Code of China Chinese Standard Classification Professional Classification ICS Classification Latest
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Standard No. Title Price(USD) Delivery Status Add to Cart
GB 12021.9-2008 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades of AC electric fans $90.00 immediately superseded
GB 16780-2012 The norm of energy consumption per unit products of cement $210.00 via email in 1~3 business day superseded
GB 17167-2006 General principle for equipping and managing of the measuring instrument of energy in organization of energy using $60.00 immediately to be abolished
GB 17896-2012 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades of ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps $270.00 via email in 1~3 business day superseded
GB 17896-2022 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades of ballasts for gas discharge lamps for general lighting $270.00 via email in 1~3 business day valid
GB 18613-2002 Limited values of energy efficiency and evaluating values of energy conservation of small and medium three-phase asynchronous motors $180.00 via email in 1~3 business day abolished
GB 18613-2006 Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency and the Energy Efficiency Grades for Small and Medium Three-phase Asynchronous Motors $224.00 immediately superseded
GB 18613-2012 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for small and medium three-phase asynchronous motors $40.00 immediately superseded
GB 18613-2020 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and values of efficiency grades for motors $100.00 immediately valid
GB 19043-2013 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and the energy efficiency grades of double-capped fluorescent lamps for general lighting service $80.00 via email in 1~3 business day superseded
GB 19044-2013 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and the energy efficiency grades of self-ballasted fluorescent lamps for general lighting service $80.00 immediately superseded
GB 19044-2022 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades of fluorescent lamps for general lighting $165.00 via email in 1~3 business day valid
GB 19153-2003 Limited values of energy efficiency and evaluating $210.00 via email in 1~5 business day abolished
GB 19153-2009 Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency and Energy Efficiency Grades for Displacement Air Compressors $100.00 immediately superseded
GB 19153-2019 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for displacement air compressors $130.00 immediately valid
GB 19415-2013 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and evaluating values of energy conservation for single-capped fluorescent lamps $100.00 via email in 1~3 business day superseded
GB 19573-2004 Limited values of energy efficiency and rating criteria for high-pressure sodium vapour lamps $30.00 immediately valid
GB 19574-2004 Limited values of energy efficiency and evaluating values of energy conservation of ballast for high-pressure sodium lamps $30.00 immediately superseded
GB 19576-2004 The minimum allowable values of the energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for unitary air conditioners $90.00 immediately superseded
GB 19576-2019 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for unitary air conditioners $100.00 via email in 1~3 business day valid
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