This standard specifies the requirements and rules of item safety classification, seismic resistance category, code classification and quality assurance grading of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants.
This standard is applicable to the classification for the items of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 13286 Criteria for Independence of Class 1E Equipment and Circuits in Nuclear Power Plants
GB/T 16702 Design Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Islands
GB/T 19001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements
HAF003 Safety Specifications for Quality Assurance of Nuclear Power Plant
HAF102 Safety Specifications for Design of Nuclear Power Plant
3 Terminologies, Definitions and Codes
3.1 Terminologies and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terminologies and definitions apply.
General term of structures, systems and components.
Reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB)
All components bearing reactor coolant pressure, including pressure vessels, piping, pumps, valves, etc., which are
a) constituent part of the reactor coolant system; or
b) the part connecting the adjacent system to the reactor coolant system, which
• is from the system pipeline to the outermost containment isolation valve (inclusive) for the system pipeline running through the containment;
• is from the system pipeline to the second normal close valve (inclusive) of the two under the state in which the reactor operates for the system pipeline not running through the containment;
• is from the safety relief system to the safety relief valve (inclusive) for the safety relief system of reactor coolant.
Active component
Component that relies on external inputs such as triggers, mechanical motions, or power sources to perform functions.
Active safety system
Safety system that relies mainly on active components (pumps, active valves, power apparatus, etc.) to perform safety functions.
Passive component
Component that performs functions without relying on external inputs such as triggers, mechanical motions, or power sources, for example, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, pipelines, etc.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terminologies, Definitions and Codes 4 General Provisions 4.1 Classification Method 4.2 Classification Types and Basic Basis 4.3 Classification Object 4.4 Application of Classification Rules 5 Safety Classification 5.1 General Requirements 5.2 Safety Classification of Mechanical Pressure Component 5.3 Safety Classification of Non-mechanical Pressure Components 5.4 Safety Classification of Fuel Assemblies and Their Associated Assemblies 5.5 Safety Classification of Electrical Components 5.6 Safety Classification of Buildings (structures) 6 Seismic Classification 6.1 General Requirements 6.2 Seismic Category I 6.3 Seismic Category II 6.4 Non-Nuclear Seismic Category 7 The Determination of Code Classes and Standard Selection 8 Quality Assurance Classification 8.1 General Requirements 8.2 Quality Assurance Class 1 8.3 Quality Assurance Class 2 8.4 Quality Assurance Class 3 8.5 Non-nuclear Quality Assurance Class, QAN Appendix A (Informative) Application of Item Classification Rules in Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants with Active Safety System Appendix B (Informative) Application of Item Classification Rules in Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant with Passive Safety System Appendix C (Informative) Cross-references between This Standard and Relevant Standards On Safety Classification and Seismic Category Appendix D (Informative) Examples of Methods for Determining Code Classes of Mechanical Pressure Components Bibliography Figure D.1 Comparison between Code Classes and Safety Classes Table 1 Safety Class and Code of Different Categories of Items Table A.1 Classification for Main Items of a Typical Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant with Active Safety System Table A.2 Examples of the Classification for Constituent Parts of Main Equipment of Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants with Active Safety System Table B.1 Cross Reference Between Classes of AP1000 and Quality Groups of Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Code Classes of ASME BPVC-III Table B.2 Cross Reference Between Classes of AP1000 and Safety Classes of This Standard Table B.3 Classification for Main Items of AP1000 Table C.1 Cross-references between This Standard and Relevant Standards On Safety Classification Table C.2 Cross-reference between This Standard and Relevant Standards On Seismic Classification
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements and rules of item safety classification, seismic resistance category, code classification and quality assurance grading of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants.
This standard is applicable to the classification for the items of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 13286 Criteria for Independence of Class 1E Equipment and Circuits in Nuclear Power Plants
GB/T 16702 Design Rules for Mechanical Components of PWR Nuclear Islands
GB/T 19001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements
HAF003 Safety Specifications for Quality Assurance of Nuclear Power Plant
HAF102 Safety Specifications for Design of Nuclear Power Plant
3 Terminologies, Definitions and Codes
3.1 Terminologies and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terminologies and definitions apply.
General term of structures, systems and components.
Reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB)
All components bearing reactor coolant pressure, including pressure vessels, piping, pumps, valves, etc., which are
a) constituent part of the reactor coolant system; or
b) the part connecting the adjacent system to the reactor coolant system, which
• is from the system pipeline to the outermost containment isolation valve (inclusive) for the system pipeline running through the containment;
• is from the system pipeline to the second normal close valve (inclusive) of the two under the state in which the reactor operates for the system pipeline not running through the containment;
• is from the safety relief system to the safety relief valve (inclusive) for the safety relief system of reactor coolant.
Active component
Component that relies on external inputs such as triggers, mechanical motions, or power sources to perform functions.
Active safety system
Safety system that relies mainly on active components (pumps, active valves, power apparatus, etc.) to perform safety functions.
Passive component
Component that performs functions without relying on external inputs such as triggers, mechanical motions, or power sources, for example, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, pipelines, etc.
Contents of GB/T 17569-2013
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terminologies, Definitions and Codes
4 General Provisions
4.1 Classification Method
4.2 Classification Types and Basic Basis
4.3 Classification Object
4.4 Application of Classification Rules
5 Safety Classification
5.1 General Requirements
5.2 Safety Classification of Mechanical Pressure Component
5.3 Safety Classification of Non-mechanical Pressure Components
5.4 Safety Classification of Fuel Assemblies and Their Associated Assemblies
5.5 Safety Classification of Electrical Components
5.6 Safety Classification of Buildings (structures)
6 Seismic Classification
6.1 General Requirements
6.2 Seismic Category I
6.3 Seismic Category II
6.4 Non-Nuclear Seismic Category
7 The Determination of Code Classes and Standard Selection
8 Quality Assurance Classification
8.1 General Requirements
8.2 Quality Assurance Class 1
8.3 Quality Assurance Class 2
8.4 Quality Assurance Class 3
8.5 Non-nuclear Quality Assurance Class, QAN
Appendix A (Informative) Application of Item Classification Rules in Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants with Active Safety System
Appendix B (Informative) Application of Item Classification Rules in Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant with Passive Safety System
Appendix C (Informative) Cross-references between This Standard and Relevant Standards On Safety Classification and Seismic Category
Appendix D (Informative) Examples of Methods for Determining Code Classes of Mechanical Pressure Components
Figure D.1 Comparison between Code Classes and Safety Classes
Table 1 Safety Class and Code of Different Categories of Items
Table A.1 Classification for Main Items of a Typical Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant with Active Safety System
Table A.2 Examples of the Classification for Constituent Parts of Main Equipment of Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants with Active Safety System
Table B.1 Cross Reference Between Classes of AP1000 and Quality Groups of Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Code Classes of ASME BPVC-III
Table B.2 Cross Reference Between Classes of AP1000 and Safety Classes of This Standard
Table B.3 Classification for Main Items of AP1000
Table C.1 Cross-references between This Standard and Relevant Standards On Safety Classification
Table C.2 Cross-reference between This Standard and Relevant Standards On Seismic Classification