1.1 Determination substance: this standard specifies determination of zinc in water by spectrophotometric method with dithizone.
1.2 Sample type: this method is applicable to determination of trace zinc in natural water and some waste water. Relevant interference problems are detailed in Appendix A.
1.3 Scope: this method is applicable to determine water sample with zinc concentration of 5~50μg/L.
1.4 Detection limit: when the cuvette with optical path length of 20mm is used and the volume of the test portion is 100ml, the detection limit is 5μg/L.
1.5 Sensitivity: in this method, carbon tetrachloride is used for extraction, when the measurement is carried out at the maximum light absorption wave length of 535nm, the molar absorbance is about 9.3×104L/mol•cm.
2 Definition
As specified in this standard, total zinc content in the water sample shall be determined after the water sample is subject to acid digestion treatment.
Contents 1 Application Scope 2 Definition 3 Principle 4 Reagent 5 Apparatus 6 Sampling and Sample 7 Procedures 8 Expression of Results 9 Precision and Accuracy Appendix A (Supplement) Interference and Its Elimination Additional Explanation
1 Application Scope
1.1 Determination substance: this standard specifies determination of zinc in water by spectrophotometric method with dithizone.
1.2 Sample type: this method is applicable to determination of trace zinc in natural water and some waste water. Relevant interference problems are detailed in Appendix A.
1.3 Scope: this method is applicable to determine water sample with zinc concentration of 5~50μg/L.
1.4 Detection limit: when the cuvette with optical path length of 20mm is used and the volume of the test portion is 100ml, the detection limit is 5μg/L.
1.5 Sensitivity: in this method, carbon tetrachloride is used for extraction, when the measurement is carried out at the maximum light absorption wave length of 535nm, the molar absorbance is about 9.3×104L/mol•cm.
2 Definition
As specified in this standard, total zinc content in the water sample shall be determined after the water sample is subject to acid digestion treatment.
Contents of GB 7472-1987
1 Application Scope
2 Definition
3 Principle
4 Reagent
5 Apparatus
6 Sampling and Sample
7 Procedures
8 Expression of Results
9 Precision and Accuracy
Appendix A (Supplement) Interference and Its Elimination
Additional Explanation