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Position: Chinese Standard in English/GB/T 21268-2007
GB/T 21268-2007   General Technical Conditions for Garden Patrol Minibus (English Version)
Standard No.: GB/T 21268-2007 Status:superseded
Language:English File Format:PDF
Word Count: 9000 words Price(USD):220.00 remind me the price change
Implemented on:2008-6-1 Delivery: immediately
Standard No.: GB/T 21268-2007
English Name: General Technical Conditions for Garden Patrol Minibus
Chinese Name: 非公路用旅游观光车通用技术条件
Professional Classification: GB    National Standard
Issued by: AQSIQ; SAC
Issued on: 2007-12-20
Implemented on: 2008-6-1
Status: superseded
Superseded by:GB/T 21268-2014 General technical conditions for garden patrol minibus
Superseded on:2014-5-6
Language: English
File Format: PDF
Word Count: 9000 words
Price(USD): 220.00
Delivery: via email in 1 business day
Referred in GB/T 21268-2007:
* GB/T 1771-2007 Paints and varnishes—Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray(fog)
* GB 3847-2005 Limits and measurement methods for exhaust smoke from C.I.E. (Compression Ignition Engine) and vehicle equiped with C.I.E.
* GB/T 4094-19
* GB 4208-1993 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP code)
* GB/T 4785-
* GB/T 4942.1-2006 Degrees of Protection Provided by the Integral Design of Rotating Electrical Machined (IP Code)-Classification
* GB 7258-2004/XG3-2008 Safety specifications for power-driven vehicles operating on roads
* GB/T 7403.1-2008 Lead-acid traction batteries—Part 1:Technical conditions
* GB 8410-2006 Flammability of automotive interior materials
* GB/T 9286-1998 Paints and varnishes-Cross cut test for films
* GB 9656-2003 Safety Glazing Materials for Road Vehicles
* GB 10827-1999 Powered industrial trucks - Safety code
* GB/T 13055-
* GB 18285-2005 Limits and measurement methods for exhaust pollutants from vehicles equipped ignition engine under two-speed idle conditions and simple driving mode conditions
* GB/T 18384.1-2015 Electrically propelled road vehicles—Safety specifications—Part 1: On-board rechargeable energy storage system(REESS)
* GB/T 18384.2-2015 Electrically propelled road vehicles—Safety specifications—Part 2:Vehicle operational safety means and protection against failures
* GB/T 18385-2005 Eletric vehicles- Power performance- Test method
* GB/T 18386-2005 Electric vehicles—Energy consumption and range—Test procedures
* GB 18565-2016 Composite performance requirement and detecting methods for road transport vehicles
* GB 18986-2003 The safety requirements for light bus construction
* JB/T 53.5-1991
* JT/T 426-2000 Combination of vehicle performance requirements and test method
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