This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, product classification, basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules as well as marking, packaging, transportation and storage of oil-immersed HV rectifier transformer with single-phase power frequency for electrostatic precipitator (hereinafter referred to as rectifier transformer).
This Standard applies to oil-immersed HV rectifier transformer with single-phase power frequency for electrostatic precipitator.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to (excluding corrigendum), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, Parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest edition applies.
GB/T 191 Packaging-Pictorial Marking for Handling of Goods (GB/T 191-2008, ISO 780: 1997, MOD)
GB/T 507-2002 Insulating Oils-Determination of the Dielectric Strength(eqv IEC 60156: 1995)
GB/T 2900.15-1997 Electrotechnical Terminology - Transformer, Instrument Transformer, Voltage Regulator and Reactor
GB/T 9969 General Principles for Preparation of Instructions for Use of Industrial Products
GB/T 13306 Plates
GB/T 13384 General Specifications for Packing of Mechanical and Electrical Product
JB/T 5845-1991 Rectifying Equipment for High Voltage Electrostatic Precipitator - Test Methods
3 Terminology and Definition
For the purposes of this Standard, the terminologies and definitions specified in GB/T 2900.15 and those listed below apply.
Contents Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terminology and Definition 4 Product Classification and Marking 4.1 Product Classification 4.2 Product Marking 5 Basic Parameters 5.1 Grade of Rated Output DC Voltage 5.2 Grade of Rated Output DC Current 6 Technical Requirements 6.1 Service Condition 6.2 Rated DC Output Voltage 6.3 General Inspection 6.4 Insulation 6.5 Efficiency and Power Factor 6.6 Performance Parameters 6.7 Impedance Voltage 6.8 Temperature Rise 6.9 Load Grade 6.10 Load Characteristic 6.11 Safety Protection System 6.12 Technical Requirements of Oil Tank and Its Accessories 7 Test Methods 7.1 General Inspection 7.2 Insulation Voltage Withstand Test 7.3 Determination and Calculation of Efficiency And Power Factor 7.4 Determination of No-load Loss and Current 7.5 Determination of Impedance Voltage and Load Loss 7.6 Temperature Rise Test 7.7 Load Test 7.8 Flashover Test 7.9 Open Circuit Impact Test 7.10 Short Circuit Impact Test 8 Inspection Rules 8.1 End-of-manufacturing Inspection 8.2 Type Inspection 9 Marking, Operation Instruction, Packaging, Transportation and Storage 9.1 Marking 9.2 Operation Instruction 9.3 Packaging 9.4 Transportation 9.5 Storage
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, product classification, basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules as well as marking, packaging, transportation and storage of oil-immersed HV rectifier transformer with single-phase power frequency for electrostatic precipitator (hereinafter referred to as rectifier transformer).
This Standard applies to oil-immersed HV rectifier transformer with single-phase power frequency for electrostatic precipitator.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to (excluding corrigendum), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, Parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest edition applies.
GB/T 191 Packaging-Pictorial Marking for Handling of Goods (GB/T 191-2008, ISO 780: 1997, MOD)
GB/T 507-2002 Insulating Oils-Determination of the Dielectric Strength(eqv IEC 60156: 1995)
GB/T 2900.15-1997 Electrotechnical Terminology - Transformer, Instrument Transformer, Voltage Regulator and Reactor
GB/T 3859.2-1993 Semiconductor convertors - Application Guide (eqv IEC 60146-1-2 : 1991)
GB/T 6388 Transport Package Shipping Mark
GB/T 7595 Quality of Transformer Oils in Service
GB/T 9969 General Principles for Preparation of Instructions for Use of Industrial Products
GB/T 13306 Plates
GB/T 13384 General Specifications for Packing of Mechanical and Electrical Product
JB/T 5845-1991 Rectifying Equipment for High Voltage Electrostatic Precipitator - Test Methods
3 Terminology and Definition
For the purposes of this Standard, the terminologies and definitions specified in GB/T 2900.15 and those listed below apply.
Contents of JB/T 11073-2011
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terminology and Definition
4 Product Classification and Marking
4.1 Product Classification
4.2 Product Marking
5 Basic Parameters
5.1 Grade of Rated Output DC Voltage
5.2 Grade of Rated Output DC Current
6 Technical Requirements
6.1 Service Condition
6.2 Rated DC Output Voltage
6.3 General Inspection
6.4 Insulation
6.5 Efficiency and Power Factor
6.6 Performance Parameters
6.7 Impedance Voltage
6.8 Temperature Rise
6.9 Load Grade
6.10 Load Characteristic
6.11 Safety Protection System
6.12 Technical Requirements of Oil Tank and Its Accessories
7 Test Methods
7.1 General Inspection
7.2 Insulation Voltage Withstand Test
7.3 Determination and Calculation of Efficiency And Power Factor
7.4 Determination of No-load Loss and Current
7.5 Determination of Impedance Voltage and Load Loss
7.6 Temperature Rise Test
7.7 Load Test
7.8 Flashover Test
7.9 Open Circuit Impact Test
7.10 Short Circuit Impact Test
8 Inspection Rules
8.1 End-of-manufacturing Inspection
8.2 Type Inspection
9 Marking, Operation Instruction, Packaging, Transportation and Storage
9.1 Marking
9.2 Operation Instruction
9.3 Packaging
9.4 Transportation
9.5 Storage