1.0.1 In the design of small-size power plan (power plant in brief as follows), the code is made in order to follow basic construction guideline and policy of China, first put heat and electricity cogeneration into practice, pursue economic and social benefits, save energy and engineering investment, save raw material, decrease construction duration, utilize coal minerals to local conditions, realize comprehensive utilization, save water and land consumption, protect environment, execute present national regulations such as labor security and industry sanitation, accord with national status, make economy reasonable, make operation safe and reliable.
1.0.2 The code is adaptable to the design of new-built or expanded coal-fired power plant with pressure parameters of hypo-middle-pressure, middle-pressure and hypo-high-pressure, 20~ 130t/h rated capacity of single boiler, 1.5~12MW power of heat supply turbine, 3~25MW power of condensing turbine.
1.0.3 The ascertainment of power plant type should accord with the regulations listed below. According to the thermodynamic plan in urban area, the present status and development of heat/electrical load, and the characteristics and magnitude of thermodynamic load, heat supply power plant should be built in reasonable and economic heat supply range. According to thermodynamic plan in urban area, condensing power plant with proper capacity should be built with the adaptation to local conditions in some area lack of power or without power when the coal is abundant but the traffic is inconvenient, and in some area where little waterpower is in majority. Self-supply heat supply power plant of enterprise with proper size can be built according to the requirements of heat and electrical load for enterprise development.
1.0.4 The unit type selection of heat supply power plant should rely on the principles of “electricity depending on heat”. It should be ascertained according to the magnitude and characteristics of heat load only after technical and economical evaluation is reasonable.
1.0.5 The selection of unit pressure parameters in power plant should be planned in long-term and short-term construction and should accord with the regulations listed below. The unit with the single capacity of 1.5MW in heat supply power plant should adopt hypo-middle-pressure or middle-pressure parameters. The unit with capacity of 3MW should adopt middle-pressure parameters. The unit with capacity of 6MW should adopt middle- pressure or hypo-high-pressure parameters. And the unit with the capacity of 6MW and above should adopt the hypo-high-pressure parameters. The unit with the single capacity of 3MW in condensing power plant should adopt hypo-middle-pressure parameters. And the unit with the capacity of 6MW and above should adopt the middle-pressure or hypo-high-pressure parameters. The units in the same power plant should adopt the same parameters.
1.0.6 The unit amount of power plant should not exceed six for heat supply power plant and not exceed 4 for condensing power plant.
1.0.7 A general plan should be made for power plant according to plan capacity. New-built power plant can built in one-shot or phased construction according to load increasing speed and plan capacity. Main control building (house), shore-side water pump house can be built at one time according to plan capacity if phased construction of their civil-work part is difficult.
1.0.8 The auxiliary facilities, accessory production facilities and living welfare facilities in self-supply power plant of enterprise should not be repeated when they are built by enterprise uniformly.
When make-up water quantity in self-supply heat supply power plant of enterprise is large, the pre-treatment system of raw water should be designed by power plant.
1.0.9 Boiler and turbine allocation, main auxiliaries selection, main production process system and main workshop allocation in power plant should be ascertained with the technical and economic evaluation.
The system and (or) allocation should be simplified appropriately when safe, economic and reliable operating conditions are satisfied.
Equipments level in self-supply power plant of enterprise should coincide with the process requirements of enterprise through the combination with device characteristics in power plant.
1.0.10 The protection and emission of various pollutants in power plant such as coal dust, waste water, sewage, flue gas, ash and slag, noise and so on, should follow the relevant regulations in law, code and standard about national environment protection. And it should also accord with the relevant regulations in the standards of labor sanitation and industry sanitation. When the pollutants approach the emission standards, they can be emitted.
The engineering facilities for pollutants protection and labor and industry sanitation facilities should be designed, constructed and put into practice simultaneously with main engineering.
Ash and slag into river, lake and sea is seriously forbidden.
1.0.11 The antiseismic design of power plant should execute the relevant regulations in the standard “Code for Design of Antiseismic Architecture”.
1.0.12 The design of power plant should execute the relevant regulations in present national standards and codes except the code.
1 General 2 Heat/electrical load and selection of plant site 2.1 Heat load and heat medium 2.2 Electrical load 2.3 Selection of plant site 3 Site plot plan 3.1 Plot principle provision 3.2 Arrangement of main buildings and structures 3.3 Transportation 3.4 Vertical Layout 3.5 Pipeline layout 4 Layout of main machine hall 4.1 Principle provision 4.2 Layout of main machine hall 4.3 Maintenance facilities 4.4 Comprehensive facilities 5 Coal handling system 5.1 Principle provision 5.2 Coal discharging devices and external transportation 5.3 Coal handling facilities 5.4 Coal storage area and its device 5.5 Device of coal screening and pulverizing 5.6 Coal transportation accessories and accessory buildings 6 Boiler equipments and system 6.1 Boiler equipments 6.2 Pulverized coal preparation 6.3 Forced-draft fan, suction fan, secondary air fan and dust-collecting equipments 6.4 Ignition and combustion-assisting oil system 6.5 Blowdown system and equipments of boiler 7 Ash and slag removal system 7.1 General regulations 7.2 Hydraulic ash and slag removal system 7.3 Pneumatic ash removal system 7.4 Mechanical ash and slag removal system 7.5 Control and inspecting facilities 8 Equipments and system of steam turbine 8.1 Steam turbine equipments 8.2 Main steam and heat supply steam system 8.3 Water Supply system and feedwater pump 8.4 Deaerator and feedwater tank 8.5 Condensate circuit and condensing water pump 8.6 Drain pump of low-pressure heater 8.7 Drain flash vessel, drain tank, drain pump, low level water tank and low level water pump 8.8 Industrial water system 8.9 Heat network heater and its system 8.10 Pressure and temperature reducer device 8.11 Condensate return equipment of steam heat network 8.12 Condenser and auxiliary facilities 9 Hydrotechnics system 9.1 Water supply system 9.2 Water fetching construction and water pump house 9.3 Cooling facilities 9.4 Ash and slag pipe and ash disposal area 9.5 Domestic water, fire precaution water and Water drainage 9.6 Hydrotechnical construction 10 Water treatment equipments and system 10.1 Raw water pretreatment 10.2 Treatment of boiler make-up water 10.3 Adjustable disposal of supply water and boiler water and sampling system of thermodynamic system 10.4 Circulating cooling water treatment 10.5 Treatment of heat Net make-up water and production return water 10.6 Antisepsis 10.7 Chemical storage, gauging, laboratory and equipment 11 Electric power system 11.1 Connection of power plant and electric power network 11.2 System protection 11.3 System communication 11.4 System telecontrol 12 Electric equipments and system 12.1 Electric main busbar connection 12.2 Plant-own power system 12.3 High voltage distribution device 12.4 General layout of electric construction and structure 12.5 Electrical main control hall (Room) 12.6 Direct current system 12.7 Secondary wire splicing 12.8 Electric measuring instruments 12.9 Relay protection and security automatic devices 12.10 Lighting system 12.11 Cable selection and installation 12.12 Excess voltage protection and grounding 12.13 Communication in plant 12.14 Overhauling and testing 12.15 Electrical devices in dangerous explosion and fire environment 13 Thermodynamic automatization 13.1 Principle provision 13.2 Control mode 13.3 Thermodynamic detection 13.4 Automatic regulation 13.5 Remote control 13.6 Thermodynamic alarm 13.7 Thermodynamic protection 13.8 Interlock 13.9 Power supply and air source 13.10 Control house 13.11 Cables, pipes and local devices planning 13.12 Thermodynamic automatic test laboratory 14 Heating ventilation and air-conditioning 14.1 Principle provision 14.2 Main workshop 14.3 Electric building and electric installation 14.4 Coal handling buildings 14.5 Buildings related to chemical 14.6 Other auxiliary and accessory buildings 14.7 Plant heating thermal network and heating station 15 Construction and structure 15.1 Principle provision 15.2 Fireproof, explosion proof, and safe evacuation 15.3 Indoor environment 15.4 Construction and fitment 15.5 Living and sanitary facility 15.6 Structure 15.7 Live load 16 Accessory and appurtenance 17 Environmental protection 17.1 Principle Provision 17.2 The design requirements of environmental protection 17.3 Pollution control 17.4 Environmental management and monitoring 17.5 Environmental protection facilities 18 Operation safety and industrial health 18.1 Fire fighting and explosion precaution 18.2 Electric injury prevention, mechanical injury prevention, falling prevention and other injury prevention 18.3 Dust collection, toxicant prevention and chemical injury prevention 18.4 Sunstroke protection, cold protection and moisture protection 18.5 Anti-noise and anti-vibration 18.6 Operation safety and industrial health facilities AppendixA Fire hazard and fire-resistance grade of buildings and structures in production process AppendixB Minimum distance between buildings and constructions in power plant AppendixC Minimum horizontal clear distance between underground pipes and buildings and structures AppendixD Minimum horizontal clear distance between underground pipes AppendixE Minimum vertical clear distance between underground pipe lines or between underground pipe lines and crossed railway, roads AppendixF Minimum horizontal clear distance between cross-over pipe lines and buildings, structures AppendixG Minimum vertical clear distance between cross-over pipe lines and crossed railway or roads AppendixH Interior calculated temperature of heating of each building in plant in winter AppendixJ Regulation of air temperature in summer at working site in workshop AppendixK Regulations of adopted design intensity for earthquake fortification of partly buildings and structures in plant AppendixL Lighting standards and window/floor area ratio of each building in power plant AppendixM Noise limitation value in various production working fields AppendixN Live load of roofing, floor (ground) surface of various building AppendixP Wording Explanations for This Code
1.0.1 In the design of small-size power plan (power plant in brief as follows), the code is made in order to follow basic construction guideline and policy of China, first put heat and electricity cogeneration into practice, pursue economic and social benefits, save energy and engineering investment, save raw material, decrease construction duration, utilize coal minerals to local conditions, realize comprehensive utilization, save water and land consumption, protect environment, execute present national regulations such as labor security and industry sanitation, accord with national status, make economy reasonable, make operation safe and reliable.
1.0.2 The code is adaptable to the design of new-built or expanded coal-fired power plant with pressure parameters of hypo-middle-pressure, middle-pressure and hypo-high-pressure, 20~ 130t/h rated capacity of single boiler, 1.5~12MW power of heat supply turbine, 3~25MW power of condensing turbine.
1.0.3 The ascertainment of power plant type should accord with the regulations listed below. According to the thermodynamic plan in urban area, the present status and development of heat/electrical load, and the characteristics and magnitude of thermodynamic load, heat supply power plant should be built in reasonable and economic heat supply range. According to thermodynamic plan in urban area, condensing power plant with proper capacity should be built with the adaptation to local conditions in some area lack of power or without power when the coal is abundant but the traffic is inconvenient, and in some area where little waterpower is in majority. Self-supply heat supply power plant of enterprise with proper size can be built according to the requirements of heat and electrical load for enterprise development.
1.0.4 The unit type selection of heat supply power plant should rely on the principles of “electricity depending on heat”. It should be ascertained according to the magnitude and characteristics of heat load only after technical and economical evaluation is reasonable.
1.0.5 The selection of unit pressure parameters in power plant should be planned in long-term and short-term construction and should accord with the regulations listed below. The unit with the single capacity of 1.5MW in heat supply power plant should adopt hypo-middle-pressure or middle-pressure parameters. The unit with capacity of 3MW should adopt middle-pressure parameters. The unit with capacity of 6MW should adopt middle- pressure or hypo-high-pressure parameters. And the unit with the capacity of 6MW and above should adopt the hypo-high-pressure parameters. The unit with the single capacity of 3MW in condensing power plant should adopt hypo-middle-pressure parameters. And the unit with the capacity of 6MW and above should adopt the middle-pressure or hypo-high-pressure parameters. The units in the same power plant should adopt the same parameters.
1.0.6 The unit amount of power plant should not exceed six for heat supply power plant and not exceed 4 for condensing power plant.
1.0.7 A general plan should be made for power plant according to plan capacity. New-built power plant can built in one-shot or phased construction according to load increasing speed and plan capacity. Main control building (house), shore-side water pump house can be built at one time according to plan capacity if phased construction of their civil-work part is difficult.
1.0.8 The auxiliary facilities, accessory production facilities and living welfare facilities in self-supply power plant of enterprise should not be repeated when they are built by enterprise uniformly.
When make-up water quantity in self-supply heat supply power plant of enterprise is large, the pre-treatment system of raw water should be designed by power plant.
1.0.9 Boiler and turbine allocation, main auxiliaries selection, main production process system and main workshop allocation in power plant should be ascertained with the technical and economic evaluation.
The system and (or) allocation should be simplified appropriately when safe, economic and reliable operating conditions are satisfied.
Equipments level in self-supply power plant of enterprise should coincide with the process requirements of enterprise through the combination with device characteristics in power plant.
1.0.10 The protection and emission of various pollutants in power plant such as coal dust, waste water, sewage, flue gas, ash and slag, noise and so on, should follow the relevant regulations in law, code and standard about national environment protection. And it should also accord with the relevant regulations in the standards of labor sanitation and industry sanitation. When the pollutants approach the emission standards, they can be emitted.
The engineering facilities for pollutants protection and labor and industry sanitation facilities should be designed, constructed and put into practice simultaneously with main engineering.
Ash and slag into river, lake and sea is seriously forbidden.
1.0.11 The antiseismic design of power plant should execute the relevant regulations in the standard “Code for Design of Antiseismic Architecture”.
1.0.12 The design of power plant should execute the relevant regulations in present national standards and codes except the code.
Contents of GB 50049-1994
1 General
2 Heat/electrical load and selection of plant site
2.1 Heat load and heat medium
2.2 Electrical load
2.3 Selection of plant site
3 Site plot plan
3.1 Plot principle provision
3.2 Arrangement of main buildings and structures
3.3 Transportation
3.4 Vertical Layout
3.5 Pipeline layout
4 Layout of main machine hall
4.1 Principle provision
4.2 Layout of main machine hall
4.3 Maintenance facilities
4.4 Comprehensive facilities
5 Coal handling system
5.1 Principle provision
5.2 Coal discharging devices and external transportation
5.3 Coal handling facilities
5.4 Coal storage area and its device
5.5 Device of coal screening and pulverizing
5.6 Coal transportation accessories and accessory buildings
6 Boiler equipments and system
6.1 Boiler equipments
6.2 Pulverized coal preparation
6.3 Forced-draft fan, suction fan, secondary air fan and dust-collecting equipments
6.4 Ignition and combustion-assisting oil system
6.5 Blowdown system and equipments of boiler
7 Ash and slag removal system
7.1 General regulations
7.2 Hydraulic ash and slag removal system
7.3 Pneumatic ash removal system
7.4 Mechanical ash and slag removal system
7.5 Control and inspecting facilities
8 Equipments and system of steam turbine
8.1 Steam turbine equipments
8.2 Main steam and heat supply steam system
8.3 Water Supply system and feedwater pump
8.4 Deaerator and feedwater tank
8.5 Condensate circuit and condensing water pump
8.6 Drain pump of low-pressure heater
8.7 Drain flash vessel, drain tank, drain pump, low level water tank and low level water pump
8.8 Industrial water system
8.9 Heat network heater and its system
8.10 Pressure and temperature reducer device
8.11 Condensate return equipment of steam heat network
8.12 Condenser and auxiliary facilities
9 Hydrotechnics system
9.1 Water supply system
9.2 Water fetching construction and water pump house
9.3 Cooling facilities
9.4 Ash and slag pipe and ash disposal area
9.5 Domestic water, fire precaution water and Water drainage
9.6 Hydrotechnical construction
10 Water treatment equipments and system
10.1 Raw water pretreatment
10.2 Treatment of boiler make-up water
10.3 Adjustable disposal of supply water and boiler water and sampling system of thermodynamic system
10.4 Circulating cooling water treatment
10.5 Treatment of heat Net make-up water and production return water
10.6 Antisepsis
10.7 Chemical storage, gauging, laboratory and equipment
11 Electric power system
11.1 Connection of power plant and electric power network
11.2 System protection
11.3 System communication
11.4 System telecontrol
12 Electric equipments and system
12.1 Electric main busbar connection
12.2 Plant-own power system
12.3 High voltage distribution device
12.4 General layout of electric construction and structure
12.5 Electrical main control hall (Room)
12.6 Direct current system
12.7 Secondary wire splicing
12.8 Electric measuring instruments
12.9 Relay protection and security automatic devices
12.10 Lighting system
12.11 Cable selection and installation
12.12 Excess voltage protection and grounding
12.13 Communication in plant
12.14 Overhauling and testing
12.15 Electrical devices in dangerous explosion and fire environment
13 Thermodynamic automatization
13.1 Principle provision
13.2 Control mode
13.3 Thermodynamic detection
13.4 Automatic regulation
13.5 Remote control
13.6 Thermodynamic alarm
13.7 Thermodynamic protection
13.8 Interlock
13.9 Power supply and air source
13.10 Control house
13.11 Cables, pipes and local devices planning
13.12 Thermodynamic automatic test laboratory
14 Heating ventilation and air-conditioning
14.1 Principle provision
14.2 Main workshop
14.3 Electric building and electric installation
14.4 Coal handling buildings
14.5 Buildings related to chemical
14.6 Other auxiliary and accessory buildings
14.7 Plant heating thermal network and heating station
15 Construction and structure
15.1 Principle provision
15.2 Fireproof, explosion proof, and safe evacuation
15.3 Indoor environment
15.4 Construction and fitment
15.5 Living and sanitary facility
15.6 Structure
15.7 Live load
16 Accessory and appurtenance
17 Environmental protection
17.1 Principle Provision
17.2 The design requirements of environmental protection
17.3 Pollution control
17.4 Environmental management and monitoring
17.5 Environmental protection facilities
18 Operation safety and industrial health
18.1 Fire fighting and explosion precaution
18.2 Electric injury prevention, mechanical injury prevention, falling prevention and other injury prevention
18.3 Dust collection, toxicant prevention and chemical injury prevention
18.4 Sunstroke protection, cold protection and moisture protection
18.5 Anti-noise and anti-vibration
18.6 Operation safety and industrial health facilities
AppendixA Fire hazard and fire-resistance grade of buildings and structures in production process
AppendixB Minimum distance between buildings and constructions in power plant
AppendixC Minimum horizontal clear distance between underground pipes and buildings and structures
AppendixD Minimum horizontal clear distance between underground pipes
AppendixE Minimum vertical clear distance between underground pipe lines or between underground pipe lines and crossed railway, roads
AppendixF Minimum horizontal clear distance between cross-over pipe lines and buildings, structures
AppendixG Minimum vertical clear distance between cross-over pipe lines and crossed railway or roads
AppendixH Interior calculated temperature of heating of each building in plant in winter
AppendixJ Regulation of air temperature in summer at working site in workshop
AppendixK Regulations of adopted design intensity for earthquake fortification of partly buildings and structures in plant
AppendixL Lighting standards and window/floor area ratio of each building in power plant
AppendixM Noise limitation value in various production working fields
AppendixN Live load of roofing, floor (ground) surface of various building
AppendixP Wording Explanations for This Code