GB/T 23986.2-2023 Paints and varnishes - Determination of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and/ or semi volatile organic compounds (SVOC) content -
Part 2: Gas-chromatographic method
WARNING——The use of this document can involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment. This document does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of users of this document to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and health of personnel prior to the application of the document, and to determine the applicability of any other restrictions for this purpose.
1 Scope
This document specifies a method for determining VOC and/or SVOC content by gas chromatography.
This document is applicable for the determination of VOCs and/or SVOCs with an expected VOC and/or SVOC content greater than 0.01% by mass up to 100% by mass.
The method given in ISO 11890-1 is used when the VOC is greater than 15% by mass. This document (GB/T 23986.2) applies when the system contains VOC and SVOC as the VOC result of ISO 11890-1 can be influenced by the SVOC. For VOC content smaller than 0.1% by mass, the head space method described in ISO 17895 may be used as an alternative. ISO 11890-1 and ISO 17895 cannot be used for the determination of the SVOC content.
Note 1: Some ingredients of coating materials and their raw materials can decompose during analysis and cause artificial VOC and/or SVOC signals. When determining VOC and/or SVOC for coating materials and their raw materials, these signals are artefacts of the method and are not taken into account (examples are given in Annex A).
This method assumes that the volatile matter is either water or organic. However, other volatile inorganic compounds can be present and might need to be quantified by another suitable method and allowed for in the calculations. The method defined in this document is not applicable for determination of water content.
Note 2: If organic acids or bases and their corresponding salts are present in the coating material or its raw materials, the amount that is quantified by this method might not be accurate due to a change in the acid or base equilibrium.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 760 Determination of water - Karl Fischer method (General method)
Note: GB/T 6283-2008 Chemical products - Determination of water - Karl · fischer method (general method) (ISO 760:1978, NEQ)
ISO 1513 Paints and varnishes - Examination and preparation of test samples
Note: GB/T 20777-2006 Paints and varnishes - Examination and preparation of samples for testing (ISO 1513:1992, IDT)
ISO 2811 (all parts) Paints and varnishes - Determination of density
Note 1: GB/T 6750-2007 Paints and varnishes - Determination of density - Pyknometer method (ISO 2811-1:1997, IDT)
Note 2: GB/T 21862.2-2008 Paints and varnishes - Determination of density - Part 2: Immersed body (plummet) method (ISO 2811-2:1997, IDT)
Note 3: GB/T 21862.3-2008 Paints and varnishes- Determination of density - Part 3: Oscillation method (ISO 2811-3:1997, IDT)
Note 4: GB/T 21862.4-2008 Paints and varnishes - Determination of density - Part 4: Pressure cup method (ISO 2811-4:1997, IDT)
ISO 5725-1 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 1: General principles and definitions
Note: GB/T 6379.1-2004 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 1: General principles and definitions (ISO 5725-1:1994, IDT)
ISO 5725-2 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method
Note: GB/T 6379.2-2004 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725-2:1994, IDT)
ISO 15528 Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes - Sampling
Note: GB/T 3186-2006 Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes - Sampling (ISO 15528:2000, IDT)
ISO 23168 Paints and varnishes - Determination of water content - Gas-chromatographic method
Note: GB/T 41953- 2022 Paints and varnishes - Determination of water content of coating materials - Gas-chromatographic method (ISO 23168:2019, IDT)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
volatile organic compound; VOC
any organic liquid and/or solid that evaporates spontaneously at the prevailing temperature and pressure of the atmosphere with which it is in contact
Note 1: As to current usage of the term VOC in the field of coating materials, see volatile organic compounds content (VOC content) (3.4).
Note 2: Under US government legislation, the term VOC is restricted solely to those compounds that are photochemically active in the atmosphere (see ASTM D3960). Any other compound is then defined as being an exempt compound (3.6).
[Source: ISO 4618:2014, 2.270]
semi-volatile organic compound; SVOC
organic liquid and/or solid that evaporates spontaneously but slower in comparison to VOC at the prevailing temperature and pressure of the atmosphere with which it is in contact
Note: As to current usage of the term SVOC in the field of coating materials, see semi-volatile organic compounds content (SVOC content) (3.5).
non-volatile organic compound; NVOC
organic liquid and/or solid not classified as VOC or SVOC
volatile organic compounds content; VOCC
VOC content
mass of the volatile organic compounds (3.1) present in a coating material, as determined under specified conditions
Note 1: The properties and the amounts of the compounds to be taken into account will depend on the field of application of the coating material. For each field of application, the limiting values and the methods of determination or calculation are stipulated by regulations or by agreement.
Note 2: If the term VOC refers to compounds with a defined maximum boiling point, the compounds considered to be part of the VOC content are those with boiling points below and including that limit, and compounds with higher boiling points are considered to be semi-volatile or non-volatile organic compounds.
Foreword III Introduction VII 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Principle 5 Required information 6 Apparatus 6.1 Gas chromatograph 6.2 Oven 6.3 Detector 6.4 Capillary column 6.5 Analytical system performance criteria 6.6 Qualitative‑analysis equipment 6.7 Injection syringe 6.8 Data processing 6.9 Sample vials 6.10 Gas filters 6.11 Gases 7 Reagents 7.1 General 7.2 Internal standard 7.3 Surrogate standard 7.4 Marker compound 7.5 Performance criteria compounds 7.6 Calibration compounds 7.7 Extraction solvent 8 Procedure 8.1 Sampling 8.2 Analysis 8.3 Calibration 8.4 Quality assurance 8.5 Gas chromatographic conditions 8.6 Density 8.7 Water content 9 Data analysis 9.1 Integration and identification of compounds 9.2 Classification of compounds 10 Quantitative determination of compound content 10.1 General 10.2 Quantitative determination of compound content 11 Calculation of VOC and SVOC content 11.1 General 11.2 Method 1 - VOC content and/or SVOC content, as a percentage by mass, of the product “ready for use” 11.3 Method 2 - VOC content and/or SVOC content, in grams per litre, of the product “ready for use” 11.4 Method 3 - VOC content and/or SVOC content, in grams per litre, of the product “ready for use” less water 11.5 Method 4 - VOC content and/or SVOC content, in grams per litre, of the product “ready for use” less water and less exempt compounds 11.6 Method 5 - VOC content and/or SVOC content, as a percentage by mass, of the product “ready for use” less water 12 Data evaluation and calculation of final results 13 Precision 13.1 General 13.2 Repeatability limit, r 13.3 Reproducibility limit, R 14 Test report Annex A (Informative) Information on thermal unstable products A.1 Occurrence of thermal degradation of matrices by the analytical methods from Clause 8 A.2 Example 1: Polyurethane dispersion A.3 Example 2: Poly‑methacrylate A.4 Example 3: Siloxanes A.5 Example 4: 1‑Dodecanol Annex B (Informative) Examples for GC method conditions B.1 Example 1 of gas chromatographic conditions B.2 Example 2 of gas chromatographic conditions Annex C (Normative) Non-exhaustive list of VOC, SVOC and NVOC compounds Annex D (Informative) Results of the round robin test for the determination of precision data Bibliography
GB/T 23986.2-2023 Paints and varnishes - Determination of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and/ or semi volatile organic compounds (SVOC) content -
Part 2: Gas-chromatographic method
WARNING——The use of this document can involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment. This document does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of users of this document to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and health of personnel prior to the application of the document, and to determine the applicability of any other restrictions for this purpose.
1 Scope
This document specifies a method for determining VOC and/or SVOC content by gas chromatography.
This document is applicable for the determination of VOCs and/or SVOCs with an expected VOC and/or SVOC content greater than 0.01% by mass up to 100% by mass.
The method given in ISO 11890-1 is used when the VOC is greater than 15% by mass. This document (GB/T 23986.2) applies when the system contains VOC and SVOC as the VOC result of ISO 11890-1 can be influenced by the SVOC. For VOC content smaller than 0.1% by mass, the head space method described in ISO 17895 may be used as an alternative. ISO 11890-1 and ISO 17895 cannot be used for the determination of the SVOC content.
Note 1: Some ingredients of coating materials and their raw materials can decompose during analysis and cause artificial VOC and/or SVOC signals. When determining VOC and/or SVOC for coating materials and their raw materials, these signals are artefacts of the method and are not taken into account (examples are given in Annex A).
This method assumes that the volatile matter is either water or organic. However, other volatile inorganic compounds can be present and might need to be quantified by another suitable method and allowed for in the calculations. The method defined in this document is not applicable for determination of water content.
Note 2: If organic acids or bases and their corresponding salts are present in the coating material or its raw materials, the amount that is quantified by this method might not be accurate due to a change in the acid or base equilibrium.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 760 Determination of water - Karl Fischer method (General method)
Note: GB/T 6283-2008 Chemical products - Determination of water - Karl · fischer method (general method) (ISO 760:1978, NEQ)
ISO 1513 Paints and varnishes - Examination and preparation of test samples
Note: GB/T 20777-2006 Paints and varnishes - Examination and preparation of samples for testing (ISO 1513:1992, IDT)
ISO 2811 (all parts) Paints and varnishes - Determination of density
Note 1: GB/T 6750-2007 Paints and varnishes - Determination of density - Pyknometer method (ISO 2811-1:1997, IDT)
Note 2: GB/T 21862.2-2008 Paints and varnishes - Determination of density - Part 2: Immersed body (plummet) method (ISO 2811-2:1997, IDT)
Note 3: GB/T 21862.3-2008 Paints and varnishes- Determination of density - Part 3: Oscillation method (ISO 2811-3:1997, IDT)
Note 4: GB/T 21862.4-2008 Paints and varnishes - Determination of density - Part 4: Pressure cup method (ISO 2811-4:1997, IDT)
ISO 5725-1 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 1: General principles and definitions
Note: GB/T 6379.1-2004 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 1: General principles and definitions (ISO 5725-1:1994, IDT)
ISO 5725-2 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method
Note: GB/T 6379.2-2004 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725-2:1994, IDT)
ISO 15528 Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes - Sampling
Note: GB/T 3186-2006 Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes - Sampling (ISO 15528:2000, IDT)
ISO 23168 Paints and varnishes - Determination of water content - Gas-chromatographic method
Note: GB/T 41953- 2022 Paints and varnishes - Determination of water content of coating materials - Gas-chromatographic method (ISO 23168:2019, IDT)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
volatile organic compound; VOC
any organic liquid and/or solid that evaporates spontaneously at the prevailing temperature and pressure of the atmosphere with which it is in contact
Note 1: As to current usage of the term VOC in the field of coating materials, see volatile organic compounds content (VOC content) (3.4).
Note 2: Under US government legislation, the term VOC is restricted solely to those compounds that are photochemically active in the atmosphere (see ASTM D3960). Any other compound is then defined as being an exempt compound (3.6).
[Source: ISO 4618:2014, 2.270]
semi-volatile organic compound; SVOC
organic liquid and/or solid that evaporates spontaneously but slower in comparison to VOC at the prevailing temperature and pressure of the atmosphere with which it is in contact
Note: As to current usage of the term SVOC in the field of coating materials, see semi-volatile organic compounds content (SVOC content) (3.5).
non-volatile organic compound; NVOC
organic liquid and/or solid not classified as VOC or SVOC
volatile organic compounds content; VOCC
VOC content
mass of the volatile organic compounds (3.1) present in a coating material, as determined under specified conditions
Note 1: The properties and the amounts of the compounds to be taken into account will depend on the field of application of the coating material. For each field of application, the limiting values and the methods of determination or calculation are stipulated by regulations or by agreement.
Note 2: If the term VOC refers to compounds with a defined maximum boiling point, the compounds considered to be part of the VOC content are those with boiling points below and including that limit, and compounds with higher boiling points are considered to be semi-volatile or non-volatile organic compounds.
Contents of GB/T 23986.2-2023
Foreword III
Introduction VII
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Principle
5 Required information
6 Apparatus
6.1 Gas chromatograph
6.2 Oven
6.3 Detector
6.4 Capillary column
6.5 Analytical system performance criteria
6.6 Qualitative‑analysis equipment
6.7 Injection syringe
6.8 Data processing
6.9 Sample vials
6.10 Gas filters
6.11 Gases
7 Reagents
7.1 General
7.2 Internal standard
7.3 Surrogate standard
7.4 Marker compound
7.5 Performance criteria compounds
7.6 Calibration compounds
7.7 Extraction solvent
8 Procedure
8.1 Sampling
8.2 Analysis
8.3 Calibration
8.4 Quality assurance
8.5 Gas chromatographic conditions
8.6 Density
8.7 Water content
9 Data analysis
9.1 Integration and identification of compounds
9.2 Classification of compounds
10 Quantitative determination of compound content
10.1 General
10.2 Quantitative determination of compound content
11 Calculation of VOC and SVOC content
11.1 General
11.2 Method 1 - VOC content and/or SVOC content, as a percentage by mass, of the product “ready for use”
11.3 Method 2 - VOC content and/or SVOC content, in grams per litre, of the product “ready for use”
11.4 Method 3 - VOC content and/or SVOC content, in grams per litre, of the product “ready for use” less water
11.5 Method 4 - VOC content and/or SVOC content, in grams per litre, of the product “ready for use” less water and less exempt compounds
11.6 Method 5 - VOC content and/or SVOC content, as a percentage by mass, of the product “ready for use” less water
12 Data evaluation and calculation of final results
13 Precision
13.1 General
13.2 Repeatability limit, r
13.3 Reproducibility limit, R
14 Test report
Annex A (Informative) Information on thermal unstable products
A.1 Occurrence of thermal degradation of matrices by the analytical methods from Clause 8
A.2 Example 1: Polyurethane dispersion
A.3 Example 2: Poly‑methacrylate
A.4 Example 3: Siloxanes
A.5 Example 4: 1‑Dodecanol
Annex B (Informative) Examples for GC method conditions
B.1 Example 1 of gas chromatographic conditions
B.2 Example 2 of gas chromatographic conditions
Annex C (Normative) Non-exhaustive list of VOC, SVOC and NVOC compounds
Annex D (Informative) Results of the round robin test for the determination of precision data