GB/T 12668.1-2002 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems--Part 1:General requirements--Rating specificatoins for low voltage adjustabel speed d.c power drive systems (English Version)
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems--Part 1:General requirements--Rating specificatoins for low voltage adjustabel speed d.c power drive systems
This part of GB/T 12668 applies to general purpose adjustable speed d.c. drive systems which include the power conversion, control equipment, and also a motor or motors. Excluded are traction and electrical vehicle drives.
It applies to power drive systems (PDS) connected to line voltages up to 1 kV a.c., 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
EMC aspects are covered in IEC 61800-3.
This part gives the characteristics of the converters and their relationship with the complete d.c. drive system. It also states their performance requirements with respect to ratings, normal operating conditions, overload conditions, surge withstand capabilities, stability, protection, a.c. line earthing, and testing. Furthermore, it deals with application guidelines, such as control strategies, diagnostics, and topologies.
This part is intended to define a complete d.c. PDS in terms of its performance and not in terms of individual subsystem functional units.
1.2 Normative References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this part of GB/T 12668, constitute provisions of this part. For dated references, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest editions apply to this part.
GB/T 2900.18-1992 Electrotechnical Terminology—Low Voltage Apparatus (eqv IEC 60050-441:1984)
GB/T 3859.1-1993 Semiconductor Convertors—Specification of Basic Requirements (eqv IEC 60146-1-1:1991)
GB/T 3859.3-1993 Semiconductor Convertors—Transformers and Reactors (eqv IEC 60146-1-3:1991)
GB 4208-1993 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure (IP code) (eqv IEC 60529:1989)
GB/T 5226.1-1996 Electrical Equipment of Industrial Machines. Part 1: General Requirements (eqv IEC 60204:1992)
GB/T 16935.1-1997 Insulation Coordination for Equipment within Low-Voltage Systems Part 1: Principles, Requirements and Tests (idt IEC 60664-1:1992)
IEC 60034-1:1994 Rotating Electrical Machines–Part 1: Rating and Performance
IEC 60034-2:1972 Rotating Electrical Machines—Part 2: Methods for Determining Losses and Efficiency of Rotating Electrical Machinery from Tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles)
IEC 60050-111:1996 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary—Chapter 111: Physics and Chemistry
IEC 60050-151:1978 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary—Chapter 151: Electrical and Magnetic Devices
IEC 60050-551:1998 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary—Chapter 551: Power Electronics
IEC 60050-601:1985 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary—Chapter 601: Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electricity—General
IEC 60076 Power Transformer
IEC 60364-4-41:1992 Electrical Installations of Buildings—Part 4: Protection for Safety—Chapter 41: Protection against Electric Shock
IEC 60721-3-1:1987 Classification of Environmental Conditions Part 3: Classification of Groups of Environmental Parameters and Their Severities Section 1: Storage
IEC 60721-3-2:1 997 Classification of Environmental Conditions Part 3: Classification of Groups of Environmental Parameters and Their Severities Section 2: Transportation
IEC 60721-3-3:1994 Classification of Environmental Conditions Part 3: Classification of Groups of Environmental Parameters and Their Severities—Section 3: Stationary Use at Weather Protected Locations
IEC 61000-2-4:1994 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)—Part 2: Environment—Section 4: Compatibility Levels in Industrial Plants for Low-Frequency Conducted Disturbances
IEC 61000-4-7:1991 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)—Part 4: Testing and Measurement Techniques—Section 7: General Guide on Harmonics and Interharmonics Measurements and Instrumentation, for Power Supply Systems and Equipment Connected Thereto
IEC 61136-1:1992 Semiconductor Power Convertors—Adjustable Speed Electric Drive Systems—General Requirements—Part 1: Rating Specifications, Particularly for d.c.Motor Drives
IEC 61800-3:1996 Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems—Part 3: EMC product standard, including Specific Test Methods
IEC Guide 106:1989 Guide for Specifying Environmental Conditions for Equipment Performance Rating
1.3 Symbols
Table 1 lists symbols defined and/or used in this part.
Table 2 lists symbols and units for motor parameters.
Table 1 Symbols
Parameter Symbol Unit Definition
Rated system voltage ULN V 2.4.1
Rated system frequency fLN Hz 2.4.2
rated a.c.input voltage of converter UVN V 2.4.3
Line-side rated a.c. current of the CDM/BDM ILN A 2.4.4
Rated input current of the converter IVN A 2.4.5
Line-side harmonic content HL V or A 2.4.6
Line-side total harmonic distortion THD % 2.4.8
Converter input displacement factor cosφV1 2.4.9
Line-side displacement factor cosφL1 2.4.10
Input total power factor λL 2.4.11
Maximum a.c. system, symmetrical short-circuit current ISCM A 2.4.12
Short-circuit ratio RSC 2.4.12
DC current Id A 2.5.1
Rated continuous output current IdN A 2.5.2
Overload output current (overload capability) IdM A 2.5.3
Rated output voltage UdN V 2.5.5
Voltage ripple content Upp V 2.5.6
Current ripple content Ipp A 2.5.6
Efficiency of drive system ηD % 2.5.8
Efficiency of CDM ηC % 2.5.8
Base speed N0 r/mm 2.7.3
Maximum operating speed NM r/min
Minimum operating speed Nmin r/min
Maximum safe motor speed Nsmax r/min 2.7.4
Torque M Nm
Inertia J kgm2
Table 2 Symbols for Motor Parameters
Parameter Symbol Unit
Rated output power
Rated armature voltage
Rated armature current P N
Peak load current value
Allowable rate of change of the armature current
Allowable ripple of the armature current IP
IppM A
Armature inductance
Armature resistance LA
Rated hot field voltage
Rated field current
Field current for maximum speed UFN
Field inductance
Field resistance LF
Base speed
Maximum speed
Maximum safe motor speed
Torque (Note 2) N0
M r/min (Note 1)
Inertia J kgm2
Note 1: Practically, speed is expressed in RPM as well.
Note 2: Torque/speed characteristics: see A.5.1.
2 Definition
For the purpose of this part, the following definitions, as well as those given in IEC 60050-111, IEC 60050-151, GB/T 2900.18, IEC 60050-551, IEC 60050-601, GB/T 3859.1, GB/T 3859.2, GB/T 3859.3 and IEC 61136-1 apply.
d.c. power drive system (PDS) (see Figure 1)
system consisting of power equipment (composed of converter section, d.c. motor and other equipment such as, but not limited to, the feeding section or the field supply), and control equipment (composed of switching control – on/off for example – speed control, current control, firing system, field control, protection, status monitoring, communication, tests, diagnostics, process interface/port, etc.)
Foreword i 1 General 1.1 Scope and Object 1.2 Normative References 1.3 Symbols 2 Definition 3 Functional Features 3.1 Operational 3.2 Fault Supervision 3.3 Minimum Status Indication Required 3.4 I/O Devices 4 Service Conditions 4.1 Installation and Operation 4.2 Storage of Equipment 4.3 Transportation 5 Ratings 5.1 BDM Input Ratings 5.2 BDM Output Ratings 5.3 Efficiency and Losses 5.4 Ripple 5.5 Transformers and Reactors 6 Performance Requirements 6.1 Steady-State Performance 6.2 Dynamic Performance 6.3 Dynamic Braking and Dynamic Slowdown 6.4 Other Performance Requirements 7 Tests 7.1 Classification of Tests 7.2 Performance of Tests 7.3 Items of Separate Device Tests 7.4 Items of Power Drive System Tests 8 Product Information 8.1 Marking 8.2 Information to be Supplied with the PDS or CDM/BDM 9 Safety and Warning Labels 9.1 Warning Labels 9.2 Safety and Nature of a PDS Appendix A (Informative) Motor Considerations Appendix B (Informative) Line-side Considerations Appendix C (Informative) Auxiliary Equipment Appendix D (Informative) Control Strategies Appendix E (Informative) Protection Appendix F (Informative) Topologies Appendix G (Informative) Monitoring Features
GB/T 12668.1-2002 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems--Part 1:General requirements--Rating specificatoins for low voltage adjustabel speed d.c power drive systems (English Version)
Standard No.
GB/T 12668.1-2002
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Detail of GB/T 12668.1-2002
Standard No.
GB/T 12668.1-2002
English Name
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems--Part 1:General requirements--Rating specificatoins for low voltage adjustabel speed d.c power drive systems
1 General
1.1 Scope and Object
This part of GB/T 12668 applies to general purpose adjustable speed d.c. drive systems which include the power conversion, control equipment, and also a motor or motors. Excluded are traction and electrical vehicle drives.
It applies to power drive systems (PDS) connected to line voltages up to 1 kV a.c., 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
EMC aspects are covered in IEC 61800-3.
This part gives the characteristics of the converters and their relationship with the complete d.c. drive system. It also states their performance requirements with respect to ratings, normal operating conditions, overload conditions, surge withstand capabilities, stability, protection, a.c. line earthing, and testing. Furthermore, it deals with application guidelines, such as control strategies, diagnostics, and topologies.
This part is intended to define a complete d.c. PDS in terms of its performance and not in terms of individual subsystem functional units.
1.2 Normative References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this part of GB/T 12668, constitute provisions of this part. For dated references, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest editions apply to this part.
GB/T 2900.18-1992 Electrotechnical Terminology—Low Voltage Apparatus (eqv IEC 60050-441:1984)
GB/T 3859.1-1993 Semiconductor Convertors—Specification of Basic Requirements (eqv IEC 60146-1-1:1991)
GB/T 3859.2-1993 Semiconductor Convertors—Application Guide (eqv IEC 60146-1-2:1991)
GB/T 3859.3-1993 Semiconductor Convertors—Transformers and Reactors (eqv IEC 60146-1-3:1991)
GB 4208-1993 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure (IP code) (eqv IEC 60529:1989)
GB/T 5226.1-1996 Electrical Equipment of Industrial Machines. Part 1: General Requirements (eqv IEC 60204:1992)
GB/T 16935.1-1997 Insulation Coordination for Equipment within Low-Voltage Systems Part 1: Principles, Requirements and Tests (idt IEC 60664-1:1992)
IEC 60034-1:1994 Rotating Electrical Machines–Part 1: Rating and Performance
IEC 60034-2:1972 Rotating Electrical Machines—Part 2: Methods for Determining Losses and Efficiency of Rotating Electrical Machinery from Tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles)
IEC 60034-9:1990 Rotating Electrical Machines—Part 9: Noise Limits
IEC 60038:1983 IEC Standard Voltages
IEC 60050-111:1996 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary—Chapter 111: Physics and Chemistry
IEC 60050-151:1978 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary—Chapter 151: Electrical and Magnetic Devices
IEC 60050-551:1998 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary—Chapter 551: Power Electronics
IEC 60050-601:1985 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary—Chapter 601: Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electricity—General
IEC 60076 Power Transformer
IEC 60364-4-41:1992 Electrical Installations of Buildings—Part 4: Protection for Safety—Chapter 41: Protection against Electric Shock
IEC 60721-3-1:1987 Classification of Environmental Conditions Part 3: Classification of Groups of Environmental Parameters and Their Severities Section 1: Storage
IEC 60721-3-2:1 997 Classification of Environmental Conditions Part 3: Classification of Groups of Environmental Parameters and Their Severities Section 2: Transportation
IEC 60721-3-3:1994 Classification of Environmental Conditions Part 3: Classification of Groups of Environmental Parameters and Their Severities—Section 3: Stationary Use at Weather Protected Locations
IEC 61000-2-4:1994 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)—Part 2: Environment—Section 4: Compatibility Levels in Industrial Plants for Low-Frequency Conducted Disturbances
IEC 61000-4-7:1991 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)—Part 4: Testing and Measurement Techniques—Section 7: General Guide on Harmonics and Interharmonics Measurements and Instrumentation, for Power Supply Systems and Equipment Connected Thereto
IEC 61136-1:1992 Semiconductor Power Convertors—Adjustable Speed Electric Drive Systems—General Requirements—Part 1: Rating Specifications, Particularly for d.c.Motor Drives
IEC 61800-3:1996 Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems—Part 3: EMC product standard, including Specific Test Methods
IEC Guide 106:1989 Guide for Specifying Environmental Conditions for Equipment Performance Rating
1.3 Symbols
Table 1 lists symbols defined and/or used in this part.
Table 2 lists symbols and units for motor parameters.
Table 1 Symbols
Parameter Symbol Unit Definition
Rated system voltage ULN V 2.4.1
Rated system frequency fLN Hz 2.4.2
rated a.c.input voltage of converter UVN V 2.4.3
Line-side rated a.c. current of the CDM/BDM ILN A 2.4.4
Rated input current of the converter IVN A 2.4.5
Line-side harmonic content HL V or A 2.4.6
Line-side total harmonic distortion THD % 2.4.8
Converter input displacement factor cosφV1 2.4.9
Line-side displacement factor cosφL1 2.4.10
Input total power factor λL 2.4.11
Maximum a.c. system, symmetrical short-circuit current ISCM A 2.4.12
Short-circuit ratio RSC 2.4.12
DC current Id A 2.5.1
Rated continuous output current IdN A 2.5.2
Overload output current (overload capability) IdM A 2.5.3
Rated output voltage UdN V 2.5.5
Voltage ripple content Upp V 2.5.6
Current ripple content Ipp A 2.5.6
Efficiency of drive system ηD % 2.5.8
Efficiency of CDM ηC % 2.5.8
Base speed N0 r/mm 2.7.3
Maximum operating speed NM r/min
Minimum operating speed Nmin r/min
Maximum safe motor speed Nsmax r/min 2.7.4
Torque M Nm
Inertia J kgm2
Table 2 Symbols for Motor Parameters
Parameter Symbol Unit
Rated output power
Rated armature voltage
Rated armature current P N
Peak load current value
Allowable rate of change of the armature current
Allowable ripple of the armature current IP
IppM A
Armature inductance
Armature resistance LA
Rated hot field voltage
Rated field current
Field current for maximum speed UFN
Field inductance
Field resistance LF
Base speed
Maximum speed
Maximum safe motor speed
Torque (Note 2) N0
M r/min (Note 1)
Inertia J kgm2
Note 1: Practically, speed is expressed in RPM as well.
Note 2: Torque/speed characteristics: see A.5.1.
2 Definition
For the purpose of this part, the following definitions, as well as those given in IEC 60050-111, IEC 60050-151, GB/T 2900.18, IEC 60050-551, IEC 60050-601, GB/T 3859.1, GB/T 3859.2, GB/T 3859.3 and IEC 61136-1 apply.
d.c. power drive system (PDS) (see Figure 1)
system consisting of power equipment (composed of converter section, d.c. motor and other equipment such as, but not limited to, the feeding section or the field supply), and control equipment (composed of switching control – on/off for example – speed control, current control, firing system, field control, protection, status monitoring, communication, tests, diagnostics, process interface/port, etc.)
Contents of GB/T 12668.1-2002
Foreword i
1 General
1.1 Scope and Object
1.2 Normative References
1.3 Symbols
2 Definition
3 Functional Features
3.1 Operational
3.2 Fault Supervision
3.3 Minimum Status Indication Required
3.4 I/O Devices
4 Service Conditions
4.1 Installation and Operation
4.2 Storage of Equipment
4.3 Transportation
5 Ratings
5.1 BDM Input Ratings
5.2 BDM Output Ratings
5.3 Efficiency and Losses
5.4 Ripple
5.5 Transformers and Reactors
6 Performance Requirements
6.1 Steady-State Performance
6.2 Dynamic Performance
6.3 Dynamic Braking and Dynamic Slowdown
6.4 Other Performance Requirements
7 Tests
7.1 Classification of Tests
7.2 Performance of Tests
7.3 Items of Separate Device Tests
7.4 Items of Power Drive System Tests
8 Product Information
8.1 Marking
8.2 Information to be Supplied with the PDS or CDM/BDM
9 Safety and Warning Labels
9.1 Warning Labels
9.2 Safety and Nature of a PDS
Appendix A (Informative) Motor Considerations
Appendix B (Informative) Line-side Considerations
Appendix C (Informative) Auxiliary Equipment
Appendix D (Informative) Control Strategies
Appendix E (Informative) Protection
Appendix F (Informative) Topologies
Appendix G (Informative) Monitoring Features