is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GJB 1198 consists of the following eight parts under the general title of Telemetry tracking command and data handling for spacecraft:
——Part 1: PCM telecommand;
——Part 2: PCM telemetry;
——Part 3: Telemetry channel coding;
——Part 4: Ranging;
——Part 5: Radio frequency and modulation;
——Part 6: Packet telemetry;
——Part 7: Packet telecommand;
——Part 8: Onboard data handling interface.
This part is Part 4 of GJB 1198.
This part replaces GJB 1198.4-1991 Telemetry tracking command and data handling for satellite Ranging.
The following main changes have been made in this part with respect to the previous edition:
a) All frequency bands other than UHF(2GHz) frequency band which has been kept and improved are canceled;
b) As the four working modes of the transponder in the original edition are not completely the same as the actual working modes of the model, this revision is made according to the actual working modes;
c) The working system of the transponder is changed to: there shall be two working systems: "coherent" and "non-coherent". Injected data are added to the transponder uplink besides telecommand while temperature and output power related to measurement accuracy are added to the downlink telemetry information.
This part was proposed by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.
This part is under the jurisdiction of China Astronautics Standards Institute.
This part was firstly issued in October 1991, and firstly revised this time.
Telemetry tracking command and data handling for spacecraft
Part 4: Ranging
1 Scope
This part specifies the requirements for S-band ranging system, transponder and modulation characteristics.
This part is applicable to spacecraft using S-band telemetry tracking command system for ranging. The ranging system using service frequency band can also refer to it.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections), or revisions, of any of these publications do not apply to this part. However, parties to agreements based on this part are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest editions apply to this part.
GJB 727A-1998 Terms and acronyms of space tracking telemetry and command system
GJB 1198.5A-2004 Telemetry tracking command and data handling for spacecraft Part 5: Radio frequency and modulation
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part, the terms and definitions established in GJB 727A-1998 and the following ones apply.
ranging tone
sinusoidal wave signal for ranging
major tone and minor tone
tone with the highest frequency in a group of ranging tones is called the major ranging tone (major tone for short), while remaining tones are called the minor ranging tone (minor tone for short)
ranging tone on link
ranging tone used for channel transmission The tone with the highest frequency is called the major ranging tone on link and the remaining tones are called the minor ranging tone on link.
maximun unambiguous range
unambiguous range corresponding to the lowest frequency tone in a group of ranging tones
4 Ranging system
4.1 Main performance of ranging system
The main performance requirements of the ranging system are as follows:
a) Uplink frequency: 2025MHz~2110MHz;
b) Downlink frequency: 2200MHz~2290MHz;
c) Number of ranging tones: 7;
d) Random ranging error generated by ranging equipment on spacecraft: ≤1.5 (σRs, m);
e) Random ranging error generated by ground ranging equipment: ≤24 (σRs, m);
f) Maximum unambiguous range: 1.875×104km.
4.2 Transponder function
The transponder on spacecraft is used for ranging, and its uplink channel can be combined with command and injected data besides ranging, and its downlink channel can also be combined with telemetry besides ranging.
4.3 Ranging tone
The ranging tone includes a major ranging tone and a group of minor ranging tones, and the ranging accuracy is determined by the measurement accuracy of the major ranging tone. Other ranging tones with lower frequency (minor ranging tones) are used to resolve ambiguity in range measurement. When the measured range exceeds the maximum unambiguous range, other ambiguity resolution methods can also be adopted.
5 Uplink modulation characteristics
5.1 Ranging tone frequency
See Table 1 for the ranging tone frequency, in which the minor ranging tone is obtained by frequency demultiplication of 100kHz major ranging tone. The seven ranging tones in the table shall be used.
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Ranging system
5 Uplink modulation characteristics
6 Transponder requirements
7 Downlink modulation characteristics is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
GJB 1198 consists of the following eight parts under the general title of Telemetry tracking command and data handling for spacecraft:
——Part 1: PCM telecommand;
——Part 2: PCM telemetry;
——Part 3: Telemetry channel coding;
——Part 4: Ranging;
——Part 5: Radio frequency and modulation;
——Part 6: Packet telemetry;
——Part 7: Packet telecommand;
——Part 8: Onboard data handling interface.
This part is Part 4 of GJB 1198.
This part replaces GJB 1198.4-1991 Telemetry tracking command and data handling for satellite Ranging.
The following main changes have been made in this part with respect to the previous edition:
a) All frequency bands other than UHF(2GHz) frequency band which has been kept and improved are canceled;
b) As the four working modes of the transponder in the original edition are not completely the same as the actual working modes of the model, this revision is made according to the actual working modes;
c) The working system of the transponder is changed to: there shall be two working systems: "coherent" and "non-coherent". Injected data are added to the transponder uplink besides telecommand while temperature and output power related to measurement accuracy are added to the downlink telemetry information.
This part was proposed by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.
This part is under the jurisdiction of China Astronautics Standards Institute.
This part was firstly issued in October 1991, and firstly revised this time.
Telemetry tracking command and data handling for spacecraft
Part 4: Ranging
1 Scope
This part specifies the requirements for S-band ranging system, transponder and modulation characteristics.
This part is applicable to spacecraft using S-band telemetry tracking command system for ranging. The ranging system using service frequency band can also refer to it.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections), or revisions, of any of these publications do not apply to this part. However, parties to agreements based on this part are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest editions apply to this part.
GJB 727A-1998 Terms and acronyms of space tracking telemetry and command system
GJB 1198.5A-2004 Telemetry tracking command and data handling for spacecraft Part 5: Radio frequency and modulation
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part, the terms and definitions established in GJB 727A-1998 and the following ones apply.
ranging tone
sinusoidal wave signal for ranging
major tone and minor tone
tone with the highest frequency in a group of ranging tones is called the major ranging tone (major tone for short), while remaining tones are called the minor ranging tone (minor tone for short)
ranging tone on link
ranging tone used for channel transmission The tone with the highest frequency is called the major ranging tone on link and the remaining tones are called the minor ranging tone on link.
maximun unambiguous range
unambiguous range corresponding to the lowest frequency tone in a group of ranging tones
4 Ranging system
4.1 Main performance of ranging system
The main performance requirements of the ranging system are as follows:
a) Uplink frequency: 2025MHz~2110MHz;
b) Downlink frequency: 2200MHz~2290MHz;
c) Number of ranging tones: 7;
d) Random ranging error generated by ranging equipment on spacecraft: ≤1.5 (σRs, m);
e) Random ranging error generated by ground ranging equipment: ≤24 (σRs, m);
f) Maximum unambiguous range: 1.875×104km.
4.2 Transponder function
The transponder on spacecraft is used for ranging, and its uplink channel can be combined with command and injected data besides ranging, and its downlink channel can also be combined with telemetry besides ranging.
4.3 Ranging tone
The ranging tone includes a major ranging tone and a group of minor ranging tones, and the ranging accuracy is determined by the measurement accuracy of the major ranging tone. Other ranging tones with lower frequency (minor ranging tones) are used to resolve ambiguity in range measurement. When the measured range exceeds the maximum unambiguous range, other ambiguity resolution methods can also be adopted.
5 Uplink modulation characteristics
5.1 Ranging tone frequency
See Table 1 for the ranging tone frequency, in which the minor ranging tone is obtained by frequency demultiplication of 100kHz major ranging tone. The seven ranging tones in the table shall be used.
Contents of GJB 1198.4A-2004
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Ranging system
5 Uplink modulation characteristics
6 Transponder requirements
7 Downlink modulation characteristics