Code of China Chinese Standard Classification Professional Classification ICS Classification Latest
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Standard No. Title Price(USD) Delivery Status Add to Cart
CB/Z 221-1998 Regulations of cable selection for naval ships $300.00 via email in 1~3 business day valid
DB31/ 672-2013 Norm of energy consumption perunit product for power cable with rated voltage 10 kV and 35 kV $240.00 via email in 1~3 business day valid
DL/T 832-2003 Optical fiber composite overhead ground wires $420.00 via email in 1~3 business day abolished
GB 1343.4-1984 Covered wires--Test method for springiness $30.00 via email in 1~3 business day abolished
GB 1343.5-1984 Covered wires--Method for mandrel winding test of round wires $30.00 via email in 1~3 business day abolished
GB 1343.6-1984 Covered wires--Method for mandrel winding test of rectangular wires $30.00 via email in 1~3 business day valid
GB 1343.7-1984 Covered wires--Method for adherence test $15.00 via email in 1~3 business day abolished
GB/T 1343.3-1984 Covered wires--Test method for elongation $15.00 via email in 1~3 business day abolished
GB/T 17650.1-1998 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Part 1: Determination of the amount of halogen acid gas $110.00 immediately superseded
GB/T 17650.1-2021 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables or optical fiber cables-Part 1:Determination of the halogen acid gas content $255.00 via email in 1~3 business day valid
GB/T 17650.2-1998 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Part 2: Determination of degree of acidity of gases by measuring pH and conductivity $90.00 immediately superseded
GB/T 17650.2-2021 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables or optical fiber cables - Part 2: Determination of acidity (by pH measurement) and conductivity $280.00 via email in 1~3 business day valid
GB/T 17651.1-1998 Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions - Part 1 : Test apparatus $100.00 immediately abolished
GB/T 17651.2-1998 Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions - Part 2 : Test procedure and requirements $45.00 immediately abolished
GB/T 17651.2-2021 Measurement of smoke density of cables or optical fiber cables burning under defined conditions - Part 2: Test procedure and requirements $280.00 immediately valid
GB/T 30085-2013 Industrial Systems, Installations and Equipment and Industrial Products - Labelling of Cables and Cores $310.00 via email in 1~5 business day valid
GB/T 32129-2015 Halogen free low smoke and flame-retardant compounds for wires and cables $120.00 immediately valid
GB/T 33597-2017 Continuously transposed conductors $310.00 via email in 1~3 business day valid
GB/T 3953-2009 Round copper wire for electrical purposes $40.00 immediately superseded
GB/T 3956-1997 Conductors of insulated cables $130.00 immediately superseded
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