Code of China Chinese Classification Professional Classification ICS Classification Latest Value-added Services

Chinese National Standard Category: AGS system and equipment

English Title: Passenger stairs
Chinese Title: 《旅客登机梯》2024年第1号修改单
Standard No.: MH/T 6029-2014/XG2-2024
Category No.: V56
Issued by: Civil Aviation Administration of China
Issued on: 2024-07-01
Implemented on: 2024-8-1
Status: valid
Superseded by:
Superseded on:
Abolished on:
Superseding:MH/T 6029-2014 Passenger stairs
Word Count: words
Similar Standards: MH/T 6029-2014/XG2-2024   MH/T 1076.4-2024   T/CCTAS 90-2023   MH/T 1076.1-2023   MH/T 6123.4-2023   MH/T 1076.2-2023   MH/T 6123.5-2023   MH/T 1076.3-2023   MH/T 6127-2022   MH/T 6049-2020   GB/T 31448-2015   GB/T 31450-2015   GB/T 31451-2015   GB/T 31452-2015   MH/T 6051-2009   MH/T 6050-2009   MH/T 6005-2009   MH/T 7003-2008   HB 7784-2005   MH/T 6035-2005  
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