This standard specifies basic parameters and technical requirements for screen filters, centrifugal filters (hydro-cyclone sand separators), sand media filters and disc filters.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Classification 5 Model 6 Marking 7 Basic Requirements 7.1 Appearance 7.2 Material 7.3 Technology 8 Sampling and Acceptance Rules 8.1 Sampling Method 8.2 Acceptance Rule 9 Test Conditions 10 Test Methods and Technical Requirements 10.1 Screen Filter 10.2 Centrifugal Filter (Hydro-cyclone Sand Separator) 10.3 Sand Media Filter 10.4 Disc Filter 10.5 Self-flushing Property Test for Self Cleaning Filter
This standard specifies basic parameters and technical requirements for screen filters, centrifugal filters (hydro-cyclone sand separators), sand media filters and disc filters.
Contents of SL 470-2010
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Classification
5 Model
6 Marking
7 Basic Requirements
7.1 Appearance
7.2 Material
7.3 Technology
8 Sampling and Acceptance Rules
8.1 Sampling Method
8.2 Acceptance Rule
9 Test Conditions
10 Test Methods and Technical Requirements
10.1 Screen Filter
10.2 Centrifugal Filter (Hydro-cyclone Sand Separator)
10.3 Sand Media Filter
10.4 Disc Filter
10.5 Self-flushing Property Test for Self Cleaning Filter