Code of China Chinese Standard Classification Professional Classification ICS Classification Latest
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Standard No. Title Price(USD) Delivery Status Add to Cart
GB/T 24151-2009 Plastics—Glass fiber reinforced and flame retardant poly(butylenes terephthalate)compound $180.00 via email in 1~3 business day valid
GB/T 24152-2009 Sport footwear for basketball and volleyball $140.00 via email in 1~2 business day superseded
GB/T 24152-2018 Sports shoes for basketball and volleyball $130.00 immediately valid
GB/T 24153-2009 Rubber and elastomer materials—Determination of N-nitrosamines $40.00 immediately valid
GB/T 24154-2009 General standard for sports nutrition food $180.00 via email in 1~3 business day abolished
GB/T 24156-2009 Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds—Power performance—Test methods $100.00 immediately superseded
GB/T 24156-2018 Semiconductor devices—Mechanical and climatic test methods—Part 21: Solderability $180.00 immediately valid
GB/T 24157-2009 Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds—Energy consumption and range—Test procedures $100.00 immediately superseded
GB/T 24157-2017 Test methods of range and indication for the state of charge for electric motorcycles and electric mopeds $225.00 immediately valid
GB/T 24158-2009 Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds—General specifications $240.00 immediately superseded
GB/T 24158-2018 General specifications for electric motorcycles and electric mopeds $210.00 immediately valid
GB/T 24159-2022 Welded insulated cylinders $450.00 immediately valid
GB/T 2416-2008 Northeast merino $84.00 via email in 1~3 business day valid
GB/T 24160-2009 Hoop-wrapped composite cylinders with steel liner for the on-board storage of compressed natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles $330.00 via email in 1~5 business day superseded
GB/T 24160-2022 Hoop-wrapped composite cylinders with steel liner for the on-board storage of compressed natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles $555.00 via email in 1~5 business day valid
GB/T 24161-2009 Periodic inspection and evaluation of composite cylinders for breathing apparatus $315.00 via email in 1~5 business day valid
GB/T 24162-2009 Periodic inspection and evaluation of hoop wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders with metal liners of compressed natural gas for automotive vehicles $225.00 via email in 1~3 business day superseded
GB/T 24162-2022 Periodic inspection and evaluation of hoop wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders with metal liners of compressed natural gas for automotive vehicles $315.00 via email in 1~5 business day valid
GB/T 24163-2009 Periodic inspection and evaluation of steel cylinder for the storage of compressed natural gas for stations $225.00 via email in 1~3 business day valid
GB/T 24164-2009 Determination of the content of polychloriznated benzenes in dye products $120.00 immediately superseded
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