1.0.1 This standard is prepared with a view to standardizing and guiding evaluation over green office buildings.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to green evaluation of various kinds of newly-built, rebuilt and extended government office buildings, commercial office buildings, scientific office buildings, comprehensive office buildings and other office buildings with similar functions at design and operation phases.
1.0.3 The evaluation of green office building shall target at a single building or a building group. Evaluation shall meet the following requirements:
1 When evaluating a single office building, indices of outdoor environment involved shall be subject to the evaluation result of the surrounding environment where the building lies in;
2 When evaluating a single or several office buildings in a building group, indices of outdoor environment involved shall be subject to the evaluation result of the surrounding environment where the building lies in;
3 When evaluating a comprehensive office building, the evaluation object at least shall be a building, and for indices of multi-functional area involved, area weighted values of each functional zone index shall apply.
1.0.4 When evaluating the green office building, the evaluation shall be involved with characteristics of climate, resource, natural environment, economy and culture where the office building lies in, on basis of adjusting measures to differing conditions.
1.0.5 When evaluating the green office building, balance relationships among energy conservation, land conservation, water conservation, material conservation, indoor environment quality and operation management within its whole service life, and reflect harmony among the economic benefit, social benefit and environmental benefit.
1.0.6 When evaluating the green office building, passive technologies, suitable technologies and technologies with predominant comprehensive benefits shall be encouraged.
1.0.7 Evaluation of the green office building shall meet not only the requirements of this standard but also the current relevant national and professional standards.
2 Terms
2.0.1 Green office building
The environmental-friendly building that is able to maximally conserve resources (energy, land, water and material), protect the environment and reduce pollution to provide people with a healthy, applicable and high-efficient application space in its whole service life.
2.0.2 Comprehensive office building
A building complex which functions like shopping mall, dwelling houses and hotel, of which the office area ratio accounts for more than 70%.
2.0.3 Building environmental quality
Environmental quality having influence on users within the defined range of construction project, including those aspects over users in their life and works such as physical and psychological health, comfort degree, work efficiency and convenience caused by indoor environment, outdoor environment and the building system, hereinafter referred to as Q.
2.0.4 Building environmental load
Influence or impact on surrounding environment caused by the construction project, including resources (energy, material and water) consumption, pollutant discharge, noise, sunshine, wind damage, increased traffic flow etc., and hereinafter referred to as L.
2.0.5 Building environmental load reduction
Reduction degree of influence or impact on surrounding environment caused by construction project, hereinafter referred to as LR.
2.0.6 Energy-saving rate of building envelope performance
Reduced proportion at heating and air conditioning loads due to optimized building envelope (excluding natural ventilation, natural lighting and other passive energy conservation design) in building design when compared with reference building.
2.0.7 Energy-saving rate of HVAC systems
Proportion of energy conservation through optimized HVAC systems in building design when compared with reference building.
2.0.8 Utilization rate of renewable energy
Utilization proportion of renewable energy rather than conventional energy resources in building design.
2.0.9 Rate of rainwater harvest
The ratio of actually collected and recycled rainwater to that able to be collected.
1 General Provisions 2 Terms 3 Basic Requirements 3.1 Evaluation Index and Weight Ratio Settings 3.2 Evaluation Method 4 Land Conservation and Outdoor Environment 4.1 Site Selection 4.2 Land Utilization 4.3 Outdoor Environment 4.4 Transportation 4.5 Site Ecological Environment 5 Energy Conservation and Utilization 5.1 Building Structure Thermal Performance Optimization 5.2 Natural Ventilation and Natural Lighting Utilization 5.3 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems 5.4 Lighting System 5.5 Other Energy Systems 5.6 Renewable Energy Utilization 5.7 Energy Equipment Measurement, Monitoring and Control 6 Water Conservation and Water Resource Utilization 6.1 Water System 6.2 Water Conservation Measures 6.3 Nontraditional Water Source Utilization 7 Material Conservation and Material Resources Utilization 7.1 Material Resources Utilization 7.2 Architectural Design Optimization 7.3 Construction Process Control 8 Indoor Environment Quality 8.1 Lighting Environment 8.2 Acoustic Environment 8.3 Thermal Environment 8.4 Indoor Air Quality 8.5 Other Requirements 9 Operation Management 9.1 Operation Management System 9.2 Resource Management and Operation Maintenance 9.3 Environmental Management Appendix A Table of the Weight Settings of Green Office Building Evaluation Index Appendix B Table of the Score Settings of the 3rd Level Evaluation Index Explanation of Wording in This Standard List of Quoted Standards
1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This standard is prepared with a view to standardizing and guiding evaluation over green office buildings.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to green evaluation of various kinds of newly-built, rebuilt and extended government office buildings, commercial office buildings, scientific office buildings, comprehensive office buildings and other office buildings with similar functions at design and operation phases.
1.0.3 The evaluation of green office building shall target at a single building or a building group. Evaluation shall meet the following requirements:
1 When evaluating a single office building, indices of outdoor environment involved shall be subject to the evaluation result of the surrounding environment where the building lies in;
2 When evaluating a single or several office buildings in a building group, indices of outdoor environment involved shall be subject to the evaluation result of the surrounding environment where the building lies in;
3 When evaluating a comprehensive office building, the evaluation object at least shall be a building, and for indices of multi-functional area involved, area weighted values of each functional zone index shall apply.
1.0.4 When evaluating the green office building, the evaluation shall be involved with characteristics of climate, resource, natural environment, economy and culture where the office building lies in, on basis of adjusting measures to differing conditions.
1.0.5 When evaluating the green office building, balance relationships among energy conservation, land conservation, water conservation, material conservation, indoor environment quality and operation management within its whole service life, and reflect harmony among the economic benefit, social benefit and environmental benefit.
1.0.6 When evaluating the green office building, passive technologies, suitable technologies and technologies with predominant comprehensive benefits shall be encouraged.
1.0.7 Evaluation of the green office building shall meet not only the requirements of this standard but also the current relevant national and professional standards.
2 Terms
2.0.1 Green office building
The environmental-friendly building that is able to maximally conserve resources (energy, land, water and material), protect the environment and reduce pollution to provide people with a healthy, applicable and high-efficient application space in its whole service life.
2.0.2 Comprehensive office building
A building complex which functions like shopping mall, dwelling houses and hotel, of which the office area ratio accounts for more than 70%.
2.0.3 Building environmental quality
Environmental quality having influence on users within the defined range of construction project, including those aspects over users in their life and works such as physical and psychological health, comfort degree, work efficiency and convenience caused by indoor environment, outdoor environment and the building system, hereinafter referred to as Q.
2.0.4 Building environmental load
Influence or impact on surrounding environment caused by the construction project, including resources (energy, material and water) consumption, pollutant discharge, noise, sunshine, wind damage, increased traffic flow etc., and hereinafter referred to as L.
2.0.5 Building environmental load reduction
Reduction degree of influence or impact on surrounding environment caused by construction project, hereinafter referred to as LR.
2.0.6 Energy-saving rate of building envelope performance
Reduced proportion at heating and air conditioning loads due to optimized building envelope (excluding natural ventilation, natural lighting and other passive energy conservation design) in building design when compared with reference building.
2.0.7 Energy-saving rate of HVAC systems
Proportion of energy conservation through optimized HVAC systems in building design when compared with reference building.
2.0.8 Utilization rate of renewable energy
Utilization proportion of renewable energy rather than conventional energy resources in building design.
2.0.9 Rate of rainwater harvest
The ratio of actually collected and recycled rainwater to that able to be collected.
Contents of GB/T 50908-2013
1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Basic Requirements
3.1 Evaluation Index and Weight Ratio Settings
3.2 Evaluation Method
4 Land Conservation and Outdoor Environment
4.1 Site Selection
4.2 Land Utilization
4.3 Outdoor Environment
4.4 Transportation
4.5 Site Ecological Environment
5 Energy Conservation and Utilization
5.1 Building Structure Thermal Performance Optimization
5.2 Natural Ventilation and Natural Lighting Utilization
5.3 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems
5.4 Lighting System
5.5 Other Energy Systems
5.6 Renewable Energy Utilization
5.7 Energy Equipment Measurement, Monitoring and Control
6 Water Conservation and Water Resource Utilization
6.1 Water System
6.2 Water Conservation Measures
6.3 Nontraditional Water Source Utilization
7 Material Conservation and Material Resources Utilization
7.1 Material Resources Utilization
7.2 Architectural Design Optimization
7.3 Construction Process Control
8 Indoor Environment Quality
8.1 Lighting Environment
8.2 Acoustic Environment
8.3 Thermal Environment
8.4 Indoor Air Quality
8.5 Other Requirements
9 Operation Management
9.1 Operation Management System
9.2 Resource Management and Operation Maintenance
9.3 Environmental Management
Appendix A Table of the Weight Settings of Green Office Building Evaluation Index
Appendix B Table of the Score Settings of the 3rd Level Evaluation Index
Explanation of Wording in This Standard
List of Quoted Standards