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Chinese National Standard Category: Traditional Chinese medicinal materials

English Title: The cultivation technical specification of glehnia littoralisfr. schmidt ex miq.
Chinese Title: 北沙参栽培技术规程
Standard No.: DB15/T 1139-2023
Category No.: C23
Issued by: Inner Mongolia Administration for Market Regulation
Issued on: 2023-11-30
Implemented on: 2023-12-30
Status: valid
Superseded by:
Superseded on:
Abolished on:
Superseding:DB15/T 1139-2017
Word Count: words
Similar Standards: T/CATCM 010-2019   DB63/T 555.8-2005   T/CIQA 58-2023   DB32/T 4223-2022   T/CATCM 013-2021   T/CIQA 57-2023   DB32/T 4319-2022   T/CATCM 012-2021   T/CATCM 014-2021   DB15/T 1139-2023   DB15/T 1137-2023   DB15/T 1138-2023   DB32/T 4557-2023   T/CACM 1360-2021   T/CACM 1328-2019   DB37/T 3663-2019   DB15/T 1321-2018   DB15/T 1322-2018   DB15/T 1323-2018   T/CATCM 004-2017  
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