This document specifies the product classification, technical requirements and test methods, inspection rules, and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of fuel vehicle engine coolants.
This document is applicable to coolants for light-duty engines and heavy-duty engines of fuel vehicles.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 5231 Designation and chemical composition of wrought copper and copper alloys
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods
GB/T 8926 Standard test method for insolubles in used lubricating oils
GB/T 9439 Grey iron castings
JT/T 1230 Standard test method for determination of inorganic anions in motor vehicle engine coolant - Ion chromatography
JT/T 1304 Technical specification of aluminum centrifugal pumps for cavitation corrosion characteristics test with engine coolants
NB/SH/T 0164 Petroleum and related products packaging, storage, transportation and acceptance of delivery rules
NB/SH/T 0828 Standard test method for determination of silicon and other elements in engine coolant by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy
SH/T 0065 Sampling of test samples of engine coolant or antirust agent and preparation of its aqueous solution
SH/T 0066 Standard test method for foaming tendencies of engine coolants in glassware
SH/T 0067 Determination method for ash content in engine coolant and antirust agent
SH/T 0068 Standard test method for density or relative density of coolant concentrates and engine coolants by the hydrometer
SH/T 0069 Determination of PH value of engine antifreezes, antirusts and coolants
SH/T 0084 Standard test method for effect of cooling system chemical solutions on organic finishes for automotive vehicles
SH/T 0085 Standard test method for corrosion test for engine coolants in glassware
SH/T 0086 Standard test method for water in engine coolant concentrate (Karl Fischer method)
NB/SH/T 0087 Standard test method for cavitation corrosion and erosion-corrosion characteristics of aluminum pumps with engine coolants
SH/T 0088 Determination of corrosion in engine coolant by simulated use
SH/T 0089 Standard test method for boiling point of engine coolants
SH/T 0090 Standard test method for freezing point for engine coolants
SH/T 0091 Standard test method for reserve alkalinity of engine coolants and antirusts
SH/T 0604 Crude petroleum and petroleum products - Determination of density - Oscillating U-tube method
SH/T 0620 Standard test method for corrosion of cast aluminum alloys in engine coolants under heat-rejecting conditions
SH/T 0621 Determination of chlorine content in engine coolant
ASTM D7583 Standard test method for John Deere coolant cavitation test
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
engine coolant
functional liquid compounded with antifreeze, corrosion inhibitor and other raw materials, which is used in engine cooling system and has the functions of cooling, anti-corrosion, anti-freezing and anti-scaling
Note: The engine coolant taken directly from the product's original packaging is usually referred to as "bulk", which can be either engine coolant concentrate or engine coolant predilute.
light-duty engine
engine that runs at a power of less than the rated (net) power for a long time
heavy-duty engine
engine that runs at the rated (net) power for a long time
Note: Most heavy-duty engines are designed with wet cylinder liner.
Foreword I Introduction III 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Product classification 5 Technical requirements and test methods 6 Inspection rules 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage Annex A (Normative) Preparation methods for solutions for service performance tests of coolants Annex B (Normative) Technical requirements for metal pieces for coolant tests Annex C (Normative) Preparation method of reference solution for foaming tendency test of coolants Annex D (Normative) Test methods for coolant stability and precipitation capacity Annex E (Informative) Specifications for dilution water for coolant concentrate
Motor vehicle coolant -
Part 1: Fuel vehicle engine coolant
1 Scope
This document specifies the product classification, technical requirements and test methods, inspection rules, and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of fuel vehicle engine coolants.
This document is applicable to coolants for light-duty engines and heavy-duty engines of fuel vehicles.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 711 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel plates sheets and strips
GB/T 1173 Casting aluminium alloys
GB/T 3673 Phthalocyanine green G
GB/T 5231 Designation and chemical composition of wrought copper and copper alloys
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods
GB/T 8926 Standard test method for insolubles in used lubricating oils
GB/T 9439 Grey iron castings
JT/T 1230 Standard test method for determination of inorganic anions in motor vehicle engine coolant - Ion chromatography
JT/T 1304 Technical specification of aluminum centrifugal pumps for cavitation corrosion characteristics test with engine coolants
NB/SH/T 0164 Petroleum and related products packaging, storage, transportation and acceptance of delivery rules
NB/SH/T 0828 Standard test method for determination of silicon and other elements in engine coolant by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy
SH/T 0065 Sampling of test samples of engine coolant or antirust agent and preparation of its aqueous solution
SH/T 0066 Standard test method for foaming tendencies of engine coolants in glassware
SH/T 0067 Determination method for ash content in engine coolant and antirust agent
SH/T 0068 Standard test method for density or relative density of coolant concentrates and engine coolants by the hydrometer
SH/T 0069 Determination of PH value of engine antifreezes, antirusts and coolants
SH/T 0084 Standard test method for effect of cooling system chemical solutions on organic finishes for automotive vehicles
SH/T 0085 Standard test method for corrosion test for engine coolants in glassware
SH/T 0086 Standard test method for water in engine coolant concentrate (Karl Fischer method)
NB/SH/T 0087 Standard test method for cavitation corrosion and erosion-corrosion characteristics of aluminum pumps with engine coolants
SH/T 0088 Determination of corrosion in engine coolant by simulated use
SH/T 0089 Standard test method for boiling point of engine coolants
SH/T 0090 Standard test method for freezing point for engine coolants
SH/T 0091 Standard test method for reserve alkalinity of engine coolants and antirusts
SH/T 0604 Crude petroleum and petroleum products - Determination of density - Oscillating U-tube method
SH/T 0620 Standard test method for corrosion of cast aluminum alloys in engine coolants under heat-rejecting conditions
SH/T 0621 Determination of chlorine content in engine coolant
ASTM D7583 Standard test method for John Deere coolant cavitation test
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
engine coolant
functional liquid compounded with antifreeze, corrosion inhibitor and other raw materials, which is used in engine cooling system and has the functions of cooling, anti-corrosion, anti-freezing and anti-scaling
Note: The engine coolant taken directly from the product's original packaging is usually referred to as "bulk", which can be either engine coolant concentrate or engine coolant predilute.
light-duty engine
engine that runs at a power of less than the rated (net) power for a long time
heavy-duty engine
engine that runs at the rated (net) power for a long time
Note: Most heavy-duty engines are designed with wet cylinder liner.
Contents of GB 29743.1-2022
Foreword I
Introduction III
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Product classification
5 Technical requirements and test methods
6 Inspection rules
7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
Annex A (Normative) Preparation methods for solutions for service performance tests of coolants
Annex B (Normative) Technical requirements for metal pieces for coolant tests
Annex C (Normative) Preparation method of reference solution for foaming tendency test of coolants
Annex D (Normative) Test methods for coolant stability and precipitation capacity
Annex E (Informative) Specifications for dilution water for coolant concentrate