GB/T 44680-2024 Wind energy generation systems - Technical code of practice for safety evaluation of offshore wind farm
1 Scope
This document specifies the evaluation items, evaluation methods, evaluation criteria, and risk level assessment for the safety evaluation of offshore wind farms during their operational phase.
This document is applicable to the safety evaluation of offshore wind farms that have been put into grid-connected operation at full capacity.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 32128 Codes on operation and maintenance of offshore wind farm
GB/T 51308 Standard for design of offshore wind farm
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 32128 and GB/T 51308 and the following apply.
submarine cable
power transmission cable and communication cable that are laid on the seabed, with high mechanical strength and corrosion resistance
Note: Submarine cables include both the export submarine cables and the array submarine cables.
method of safety checklist
method that uses a safety checklist to analyze various risk factors in the offshore wind farm system and equipment, mechanical devices, operational management, and organizational measures
4 General
4.1 The initial safety evaluation of the offshore wind farm should be conducted within one year after the full-capacity grid connection of the wind farm. Subsequent safety evaluations shall be carried out periodically based on actual operational conditions.
4.2 The safety evaluation of the offshore wind farm consists of self-assessment by the offshore wind farm operating unit and expert evaluation. Self-assessment shall be organized by the operating unit, and carried out by internal management and technical personnel. Expert evaluation shall be organized by the higher-level authorities of the operating unit, with a panel of no less than three experts.
4.3 The safety evaluation opinions of the offshore wind farm shall be proposed based on three categories of indicators: facilities and equipment, labor safety and operation environment, and production management of the offshore wind farm. For the evaluation items of each category, the requirements of GB/T 32128, DL/T 796, DL/T 797, NB/T 10322, NB/T 10579, and NB/T 10996 shall be used as a reference.
4.4 The method of safety checklist should be adopted for the safety evaluation of the offshore wind farm.
4.5 The items for the safety evaluation of offshore wind farms may be assessed through on-site inspections, reviewing documents and materials, and conducting on-site tests and measurements.
4.6 The safety of the offshore wind farm can be assessed through sampling inspections, where the safety of the evaluation sample represents the safety of the evaluation item:
a) The inspection of the entire site shall be carried out by reviewing documents and materials, with on-site inspections conducted using a sampling method;
b) The facilities and equipment subject to sampling inspections shall include the offshore wind turbine foundations, offshore substation foundations, wind turbines, offshore substations, submarine cables, and auxiliary systems and equipment;
c) The sample size of facilities and equipment for the sampling inspection shall not be less than 10% of the total number, and the representativeness of samples from different manufacturers and equipment types should be considered.
Contents Foreword III 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General 5 Evaluation items 5.1 Facilities and equipment 5.1.1 Offshore wind turbine foundation and offshore substation foundation 5.1.2 Offshore wind turbine 5.1.3 Offshore substation 5.1.4 Submarine cable 5.1.5 Auxiliary systems and equipment 5.2 Labor safety and operation environment 5.2.1 Labor safety 5.2.2 Operation environment 5.3 Production management 5.3.1 Production system 5.3.2 Production training 5.3.3 Technical supervision and management 5.3.4 Emergency management 5.3.5 Outsourced project management 5.3.6 Accident investigation and safety assessment 6 Evaluation method Annex A (Informative) Major risk factors in offshore wind farms Bibliography
GB/T 44680-2024 Wind energy generation systems - Technical code of practice for safety evaluation of offshore wind farm
1 Scope
This document specifies the evaluation items, evaluation methods, evaluation criteria, and risk level assessment for the safety evaluation of offshore wind farms during their operational phase.
This document is applicable to the safety evaluation of offshore wind farms that have been put into grid-connected operation at full capacity.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 32128 Codes on operation and maintenance of offshore wind farm
GB/T 51308 Standard for design of offshore wind farm
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 32128 and GB/T 51308 and the following apply.
submarine cable
power transmission cable and communication cable that are laid on the seabed, with high mechanical strength and corrosion resistance
Note: Submarine cables include both the export submarine cables and the array submarine cables.
method of safety checklist
method that uses a safety checklist to analyze various risk factors in the offshore wind farm system and equipment, mechanical devices, operational management, and organizational measures
4 General
4.1 The initial safety evaluation of the offshore wind farm should be conducted within one year after the full-capacity grid connection of the wind farm. Subsequent safety evaluations shall be carried out periodically based on actual operational conditions.
4.2 The safety evaluation of the offshore wind farm consists of self-assessment by the offshore wind farm operating unit and expert evaluation. Self-assessment shall be organized by the operating unit, and carried out by internal management and technical personnel. Expert evaluation shall be organized by the higher-level authorities of the operating unit, with a panel of no less than three experts.
4.3 The safety evaluation opinions of the offshore wind farm shall be proposed based on three categories of indicators: facilities and equipment, labor safety and operation environment, and production management of the offshore wind farm. For the evaluation items of each category, the requirements of GB/T 32128, DL/T 796, DL/T 797, NB/T 10322, NB/T 10579, and NB/T 10996 shall be used as a reference.
4.4 The method of safety checklist should be adopted for the safety evaluation of the offshore wind farm.
4.5 The items for the safety evaluation of offshore wind farms may be assessed through on-site inspections, reviewing documents and materials, and conducting on-site tests and measurements.
4.6 The safety of the offshore wind farm can be assessed through sampling inspections, where the safety of the evaluation sample represents the safety of the evaluation item:
a) The inspection of the entire site shall be carried out by reviewing documents and materials, with on-site inspections conducted using a sampling method;
b) The facilities and equipment subject to sampling inspections shall include the offshore wind turbine foundations, offshore substation foundations, wind turbines, offshore substations, submarine cables, and auxiliary systems and equipment;
c) The sample size of facilities and equipment for the sampling inspection shall not be less than 10% of the total number, and the representativeness of samples from different manufacturers and equipment types should be considered.
Contents of GB/T 44680-2024
Foreword III
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General
5 Evaluation items
5.1 Facilities and equipment
5.1.1 Offshore wind turbine foundation and offshore substation foundation
5.1.2 Offshore wind turbine
5.1.3 Offshore substation
5.1.4 Submarine cable
5.1.5 Auxiliary systems and equipment
5.2 Labor safety and operation environment
5.2.1 Labor safety
5.2.2 Operation environment
5.3 Production management
5.3.1 Production system
5.3.2 Production training
5.3.3 Technical supervision and management
5.3.4 Emergency management
5.3.5 Outsourced project management
5.3.6 Accident investigation and safety assessment
6 Evaluation method
Annex A (Informative) Major risk factors in offshore wind farms