cross-section Conduits Running Full - Part 1: General Principles and Requirements
GB/T 2624.2 Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Pressure Differential Devices Inserted in Circular Cross-section Conduits Running Full - Part 2: Orifice Plates
GB/T 2624.3 Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Pressure Differential Devices Inserted in Circular Cross-section Conduits Running Full - Part 3: Nozzles and Venturi Nozzles
GB/T 2624.4 Measurement of Fluid Flow by means of Pressure Differential Devices Inserted in Circular Cross-section Conduits Running Full - Part 4: Venturi Tubes
GB/T 5773-2004 Method of Performance Test for Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors
GB/T 18430.1 Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle - Part 1: Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages for Industrial & Commercial and Similar Application
GB/T 18430.2 Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle - Part 2: Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages for Household and Similar Application
GB 50050 Code for Design of Industrial Recirculating Cooling Water Treatment
JB/T 7249 Refrigerating Equipment - Terms
3 Terminologies and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terminologies and definitions specified in GB/T 5773-2004, GB/T 18430.1, GB/T 18430.2 and JB/T 7249 as well as the following ones apply.
Gross electric power
The sum of input power consumed during package operation under the specified cooling (heating) performance test conditions.
Note 1: gross electric power includes the input power of compressor motor, oil pump motor, electric heater and operation control circuit, etc.
Note 2: as for air-cooling packages, the gross electric power also includes the power of cooling fan; as for evaporative-cooling packages, it also includes the pump power of water sprayer and the power of cooling fan.
Coefficient of performance for cooling; COPC
The ratio of the refrigerating capacity of package to the gross electric power for cooling under the specified cooling capacity test conditions, it is expressed as W/W.
Coefficient of performance for heating; COPH
The ratio of the heating capacity of package to the gross electric power for heating under the specified heating capacity test conditions, it is expressed as W/W.
4 Test Requirements
4.1 General requirements
4.1.1 Discharge the non-condensable gas in the cooling system of package, and confirm that there is no refrigerant leakage.
4.1.2 There shall be sufficient refrigerant (according to the requirements of the instructions) in the cooling (heating) system, if the refrigerant is mixture, then its component and constitution shall be guaranteed, and the lubricating oil volume in compressor shall be kept for normal operation.
4.1.3 Test system shall be set with thermometer bushing and pressure gauge lead-out joint, etc.
4.1.4 The test equipment and instruments shall not disturb normal operation and operation of packages.
4.1.5 The water sides of heat exchanger on the package usage side and of heat exchanger and oil cooler on heat source side shall be cleaned up.
4.1.6 The quality of water used by packages shall meet the requirements of GB 50050.
4.1.7 The test environment of air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages shall be spacious enough, and the air flow at the place 0.5 m away from packages shall not be larger than 2 m/s.
4.2 Test requirements
4.2.1 The performance tests of water-cooling packages shall include main test and check test, in which measurement shall be started at the same time; in performance test of air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages, a set of measuring instrument may be used for measuring, and the performance shall be calculated.
Check test is only applicable to water-cooling packages, rather than air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages.
Only in laboratory calibration test of air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages, two sets of instrument may be used for measuring at the same time.
4.2.2 The allowable deviation between the results of check test and main test of water-cooling packages shall not be larger than the value calculated from Formula (1), and the measuring result of the main test is regarded as the calculation basis.
When air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages are measured at the same time with two sets of instruments, the deviation between the measured values of water temperature in the two groups of measured values shall not be larger than 0.1℃, the deviation between the measured values of water flow shall not be larger than 2%, the deviation between the measured values of gross electric power shall not be larger than 2%; the allowable deviation between two groups of test results shall not be larger than the value calculated from Formula (1), and the average value of two groups of test measurement results is regarded as the calculation basis.
σ——the allowable deviation of test results (%);
FL——the load percentage (%);
DTFL——The inlet and outlet water temperature difference during full load operation of heat exchanger on the usage side (℃).
4.2.3 Measurement shall be performed after the test conditions of packages are stabilized for 1h. Minor adjustment may be made on pressure, temperature, flow and liquid level before measurement is started. No adjustment on packages is allowed after measurement is started, and all recorded measurement data shall meet the test requirements of GB/T 18430.1 and GB/T 18430.2. In steady state test, take a group of data every 5 min, the acquisition cycle of each data point shall not exceed 10 s, at least 7 groups of data shall be acquired as the original record of testing report.
4.2.4 As for the air-cooling and evaporative-cooling water chilling (heat pump) packages whose nominal refrigerating capacity is less than or equal to 8kW, the heating performance test requirements shall in accordance with Appendix A.
4.3 Test methods
4.3.1 The main test method for the performance of packages is liquid coolant method (see 5.1).
4.3.2 The check test method for the performance of packages may be one of the followings:
——Thermal equilibrium method (see 5.2);
——Liquid refrigerant flowmeter method (see 5.3).
4.3.3 The air inlet temperature measurement of air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages shall be performed according to Appendix B.
4.4 Test parameters
During the test, the test parameters shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 18430.1 or GB/T 18430.2.
4.5 Instruments
4.5.1 Test instruments shall pass the verification of legal measurement inspection department and shall be within the period of validity.
4.5.2 The type and accuracy of test instruments shall meet the requirements of Appendix C.
4.6 Test data
4.6.1 The general data to be recorded include:
——Test date, site and personnel;
——Model and factory No. of package;
——Supply voltage and frequency;
——Gross electric power of package;
——Inlet and outlet temperature of cold (hot) water on the usage side;
——Volume flow of cold (hot) water on the usage side;
——Inlet and outlet water pressure drop on the usage side;
——Refrigerant, lubricating oil and their filling amount;
——Atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature;
——Description of heat exchanger insulation layer on the usage side.
4.6.2 The followings shall also be recorded for water-cooling packages:
——Inlet and outlet temperature of water on the heat source side;
——Volume flow of water on the heat source side;
——Inlet and outlet water pressure drop on the heat source side.
4.6.3 The followings shall also be recorded for air-cooling packages:
——Inlet air dry and wet-bulb temperature of heat exchanger on the heat source side;
——Rotation speed of fan.
4.6.4 The followings shall also be recorded for evaporative-cooling packages:
——Inlet air dry and wet-bulb temperature of heat exchanger on the heat source side;
——Rotation speed of fan;
——Input power of pump motor of water sprayer;
——Supply water temperature of heat exchanger on the heat source side;
——Water volume flow of heat exchanger on the heat source side.
4.6.5 The test result shall record:
——The cooling (heating) capacity for the main test and check test of water-cooling packages, and the cooling (heating) capacity for the main test of air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages;
——The deviation between check test and main test results (applicable to water-cooling packages), or the deviation of the test results when two sets of instruments are adopted (applicable to air-cooling or evaporative-cooling packages);
——The gross electric power of package;
——The cooling (heating) performance coefficient.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terminologies and Definitions 4 Test Requirements 5 Test Methods 6 Test Deviation 7 Gross Electric Power 8 Evaluation of Performance Coefficient 9 Analysis Example of Performance Uncertainty Appendix A (Normative) Test Requirements of Heating Performance for Air-cooling and Evaporative-cooling Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages Appendix B (Normative) Temperature Measurement at the Air Inlet of Air-cooling and Evaporative-cooling Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages Appendix C (Normative) Requirements for Type and Accuracy of Test Instruments Appendix D (Normative) Measurement and Calculation for Input Power of Compressor, Oil Pump, Fan and Water Sprayer Pump Appendix E (Informative) Analysis Example of Measurement Uncertainty of the Cooling Performance of Water-cooling Packages
GB/T 10870-2014/XG1-2015 The methods of performance test for water chilling(heat pump) packages using the vaper compression cycle , includes Amendment 1 (English Version)
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GB/T 10870-2014/XG1-2015
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Detail of GB/T 10870-2014/XG1-2015
Standard No.
GB/T 10870-2014/XG1-2015
English Name
The methods of performance test for water chilling(heat pump) packages using the vaper compression cycle , includes Amendment 1
This standard was drafted according to the rules in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard supersedes "The Methods of Performance Test for Positive Displacement & Centrifugal Water-Chilling Units and Heat Pump" (GB/T 10870-2001), and compared with GB/T 10870-2001, it has the following main changes:
——The standard name was changed to "The Methods of Performance Test for Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle";
——The requirements on permissible deviation for the results of main test and check test were modified;
——The check test method for water-cooling condenser was deleted;
——The evaluation on the coefficient of performance for heating of water chilling (heat pump) packages was added;
——The requirements of heating performance test for air-cooling and evaporative-cooling water chilling (heat pump) packages were added;
——The temperature measurement at the air inlet of air-cooling and evaporative-cooling water chilling (heat pump) packages was added;
——The cooling performance measurement uncertainty analysis examples for water-cooling water chilling packages were added.
This standard was proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Equipment of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 238).
Chief drafting organizations of this standard: Hefei General Machinery Research Institute, Hefei General Machinery Research Institute Co., Ltd., NBWAVE Heat Energy Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Guangdong PHNIX Eco-energy Solutiong Ltd. and Hefei General Environment Control Technology Co., Ltd.
Chief drafters of this standard: Zhang Xiuping, Wang Rujin, Zan Shichao, Chen Jinkang and Wang Kai.
The previous edition of the standard superseded by this standard is:
——GB/T 10870-2001.
GB/T 10870-2014
The Methods of Performance Test for Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terminologies and definitions of the main performance parameters, test requirements, test methods, test deviation, gross electric power and evaluation on coefficient of performance for the motor driven water chilling (heat pump) packages using the vapor compression cycle.
This standard is applicable to the performance test for motor driven water chilling (heat pump) packages using the vapor compression cycle (hereafter referred to as "packages"). Cooling tower all-in-one packages, brine packages and ethanediol packages may also refer to the provisions of this standard.
2 Normative References
The following documents for the application of this document are essential. For dated reference, just dated edition applies to this document. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 2624.1 Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Pressure Differential Devices Inserted in Circular Cross-section Conduits Running Full - Part 1: General Principles and Requirements
GB/T 2624.2 Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Pressure Differential Devices Inserted in Circular Cross-section Conduits Running Full - Part 2: Orifice Plates
GB/T 2624.3 Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Pressure Differential Devices Inserted in Circular Cross-section Conduits Running Full - Part 3: Nozzles and Venturi Nozzles
GB/T 2624.4 Measurement of Fluid Flow by means of Pressure Differential Devices Inserted in Circular Cross-section Conduits Running Full - Part 4: Venturi Tubes
GB/T 5773-2004 Method of Performance Test for Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors
GB/T 18430.1 Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle - Part 1: Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages for Industrial & Commercial and Similar Application
GB/T 18430.2 Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle - Part 2: Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages for Household and Similar Application
GB 50050 Code for Design of Industrial Recirculating Cooling Water Treatment
JB/T 7249 Refrigerating Equipment - Terms
3 Terminologies and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terminologies and definitions specified in GB/T 5773-2004, GB/T 18430.1, GB/T 18430.2 and JB/T 7249 as well as the following ones apply.
Gross electric power
The sum of input power consumed during package operation under the specified cooling (heating) performance test conditions.
Note 1: gross electric power includes the input power of compressor motor, oil pump motor, electric heater and operation control circuit, etc.
Note 2: as for air-cooling packages, the gross electric power also includes the power of cooling fan; as for evaporative-cooling packages, it also includes the pump power of water sprayer and the power of cooling fan.
Coefficient of performance for cooling; COPC
The ratio of the refrigerating capacity of package to the gross electric power for cooling under the specified cooling capacity test conditions, it is expressed as W/W.
Coefficient of performance for heating; COPH
The ratio of the heating capacity of package to the gross electric power for heating under the specified heating capacity test conditions, it is expressed as W/W.
4 Test Requirements
4.1 General requirements
4.1.1 Discharge the non-condensable gas in the cooling system of package, and confirm that there is no refrigerant leakage.
4.1.2 There shall be sufficient refrigerant (according to the requirements of the instructions) in the cooling (heating) system, if the refrigerant is mixture, then its component and constitution shall be guaranteed, and the lubricating oil volume in compressor shall be kept for normal operation.
4.1.3 Test system shall be set with thermometer bushing and pressure gauge lead-out joint, etc.
4.1.4 The test equipment and instruments shall not disturb normal operation and operation of packages.
4.1.5 The water sides of heat exchanger on the package usage side and of heat exchanger and oil cooler on heat source side shall be cleaned up.
4.1.6 The quality of water used by packages shall meet the requirements of GB 50050.
4.1.7 The test environment of air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages shall be spacious enough, and the air flow at the place 0.5 m away from packages shall not be larger than 2 m/s.
4.2 Test requirements
4.2.1 The performance tests of water-cooling packages shall include main test and check test, in which measurement shall be started at the same time; in performance test of air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages, a set of measuring instrument may be used for measuring, and the performance shall be calculated.
Check test is only applicable to water-cooling packages, rather than air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages.
Only in laboratory calibration test of air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages, two sets of instrument may be used for measuring at the same time.
4.2.2 The allowable deviation between the results of check test and main test of water-cooling packages shall not be larger than the value calculated from Formula (1), and the measuring result of the main test is regarded as the calculation basis.
When air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages are measured at the same time with two sets of instruments, the deviation between the measured values of water temperature in the two groups of measured values shall not be larger than 0.1℃, the deviation between the measured values of water flow shall not be larger than 2%, the deviation between the measured values of gross electric power shall not be larger than 2%; the allowable deviation between two groups of test results shall not be larger than the value calculated from Formula (1), and the average value of two groups of test measurement results is regarded as the calculation basis.
σ——the allowable deviation of test results (%);
FL——the load percentage (%);
DTFL——The inlet and outlet water temperature difference during full load operation of heat exchanger on the usage side (℃).
4.2.3 Measurement shall be performed after the test conditions of packages are stabilized for 1h. Minor adjustment may be made on pressure, temperature, flow and liquid level before measurement is started. No adjustment on packages is allowed after measurement is started, and all recorded measurement data shall meet the test requirements of GB/T 18430.1 and GB/T 18430.2. In steady state test, take a group of data every 5 min, the acquisition cycle of each data point shall not exceed 10 s, at least 7 groups of data shall be acquired as the original record of testing report.
4.2.4 As for the air-cooling and evaporative-cooling water chilling (heat pump) packages whose nominal refrigerating capacity is less than or equal to 8kW, the heating performance test requirements shall in accordance with Appendix A.
4.3 Test methods
4.3.1 The main test method for the performance of packages is liquid coolant method (see 5.1).
4.3.2 The check test method for the performance of packages may be one of the followings:
——Thermal equilibrium method (see 5.2);
——Liquid refrigerant flowmeter method (see 5.3).
4.3.3 The air inlet temperature measurement of air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages shall be performed according to Appendix B.
4.4 Test parameters
During the test, the test parameters shall comply with the requirements of GB/T 18430.1 or GB/T 18430.2.
4.5 Instruments
4.5.1 Test instruments shall pass the verification of legal measurement inspection department and shall be within the period of validity.
4.5.2 The type and accuracy of test instruments shall meet the requirements of Appendix C.
4.6 Test data
4.6.1 The general data to be recorded include:
——Test date, site and personnel;
——Model and factory No. of package;
——Supply voltage and frequency;
——Gross electric power of package;
——Inlet and outlet temperature of cold (hot) water on the usage side;
——Volume flow of cold (hot) water on the usage side;
——Inlet and outlet water pressure drop on the usage side;
——Refrigerant, lubricating oil and their filling amount;
——Atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature;
——Description of heat exchanger insulation layer on the usage side.
4.6.2 The followings shall also be recorded for water-cooling packages:
——Inlet and outlet temperature of water on the heat source side;
——Volume flow of water on the heat source side;
——Inlet and outlet water pressure drop on the heat source side.
4.6.3 The followings shall also be recorded for air-cooling packages:
——Inlet air dry and wet-bulb temperature of heat exchanger on the heat source side;
——Rotation speed of fan.
4.6.4 The followings shall also be recorded for evaporative-cooling packages:
——Inlet air dry and wet-bulb temperature of heat exchanger on the heat source side;
——Rotation speed of fan;
——Input power of pump motor of water sprayer;
——Supply water temperature of heat exchanger on the heat source side;
——Water volume flow of heat exchanger on the heat source side.
4.6.5 The test result shall record:
——The cooling (heating) capacity for the main test and check test of water-cooling packages, and the cooling (heating) capacity for the main test of air-cooling and evaporative-cooling packages;
——The deviation between check test and main test results (applicable to water-cooling packages), or the deviation of the test results when two sets of instruments are adopted (applicable to air-cooling or evaporative-cooling packages);
——The gross electric power of package;
——The cooling (heating) performance coefficient.
Contents of GB/T 10870-2014/XG1-2015
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terminologies and Definitions
4 Test Requirements
5 Test Methods
6 Test Deviation
7 Gross Electric Power
8 Evaluation of Performance Coefficient
9 Analysis Example of Performance Uncertainty
Appendix A (Normative) Test Requirements of Heating Performance for Air-cooling and Evaporative-cooling Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages
Appendix B (Normative) Temperature Measurement at the Air Inlet of Air-cooling and Evaporative-cooling Water Chilling (Heat Pump) Packages
Appendix C (Normative) Requirements for Type and Accuracy of Test Instruments
Appendix D (Normative) Measurement and Calculation for Input Power of Compressor, Oil Pump, Fan and Water Sprayer Pump
Appendix E (Informative) Analysis Example of Measurement Uncertainty of the Cooling Performance of Water-cooling Packages