Earth-moving machinery - Product identification numbering system
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements, content, structure and identification location of a product identification numbering system for earth-moving machinery as defined in GB/T 8498.
It is not applicable to the identification of components or attachments.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) to, or revisions, of any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest editions apply to this part.
GB/T 8498 Earth-moving machinery - Basic type - Identification and terms and definitions (GB/T 8498-2008, ISO 6165: 2006, IDT)
GB/T 12508 Alphanumeric character sets for optical recognition-Part 2: Character set OCR-B-Shapes and dimensions of the printed image (GB/T 12508-1990, eqv ISO 1073-2: 1976)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
product identification number
unique set of 17 alphanumeric characters assigned to a complete machine by the manufacturer for identification purposes
Note: The PIN consists of four fields as defined in 3.1.1 to 3.1.4.
world manufacturer code
first field of the PIN, alphanumeric code designating the manufacturer of the machine
machine descriptor section
second field of the PIN, comprising information describing the machine
machine indicator section
last field of the PIN, distinguishing, in conjunction with the WMC and MDS, one machine from another by designation
check letter section
third field of the PIN, consisting of an alpha character in the ninth position based on a calculation of the remaining 16 characters in the PIN and determining its validity or assigned, non-calculated, alpha character
primary marking
PIN placed on a machine in a visible location
concealed marking
PIN, or derivative consisting of the MIS, placed on the machine in a concealed location
product label/plate
means of displaying the PIN and machine details on the machine
set of one to eight character positions reserved for specific information
Examples: WMC, MDS, MIS, CL.
individual, partnership or company responsible for ensuring the uniqueness of the PIN
Note: The manufacturer may be a single entity even when several factories produce the product.
4 General requirements
4.1 Characters in the PIN
The primary marking on the machine and on the product label/plate shall consist of 17 characters on a single horizontal line without breaks or separations between the characters. There shall be no additional signs, letters or characters before or after the preceding and ensuing symbols specified in 4.2. Zero (0) shall be used in the first positions of a field whenever fewer than the required number of characters is used.
Example: In the MDS, for model “AF3”, write 00AF3, not AF3.
4.2 Protection against adding characters
An acceptable symbol shall immediately precede the first numeral or letter of the PIN and immediately follow the last numeral of the PIN.
The acceptable symbol shall be
—— an asterisk (*),
—— greater-than and less-than signs (> <),
—— a corporate symbol, or
—— a company logo.
Instead of greater-than and less-than signs, angular brackets or similar “V” symbols horizontally pointing inwards may be placed on either side of the PIN.
4.3 Allowed characters
The following characters only shall be used in the PIN:
Characters conforming to GB/T 12508 are recommended.
4.4 World manufacturer code (WMC)
The WMC shall consist of three alphanumeric (alpha or numeric) characters in positions 1, 2 and 3. The manufacturer shall follow the procedure in annex A to secure a WMC listing. The registration process will require sufficient information to identify a manufacturer.
4.5 Machine descriptor section (MDS)
The MDS shall consist of five alphanumeric characters in positions 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. The manufacturer is to determine the coding and sequence of the information. This field may be comprised of general descriptive attributes of the machine. It is recommended that this field make use of information that is readily visible on the machine.
Example: For a model 493C, a suitable character sequence would be 00493 or 0493C.
4.6 Machine indicator section (MIS)
The MIS shall designate a unique manufacturing number and consist of eight alphanumeric characters in positions 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. Alpha or numeric characters may be used in positions 10, 11, 12 and 13. Only numerals shall be used in positions 14, 15, 16 and 17. The content of the MIS is at the discretion of the manufacturer. The manufacturer may choose to designate the year of manufacture. It is recommended that the year be indicated by the first character of the MIS (position 10). The recommended code to be used to identify the year is given in Table 1.
Table 1 Year designation codes
Year Code Year Code Year Code Year Code
2000 Y 2004 4 2008 8 2012 C
2001 1 2005 5 2009 9 2013 D
2002 2 2006 6 2010 A 2014 E
2003 3 2007 7 2011 B 2015 F
4.7 Check letter (CL)
The calculation to determine the CL shall be based on a formula provided by the website manager to the manufacturer (see Annex A). As an alternative, the website manager may provide a non-calculated letter that the manufacturer may use in this position for machine models having a volume of less than 100 units per year.
4.8 Duplication
The manufacturer shall ensure that the same 17-character PIN number shall not be reissued for 30 years. The manufacturer is responsible for maintaining a complete file of PIN records for all machines using the assigned WMC.
4.9 PIN format
The following example shows a PIN meeting the requirements of this standard.
5 Product label/plate
5.1 Components
The product label/plate (see Figure 1) shall contain at least the following information:
a) name and address of manufacturer;
b) machine model designation, or designation of series or type (if any), which shall be arranged according to the manufacturer’s specifications;
c) the words “Product Identification Number” written in full;
d) PIN.
The brand name or company-trademarked logo may be included. The sample label/plate shown in Figure 1 meets the requirements of this standard.
Text on the product label/plate shall be in a colour that contrasts with the colour of the background. Product label/plate materials shall be selected to maintain legibility during the expected life of the machine.
The product label/plate shall be constructed in a manner that makes it difficult to alter or remove without detection or mutilation.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General requirements 5 Product label/plate 6 Marking 7 PIN character readability 8 Instruction manual reference Annex A (Normative) WMC listing procedure Bibliography
Earth-moving machinery - Product identification numbering system
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements, content, structure and identification location of a product identification numbering system for earth-moving machinery as defined in GB/T 8498.
It is not applicable to the identification of components or attachments.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections) to, or revisions, of any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest editions apply to this part.
GB/T 8498 Earth-moving machinery - Basic type - Identification and terms and definitions (GB/T 8498-2008, ISO 6165: 2006, IDT)
GB/T 12508 Alphanumeric character sets for optical recognition-Part 2: Character set OCR-B-Shapes and dimensions of the printed image (GB/T 12508-1990, eqv ISO 1073-2: 1976)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
product identification number
unique set of 17 alphanumeric characters assigned to a complete machine by the manufacturer for identification purposes
Note: The PIN consists of four fields as defined in 3.1.1 to 3.1.4.
world manufacturer code
first field of the PIN, alphanumeric code designating the manufacturer of the machine
machine descriptor section
second field of the PIN, comprising information describing the machine
machine indicator section
last field of the PIN, distinguishing, in conjunction with the WMC and MDS, one machine from another by designation
check letter section
third field of the PIN, consisting of an alpha character in the ninth position based on a calculation of the remaining 16 characters in the PIN and determining its validity or assigned, non-calculated, alpha character
primary marking
PIN placed on a machine in a visible location
concealed marking
PIN, or derivative consisting of the MIS, placed on the machine in a concealed location
product label/plate
means of displaying the PIN and machine details on the machine
set of one to eight character positions reserved for specific information
Examples: WMC, MDS, MIS, CL.
individual, partnership or company responsible for ensuring the uniqueness of the PIN
Note: The manufacturer may be a single entity even when several factories produce the product.
4 General requirements
4.1 Characters in the PIN
The primary marking on the machine and on the product label/plate shall consist of 17 characters on a single horizontal line without breaks or separations between the characters. There shall be no additional signs, letters or characters before or after the preceding and ensuing symbols specified in 4.2. Zero (0) shall be used in the first positions of a field whenever fewer than the required number of characters is used.
Example: In the MDS, for model “AF3”, write 00AF3, not AF3.
4.2 Protection against adding characters
An acceptable symbol shall immediately precede the first numeral or letter of the PIN and immediately follow the last numeral of the PIN.
The acceptable symbol shall be
—— an asterisk (*),
—— greater-than and less-than signs (> <),
—— a corporate symbol, or
—— a company logo.
Instead of greater-than and less-than signs, angular brackets or similar “V” symbols horizontally pointing inwards may be placed on either side of the PIN.
4.3 Allowed characters
The following characters only shall be used in the PIN:
Characters conforming to GB/T 12508 are recommended.
4.4 World manufacturer code (WMC)
The WMC shall consist of three alphanumeric (alpha or numeric) characters in positions 1, 2 and 3. The manufacturer shall follow the procedure in annex A to secure a WMC listing. The registration process will require sufficient information to identify a manufacturer.
4.5 Machine descriptor section (MDS)
The MDS shall consist of five alphanumeric characters in positions 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. The manufacturer is to determine the coding and sequence of the information. This field may be comprised of general descriptive attributes of the machine. It is recommended that this field make use of information that is readily visible on the machine.
Example: For a model 493C, a suitable character sequence would be 00493 or 0493C.
4.6 Machine indicator section (MIS)
The MIS shall designate a unique manufacturing number and consist of eight alphanumeric characters in positions 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. Alpha or numeric characters may be used in positions 10, 11, 12 and 13. Only numerals shall be used in positions 14, 15, 16 and 17. The content of the MIS is at the discretion of the manufacturer. The manufacturer may choose to designate the year of manufacture. It is recommended that the year be indicated by the first character of the MIS (position 10). The recommended code to be used to identify the year is given in Table 1.
Table 1 Year designation codes
Year Code Year Code Year Code Year Code
2000 Y 2004 4 2008 8 2012 C
2001 1 2005 5 2009 9 2013 D
2002 2 2006 6 2010 A 2014 E
2003 3 2007 7 2011 B 2015 F
4.7 Check letter (CL)
The calculation to determine the CL shall be based on a formula provided by the website manager to the manufacturer (see Annex A). As an alternative, the website manager may provide a non-calculated letter that the manufacturer may use in this position for machine models having a volume of less than 100 units per year.
4.8 Duplication
The manufacturer shall ensure that the same 17-character PIN number shall not be reissued for 30 years. The manufacturer is responsible for maintaining a complete file of PIN records for all machines using the assigned WMC.
4.9 PIN format
The following example shows a PIN meeting the requirements of this standard.
5 Product label/plate
5.1 Components
The product label/plate (see Figure 1) shall contain at least the following information:
a) name and address of manufacturer;
b) machine model designation, or designation of series or type (if any), which shall be arranged according to the manufacturer’s specifications;
c) the words “Product Identification Number” written in full;
d) PIN.
The brand name or company-trademarked logo may be included. The sample label/plate shown in Figure 1 meets the requirements of this standard.
Text on the product label/plate shall be in a colour that contrasts with the colour of the background. Product label/plate materials shall be selected to maintain legibility during the expected life of the machine.
The product label/plate shall be constructed in a manner that makes it difficult to alter or remove without detection or mutilation.
Contents of GB/T 25606-2010/XG1-2018
Foreword I
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General requirements
5 Product label/plate
6 Marking
7 PIN character readability
8 Instruction manual reference
Annex A (Normative) WMC listing procedure