GB/T 14048.10-2016 Low - voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-2: Control circuit appliances and switching elements - Proximity switches (English Version) is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the contents of English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB 14048 consists of the following parts, under the general title Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear:
— Part 1: General Rules;
— Part 2: Circuit-breakers;
— Part 3: Switches Disconnectors Switch-disconnectors and Fuse-combination Units;
— Part 4-1: Contactors and Motor-starters — Electromechanical Contactors and motor-starters (Including Motor Protector);
— Part 4-2: Contactors and Motor-starters — AC Semiconductor Motor Controllers and Starters (Including Soft-starter);
— Part 4-3: Contactors and Motor-starters — AC Semiconductor Controllers and Contactors for Non-motor Loads;
— Part 5-1: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Element — Electromechanical Control Circuit Devices;
— Part 5-2: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Element — Proximtiy Switches;
— Part 5-3: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Requirements for Proximity Devices with Defined Behaviour under Fault Conditions (PDF);
— Part 5-4: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Method of Assessing the Performance of Low-energy Contacts - Special Tests;
— Part 5-5: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Electrical Emergency Stop Device with Mechanical Latching Function;
— Part 5-6: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — DC Interface for Proximity Sensors and Switching Amplifiers (NAMUR);
— Part 5-7: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Requirements for Proximity Devices with Analogue Output;
— Part 5-8: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Three-position Enabling Switches;
— Part 5-9: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Flow Rate Switches;
— Part 6-1: Multiple Function Equipment — Transfer Switching Equipment;
— Part 6-2: Multiple Function Equipment - Control and Protective Switching Devices (or Equipment) (CPS);
— Part 7-1: Ancillary Equipment - Terminal Blocks for Copper Conductors;
— Part 7-2: Ancillary Equipment - Protective Conductor Terminal Blocks for Copper Conductors;
— Part 7-3: Ancillary Equipment — Safety Requirements for Fuse Terminal Blocks;
— Part 8: Control Units for Built-in Thermal Protection (PTC) for Rotating Electrical Machines.
This part is Part 5-2 of GB 14048, and numbered GB/T 14048.10.
This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in the GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part replaces GB 14048.10-2008 Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear — Part 5-2: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Element — Proximtiy Switches.
In addition to a number of editorial changes, the following technical deviations have been made with respect to the GB/T 14048.10-2008 (the previous edition):
— Table 3 is modified, and 8 poles M12 connector and 12 poles M12 connector are added;
— Voltage dips immunity test and voltage interruptions immunity test specified in Table 7 are modified;
— Figure D.8 M5 Thread 4-pin/3-pin Integral Connector for d.c. Proximity Switches is added;
— Annex A is revised as informative.
This part is identical with International Standard IEC60947-5-2:2012 Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear — Part 5-2: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Proximity Switches.
The Chinese documents having corresponding consistency relationship with the normative international documents referenced in this part are given below:
— GB/T 2423.5-1995 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products — Part 2: Test Methods — Test Ea and Guidance: Shock (IEC 60068-2-27:1987, IDT)
— GB/T 2423.10-2008 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products — Part 2: Tests Methods — Test Fc: Vibration (Sinusoidal) (IEC 60068-2-6:1995, IDT)
— GB 14048.1-2012 Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear — Part 1: General Rules (IEC 60947-1:2011, MOD)
— GB 17625.2-2007 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) — Limits — Limitation of Voltage Changes, Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker in Public Low-voltage Supply Systems, for Equipment with Rated Current ≤16A per Phase and not Subject to Conditional Connection (IEC 61000-3-3:2005 IDT)
— GB/T17626.2-2006 Electromagnetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test (IEC 61000-42:2001, IDT)
— GB/T 17626.3-2006 Electromagetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Radiated Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Field Immunity Test (IEC 61000-4-3:2002, IDT)
— GB/T 17626.6-2008 Electromagetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Immunity to Conducted Disturbances, Induced by Radio-frequency Fields (IEC 61000-4-6:2006, IDT)
— GB/T17626.8-2006 Electromagetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity Test (IEC 61000-482001, IDT)
— GB/T 17626.13-2006 Electromagnetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Harmonics and Interharmonics Including Mains Signalling at A.C. Power Port, Low Frequency Immunity Test (IEC 61000-4-13:2002, IDT)
— GB/T 18501.2 (all parts) Connectors for Use in d.c., Low-frequency Analogue and Digital High Speed Data Applications — Part 2: Circular Connectors with Assessed Quality - Sectional Specification [IEC 61076-2 (all parts), IDT]
For the purposes of this part, the following editorial changes have also been made according to the specific conditions of China:
— IEC Foreword of the International Standard is deleted;
— The catalogue of definitions disposed in alphabetical order (see IEC 60947-5-2:2012, Clause 2) is deleted from this part;
— In order to maintain the consistency of the table number, Tables 7, 8 and 6 in IEC 60947-5-2:2012 are adjusted to Table 6, 7 and 8 in this part.
This part was proposed by the China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association.
This part was prepared by SAC/TC 189 (National Technical Committee on Low-voltage Apparatus of Standardization Administration of China).
The previous editions of this part are as follows:
— GB/T 14048.10-2008, GB/T 14048.10-1999.
Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear — Part 5-2: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Proximity Switches
1 General Requirements
The provisions of the general rules in IEC 60947-1 are applicable to this part, where specifically called for. General rules clauses and subclauses thus applicable, as well as tables, figures and annexes, are identified by references to IEC 60947-1, e.g. subclause of IEC 60947-1:2007 + A1:2010 or Annex C of IEC 60947-1:2007 + A1:2010.
Clauses 1 to 8 contain the general requirements. Specific requirements for the various types of proximity switches are given in Annex A.
Integral connectors for plug-in proximity switches are given in Annex D. Various symbols for proximity switches are given in Annex F.
1.1 Scope and Object
This part applies to inductive and capacitive proximity switches that sense the presence of metallic and/or non-metallic objects, ultrasonic proximity switches that sense the presence of sound reflecting objects, photoelectric proximity switches that sense the presence of objects and non-mechanical magnetic proximity switches that sense the presence of objects with a magnetic field.
These proximity switches are self-contained, have semiconductor switching elements(s) and are intended to be connected to circuits, the rated voltage of which does not exceed 250 V 50 Hz/60 Hz a.c. or 300 V d.c. This Standard is not intended to cover proximity switches with analogue outputs.
The object of this part is to state for proximity switches:
— definitions;
— classification;
— characteristics;
— product information;
— normal service, mounting and transport conditions;
— constructional and performance requirements;
— tests to verify rated characteristics.
1.2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2423.4-2008 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products — Part 2: Test method — Test Db: Damp Heat, Cyclic (12h + 12h Cycle) (IEC 60068-2-30:2005, IDT)
GB/T 2423.22-2012 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products — Part 2: Test Methods Test N: Change of Temperature (IEC 60068-2-14:2009, IDT)
GB 4824-2013 Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Radio-frequency Equipment — Electromagnetic Disturbance Characteristics — Limits and Methods of Measurement (CISPR 11: 2010, IDT)
GB/T 17045-2006 Protection Against Electric Shock — Common Aspects for Installation and Equipment (IEC 61140:2001, IDT)
GB 17625.1-2012 Electromagnetic Compatibility — Limits — Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions (Equipment Input Current ≤ 16A Per Phase) (IEC 61000-3-2:2009, IDT)
GB/T 17626.4-2008 Electromagnetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Test (IEC 61000-1-4:2004, IDT)
GB/T 17626.11-2008 Electromagnetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Voltage Dips, Short Interruptions and Voltage Variations Immunity Tests (IEC 6100-4-11:2004, IDT)
IEC 60050(441):1984 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary(IEV) — Chapter 441: Switchgear, Controlgear and Fuses
IEC 60050(441):1984/A1:2000 Amendment 1, 2000
IEC 60068-2-6:2007 Environmental Testing — Part 2-6: Tests Test Fc: Vibration (Sinusoidal)
IEC 60068-2-27:200 Environmental testing — Part 2-27: Tests — Test Ea and Guidance: Shock
IEC 60947-1:2007 Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear — Part 1: General Rules
IEC 60947-1:2007/A1:2010 Amendment 1, 2010
IEC 61000-3-3:2008 Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC) — Part3-3: Limits — Limitation of Voltage Changes, Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker in Public Low-voltage Supply Systems, for Equipment with Rated Current ≤16 A Per Phase and not Subject to Conditional Connection
IEC 61000-4-2:2008 Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC) — Part 4-2: Testing and Measurement Techniques — Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test
IEC 61000-4-3:2006 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) — Part4-3: Testing and Measurement Techniques — Radiated, Radio-frequency, Electromagnetic Field Immunity Test
IEC 61000-4-3:2006/A1:2007 Amendment 1, 2007
IEC 61000-4-3:2006/A2:2010 Amendment 2, 2010
IEC 61000-4-6:2008 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-6: Testing and Measurement Techniques — Immunity to Conducted Disturbances, Induced by Radio-frequency Fields
IEC 61000-4-8:2009 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-8: Testing and Measurement Techniques — Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity Test
IEC 61000-4-13:2002 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) — Part4-13: Testing and Measurement Techniques — Harmonics and Interharmonics Including Mains Signalling at a. c Power Port, Low Frequency Immunity Tests
IEC 610004-13:2002/A1:2009 Amendment 1, 2009
IEC 61076-2 (all part) Connectors for Electronicequipment — Product Requirements — Part 2: Circular Connectors
ISO 630 (all part) Structural Steels
2 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60947-1:2007 + A1:2010 and the following apply.
2.1 Basic Definitions
proximity switch
a position switch which is operated without mechanical contact with the moving part [IEV 441-14-51]
inductive proximity switch
a proximity switch producing an electromagnetic field within a sensing zone and having a semiconductor switching element
capacitive proximity switch
a proximity switch producing an electric field within a sensing zone and having a semiconductor switching element
ultrasonic proximity switch (see Figure 2)
a proximity switch transmitting and receiving ultrasound waves within a sensing zone and having a semiconductor switching element
photoelectric proximity switch (see Figure 1)
a proximity switch which senses objects that either reflect or interrupt visible or invisible light and having a semiconductor switching element
type D
diffuse reflective photoelectric proximity switch which is directly operated through lateral or axial approach to its reference axis by a defined object
type R
retroreflective photoelectric proximity switch which is indirectly operated through lateral approach to its reference axis between emitter-receiver and reflector by a defined object
type T
through beam photoelectric proximity switch which is indirectly operated through lateral approach of its reference axis between emitter and receiver by a defined object
non-mechanical magnetic proximity switch
proximity switch which senses the presence of a magnetic field and has a semiconductor switching element and no moving parts in the sensing element
direct operated proximity switch
proximity switch which detects its target without the use of an external means, e.g. a reflector
indirect operated proximity switch
proximity switch which detects its target with the use of an external means, e.g. a reflector
neutral density filters
filters which uniformly attenuate the intensity of light over a broad spectral range
Note: Attenuation is accomplished by using either a light-absorbing glass or a thin-film metal coating that combines absorption and reflection.
2.2 Parts of a Proximity Switch
semiconductor switching element
an element designed to switch the current of an electric circuit by controlling conductivity of a semiconductor
Reference axis
reference axis for inductive, capacitive, non-mechanical magnetic and ultrasonic proximity switches
an axis perpendicular to the sensing face and passing through its centre
reference axis for types R and D photoelectric proximity switches
an axis located midway between the optical axis of the emitter and this of receiver elements or lenses (see Figure 1)
reference axis for type T photoelectric proximity switches
an axis perpendicular to the centre of the emitter
standard target
a specified object used for making comparative measurements of the operating distances and sensing distances
free zone
a volume around the proximity switch which is kept free from any material capable of affecting the characteristics of the proximity switch
damping material
a material which has an influence on the characteristics of a proximity switch
non-damping material
a material which has negligible influence on the characteristics of a proximity switch
sound-reflecting material
a material which reflects the ultrasound waves and gives detectable echoes
sound-absorbing material
a material with negligible reflecting characteristics for ultrasound waves which gives no detectable echo
embeddable proximity switch
a proximity switch is "embeddable" when any damping material can be placed around the sensing face plane without influencing its characteristics
non-embeddable proximity switch
a proximity switch is "non-embeddable" when a specified free zone around its sensing face is necessary in order to maintain its characteristics
Sensing face
sensing face of an inductive proximity switch
a surface of the proximity switch through which the electromagnetic field emerges
sensing face of a capacitive proximity switch
a surface of the proximity switch through which the electric field emerges
sensing face of an ultrasonic proximity switch
a surface of the proximity switch where ultrasound is transmitted and received
sensing face of a non-mechanical magnetic proximity switch
a surface of the proximity switch through which the change in a magnetic field is detected
the light source, lens and necessary circuitry which provide the light beam
the detector, lens and necessary circuitry to monitor the presence of the light beam from the emitter
a specified device used to reflect light back to the receiver for type R photoelectric proximity switches
adjuster of a capacitive proximity switch
a part of capacitive proximity switch used to set the operating distance. Its use compensates for influence due to target material, transmission medium and installation (mounting) conditions
adjuster of an ultrasonic or a photoelectric proximity switch
a part of an ultrasonic or a photoelectric proximity switch used to set the operating distance within the sensing range
2.3 Operation of a Proximity Switch
operating distances
a distance at which the target approaching the sensing face along the reference axis causes the output signal to change
rated operating distance
the rated operating distance is a conventional quantity used to designate the operating distances. It does not take into account either manufacturing tolerances or variations due to external conditions such as voltage and temperature
sensing range
the range within which the operating distance may be adjusted
minimum operating distance
the lower limit of the specified sensing range of an ultrasonic or photoelectric proximity switch
maximum operating distance
the upper limit of the specified sensing range of an ultrasonic or photoelectric proximity switch
blind zone
the zone between the sensing face and the minimum operating distance, where no object can be detected
total beam angle
the solid angle around the reference axis of an ultrasonic proximity switch, where the sound level drops by 3 dB
effective operating distance
the operating distance of an individual proximity switch, measured at stated temperature, voltage and mounting conditions
usable operating distance
the operating distance of an individual proximity switch, measured under specified conditions
assured operating distance
the distance from the sensing face within which the correct operation of the proximity switch under specified conditions is assured
operating range
range within which a lateral approach of the target causes the output signal of a through beam or retroreflective proximity switch to change
lateral approach
the approach of the target perpendicular to the reference axis
axial approach
the approach of the target with its centre maintained on the reference axis
Foreword III 1 General Requirements 1.1 Scope and Object 1.2 Normative References 2 Terms and Definitions 2.1 Basic Definitions 2.2 Parts of a Proximity Switch 2.3 Operation of a Proximity Switch 2.4 Switching Element Characteristics 3 Classification 3.1 Classification According to Sensing Means 3.2 Classification According to the Mechanical Installation 3.3 Classification According to the Construction Form and Size 3.4 Classification According to Switching Element Function 3.5 Classification According to Type of Output 3.6 Classification According to Method of Connection 4 Characteristics 4.1 Summary of Characteristics 4.2 Operating Conditions 4.3 Rated and Limiting Values for the Proximity Switch and Switching Elements 4.4 Utilization Categories for the Switching Element 5 Product Information 5.1 Nature of Information — Identification 5.2 Marking 5.3 Instructions for Installation, Operation and Maintenance 6 Normal Service, Mounting and Transport Conditions 6.1 Normal Service Conditions 6.2 Conditions During Transport and Storage 6.3 Mounting 7 Constructional and Performance Requirements 7.1 Constructional Requirements 7.2 Performance Requirements 7.3 Physical Dimensions 7.4 Shock and Vibration 8 Tests 8.1 Kinds of Tests 8.2 Compliance with Constructional Requirements 8.3 Performances 8.4 Testing of Operating Distances 8.5 Testing for the Frequency of Operating Cycles 8.6 Verification of the Electromagnetic Compatibility 8.7 Test Results and Test Report Annex A (Informative) Typical Dimensions and Operating Distances of Proximity Switches Annex B (Normative) Class II Proximity Switches Insulated by Encapsulation — Requirements and Tests Annex C (Normative) Additional Requirements for Proximity Switches with Integrally Connected Cables Annex D (Normative) Integral Connectors for Plug-in Proximity Switches Annex E (Normative) Additional Requirements for Proximity Switches Suitable for Use in Strong Magnetic Fields Annex F (Informative) Symbols for Proximity Switches Figure 1 Sensing Range and Operating Range of Photoelectric Proximity Switches Figure 2 Ultrasonic Proximity Switch Operating Distances Figure 3 Relationship between Operating Distances of Inductive and Capacitive Proximity Switches Figure 4 Relationship between Operating Distances of Ultrasonic Proximity Switches Figure 5 Method of Measuring the Operating Distance ( and 8.4.1) Figure 6 Test Circuit for the Verification of Time Delay Before Availability Figure 7 Signal Output Across Load in Figure Figure 8 Test Circuit for the Verification of Minimum Operational Current OFF-state current, Voltage Drop and Independent Snap Action Figure 9 Test Circuit for the Verification of Making and Breaking Capability Figure 10 Short-circuit Testing Figure 11 Testing of the Sensing Range Figure 12 Methods for Measuring the Operating Frequency of Inductive, capacitive and Non-mechanical Magnetic Proximity Switches (if applicable) Figure 13 Methods for measuring the operating frequency f, ultrasonic proximity switch Figure 14 Output Signal of Direct Current Proximity Switch During the Measurement of Operating Frequency f Figure 15 Measurement Means for Turn-on Time ton and Turn-off Time toff Figure 16 Turn-on Time ton Measurement Figure 17 Turn-off Time toff Measurement Table 1 Classification of Proximity Switches Table 2 Utilization Categories for Switching Elements Table 3 Connection and Wiring Identification Table 4 Verification of Making and Breaking Capacities of Switching Elements Under Normal Conditions Corresponding to the Utilization Categories Table 5 Verification of Making and Breaking Capacities of Switching Elements Under Abnormal Conditions Corresponding to the Utilization Categories Table 6 Acceptance Criteria Table 7 Immunity Tests Table 8 Test Voltages
GB/T 14048.10-2016 Low - voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-2: Control circuit appliances and switching elements - Proximity switches (English Version)
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GB/T 14048.10-2016
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Detail of GB/T 14048.10-2016
Standard No.
GB/T 14048.10-2016
English Name
Low - voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 5-2: Control circuit appliances and switching elements - Proximity switches is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the contents of English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GB 14048 consists of the following parts, under the general title Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear:
— Part 1: General Rules;
— Part 2: Circuit-breakers;
— Part 3: Switches Disconnectors Switch-disconnectors and Fuse-combination Units;
— Part 4-1: Contactors and Motor-starters — Electromechanical Contactors and motor-starters (Including Motor Protector);
— Part 4-2: Contactors and Motor-starters — AC Semiconductor Motor Controllers and Starters (Including Soft-starter);
— Part 4-3: Contactors and Motor-starters — AC Semiconductor Controllers and Contactors for Non-motor Loads;
— Part 5-1: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Element — Electromechanical Control Circuit Devices;
— Part 5-2: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Element — Proximtiy Switches;
— Part 5-3: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Requirements for Proximity Devices with Defined Behaviour under Fault Conditions (PDF);
— Part 5-4: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Method of Assessing the Performance of Low-energy Contacts - Special Tests;
— Part 5-5: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Electrical Emergency Stop Device with Mechanical Latching Function;
— Part 5-6: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — DC Interface for Proximity Sensors and Switching Amplifiers (NAMUR);
— Part 5-7: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Requirements for Proximity Devices with Analogue Output;
— Part 5-8: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Three-position Enabling Switches;
— Part 5-9: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Flow Rate Switches;
— Part 6-1: Multiple Function Equipment — Transfer Switching Equipment;
— Part 6-2: Multiple Function Equipment - Control and Protective Switching Devices (or Equipment) (CPS);
— Part 7-1: Ancillary Equipment - Terminal Blocks for Copper Conductors;
— Part 7-2: Ancillary Equipment - Protective Conductor Terminal Blocks for Copper Conductors;
— Part 7-3: Ancillary Equipment — Safety Requirements for Fuse Terminal Blocks;
— Part 8: Control Units for Built-in Thermal Protection (PTC) for Rotating Electrical Machines.
This part is Part 5-2 of GB 14048, and numbered GB/T 14048.10.
This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in the GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part replaces GB 14048.10-2008 Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear — Part 5-2: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Element — Proximtiy Switches.
In addition to a number of editorial changes, the following technical deviations have been made with respect to the GB/T 14048.10-2008 (the previous edition):
— Table 3 is modified, and 8 poles M12 connector and 12 poles M12 connector are added;
— Voltage dips immunity test and voltage interruptions immunity test specified in Table 7 are modified;
— Figure D.8 M5 Thread 4-pin/3-pin Integral Connector for d.c. Proximity Switches is added;
— Annex A is revised as informative.
This part is identical with International Standard IEC60947-5-2:2012 Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear — Part 5-2: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Proximity Switches.
The Chinese documents having corresponding consistency relationship with the normative international documents referenced in this part are given below:
— GB/T 2423.5-1995 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products — Part 2: Test Methods — Test Ea and Guidance: Shock (IEC 60068-2-27:1987, IDT)
— GB/T 2423.10-2008 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products — Part 2: Tests Methods — Test Fc: Vibration (Sinusoidal) (IEC 60068-2-6:1995, IDT)
— GB 14048.1-2012 Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear — Part 1: General Rules (IEC 60947-1:2011, MOD)
— GB 16895 (all parts) Electrical Installations of Buildings [IEC 60364 (all parts), IDT]
— GB 17625.2-2007 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) — Limits — Limitation of Voltage Changes, Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker in Public Low-voltage Supply Systems, for Equipment with Rated Current ≤16A per Phase and not Subject to Conditional Connection (IEC 61000-3-3:2005 IDT)
— GB/T17626.2-2006 Electromagnetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test (IEC 61000-42:2001, IDT)
— GB/T 17626.3-2006 Electromagetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Radiated Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Field Immunity Test (IEC 61000-4-3:2002, IDT)
— GB/T 17626.6-2008 Electromagetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Immunity to Conducted Disturbances, Induced by Radio-frequency Fields (IEC 61000-4-6:2006, IDT)
— GB/T17626.8-2006 Electromagetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity Test (IEC 61000-482001, IDT)
— GB/T 17626.13-2006 Electromagnetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Harmonics and Interharmonics Including Mains Signalling at A.C. Power Port, Low Frequency Immunity Test (IEC 61000-4-13:2002, IDT)
— GB/T 18501.2 (all parts) Connectors for Use in d.c., Low-frequency Analogue and Digital High Speed Data Applications — Part 2: Circular Connectors with Assessed Quality - Sectional Specification [IEC 61076-2 (all parts), IDT]
For the purposes of this part, the following editorial changes have also been made according to the specific conditions of China:
— IEC Foreword of the International Standard is deleted;
— The catalogue of definitions disposed in alphabetical order (see IEC 60947-5-2:2012, Clause 2) is deleted from this part;
— In order to maintain the consistency of the table number, Tables 7, 8 and 6 in IEC 60947-5-2:2012 are adjusted to Table 6, 7 and 8 in this part.
This part was proposed by the China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association.
This part was prepared by SAC/TC 189 (National Technical Committee on Low-voltage Apparatus of Standardization Administration of China).
The previous editions of this part are as follows:
— GB/T 14048.10-2008, GB/T 14048.10-1999.
Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear — Part 5-2: Control Circuit Devices and Switching Elements — Proximity Switches
1 General Requirements
The provisions of the general rules in IEC 60947-1 are applicable to this part, where specifically called for. General rules clauses and subclauses thus applicable, as well as tables, figures and annexes, are identified by references to IEC 60947-1, e.g. subclause of IEC 60947-1:2007 + A1:2010 or Annex C of IEC 60947-1:2007 + A1:2010.
Clauses 1 to 8 contain the general requirements. Specific requirements for the various types of proximity switches are given in Annex A.
Integral connectors for plug-in proximity switches are given in Annex D. Various symbols for proximity switches are given in Annex F.
1.1 Scope and Object
This part applies to inductive and capacitive proximity switches that sense the presence of metallic and/or non-metallic objects, ultrasonic proximity switches that sense the presence of sound reflecting objects, photoelectric proximity switches that sense the presence of objects and non-mechanical magnetic proximity switches that sense the presence of objects with a magnetic field.
These proximity switches are self-contained, have semiconductor switching elements(s) and are intended to be connected to circuits, the rated voltage of which does not exceed 250 V 50 Hz/60 Hz a.c. or 300 V d.c. This Standard is not intended to cover proximity switches with analogue outputs.
The object of this part is to state for proximity switches:
— definitions;
— classification;
— characteristics;
— product information;
— normal service, mounting and transport conditions;
— constructional and performance requirements;
— tests to verify rated characteristics.
1.2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2423.4-2008 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products — Part 2: Test method — Test Db: Damp Heat, Cyclic (12h + 12h Cycle) (IEC 60068-2-30:2005, IDT)
GB/T 2423.22-2012 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products — Part 2: Test Methods Test N: Change of Temperature (IEC 60068-2-14:2009, IDT)
GB 4824-2013 Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Radio-frequency Equipment — Electromagnetic Disturbance Characteristics — Limits and Methods of Measurement (CISPR 11: 2010, IDT)
GB/T 17045-2006 Protection Against Electric Shock — Common Aspects for Installation and Equipment (IEC 61140:2001, IDT)
GB 17625.1-2012 Electromagnetic Compatibility — Limits — Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions (Equipment Input Current ≤ 16A Per Phase) (IEC 61000-3-2:2009, IDT)
GB/T 17626.4-2008 Electromagnetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Test (IEC 61000-1-4:2004, IDT)
GB/T 17626.11-2008 Electromagnetic Compatibility — Testing and Measurement Techniques — Voltage Dips, Short Interruptions and Voltage Variations Immunity Tests (IEC 6100-4-11:2004, IDT)
IEC 60050(441):1984 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary(IEV) — Chapter 441: Switchgear, Controlgear and Fuses
IEC 60050(441):1984/A1:2000 Amendment 1, 2000
IEC 60068-2-6:2007 Environmental Testing — Part 2-6: Tests Test Fc: Vibration (Sinusoidal)
IEC 60068-2-27:200 Environmental testing — Part 2-27: Tests — Test Ea and Guidance: Shock
IEC 60364 (all parts) Low-voltage Electrical Installations
IEC 60947-1:2007 Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear — Part 1: General Rules
IEC 60947-1:2007/A1:2010 Amendment 1, 2010
IEC 61000-3-3:2008 Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC) — Part3-3: Limits — Limitation of Voltage Changes, Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker in Public Low-voltage Supply Systems, for Equipment with Rated Current ≤16 A Per Phase and not Subject to Conditional Connection
IEC 61000-4-2:2008 Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC) — Part 4-2: Testing and Measurement Techniques — Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Test
IEC 61000-4-3:2006 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) — Part4-3: Testing and Measurement Techniques — Radiated, Radio-frequency, Electromagnetic Field Immunity Test
IEC 61000-4-3:2006/A1:2007 Amendment 1, 2007
IEC 61000-4-3:2006/A2:2010 Amendment 2, 2010
IEC 61000-4-6:2008 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-6: Testing and Measurement Techniques — Immunity to Conducted Disturbances, Induced by Radio-frequency Fields
IEC 61000-4-8:2009 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) — Part 4-8: Testing and Measurement Techniques — Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity Test
IEC 61000-4-13:2002 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) — Part4-13: Testing and Measurement Techniques — Harmonics and Interharmonics Including Mains Signalling at a. c Power Port, Low Frequency Immunity Tests
IEC 610004-13:2002/A1:2009 Amendment 1, 2009
IEC 61076-2 (all part) Connectors for Electronicequipment — Product Requirements — Part 2: Circular Connectors
ISO 630 (all part) Structural Steels
2 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60947-1:2007 + A1:2010 and the following apply.
2.1 Basic Definitions
proximity switch
a position switch which is operated without mechanical contact with the moving part [IEV 441-14-51]
inductive proximity switch
a proximity switch producing an electromagnetic field within a sensing zone and having a semiconductor switching element
capacitive proximity switch
a proximity switch producing an electric field within a sensing zone and having a semiconductor switching element
ultrasonic proximity switch (see Figure 2)
a proximity switch transmitting and receiving ultrasound waves within a sensing zone and having a semiconductor switching element
photoelectric proximity switch (see Figure 1)
a proximity switch which senses objects that either reflect or interrupt visible or invisible light and having a semiconductor switching element
type D
diffuse reflective photoelectric proximity switch which is directly operated through lateral or axial approach to its reference axis by a defined object
type R
retroreflective photoelectric proximity switch which is indirectly operated through lateral approach to its reference axis between emitter-receiver and reflector by a defined object
type T
through beam photoelectric proximity switch which is indirectly operated through lateral approach of its reference axis between emitter and receiver by a defined object
non-mechanical magnetic proximity switch
proximity switch which senses the presence of a magnetic field and has a semiconductor switching element and no moving parts in the sensing element
direct operated proximity switch
proximity switch which detects its target without the use of an external means, e.g. a reflector
indirect operated proximity switch
proximity switch which detects its target with the use of an external means, e.g. a reflector
neutral density filters
filters which uniformly attenuate the intensity of light over a broad spectral range
Note: Attenuation is accomplished by using either a light-absorbing glass or a thin-film metal coating that combines absorption and reflection.
2.2 Parts of a Proximity Switch
semiconductor switching element
an element designed to switch the current of an electric circuit by controlling conductivity of a semiconductor
Reference axis
reference axis for inductive, capacitive, non-mechanical magnetic and ultrasonic proximity switches
an axis perpendicular to the sensing face and passing through its centre
reference axis for types R and D photoelectric proximity switches
an axis located midway between the optical axis of the emitter and this of receiver elements or lenses (see Figure 1)
reference axis for type T photoelectric proximity switches
an axis perpendicular to the centre of the emitter
standard target
a specified object used for making comparative measurements of the operating distances and sensing distances
free zone
a volume around the proximity switch which is kept free from any material capable of affecting the characteristics of the proximity switch
damping material
a material which has an influence on the characteristics of a proximity switch
non-damping material
a material which has negligible influence on the characteristics of a proximity switch
sound-reflecting material
a material which reflects the ultrasound waves and gives detectable echoes
sound-absorbing material
a material with negligible reflecting characteristics for ultrasound waves which gives no detectable echo
embeddable proximity switch
a proximity switch is "embeddable" when any damping material can be placed around the sensing face plane without influencing its characteristics
non-embeddable proximity switch
a proximity switch is "non-embeddable" when a specified free zone around its sensing face is necessary in order to maintain its characteristics
Sensing face
sensing face of an inductive proximity switch
a surface of the proximity switch through which the electromagnetic field emerges
sensing face of a capacitive proximity switch
a surface of the proximity switch through which the electric field emerges
sensing face of an ultrasonic proximity switch
a surface of the proximity switch where ultrasound is transmitted and received
sensing face of a non-mechanical magnetic proximity switch
a surface of the proximity switch through which the change in a magnetic field is detected
the light source, lens and necessary circuitry which provide the light beam
the detector, lens and necessary circuitry to monitor the presence of the light beam from the emitter
a specified device used to reflect light back to the receiver for type R photoelectric proximity switches
adjuster of a capacitive proximity switch
a part of capacitive proximity switch used to set the operating distance. Its use compensates for influence due to target material, transmission medium and installation (mounting) conditions
adjuster of an ultrasonic or a photoelectric proximity switch
a part of an ultrasonic or a photoelectric proximity switch used to set the operating distance within the sensing range
2.3 Operation of a Proximity Switch
operating distances
a distance at which the target approaching the sensing face along the reference axis causes the output signal to change
rated operating distance
the rated operating distance is a conventional quantity used to designate the operating distances. It does not take into account either manufacturing tolerances or variations due to external conditions such as voltage and temperature
sensing range
the range within which the operating distance may be adjusted
minimum operating distance
the lower limit of the specified sensing range of an ultrasonic or photoelectric proximity switch
maximum operating distance
the upper limit of the specified sensing range of an ultrasonic or photoelectric proximity switch
blind zone
the zone between the sensing face and the minimum operating distance, where no object can be detected
total beam angle
the solid angle around the reference axis of an ultrasonic proximity switch, where the sound level drops by 3 dB
effective operating distance
the operating distance of an individual proximity switch, measured at stated temperature, voltage and mounting conditions
usable operating distance
the operating distance of an individual proximity switch, measured under specified conditions
assured operating distance
the distance from the sensing face within which the correct operation of the proximity switch under specified conditions is assured
operating range
range within which a lateral approach of the target causes the output signal of a through beam or retroreflective proximity switch to change
lateral approach
the approach of the target perpendicular to the reference axis
axial approach
the approach of the target with its centre maintained on the reference axis
Contents of GB/T 14048.10-2016
Foreword III
1 General Requirements
1.1 Scope and Object
1.2 Normative References
2 Terms and Definitions
2.1 Basic Definitions
2.2 Parts of a Proximity Switch
2.3 Operation of a Proximity Switch
2.4 Switching Element Characteristics
3 Classification
3.1 Classification According to Sensing Means
3.2 Classification According to the Mechanical Installation
3.3 Classification According to the Construction Form and Size
3.4 Classification According to Switching Element Function
3.5 Classification According to Type of Output
3.6 Classification According to Method of Connection
4 Characteristics
4.1 Summary of Characteristics
4.2 Operating Conditions
4.3 Rated and Limiting Values for the Proximity Switch and Switching Elements
4.4 Utilization Categories for the Switching Element
5 Product Information
5.1 Nature of Information — Identification
5.2 Marking
5.3 Instructions for Installation, Operation and Maintenance
6 Normal Service, Mounting and Transport Conditions
6.1 Normal Service Conditions
6.2 Conditions During Transport and Storage
6.3 Mounting
7 Constructional and Performance Requirements
7.1 Constructional Requirements
7.2 Performance Requirements
7.3 Physical Dimensions
7.4 Shock and Vibration
8 Tests
8.1 Kinds of Tests
8.2 Compliance with Constructional Requirements
8.3 Performances
8.4 Testing of Operating Distances
8.5 Testing for the Frequency of Operating Cycles
8.6 Verification of the Electromagnetic Compatibility
8.7 Test Results and Test Report
Annex A (Informative) Typical Dimensions and Operating Distances of Proximity Switches
Annex B (Normative) Class II Proximity Switches Insulated by Encapsulation — Requirements and Tests
Annex C (Normative) Additional Requirements for Proximity Switches with Integrally Connected Cables
Annex D (Normative) Integral Connectors for Plug-in Proximity Switches
Annex E (Normative) Additional Requirements for Proximity Switches Suitable for Use in Strong Magnetic Fields
Annex F (Informative) Symbols for Proximity Switches
Figure 1 Sensing Range and Operating Range of Photoelectric Proximity Switches
Figure 2 Ultrasonic Proximity Switch Operating Distances
Figure 3 Relationship between Operating Distances of Inductive and Capacitive Proximity Switches
Figure 4 Relationship between Operating Distances of Ultrasonic Proximity Switches
Figure 5 Method of Measuring the Operating Distance ( and 8.4.1)
Figure 6 Test Circuit for the Verification of Time Delay Before Availability
Figure 7 Signal Output Across Load in Figure
Figure 8 Test Circuit for the Verification of Minimum Operational Current OFF-state current, Voltage Drop and Independent Snap Action
Figure 9 Test Circuit for the Verification of Making and Breaking Capability
Figure 10 Short-circuit Testing
Figure 11 Testing of the Sensing Range
Figure 12 Methods for Measuring the Operating Frequency of Inductive, capacitive and Non-mechanical Magnetic Proximity Switches (if applicable)
Figure 13 Methods for measuring the operating frequency f, ultrasonic proximity switch
Figure 14 Output Signal of Direct Current Proximity Switch During the Measurement of Operating Frequency f
Figure 15 Measurement Means for Turn-on Time ton and Turn-off Time toff
Figure 16 Turn-on Time ton Measurement
Figure 17 Turn-off Time toff Measurement
Table 1 Classification of Proximity Switches
Table 2 Utilization Categories for Switching Elements
Table 3 Connection and Wiring Identification
Table 4 Verification of Making and Breaking Capacities of Switching Elements Under Normal Conditions Corresponding to the Utilization Categories
Table 5 Verification of Making and Breaking Capacities of Switching Elements Under Abnormal Conditions Corresponding to the Utilization Categories
Table 6 Acceptance Criteria
Table 7 Immunity Tests
Table 8 Test Voltages