This Standard specifies definitions of the terms used in this Standard, the requirements which the measuring systems shall meet, the methods for approving a measuring system and checking its components, and the procedure by which the user will show that a measuring system meets the requirements of this Standard.
This Standard is applicable to complete measuring systems, and to their components, used for the measurement of high-voltages and currents during tests with direct voltage, alternating voltage, lightning and switching impulse voltages and for tests with impulse currents, or with combinations of them.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below.
GB 311.1-1997 Insulation Co-ordination for High Voltage Transmission and Distribution Equipment
GB 311.6-83 High Voltage Test Techniques — Part 5: Sphere-gaμs for Voltage Measurement
GB 813-89 Oscilloscopes and Peak Voltmeters for Impulse Tests
GB 2900.19-94 Electrotechnical Vocabulary — High- voltage Test Technique and Insulation Co-ordination
GB 12720-91 Measurement of Power-frequency Electric Fields
GB/T 16927.1-1997 High-voltage Test Techniques — Part 1: General Test Requirements
GB/T 16896.1-1997 Digital Recorders for Measurements in High-voltage Impulse Tests — Part 1: Requirements for Digital Recorders
3 Definitions and Terms
Contents Foreword II IEC Foreword III 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Definitions and Terms 4 Procedures for Qualification and Use of Measuring Systems 5 Test Procedures and General Requirements 6 Qualification and Use of Approved Measuring System 7 Measurement of Direct Voltage 8 Measurement of Alternating Voltage 9 Measurement of Lightning Impulse Voltage 10 Measurement of Switching Impulse Voltage 11 Measurement of Impulse Current 12 Reference Measuring Systems Appendix A (Normative) National Accreditation Systems Appendix B (Informative) Structure of a Record of Performance Appendix C (Informative) Step Response Measurements Appendix D (Informative) Temperature Rise of Measuring Resistors Appendix E (Informative) Reference Measuring Systems and Comparison Measurements for Impulse Voltages — Bibliography Appendix F (Informative) Summary of Tests Appendix G (Informative) Areas where Special Care is Needed
1 Scope
This Standard specifies definitions of the terms used in this Standard, the requirements which the measuring systems shall meet, the methods for approving a measuring system and checking its components, and the procedure by which the user will show that a measuring system meets the requirements of this Standard.
This Standard is applicable to complete measuring systems, and to their components, used for the measurement of high-voltages and currents during tests with direct voltage, alternating voltage, lightning and switching impulse voltages and for tests with impulse currents, or with combinations of them.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below.
GB 311.1-1997 Insulation Co-ordination for High Voltage Transmission and Distribution Equipment
GB 311.6-83 High Voltage Test Techniques — Part 5: Sphere-gaμs for Voltage Measurement
GB 813-89 Oscilloscopes and Peak Voltmeters for Impulse Tests
GB 2900.19-94 Electrotechnical Vocabulary — High- voltage Test Technique and Insulation Co-ordination
GB 12720-91 Measurement of Power-frequency Electric Fields
GB/T 16927.1-1997 High-voltage Test Techniques — Part 1: General Test Requirements
GB/T 16896.1-1997 Digital Recorders for Measurements in High-voltage Impulse Tests — Part 1: Requirements for Digital Recorders
3 Definitions and Terms
Contents of GB/T 16927.2-1997
Foreword II
IEC Foreword III
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Definitions and Terms
4 Procedures for Qualification and Use of Measuring Systems
5 Test Procedures and General Requirements
6 Qualification and Use of Approved Measuring System
7 Measurement of Direct Voltage
8 Measurement of Alternating Voltage
9 Measurement of Lightning Impulse Voltage
10 Measurement of Switching Impulse Voltage
11 Measurement of Impulse Current
12 Reference Measuring Systems
Appendix A (Normative) National Accreditation Systems
Appendix B (Informative) Structure of a Record of Performance
Appendix C (Informative) Step Response Measurements
Appendix D (Informative) Temperature Rise of Measuring Resistors
Appendix E (Informative) Reference Measuring Systems and Comparison Measurements for Impulse Voltages — Bibliography
Appendix F (Informative) Summary of Tests
Appendix G (Informative) Areas where Special Care is Needed