NB/T 20003.1-2021 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants—Part 1: General requirements (English Version)
NB/T 20003.1-2021 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 1: General requirements
1 Scope
This document specifies the general requirements and principles for use of ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, penetrant testing, magnetic particle testing, eddy current testing, visual testing and leak testing of mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants.
This document is applicable to non-destructive testing during the manufacture and installation of mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NB/T 20003.2 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 2: Ultrasonic testing
NB/T 20003.3 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 3: Radiographic testing
NB/T 20003.4 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 4: Penetrant testing
NB/T 20003.5 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 5: Magnetic particle testing
NB/T 20003.6 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 6: Eddy current testing
NB/T 20003.7 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 7: Visual testing
NB/T 20003.8 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 8: Leak testing
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
NDT method
application of physical or chemical principles in nondestructive testing
NDT technique
specific way for application of NDT method
NDT procedure
written document describing how to regulate the use of an NDT technique
sign and response resulted from application of NDT method
lack of continuity or combination, artificial or non-artificial discontinuity in the physical structure or shape of a material or workpiece
deviation of the quality characteristics, compared with the expected condition
imperfection and discontinuity that affect the product structure and damage its adaptability
false indication
indication caused by conditions other than discontinuity or imperfection, the form of which depends on the NDT method used
determination of correlation, noncorrelation, or false indication
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Use principles 5 General requirements 6 Record, evaluation and quality grading 7 Testing records and reports Annex A (Informative) Comparison table of defects and NDT methods
NB/T 20003.1-2021 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants—Part 1: General requirements (English Version)
Standard No.
NB/T 20003.1-2021
File Format
Word Count
4500 words
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via email in 1 business day
Detail of NB/T 20003.1-2021
Standard No.
NB/T 20003.1-2021
English Name
Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants—Part 1: General requirements
NB/T 20003.1-2021, NB 20003.1-2021, NBT 20003.1-2021, NB/T20003.1-2021, NB/T 20003.1, NB/T20003.1, NB20003.1-2021, NB 20003.1, NB20003.1, NBT20003.1-2021, NBT 20003.1, NBT20003.1
Introduction of NB/T 20003.1-2021
NB/T 20003.1-2021 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 1: General requirements
1 Scope
This document specifies the general requirements and principles for use of ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, penetrant testing, magnetic particle testing, eddy current testing, visual testing and leak testing of mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants.
This document is applicable to non-destructive testing during the manufacture and installation of mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NB/T 20003.2 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 2: Ultrasonic testing
NB/T 20003.3 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 3: Radiographic testing
NB/T 20003.4 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 4: Penetrant testing
NB/T 20003.5 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 5: Magnetic particle testing
NB/T 20003.6 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 6: Eddy current testing
NB/T 20003.7 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 7: Visual testing
NB/T 20003.8 Non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of nuclear power plants - Part 8: Leak testing
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
NDT method
application of physical or chemical principles in nondestructive testing
NDT technique
specific way for application of NDT method
NDT procedure
written document describing how to regulate the use of an NDT technique
sign and response resulted from application of NDT method
lack of continuity or combination, artificial or non-artificial discontinuity in the physical structure or shape of a material or workpiece
deviation of the quality characteristics, compared with the expected condition
imperfection and discontinuity that affect the product structure and damage its adaptability
false indication
indication caused by conditions other than discontinuity or imperfection, the form of which depends on the NDT method used
determination of correlation, noncorrelation, or false indication
Contents of NB/T 20003.1-2021
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Use principles
5 General requirements
6 Record, evaluation and quality grading
7 Testing records and reports
Annex A (Informative) Comparison table of defects and NDT methods