is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB 19153-2009 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for displacement air compressors. In addition to editorial changes, the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB 19153-2009:
——the scope is adjusted in this standard (see Clause 1; Clause 1 of Edition 2009);
——the term “actual volume flow” is changed to volume flow rate of packaged compressor, input power of unit to packaged compressor input power, and unit input specific power to specific energy requirement of a packaged compressor (see Sub-clauses 3.1, 3.2, 3.3; Sub-clauses 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 of Edition 2009);
——the definition of variable speed rotary air compressor is added (see Sub-clause 3.5);
——the target minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy conservation evaluation value of air compressors are deleted (Sub-clauses 3.5 and 3.6 of Edition 2009);
——the energy efficiency indexes of some products are improved (see Tables 1 and 3 to 6; Tables 1 to 7 of Edition 2009);
——the energy efficiency evaluation of variable speed rotary oil injection co-rotating compressor is added (see Sub-clause 4.2);
——the energy efficiency indexes of oil injected screw, oil injected scroll and oil flooded sliding vane air compressors for general use are unified into the energy efficiency indexes of oil injected rotary air compressors for general use (see Tables 1 and 2; Tables 6 and 7 of Edition 2009);
——the energy efficiency indexes of reciprocating minitype air compressors and stationary reciprocating piston air compressor for general use are unified into the energy efficiency indexes of reciprocating piston air compressor for general use (see Table 3; Tables 3 and 5 of Edition 2009);
——the requirements for test and calculation methods are modified and added (see Clause 6; Clause 5 of Edition 2009);
——the inspection rules are deleted (see Clause 6 of Edition 2009);
——the conversion of specific energy requirement, isentropic efficiency and transmission efficiency of a packaged compressor are added (see Annex A).
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
The previous editions of this standard are as follows:
——GB 19153-2003 and GB 19153-2009.
Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for displacement air compressors
1 Scope
This standard specifies the energy efficiency grades, minimum allowable values of energy efficiency, test and calculation method of them for displacement air compressors.
This standard is applicable to:
a) oil injected rotary air compressor for general use with the drive motor power of 1.5 kw ~ 630 kW and the exhaust pressure of 0.25 MPa ~ 1.4 MPa (including oil injected screw air compressor for general use, oil injected single screw air compressor for general use, oil flooded sliding vane air compressor for general use and oil injected scroll air compressor for general use);
b) variable speed oil injected rotary air compressor for general use with the drive motor power of 2.2 kW ~ 315 kW and the exhaust pressure of 0.25 MPa ~ 1.4 MPa (including conversion frequency oil-flooded screw air compressor for general use and integrated permanent-magnet conversion frequency screw air compressor);
c) reciprocating piston air compressor for general use with the drive motor power of 0.75 Kw ~ 75 kW and the exhaust pressure of 0.25 MPa ~ 1.4 MPa (including reciprocating minitype air compressors and stationary reciprocating piston air compressor for general use);
d) oil-free reciprocating piston air compressors with the drive motor power of 0.55 Kw ~ 22 kW and the exhaust pressure of 0.4 MPa ~ 1.4 MPa;
e) direct drive portable reciprocating piston air compressors.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
JB/T 8933 Oil-free reciprocating piston air compressors
JB/T 8934 Direct drive portable reciprocating piston air compressors
JB/T 9107 Reciprocating compressors - Vocabulary
JB/T 10972 Conversion frequency oil-flooded screw air compressor for general use
JB/T 11423 Oil injected scroll air compressor for general use
JB/T 13345 Integrated permanent-magnet conversion frequency screw air compressor
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions and those defined in GB/T 3853, GB/T 4975, GB/T 13279, GB/T 13928, GB/T 26967, JB/T 4253, JB/T 6430, JB/T 7662, JB/T 8933, JB/T 8934, JB/T 9107, JB/T 10972, JB/T 11423 and JB/T 13345 shall apply.
volume flow rate of packaged compressor
actual air volume flow at the standard exhaust position of the air packaged compressor, which is converted to that in the state of the full temperature, full pressure and composition at the standard suction position
packaged compressor input power; input power of air compressor
total input power required by the air packaged compressor to enable output of compressed air
Note: The total input power excludes the power used for treating equipment after compressing air integrated in the air packaged compressor.
specific energy requirement of a packaged compressor; input specific power
specific energy of the packaged compressor input power and volume flow rate of packaged compressor of the air compressor unit under the specified conditions
minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for air compressor
maximum specific energy requirement of a packaged compressor for the air compressor under the specified conditions
variable speed rotary air compressor
air compressor achieving volume flow change by automatically adjusting the rotating speed of the main drive motor through frequency conversion and other technologies during operation
Note: Frequency conversion technology is only used for setting the rotating speed of the main motor of the compressor, while the compressor whose rated rotating speed cannot be changed during operation is not included.
4 Energy efficiency grade
4.1 The energy efficiency of air compressor is rated by 3 grades, among which Grade 1 represents the highest energy efficiency. The energy efficiency of each grade of air compressor under the specified conditions shall not be greater than the values given in Tables 1 to 6.
4.2 The energy efficiency grades of all kinds of air compressors shall meet those specified in Tables 1 to 6, specifically,
a) the energy efficiency grade of oil injection rotary air compressor for general use shall meet those specified in Table 1;
b) the energy efficiency grade of variable speed oil injected rotary air compressor for general use shall meet those specified in Table 2;
c) the energy efficiency grade of reciprocating piston air compressor for general use shall meet those specified in Table 3;
d) the energy efficiency grade of oil-free reciprocating piston air compressors shall meet those specified in Table 4;
e) the energy efficiency grade of direct drive portable reciprocating piston air compressors shall meet those specified in Tables 5 and 6.
4.3 The energy efficiency grade of air compressor shall be assessed according to the corresponding energy efficiency index of the rated power of the drive motor, and shall meet the following requirements:
a) the test value of the packaged compressor input power of co-rotating air compressor shall be less than the value that is greater than first scale of the rated power of the drive motor. The test value of the packaged compressor input power shall be using Equation (4).
b) the shaft power, after taking account of transmission efficiency, of the reciprocating minitype air compressors, oil-free reciprocating piston air compressors and stationary reciprocating piston air compressor for general use shall not exceed the rated power of the drive motor;
c) the actual input power (P) of the direct drive portable reciprocating piston air compressors shall meet those specified in Tables 5 and 6.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Energy efficiency grade 5 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency 6 Test and calculation method Annex A (Informative) Conversion of specific energy requirement, isentropic efficiency and transmission efficiency of a packaged compressor is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB 19153-2009 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for displacement air compressors. In addition to editorial changes, the following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB 19153-2009:
——the scope is adjusted in this standard (see Clause 1; Clause 1 of Edition 2009);
——the term “actual volume flow” is changed to volume flow rate of packaged compressor, input power of unit to packaged compressor input power, and unit input specific power to specific energy requirement of a packaged compressor (see Sub-clauses 3.1, 3.2, 3.3; Sub-clauses 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 of Edition 2009);
——the definition of variable speed rotary air compressor is added (see Sub-clause 3.5);
——the target minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy conservation evaluation value of air compressors are deleted (Sub-clauses 3.5 and 3.6 of Edition 2009);
——the energy efficiency indexes of some products are improved (see Tables 1 and 3 to 6; Tables 1 to 7 of Edition 2009);
——the energy efficiency evaluation of variable speed rotary oil injection co-rotating compressor is added (see Sub-clause 4.2);
——the energy efficiency indexes of oil injected screw, oil injected scroll and oil flooded sliding vane air compressors for general use are unified into the energy efficiency indexes of oil injected rotary air compressors for general use (see Tables 1 and 2; Tables 6 and 7 of Edition 2009);
——the energy efficiency indexes of reciprocating minitype air compressors and stationary reciprocating piston air compressor for general use are unified into the energy efficiency indexes of reciprocating piston air compressor for general use (see Table 3; Tables 3 and 5 of Edition 2009);
——the requirements for test and calculation methods are modified and added (see Clause 6; Clause 5 of Edition 2009);
——the inspection rules are deleted (see Clause 6 of Edition 2009);
——the conversion of specific energy requirement, isentropic efficiency and transmission efficiency of a packaged compressor are added (see Annex A).
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
The previous editions of this standard are as follows:
——GB 19153-2003 and GB 19153-2009.
Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for displacement air compressors
1 Scope
This standard specifies the energy efficiency grades, minimum allowable values of energy efficiency, test and calculation method of them for displacement air compressors.
This standard is applicable to:
a) oil injected rotary air compressor for general use with the drive motor power of 1.5 kw ~ 630 kW and the exhaust pressure of 0.25 MPa ~ 1.4 MPa (including oil injected screw air compressor for general use, oil injected single screw air compressor for general use, oil flooded sliding vane air compressor for general use and oil injected scroll air compressor for general use);
b) variable speed oil injected rotary air compressor for general use with the drive motor power of 2.2 kW ~ 315 kW and the exhaust pressure of 0.25 MPa ~ 1.4 MPa (including conversion frequency oil-flooded screw air compressor for general use and integrated permanent-magnet conversion frequency screw air compressor);
c) reciprocating piston air compressor for general use with the drive motor power of 0.75 Kw ~ 75 kW and the exhaust pressure of 0.25 MPa ~ 1.4 MPa (including reciprocating minitype air compressors and stationary reciprocating piston air compressor for general use);
d) oil-free reciprocating piston air compressors with the drive motor power of 0.55 Kw ~ 22 kW and the exhaust pressure of 0.4 MPa ~ 1.4 MPa;
e) direct drive portable reciprocating piston air compressors.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3853 Displacement compressors - Acceptance tests
GB/T 4975 Displacement compressors vocabulary - General
GB/T 13279 Stationary reciprocating piston air compressor for general use
GB/T 13928 Reciprocating minitype air compressors
GB/T 26967 Oil injected single screw air compressor for general use
JB/T 4253 Oil flooded sliding vane air compressor for general use
JB/T 6430 Oil injected screw air compressor for general use
JB/T 7662 Displacement compressor vocabulary - Rotating compressor
JB/T 8933 Oil-free reciprocating piston air compressors
JB/T 8934 Direct drive portable reciprocating piston air compressors
JB/T 9107 Reciprocating compressors - Vocabulary
JB/T 10972 Conversion frequency oil-flooded screw air compressor for general use
JB/T 11423 Oil injected scroll air compressor for general use
JB/T 13345 Integrated permanent-magnet conversion frequency screw air compressor
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions and those defined in GB/T 3853, GB/T 4975, GB/T 13279, GB/T 13928, GB/T 26967, JB/T 4253, JB/T 6430, JB/T 7662, JB/T 8933, JB/T 8934, JB/T 9107, JB/T 10972, JB/T 11423 and JB/T 13345 shall apply.
volume flow rate of packaged compressor
actual air volume flow at the standard exhaust position of the air packaged compressor, which is converted to that in the state of the full temperature, full pressure and composition at the standard suction position
packaged compressor input power; input power of air compressor
total input power required by the air packaged compressor to enable output of compressed air
Note: The total input power excludes the power used for treating equipment after compressing air integrated in the air packaged compressor.
specific energy requirement of a packaged compressor; input specific power
specific energy of the packaged compressor input power and volume flow rate of packaged compressor of the air compressor unit under the specified conditions
minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for air compressor
maximum specific energy requirement of a packaged compressor for the air compressor under the specified conditions
variable speed rotary air compressor
air compressor achieving volume flow change by automatically adjusting the rotating speed of the main drive motor through frequency conversion and other technologies during operation
Note: Frequency conversion technology is only used for setting the rotating speed of the main motor of the compressor, while the compressor whose rated rotating speed cannot be changed during operation is not included.
4 Energy efficiency grade
4.1 The energy efficiency of air compressor is rated by 3 grades, among which Grade 1 represents the highest energy efficiency. The energy efficiency of each grade of air compressor under the specified conditions shall not be greater than the values given in Tables 1 to 6.
4.2 The energy efficiency grades of all kinds of air compressors shall meet those specified in Tables 1 to 6, specifically,
a) the energy efficiency grade of oil injection rotary air compressor for general use shall meet those specified in Table 1;
b) the energy efficiency grade of variable speed oil injected rotary air compressor for general use shall meet those specified in Table 2;
c) the energy efficiency grade of reciprocating piston air compressor for general use shall meet those specified in Table 3;
d) the energy efficiency grade of oil-free reciprocating piston air compressors shall meet those specified in Table 4;
e) the energy efficiency grade of direct drive portable reciprocating piston air compressors shall meet those specified in Tables 5 and 6.
4.3 The energy efficiency grade of air compressor shall be assessed according to the corresponding energy efficiency index of the rated power of the drive motor, and shall meet the following requirements:
a) the test value of the packaged compressor input power of co-rotating air compressor shall be less than the value that is greater than first scale of the rated power of the drive motor. The test value of the packaged compressor input power shall be using Equation (4).
b) the shaft power, after taking account of transmission efficiency, of the reciprocating minitype air compressors, oil-free reciprocating piston air compressors and stationary reciprocating piston air compressor for general use shall not exceed the rated power of the drive motor;
c) the actual input power (P) of the direct drive portable reciprocating piston air compressors shall meet those specified in Tables 5 and 6.
Contents of GB 19153-2019
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Energy efficiency grade
5 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency
6 Test and calculation method
Annex A (Informative) Conversion of specific energy requirement, isentropic efficiency and transmission efficiency of a packaged compressor